
This report contains inbound calls cumulated per time slice over selected groups and service numbers within a particular time slice.

Sample Execution (Input) → Sample Report (Output)


The following columns are provided.




StatisticsPartA (See also Table Reference - StatisticsPartA (A) )


AcdStatisticsPartB (See also Table Reference - AcdStatisticsPartB (AcdB) )


StatisticsPartB (See also Table Reference - StatisticsPartB (B) )


Counter - Received

AcdB - AcdGetGroupCalls_GroupServiceNumber

Criteria Used (see also ACD Group Service Number KPIs)


bOutbound = 0

All inbound calls which entered an ACD group and service number within a particular time slice.

Counter - Taken 

(Calls Taken directly) + ( Calls Taken indirectly)All inbound calls which entered an ACD group and service number within a particular time slice and which were connected to an agent.

Counter - Taken directly

AcdB - AcdGetInServiceCallsByParam_GroupServiceNumber

Criteria Used (see also ACD Group Service Number KPIs)


bOutbound = 0

( dtAgentConnect - dtGroupStart ) <= ServiceLevelSeconds

All inbound calls which entered an ACD group and service number within a particular time slice, which were connected to an agent within (less than or equal to) the specified ServiceLevelSeconds.

If ServiceLevelSeconds is 0, then this value is set to all calls connected to agents (i.e. ServiceLevelSeconds is ignored).

Counter - Taken indirectly

AcdB - AcdGetNotInServiceCallsByParam_GroupServiceNumber

Criteria Used (see also ACD Group Service Number KPIs)


dtAgentConnect IS NOT NULL

( acdb.dtAgentConnect - acdb.dtGroupStart ) > ServiceLevelSeconds

All inbound calls which entered an ACD group and service number within a particular time slice, which were connected to an agent outside of the specified ServiceLevelSeconds.

If ServiceLevelSeconds is 0, then this value is 0.

Counter - Aborted

AcdB - AcdGetCallerHangupCallsByGroupEndReason_GroupServiceNumber

Criteria Used (See also ACD Group Service Number KPIs)


acdb.bOutbound = 0

AND acdb.AcdGroupEndReasonsID IN ( 1, 2, 3, 4 )

AND a.bCallerHangup = 1

AND acdb.dtAgentConnect IS NULL

All inbound calls which entered an ACD group and service number within a particular time slice, which were not connected to an agent and the caller hung up the call for the reason 1, 2, 3 or 4.

See also Value References - AcdGroupEndReasons

Counter - Transferred

AcdB - AcdGetTransferredCallsByAgent_GroupServiceNumber

Criteria Used ( ACD Group Service Number KPIs)


b.bOutbound = 0

AND b.TransferAcdSynonymsID IS NOT NULL

AND b.bTransferExternalNumber = 1

AND b.bTransferAgent = 1

All inbound calls which entered an ACD group and service number within a particular time slice, which were either forward to another agent or to an external destination.

Percent - Service Level

CallsInService * 100 / CallsOfferredWithoutShortHangupsThe ratio between calls taken directly and calls offered without short hangups.

Percent - Efficiency

CallsTaken * 100 / CallsOfferredWithoutShortHangupsThe percentage between calls taken and calls offered without short hangups.

Percent - Aborted

CallsBroken * 100 / CallsOfferredThe percentage between calls broken and calls offered.

Duration - Longest Time in queue

AcdB - AcdGetMaxDurationTimeInQueue_GroupServiceNumber

Criteria UsedDescription

acdb.bOutbound = 0


               WHEN dtAgentConnect  IS NOT NULL THEN (acdb.dtAgentConnect - acdb.dtQueueStart) 

              WHEN dtGroupActionStart IS NOT NULL THEN (acdb.dtGroupActionStart - acdb.dtQueueStart) 

              WHEN dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL THEN (acdb.dtGroupEnd - acdb.dtQueueStart) 

             ELSE 0



The longest duration time of inbound calls in an ACD group queue within a particular time slice.

Duration - Longest Time waiting until abort

AcdB - AcdGetMaxDurationTimeInQueueUntilAbort_GroupServiceNumber

Criteria UsedDescription

acdb.bOutbound = 0


             WHEN (dtAgentConnect  IS NULL AND acdb.AcdGroupEndReasonsID = 4) THEN (acdb.dtGroupEnd - acdb.dtQueueStart) 

             ELSE 0



The longest duration time of an inbound calls in an ACD group queue before the caller hangup in the queue within a particular time slice.

See also Value Reference - AcdGroupEndReasons

Duration - Call

AcdB - AcdGetCallDuration_GroupServiceNumber

This KPI references all data from the StatisticsPartB table (agent calls) for each found entry in the AcdStatisticsPartB table. This enables the times agents were actually connected with callers to be measured.

Criteria Used (see also ACD Group Service Number KPIs)


bOutbound = 0


b.dtCallConnect IS NOT NULL


The time difference between b.dtCallConnect or b.dtWhisperEnd (whichever is not NULL and later) and b.dtCallEndfor calls answered by agents (UsersID NOT NULL).

Duration - Post Call

AcdB - AcdGetPostCallDuration_GroupServiceNumber

Criteria Used (see also ACD Group Service Number KPIs)


bOutbound = 0


b.PostCallInterval > 0

The PostCallInterval from StatisticsPartB for all calls connected to agents for which post call work was performed (PostCallInterval > 0).

See also Value Refence - CONNRES.

Average Duration - Answer Time

AnswerTimeTotal / AnswerTimeCallsThe total answer time duration divide by the number of calls answered.

Average Duration - Call Time

DurationTimeCall / CallsOfferredThe total call time duration divided by the number of calls offered.

Average Duration - Post Call

DurationPostCall / CallsOfferredThe total post call time duration divided by the the number of calls offered.

Average Duration - Total Handling Time

The average between this KPI and the total number of calls taken.

AcdB - AcdGetDurationEdit_GroupServiceNumber

Criteria UsedDescription

SUM( IFNULL(b.dtPostCallEnd - b.dtCallStart ), 0 )

acdb.bOutbound = 0

The total time duration needed to handle inbound calls routed to the selected ACD group and service number.

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