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Supervisors can view live data depicting the operation of the call center, login and logout agents from the system, activate rules and monitor the agents in the call center.

Details are dependent on the rights assigned to the supervisor’s account in the system.


Supervisors can view live data depicting the operation of the call center for the agents and groups they supervise. Choose ACD — Supervisor in the main menu.

Here supervisors can keep an eye on the function and throughput of their call center whilst it is running. The toolbar shows important notifications (for example, a help request from an agent) as a prominent symbol.

In the header of some columns you can see the symbols or . These are used to control the visibility of data in the table. When you click on a dialog is shown which allows you to select rows which are shown in the table. When you click on a dialog is shown which allows you to determine what columns are shown in the table. This function is described in the section The User Interface.

In the Inbound Status table in the Action column, you can choose Details to view details for the selected ACD group.

Use Map to view a map of callers to the group. Each call is depicted with a pin on the map. More pins are grouped together as a disc depicting the number of calls. This helps you understand the distribution of callers to your call center. To use this service, the area codes in the system must be configured with geographic data. Ask your system administrator if this data is available for your country and area.


On the tabs Inbound Status, Inbound Status Real Time, Inbound Status Since, Inbound 15, Inbound 60 and Wallboard several settings are available in the Header Section, which influence the displayed statistics.

Service Level

Here you configure which time period you want to use as a service level for the calculation of several values in the tables.

Short Hangups

Here you configure up to which time period calls are considered as short hangups. Short Hangups are callers who, once in the queue, hang up after a very short period.

Service Quota

For the calculation of the column X% answered in (s), configure here which percentage of calls you want to consider.

Statistic since

Here it is displayed, since when calls are considered in the statistics. Here you can configure the value of the hour and the minute with the respective drop-down-lists. When you click on the symbol now, the current server time is set.

Graphic interval

Here you configure the granularity of some graphics in the tab Wallboard.

Server Time

Here the current server time is displayed for information

Inbound Status

On the tab Inbound Status contents from Supervisor - Real Time Statistics, Supervisor - Daily Business as well as Supervisor - Media Events can be displayed.

Inbound Status Realtime

On the tab Inbound Real Time contents from Supervisor - Real Time Statistics can be displayed.

Inbound Status Since

The tab Inbound Status Since is used to display contents from Supervisor - Daily Statistics.

Inbound 15

The tab Inbound 15 is used to display contents from Supervisor - Daily Statistics, however not limited to Statistics Since, but values of the past 15 minutes.

Inbound 60

The tab Inbound 60 is used to display contents from Supervisor - Daily Statistics, however not limited to Statistics Since, but values of the past 60 minutes.

Inbound Status Media Events

The tab Inbound Media Events is used to display contents from Supervisor - Media Events.


The tab Wallboard is used to display contents of Supervisor - Wallboard Total, Supervisor - Wallboard Graphics and Supervisor - Wallboard per Group.

Direct Access to Wallboard:

It is possible to view the wallboard, without logging into the portal and choosing it with the menu. To do this, use the URL of the wallboard directly in the address field of the browser. The URL contains your login data, and various parameters which configure the wallboard. The following is a template for accessing the wallboard:


The place holders in brackets are replaced with the actual UIDs and strings for server, reseller, client and password. The UIDs can be found in the user data for the portal access.

If you want to restrict the wallboard to a particular ACD group, add the following to the URL: &acdGroupsID=<GroupID>.

The language for the wallboard can be set by addming &languagesID=<Language-ID> to the end of the URL (1 for English, 2 for German).

Here is a fictive example:


We recommend that you create a special account with supervisor rights for this purpose.

Current calls

A the bottom of the table you will see an overview of the current conversations. The following will be displayed:

ACD Group

The name of the ACD group in which the call initiator is located


The caller’s number

Contact Name

The name of the contact (if available)

Contact Class

The name of the contact class (if available)


Priority of the call in the queue

ACD Agent.

The name of the agent


Time of arrival of the call in the system


Moment of connection with an agent

Waiting Time

The caller’s latency time


The connection time with the agent in seconds.

All Agents

Select the tab All Agents to display a table containing all agents which are members of the groups you supervise, in particular showing their current status. Example:

The table shows the following columns:


The UID of the agent


The name of the agent

First Name

The first name of the agent

Agent Number

The agent number of the agent

Busy / no Answer

The current values for busy / no answer for this agent

Agent Status

The current status of the agent

Agent Status Time

The date and time, at which the agent changed to their current status

Agent Status Duration

For how long agents have been in their current status in the ACD group


The current telephone number under which the agent is logged in. Besides the phone number also the current Phone Status is displayed in colour.


This column shows the current availability of the agent

Colour dark yellow, caption Post Call The agent is logged in and in post call.

Colour red, caption Busy: The agent is logged in and on the phone.

Colour green, caption Ready: The agent is logged in and not on a break.

Colour grey, caption Unavailable: The agent is not logged in or is logged in but with the status break.

Colour orange, caption External Busy: At the last attempt to reach the agent the phone was busy, because he possibly forwarded a call past the ACD.

Colour blue, caption No Answer: At the last attempt to reach the agent he didn’t answer.

For Multichannel Agents a bar with counter displays the number of occupied channels inRed, as well as the free channels in Green. The size of the respective bar corresponds approximately to the proportional size of the respective counter. As a Status Caption always MC for Multichannel is displayed.

Available for

This column shows different times depending on the availability of the agent.

For availability Free: the time since the last call or end of post call work

For availability Post Call: the remaining post call interval

For availability Busy: the current call duration

For all other values: time period since change to the status.

All Groups

List of groups the agent can be logged in.

Logged-In Group

List of groups the agent can be currently logged in.


A list of locations, which the agent is assigned to.

Login Time

The time at which the agent logged into the ACD

Login Duration

The time which has expired since the agent logged into the ACD

Quick Status Buttons

Here an agent can be switched to another status fast. To make an agent status available, the Agent Status must be edited in accordance.

The column Action contains functions which can be executed.

Change status is used to change the telephone number of agents and / or their status.

Note: The status manual post call does not end automatically, and is ended only when the user chooses another status category.

Select Call Details to view a table containing details on the selected agent and the current call. Use the Monitoring function to connect to the call such that the caller will be able to hear you or Silent Monitoring to connect to the call without informing caller or agent.

Use Logout and Login to log agents in and out of the ACD.

The plus and minus symbols at the bottom of a table are used to determine the number of displayed rows. This setting is saved in your user account. As several tables are refreshed in short intervals by the system, the number of displayed rows should not exceed the size of the browser window, to save resources and increase performance. I.e. it is more efficient, to change to page 2 or 3, rather than scroll in the window. The maximum number of rows is limited to 50.

Active Agents

This table has the same content as All Agents, but only logged-in agents are shown. If you log out agents, they are no longer shown in this table. You will need to change to the tab All Agents to log them back into the group.

Help Requests

Here you can view a table of current help requests from agents. If this function is activated for an ACD group, then agents can use a button to request help from a supervisor. Supervisors use this screen to connect to the calls in question using the Monitoring function. A blinking symbol in the toolbar notifies supervisors that a help request needs processing. Clicking on the symbol will cause the help requests screen to open immediately.

If you see an empty table, then one of the following could have happened:

  • The caller has hung up in the mean time.
  • The agent has ended the call.
  • The agent ended the help request using the Cancel button.
  • The agent has started to use a different function in the mean time, for example call transfer to another agent.

Media Events

This tab is used to display a table of the open, not yet finished media events for the group of the supervisor. It contains the following columns:

ACD Group

The name of the ACD group


Name of the agent currently involved in the event. If no agent has been assigned yet, this column is empty. In the media history this column is also empty if the distribution proceeded to a fixed e-mail adress.


Type of the media event from: VoiceMail, Callback Requests, SMS, Fax.


The current processing status of the media event.

Ready: Event not yet distributed.

New: Event newly arrived to the agent.

Seen Agent: Event has been viewed by the agent.

Done: Event is completed.


Date and time the media event arrived in the ACD Group.


Sender of the media event:


Name of the service number where the event was generated.


Subject of the media event

With the action Open you reach the processing of the respective media event. See also Agent Home.

Media History

This tab is used to display a table of the finished media events for the group of the supervisor.

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