
This report contains aggregated data for inbound and outbound calls to the selected service numbers over the time period and granularity chosen. Data is grouped per selected IVR statistics markers then per granularity and not presented individually per IVR statistics marker or per service number.

Sample Execution (Input) → Sample Report (Output)


The following columns are provided.


A - AcdGetIvrStatisticsMarkers_Count

Criteria Used (see also A - Service Number KPIs )


COUNT( StatisticsPartIVR.ID )

The number of times inbound and outbound calls made through the selected service numbers passed through the selected IVR Statistics Markers within a particular time slice.

Total Number Calls

A - AcdGetIvrStatisticsMarkers_CountCalls

Criteria Used (see also  A - Service Number KPIs )


COUNT( StatisticsPartA.ID )

All inbound and outbound calls made through the selected service numbers within a particular time slice.

Percentage %

Formula UsedDescription
AcdGetIvrStatisticsMarkers_Count * 100 / AcdGetIvrStatisticsMarkers_CountCallsNumber of IVR Statistics Markers divided by the total number of calls. This value indicates how high the use of individual statistics markers is in relation to the total number of calls.

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