This report displays incoming emails and their values for each incoming mailbox. The report is structured according to the pattern of the itemized bill.
Sample Execution (Input) → Sample Report (Output)
The following columns are provided.
Table | Alias |
StatisticsPartA (See also Table Reference - StatisticsPartA (A) ) | a |
AcdStatisticsPartB (See also Table Reference - AcdStatisticsPartB (AcdB) ) | acdb |
StatisticsPartB (See also Table Reference - StatisticsPartB (B) ) | b |
AcdStatisticsLogin (See also Table Reference - AcdStatisticsLogin) | login |
Name | Description | Criteria Used |
Inboxes | Name of the incoming mailbox | |
Sender (AcdGetItemisedEmailSender_Event) | Senders E-mail address for the event | IF ( _OldAcdEventStatusID = 0 ) AND ( _NewAcdEventStatusID = 4 ) THEN AcdEvents.Sender See also Value Reference - AcdEventStatus |
Qualification Time (AcdGetItemisedEmailQualificated_EventHistory) | Time at which the event was qualified by the system and is ready for distribution to the appropriate ACD group | IF ( _OldAcdEventStatusID = 0 ) AND ( _NewAcdEventStatusID = 4 ) THEN AcdEventHistory.dtCreated See also Value Reference - AcdEventStatus |
ACD Group | ACD group to which the event was sent (inbox setting) | |
Agent (AcdGetItemisedEmailAgentName_EventGroup) | Agent name and number | CONCAT (Users.Name, Users.FirstName, Users.AgentNumber) WHERE ( AcdEventHistory.OldAcdEventStatusID = 1 ) See also Value Reference - AcdEventStatus |
Qualification Algorithm | Qualification algorithm used (Inbox Setting) | |
Other (AcdGetItemisedEmailOther_Event) | Errors or other occurrences are noted here | ShortTexts.Content WHERE st.Name = AcdReplyingTypes.ShortText AND AcdReplyingTypes.ID = _AcdReplyingTypesID |
Incoming Inbox (AcdGetItemisedEmailReceived_Event) | Time at which the event was received in the inbox | IF ( _OldAcdEventStatusID = 0 ) AND ( _NewAcdEventStatusID = 4 ) THEN AcdEvents.dtReceived See also Value Reference - AcdEventStatus |
Incoming ACD group (AcdGetItemisedEmailAcdGroupReceived_EventGroup) | Time at which the event was received in the ACD group after it was qualified and distributed by the Inbox | AcdEventHistory.dtCreated |
Agent Delivered (AcdGetItemisedEmailAgentDelivered_Event) | Time at which the event was distributed to an agent | IF ( _OldAcdEventStatusID = 0 ) AND ( _NewAcdEventStatusID = 4 ) THEN AcdEventHistory.dtCreated WHERE ( AcdEventHistory.OldAcdEventStatusID = 1 ) See also Value Reference - AcdEventStatus |
Agent Answered (AcdGetItemisedEmailAgentAnswered_EventGroup) | Time at which the agent sent a response to the event | IF ( _OldAcdEventStatusID = 0 ) AND ( _NewAcdEventStatusID = 4 ) THEN AcdEventHistory.dtCreated WHERE ( AcdEventHistory.OldAcdEventStatusID IN ( 20, 30 ) ) See also Value Reference - AcdEventStatus |
File Reference (AcdGetItemisedEmailFileReference_Event) | Name of the email file located in the data directory | IF ( _OldAcdEventStatusID = 0 ) AND ( _NewAcdEventStatusID = 4 ) THEN ExtractValue( AcdEvents.EventData, '//displayName' ) WHERE ( AcdEvents.ID = _AcdEventsID ) |
Transferred Agent Time (dtAgentTransferred) | Time at which the agent forwarded the event, followed by the agent to which the event was forwarded | dtAgentTransferred |
Transferred Agent (AcdGetItemisedEmailAgentTransferred_EventGroup) | Agent which the email was transferred to | |
Transferred Group Time (dtGroupTransferred) | Time at which the agent forwarded the event, followed by the group to which the event was forwarded | dtGroupTransferred |
Transferred Group (AcdGetItemisedEmailGroupTransferred_EventGroup) | Group which the email was transferred to |