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This report contains aggregated data for inbound calls to the selected service numbers (ACD-S-002) and aggregated data for Inbound and outbound (ACD-S-002-02) over the time period and granularity chosen. Data is grouped per granularity then per service number.

P. S. ACD-S-002-02 contains the billing number and the service number name in addition to the service number. As well as a some extra columns explained down.

Service Level Calculation

The service level calculation in this report considers:

  • Calls answered by agents within "ServiceLevelSeconds" measured from the time call entered the service numbers

  • All calls which were offered to the service numbers

Sample Execution (Input) → Sample Report (Output)


The following columns are provided.




StatisticsPartA (See also Table Reference - StatisticsPartA (A) )


AcdStatisticsPartB (See also Table Reference - AcdStatisticsPartB (AcdB) )


StatisticsPartB (See also Table Reference - StatisticsPartB (B) )b

Number Offered

Include Page
AcdB - AcdGetGroupCalls_GroupServiceNumber
AcdB - AcdGetGroupCalls_GroupServiceNumber

Number Answered

Include Page
B - AcdGetAgentCalls_ServiceNumbers
B - AcdGetAgentCalls_ServiceNumbers

Answered in Service Calls

Include Page
AcdB - AcdGetInServiceCallsByParam_GroupServiceNumber
AcdB - AcdGetInServiceCallsByParam_GroupServiceNumber

Answered not in Service Calls

This column is the result of the following calculation:
Number Answered - Answered in Service Calls

Hungup <= 


Include Page
AcdB - AcdGetCallerHangupCallsByGroupEndReason_GroupServiceNumber
AcdB - AcdGetCallerHangupCallsByGroupEndReason_GroupServiceNumber

Lost Calls

This column is the result of the following calculation:
Number Offered - Number Answered - Hungup <=

Quote Accessibility

This column is the result of the following calculation:
Number Answered * 100 / Number Offered

Quote Hangups

This column is the result of the following calculation:
Hungup <= * 100 / Number Offered

Quote Lost Calls

This column is the result of the following calculation:
Lost Calls * 100 / Number Offered

Service Level

This column is the result of the following calculation:
Answered in Service Calls / Number Offered

ACD-S-002-02 Columns

Total Calls Inbound

The total number of inbound calls
Total Calls Inbound

Total Calls Outbound

The total number of outbound calls
Total Calls Outbound

Inbound 5 Seconds

The number of inbound calls that have dropout less than 5 seconds

5 seconds dropout after calling the system (regardless of whether it was hung up in the IVR or in the ACD)

dtCallConnect IS NULL
    - TRUE IF dtCallEnd - dtCallStart <= 5 seconds
dtCallConnect IS NOT NULL
    - TRUE IF dtCallEnd - dtCallConnect <= 5 seconds

Answered Calls Inbound

The total number of answered inbound calls
Answered Calls Inbound - acdb.dtAgentConnect IS NOT NULL

Answered Calls Outbound

The total number of answered outbound calls
Answered Calls Outbound - acdb.dtAgentConnect IS NOT NULL

Voicemail Calls

Calls which resulted in a voicemail being left
acdb.AcdGroupActionTypesID = 3

Callback Calls

Calls which resulted in a callback request being left

acdb.AcdGroupActionTypesID IN (8, 10, 11, 12) OR ( e.AcdEventTypesID = 3 )

P. S. AcdGroupActionTypesID 10 is for "Request Callback or Voice-Mail" so if we have this rule action type, it will be counted as a Callback call.

Average Waiting time

Average waiting time

Average waiting time of answered calls, from entry into the ACD group.

If dtAgentConnect IS NOT NULL

dtGroupStart - dtGroupActionStart


dtGroupStart - dtGroupEnd

Average Call time Inbound

The Average of Call time Inbound
AVG(dtCallConnect - dtCallEnd)

Average Call time Outbound

The Average of Call time Outbound

If dtWhisperEnd IS NULL

AVG(dtCallConnect - dtCallEnd)


AVG(dtWhisperEnd - dtCallEnd)

Table of Contents
