Table Reference - StatisticsPartA (A)
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Last updated Dec 17, 20197 min read 9 people viewed
This table contains data pertaining to incoming and outgoing calls made from and to all modules in the system.
It contains data regarding:
Incoming calls to the IVR
Incoming calls to the ACD
Incoming calls to the conference system
Outbound click to dial calls made by agents
Outbound calls made by the dialler
The records here always contain information regarding the call as viewed by the calling party (inbound) or called party (outbound). However, the fields are reversed in the case of outbound. This means that for example the ANumber field always contains the external called party.
For example:
If +498946149500 calls the IVR, then ANumber will be 498946149500, and bOutbound will be 0.
If +498946149500 is called using click to dial by an agent, then ANumber will be 498946149500, and bOutbound will be 1.
Field | Type | Meaning |
Field | Type | Meaning |
ID | INT | A unique ID assigned to this call record. |
ServiceNumbersID | INT | The ID of the service number to / from which this call was made. |
ClientsID | INT | The ID of the client to / from which this call was made. |
ContactsID | INT | The ID of the Contact to / from which this call was made. |
ANumber | VARCHAR | The calling party number (inbound) or called party number (outbound) converted to E.164 format as processed by the trunk group settings. |
bPayphone | BOOLEAN | 1 if the ANumber was identified as a payphone, 0 otherwise. |
bPresentationRestricted | BOOLEAN | 1 if the ANumber was withheld, 0 otherwise. Note: for VoIP installations this field has no meaning. An empty ANumber indicates the number was withheld. |
BNumber | VARCHAR | The called party number (inbound) or calling party number (outbound). |
dtCallStart | TIMESTAMP | The date and time the call was initiated on the system. |
dtCallAlert | TIMESTAMP | The date and time the call was determined to be ringing (outbound) or ringing was sent (inbound). If ringing was never sent or detected, this value is NULL. |
dtCallConnect | TIMESTAMP | The date and time the call was connected. If the call was never connected, this value is NULL. |
dtCallEnd | TIMESTAMP | The date and time the call ended. If the call has not yet ended or the end of the call was never determined for technical reasons this value is NULL. |
Action | VARCHAR | No longer supported. Field may be removed in a future release. |
Reason | VARCHAR | No longer supported. Field may be removed in a future release. |
CallSeconds | INT | The number of seconds the call was connected (difference between dtCallConnect and dtCallEnd). As this can be calculated using the timestamp fields available, it should not be used and may be removed in a future release. |
bCallConnected | BOOLEAN | 1 if the call was connected, 0 otherwise. It is recommended not to use this value, but rather to test for a non NULL TIMESTAMP in dtCallConnect instead. This field may be removed in future versions. |
bCallerHangup | BOOLEAN | 1 if the ANumber hungup the call, 0 otherwise. |
CauseCodesID | INT | The cause code associated with the end of the call according to ITU-T Q.850. These cause codes are mapped for VoIP according to the following table: SIP Responses / ISDN Cause Codes |
DTMFInputs | VARCHAR | The complete string of DTMF inputs received / sent by the ANumber during the call. |
SpeechInputs | VARCHAR | No longer supported. Field may be removed in a future release. |
bVoiceMail | BOOLEAN | No longer supported. Field may be removed in a future release. |
EndBlockName | VARCHAR | No longer supported. Field may be removed in a future release. |
RoutingApplicationsID | INT | The ID of the routing application used to process the call. |
MachineID | INT | The ID of the jtel Server machine used to process the call. This corresponds to the Machine ID setting (%MACHINE%) in the 8-Server application. |
Line | INT | The logical line number in the jtel Server machine used to process the call. This corresponds to the %LINE% variable in the 8-Server application, and can be seen in the line numbering in the monitor window. |
StartSequenceID | INT | The start sequence ID on which the call was started. |
CDRFileName | VARCHAR | No longer supported. Field may be removed in a future release. |
ApplicationsID | INT | The ID of the application used to process the call (relates to the distinction IVR, Conference, ACD). As this field has little relevance as applications may be freely chained together, it may be removed in a future release. |
Controller | INT | The ID of the controller in the jtel Server on which the call was processed. Since in a VoIP environment, this is usually equal to 1, this field has little relevance and may be removed in a future release. |
CallMilliSeconds | INT | The number of milliseconds the call was connected (difference between dtCallConnect and dtCallEnd). As this can be calculated using the timestamp fields available, it should not be used and may be removed in a future release. |
ANumber_AreaCodesID | INT | The ID of the area code found for the ANumber in the AreaCodes table. |
BNumber_AreaCodesID | INT | The ID of the area code found for the BNumber in the AreaCodes table. |
ANumber_CountryCodesID | INT | The ID of the country code found for the ANumber in the CountryCodes table. |
BNumber_CountryCodesID | INT | The ID of the country code found for the BNumber in the CountryCodes table. |
LineBusyCount | INT | The number of parallel lines busy on the jtel Server machine at the time the call was made. |
RoutingApplicationCount | INT | The number of parallel running instances of the routing application at the time the call was made. |
ApplicationCount | INT | The number of parallel running instances of the Application used to process the call (relates to the distinction IVR, Conference, ACD). As this field has little relevance as applications may be freely chained together, it may be removed in a future release. |
BChannel | INT | The number of the b-channel used to process the call. In VoIP environments this is always -1. This field may be removed in a future release. |
ANumberUserProvided | VARCHAR | If a user provided number is additionally transmitted, the number is saved here. This field currently has little relevance for VoIP installations and may be removed or its purpose changed in a future release. |
ANumberUserProvided_AreaCodesID | INT | If a user provided number is additionally transmitted, the AreaCodesID of this is saved here. This field currently has little relevance for VoIP installations and may be removed or its purpose changed in a future release. |
ANumberUserProvided_CountryCodesID | INT | If a user provided number is additionally transmitted, the CountryCodesID of this is saved here. This field currently has little relevance for VoIP installations and may be removed or its purpose changed in a future release. |
ACDCDRFileName | VARCHAR | No longer supported. Field may be removed in a future release. |
ServerLogfileName | VARCHAR | The name of the jtel Server log file for this call. This corresponds to the file name on \\acd-store\shared\LogFiles\… in which the detail log for the call is written. |
KeepLogfile | BOOLEAN | No longer supported. Field may be removed in a future release. |
ANumberDisplay | VARCHAR | If a display element is sent in an incoming call for the ANumber, then the display information is recorded here. |
ANumberUserProvided_Display | VARCHAR | If a display element for the user provided number is additionally transmitted, the element is saved here. This field currently has little relevance for VoIP installations and may be removed or its purpose changed in a future release. |
SIPContact | VARCHAR | Currently not used. |
SIPContactDisplay | VARCHAR | Currently not used. |
DBRouting_AddInfo | VARCHAR | If additional information is saved for the call (for example, using the Save addit. Info and Userdata IVR object), then it is stored here. |
nParallelCallsByServiceNumbers | INT | The number of parallel calls to or from the service number at the time the call was made. |
dtLastModified | TIMESTAMP | The date and time this record was last modified. |
StatisticsPartOID | INT | The StatisticsPartO ID of the associated record in the database. This feature is of little relevance and is no longer supported. Field may be removed in a future release. |
AcdEventsID | INT | The ID of the associated ACD event if this call was associated with an event. For example, if a click to dial call is made from an event, the relation to the event will be recorded here. |
bOutbound | BOOLEAN | 1 if this call was an outbound call initiated from the jtel System. 0 if it was an inbound call. |
DiallerContactsID | INT | The ID of the dialler contact associated with this call if the call was made from the dialler, or an inbound call was associated with a dialler contact. |
CONNRES | INT | The CONNRES for this call. See CONNRES. |
UserData | VARCHAR | The UserData stored for this call. |
bTestCall | BOOLEAN | If this call was a test call (the inbound service number was associated with a test CLI and the test version of the routing application, or an outbound dialler call was associated with a test dialler campaign) then 1, 0 otherwise. |
DiallerCampaignsID | INT | The ID of the associated dialler campaign, if the call was an outbound call from the dialler. |
UserData2 | VARCHAR | The UserData stored for this call. |
UserData3 | VARCHAR | The UserData stored for this call. |
nCDRResult | INT | Internal field regarding the transmission of the call information to a backend system by the associated process. |
nCDRTries | INT | Internal field regarding the transmission of the call information to a backend system by the associated process. |
DynamicPriorityGroupsTargetsID | INT | The ID of the dynamic priority group target (the planned call data) with which this call was associated. |
bServicedCall | BOOLEAN | If this call is considered serviced (i.e. it was connected to an agent). |
nWaitingTime | INT | The waiting time between the incoming call starting and being connected to an agent. |
DynamicPriorityGroupsID | INT | The ID of the dynamic priority group (the planned call data) with which this call was associated. |
ServiceLevelSeconds | INT | The service level seconds associated with the processing of this call. If the call waiting time was less than this value, then it can be considered answered within the service level time. |