Sv translation | ||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||
Info | | |||||||||||||
Variable | WertValue |
Daily Statistics - ACD Group (AcdStatisticsPartB)
Value | Comment |
Source | AcdStatisticsPartB (Cache) |
Query |
Restriction | For the current ACD group, only completed calls. |
Meaning | Closed calls for the respective ACD group. |
Supervisor - Today's Statistics -
ACD GroupAgent Calls
Value |
Comment |
Meaning Totals
Waiting Time Max.
Maximum Waiting Time for completed calls, from the perspective of the ACD Group. That means only the waiting time in the respective ACD group is considered.
The waiting time is measured before the entry in the ACD group until:
- Connection to an agent, if connected
- otherwise until the execution of the first group rule (for example the recording of Voice Mail)
- otherwise until the exit of the ACD Group (Call End or Overflow)
The maximum value of the column “Waiting Time Max”.
Include+ | ||||||||
MAX( dtAgentConnect - dtGroupStart ) IF dtAgentConnect IS NOT NULL
OR MAX( dtGroupActionStart - dtGroupStart ) IF dtGroupActionStart IS NOT NULL
OR MAX( dtGroupEnd - dtGroupStart ) IF dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL
Waiting Time Ø
Average waiting time for closed calls. The calculation is carried out analogously to the maximum waiting time.
The sum of the total waiting time for all displayed ACD groups divided by the sum “total calls”.
Include+ | ||||||||
AVR( dtAgentConnect - dtGroupStart ) IF dtAgentConnect IS NOT NULL
OR AVR( dtGroupActionStart - dtGroupStart ) IF dtGroupActionStart IS NOT NULL
OR AVR( dtGroupEnd - dtGroupStart ) IF dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL
Duration (All) Max.
The maximum retention time in the ACD Group for all calls, measured from the time of the entrance in the ACD group until the exit of the ACD group (independent of the reason).
The maximum value of the column “Duration (All) Max”.
Include+ | ||||||||
MAX( dtGroupEnd - dtGroupStart )
Duration (All) Ø
Source | AcdStatisticsPartB, StatisticsPartB (CACHE) |
Query | DataCache_AcdGroups_TodaysStatisticsPartB.sql |
Restriction | For the displayed ACD group, only completed calls. |
Meaning | Completed agent calls assigned to the respective ACD group |
Supervisor - Today's Statistics - PBX Calls (StatisticsPartTI )
Value | Comment |
Source | StatisticsPartTI (CACHE) |
Query | DataCache_PBX_TodaysStatisticsPartTI.sql |
Restriction | For the TK Users |
Meaning | Outbound Calls from PBX to external destinations |
Supervisor - Today's Statistics - ACD Group
Column File: AcdSupervisor.Wallboard.Statistics.#{}.xhtml
Caption | Meaning | Meaning Totals | Criteria Used | ||||||
Group NameAcdGroupsName | Name of the ACD group | ||||||||
Group NumberAcdGroupsNumber | Number of the ACD group | ||||||||
Waiting Time Max.WaitingTimeMax | Maximum Waiting Time for completed calls, from the perspective of the ACD Group. That means only the waiting time in the respective ACD group is considered. The waiting time is measured before the entry in the ACD group until:
| The maximum value of the column “Waiting Time Max”. |
IFNULL( MAX( CASE | ||||||
Waiting Time ØWaitingTimeAvg | Average waiting time for closed calls. The calculation is carried out analogously to the maximum waiting time. | The sum of the total waiting time for all displayed ACD groups divided by the sum “total calls”. |
IFNULL( SUM( CASE Waiting Time Ø = TodayWaitingTime / TodayGroupCalls | ||||||
Duration (All) Max.DurationAllCallsMax | The maximum retention time in the ACD Group for all calls, measured from the time of the entrance in the ACD group until the exit of the ACD group (independent of the reason). | The maximum value of the column “Duration (All) Max”. |
IFNULL( MAX( ( JULIANDAY( dtGroupEnd ) - JULIANDAY( dtGroupStart ) ) * 86400 | ||||||
Duration (All) ØDurationAllCallsAvg | The average retention time in the ACD Group for all calls. |
The calculation is carried out analogously to the Duration (All) Max. | Sum of all times of the calls today divided by the number of calls today. |
IFNULL( SUM( ( JULIANDAY( dtGroupEnd ) - JULIANDAY( dtGroupStart ) ) |
Calls Total
Number of all received calls in this ACD group with regard to the group entrance (if a call enters the ACD group by several forwardings or overflows, it will be calculated several times).
The sum of the calls for all displayed ACD groups.
Include+ | ||||||||
Calls Control
The number Control is the sum of the columns:
- Calls-Agents
- Calls - Busy
- Hangup Announcement- Total
- Short Hangups- Total
- Hangup Queue- Total
- Overflow - Queue Timeout
- Calls - Other
and serves for control of the number “Calls - Total”.
If the system works correctly, the numbers “Calls - Control” and “Calls - Total” are equal.
The calculated sum of the total row of the columns:
- Calls-Agents
- Calls - Busy
- Hangup Announcement- Total
- Short Hangups- Total
- Hangup Queue- Total
- Overflow - Queue Timeout
- Calls - Other
and serves for control of the number “Calls - Total”.
If the system works correctly the sum “Calls - Control” is equal to the sum “Calls - Total”.
( TodayAgentCalls
+TodayOtherCalls )
Overflow Level
Include+ | ||||||||
MAX( nOverflowLevelIndicator )
Overflow Out
Include+ | ||||||||
AND ExtendedGroupSearchAcdGroupsID IS NOT NULL
AND ExtendedGroupSearchAcdGroupsID NOT IN ( $ACDGROUPSIDS )
Overflow In
ExtendedGroupSearchAcdGroupsID IN ( $ACDGROUPSIDS )
Calls Agents
The total number of calls which entered the ACD group and were connected to an agent (after whisper).
The sum of the column “ Calls Agents”.
Include+ | ||||||||
AND dtAgentConnect IS NOT NULL
Unanswered Calls
Rejected Calls
acdb.AcdGroupsID IN ( $ACDGROUPSIDS )
AND a.bOutbound = 0
AND a.CauseCodesID = 17
a.dtCallConnect IS NULL
Outbound Total
acdb.dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL
AND acdb.bOutbound = 1
Outbound Campaign
acdb.dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL
AND acdb.bOutbound = 1
AND a.DiallerCampaignsID IS NOT NULL
Outbound Click To Dial
acdb.dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL
AND acdb.bOutbound = 1
AND a.DiallerCampaignsID IS NULL
Calls - Busy
* 86400 Duration (All) Ø = TodayGroupCallsTime / TodayGroupCalls | |||||||||
Duration (Agents) max.DurationAgentCallsMax | Maximum call length of the agent calls without Whisper Transfer Time (only for connected calls) | Maximum value of the column "Duration (Agents) max." | dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL AND AcdStatisticsPartB.bOutbound = 0 IFNULL( MAX( CASE See also Value Reference - CONNRES | ||||||
Duration (Agents) ØDurationAgentCallsAvg | Average call length of the agent calls without Whisper Transfer Time (only for connected calls) | The total time of the agent calls for the displayed groups divided by the sum "Calls - Agents". | dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL AND AcdStatisticsPartB.bOutbound = 0 IFNULL( SUM( CASE See also Value Reference - CONNRES Duration (Agents) Ø = TodayDurationAgentCalls / TodayAgentCalls | ||||||
Calls TotalCallsTotal | Number of all received calls in this ACD group with regard to the group entrance (if a call enters the ACD group by several forwarding or overflows, it will be calculated several times). | The sum of the calls for all displayed ACD groups. |
COUNT(*) AS TodayGroupCalls | ||||||
Calls ControlCallsControl | The number Control is the sum of the columns:
and serves for control of the number “Calls - Total”. If the system works correctly, the numbers “Calls - Control” and “Calls - Total” are equal. | The calculated sum of the total row of the columns:
and serves for control of the number “Calls - Total”. If the system works correctly the sum “Calls - Control” is equal to the sum “Calls - Total”. | CallsControl = ( TodayAgentCalls +TodayDroppedByACDBusyCalls +TodayHangupAnnouncementCalls +TodayShortHangupCalls +TodayHangupQueueCalls +TodayOverflowQueueTimeoutCalls +TodayOtherCalls ) | ||||||
Overflow LevelOverflowLevelIndicator | The maximum overflow level indicator associated with calls of this group, if it were calls which used the extended group search algorithm to find an agent, and the agent was in an extended group. | The sum of the column "Overflow Level" | IFNULL( MAX( IFNULL( nOverflowLevelIndicator, 0 ) | ||||||
Overflow OutOverflowCallsOutToOtherGroup | Calls which overflowed from these groups to others groups of the extended group search. | The sum of the column "Overflow Out". |
IFNULL( SUM( CASE | ||||||
Overflow InOverflowCallsInFromOtherGroup | Calls which overflowed from groups of the extended group search to these groups. | The sum of the column "Overflow In". | COUNT( AcdStatisticsPartB.ID ) ExtendedGroupSearchAcdGroupsID IN ( $ACDGROUPSIDS ) AND AcdGroupsID NOT IN ( $ACDGROUPSIDS ) AND dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL | ||||||
Calls AgentsCallsAgents | Calls which entered the ACD group and were connected to an agent (after whisper). | The sum of the column “ Calls Agents”. |
ASUM( CASE | ||||||
Unanswered CallsCallsUnanswered | Calls which entered the ACD group but were not connected to the agent. | The sum of the column "Unanswered Calls" |
| ||||||
Calls - BusyCallsDroppedByACDBusy | Calls which entered the ACD group but did not reach the queue because either: the ACD queue was full |
Calls which entered the ACD group but did not reach the queue because either:
the ACD queue was full(Cause for group end 205), no agents were logged-in |
(Cause for group end 207), or an error |
occurred (200) and the system hung up, because no rule was defined. | The sum of the column “ Calls Busy”. |
AND dtAgentConnect IS NULL AND AcdGroupEndReasonsID IN ( 200, 205, 207 ) AS TodayDroppedByACDBusyCalls See also Value Reference - AcdGroupEndReasons |
Calls - Other |
CallsOther | All Calls, which:
| The sum of the column “Calls - Other”. |
AND dtAgentConnect IS NULL AND AcdGroupEndReasonsID NOT IN (1, 2, 3, 4) AND AcdGroupEndReasonsID NOT IN (106, 206) |
AND AcdGroupEndReasonsID NOT IN (200, 205, 207) AS TodayOtherCalls See also Value Reference - AcdGroupEndReasons |
Overflow Queue Timeout
Rejected CallsCallsReject | Calls which entered the ACD group but were not connected to the agent because he was busy (Cause for code 17), |
The number of calls which left the ACD
The sum of the column " |
Include+ | ||||||||
AND dtAgentConnect IS NULL
AND AcdGroupEndReasonsID IN ( 106, 206 )
See also Value Reference - AcdGroupEndReasons
The number of calls which were connected to the Last Agent.
The sum of column “Last Agent”.
Include+ | ||||||||
AND dtAgentConnect IS NOT NULL
AND bLastAgentConnect = 1
Last-Agent %
As percentage the relation between the column “Last Agent” and “Calls Agents”.
Over all displayed groups the percentage of the calls, which were connected to the Last Agent with the Last Agent algorithm as relation to the number of Agent Calls.
Include+ | ||||||||
(TodayLastAgentCalls / TodayAgentCalls)*100
Hangup Announcement
The number of calls which hung up
- in the Announcement 1 or Tarif Prompt (Cause for Group end 1),
- In the Routing Application (Cause for Group end 2),
- In the Announcement 2 or Call Recording Announcement: (Cause for Group end 3)
The sum of the column “Hangup Announcement”.
Include+ | ||||||||
AND dtAgentConnect IS NULL
AND AcdGroupEndReasonsID in (1, 2, 3)
See also Value Reference - AcdGroupEndReasons
Hangup Announcement Ø
The average duration of the calls, measured from the group entry until the hangup (Group end), which
- in the Announcement 1 or Tarif Prompt (Cause for Group end 1),
- In the Routing Application (Cause for Group end 2),
- In the Announcement 2 or Call Recording Announcement: (Cause for Group end 3)
hung up.
The sum of the call duration for all calls which interrupted the prompt divided by the sum of “Hangup Announcement”.
Include+ | ||||||||
AND dtAgentConnect IS NULL
AND AcdGroupEndReasonsID in (1, 2, 3)
See also Value Reference - AcdGroupEndReasons
Short Hangups
Number of callers, who hung up in the ACD Queue (Cause for Group end 4), but were in the queue for less than the set Short Hangups time.
The sum of the column “Hangup Announcement”.
Include+ | ||||||||
AND dtAgentConnect IS NULL
AND AcdGroupEndReasonsID = 4
AND ( dtGroupEnd - dtQueueStart ) <= SHORT_HANGUP_SECONDS
See also Value Reference - AcdGroupEndReasons
Short Hangups Ø
Average time in the ACD group measured from the group entry to the hang up (Group end), for callers who hung up in the ACD queue (Cause for group end 4), but were in the queue for less than or equal the set Short Hangups time.
The sum of the call duration in the ACD group, for all calls hung up in the queue <= Short Hangups divided by the sum of the column “Short Hangups”.
Include+ | ||||||||
AND dtAgentConnect IS NULL
AND AcdGroupEndReasonsID = 4
AND ( dtGroupEnd - dtQueueStart ) <= SHORT_HANGUP_SECONDS
See also Value Reference - AcdGroupEndReasons
Hangups Queue
Number of callers, who hung up in the ACD Queue (Cause for Group end 4), but were in the queue longer than the set Short Hangups time.
The sum of the column “Hangups Queue”.
Include+ | ||||||||
AND dtAgentConnect IS NULL
AND AcdGroupEndReasonsID = 4
AND ( dtGroupEnd - dtQueueStart ) > SHORT_HANGUP_SECONDS
See also Value Reference - AcdGroupEndReasons
Hangups Queue max.
Average time in the ADC group, measured from the group entry to the hang up (Group end), for callers who hung up in the queue after the set Short Hangups time.
The maximum value of the column “Hangups Queue - max.”
Include+ | ||||||||
AND dtAgentConnect IS NULL
AND AcdGroupEndReasonsID = 4
AND ( dtGroupEnd - dtQueueStart ) > SHORT_HANGUP_SECONDS
See also Value Reference - AcdGroupEndReasons
Hangups Queue Ø
Average time in the ADC group, measured from the group entry to the hang up (Group end), for callers who hung up in the queue after the set Short Hangups time.
The sum of the call duration in the ACD group, for all calls hung up in the queue > Short Hangups divided by the sum of the column “Hangup Queue - Total”.
Include+ | ||||||||
AND dtAgentConnect IS NULL
AND AcdGroupEndReasonsID = 4
AND ( dtGroupEnd - dtQueueStart ) > SHORT_HANGUP_SECONDS
See also Value Reference - AcdGroupEndReasons
The sum of ("Supervisor - Daily Statistics - Hang up Announcement") + ("Supervisor - Daily Statistics - Hangups Queue") + ("Supervisor - Daily Statistics - Short Hangups")
The sum of the column “Hangups”.
The total number of transferred calls
Since this can happen several times during a call, this number can exceed the total number of calls.
The sum of the column “Transferred”.
Include+ | ||||||||
AND AcdOverflowGroupsID <> AcdStatisticsPartB.AcdGroupsID
Include+ scrollEditorUrl spaceKey JPW scrollEditorDisplayTitle Supervisor - Inbound Since: Common Criteria scrollPageId 0A2A8004017279244CDC653A0E6EDE52
AND dtAgentConnect IS NULL
AND (AcdGroupActionTypesID = 3 OR AcdGroupActionTypesID = 10)
AND bCallbackVoiceMailBooked = 1
The number of callbacks (calls in which the agent talked to a destination but did not forward the call).
The sum of the column “Callbacks”.
Include+ | ||||||||
AND dtAgentConnect IS NULL
AND (AcdGroupActionTypesID = 8 OR AcdGroupActionTypesID = 11)
AND bCallbackVoiceMailBooked = 1
Service Level (s)
Service level seconds set in the ACD Group.
His column doesn’t have a sum.
In Service
- (TodayInServiceLevelCalls)
- (TodayInServiceLevelCalls2)
If service parameter ACD.Wallboard.ServiceLevelCalculation = 0
- With regard to the service level seconds set in the ACD the percentage of calls is determined, which were connnected successfully to an agent within the Service Level time measured from the entry in the ACD Group.
If System Parameter ACD.Wallboard.ServiceLevelCalculation = 1
- Indicated as percentage, the relation between the sum of the calls which were labelled as “In Service” (with usage of the setting “Service Level (s)” of the ACD group) and the number of calls in all displayed ACD Groups, which:
- entered the queue (didn’t hang up during the voice prompt).
- > Short Hangups time in the queue (no short hangups)
If service parameter ACD.Wallboard.ServiceLevelCalculation = 0
- Indicated as percentage, the relation between the sum of the calls which were labelled as “In Service” per group (with usage of the setting “Service Level (s)” of the ACD group) and the number of calls in all displayed ACD Groups.
If System Parameter ACD.Wallboard.ServiceLevelCalculation = 1
- Indicated as percentage, the relation between the sum of the calls which were labelled as “In Service” (with usage of the setting “Service Level - Service Level (s)” of the ACD group) and the number of calls in all displayed ACD Groups, which:
- entered the queue (didn’t hang up during the voice prompt).
- > Short Hangups time in the queue (no short hangups)
Include+ | ||||||||
AND dtAgentConnect IS NOT NULL
Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
AND (dtAgentConnect - dtGroupStart) <= AcdGroups.ServiceLevelSeconds |
Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
AND (dtAgentConnect - dtQueueStart) <= AcdGroups.ServiceLevelSeconds |
If service parameter ACD.Wallboard.ServiceLevelCalculation = 0
- The Column “Calls-Agents” as percentage of “Calls Total”.
If System Parameter ACD.Wallboard.ServiceLevelCalculation = 1
- Indicated as percentage, the relation between the number “Calls - Agents” and the number of calls in the ACD Group, which
- entered the queue (didn’t hang up during the voice prompt).
- > Short Hangups time in the queue (no short hangups)
If service parameter ACD.Wallboard.ServiceLevelCalculation = 0
- Indicated as percentage, the relation between the sum “Calls-Agents” and the sum “Calls Total”.
If System Parameter ACD.Wallboard.ServiceLevelCalculation = 1
- Indicated as percentage, the relation between the sum “Calls-Agents” and the number of calls in all displayed ACD groups, which
- entered the queue (didn’t hang up during the voice prompt).
- > Short Hangups time in the queue (no short hangups)
Calls Rejected" | acdb.AcdGroupsID IN ( $ACDGROUPSIDS ) AND a.bOutbound = 0 AND a.CauseCodesID = 17 a.dtCallConnect IS NULL AS TodayRejectCalls | |||||||||
Outbound TotalOutboundTotal | Outgoing calls - initiated by a dialer or a click to dial - from this ACD group. | The sum of the column "Outbound Total" | acdb.dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL AND acdb.bOutbound = 1 AS TodayOutboundTotalCalls | |||||||
Agent Calls (↑•↓)AgentCallsSkillTotal | The number of calls to agents Note - in this column also forwarding to agents are counted. This number can exceed the number of agent calls in the section "calls". | The sum of the column "Agent Calls (↑•↓)" | dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL AND AcdStatisticsPartB.bOutbound = 0 IFNULL( SUM( CASE See also Value Reference - CONNRES | |||||||
Agent Calls (↑)AgentCallsSkillUpSkill | The number of calls to agents, who have a higher skill level than configured in the ACD due to a skill correction (Agent Status) Note - in this column also forwardings to agents are counted. This number can exceed the number of agent calls in the section "calls". | The sum of the column "Agent Calls (↑)" | dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL AND AcdStatisticsPartB.bOutbound = 0 IFNULL( SUM( CASE See also Value Reference - CONNRES | |||||||
Agent Calls (•)AgentCallsSkillSameSkill | The number of calls to agents, who don't have a skill correction by Agent Status. Note - in this column also forwardings to agents are counted. This number can exceed the number of agent calls in the section "calls". | The sum of the column "Agent Calls (•)" | dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL AND AcdStatisticsPartB.bOutbound = 0 IFNULL( SUM( CASE See also Value Reference - CONNRES | |||||||
Agent Calls (↓)AgentCallsSkillDownSkill | The numer of calls to agents, who have a lower skill level than configured in the ACD due to a skill correction (Agent Status). Note - in this column also forwardings to agents are counted. This number can exceed the number of agent calls in the section "calls". | The sum of the column "Agent Calls (↓)" | dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL AND AcdStatisticsPartB.bOutbound = 0 IFNULL( SUM( CASE See also Value Reference - CONNRES | |||||||
Queue TimeoutOverflowQueueTimeout | The number of calls which left the ACD
| The sum of the column "Overflow Queue Timeout". |
IFNULL( SUM( CASE See also Value Reference - AcdGroupEndReasons | |||||||
Last-AgentLastAgentCalls | The number of calls which were connected to the Last Agent. | The sum of column “Last Agent”. |
IFNULL( SUM( CASE | |||||||
Last-Agent %LastAgentPercent | As percentage the relation between the column “Last Agent” and “Calls Agents”. | Over all displayed groups the percentage of the calls, which were connected to the Last Agent with the Last Agent algorithm as relation to the number of Agent Calls. |
| |||||||
Hangup AnnouncementHangupAnnouncementTotal | The number of calls which hung up
| The sum of the column “Hangup Announcement”. |
IFNULL( SUM( CASE See also Value Reference - AcdGroupEndReasons | |||||||
Hangup Announcement ØHangupAnnouncementAvg | The average duration of the calls, measured from the group entry until the hangup (Group end), which
hung up. | The sum of the call duration for all calls which interrupted the prompt divided by the sum of “Hangup Announcement”. |
IFNULL( SUM( CASE See also Value Reference - AcdGroupEndReasons | |||||||
Short HangupsShortHangupsTotal | Number of callers, who hung up in the ACD Queue (Cause for Group end 4), but were in the queue for less than the set Short Hangups time. | The sum of the column “Hangup Announcement”. |
IFNULL( SUM( CASE See also Value Reference - AcdGroupEndReasons | |||||||
Short Hangups ØShortHangupsAvg | Average time in the ACD group measured from the group entry to the hang up (Group end), for callers who hung up in the ACD queue (Cause for group end 4), but were in the queue for less than or equal the set Short Hangups time. | The sum of the call duration in the ACD group, for all calls hung up in the queue <= Short Hangups divided by the sum of the column “Short Hangups”. |
AND dtAgentConnect IS NULL AND AcdGroupEndReasonsID = 4 AND ( dtGroupEnd - dtQueueStart ) <= SHORT_HANGUP_SECONDS AS TodayShortHangupCallsTime See also Value Reference - AcdGroupEndReasons | |||||||
Hangups QueueHangupsQueueTotal | Number of callers, who hung up in the ACD Queue (Cause for Group end 4), but were in the queue longer than the set Short Hangups time. | The sum of the column “Hangups Queue”. |
AND dtAgentConnect IS NULL AND AcdGroupEndReasonsID = 4 AND ( dtGroupEnd - dtQueueStart ) > SHORT_HANGUP_SECONDS AS TodayHangupQueueCalls See also Value Reference - AcdGroupEndReasons | |||||||
Hangups Queue max.HangupsQueueMax | Maximum time in the ADC group, measured from the group entry to the hang up (Group end), for callers who hung up in the queue after the set Short Hangups time. | The maximum value of the column “Hangups Queue - max.” |
IFNULL( MAX( CASE See also Value Reference - AcdGroupEndReasons | |||||||
Hangups Queue ØHangupsQueueAvg | Average time in the ADC group, measured from the group entry to the hang up (Group end), for callers who hung up in the queue after the set Short Hangups time. | The sum of the call duration in the ACD group, for all calls hung up in the queue > Short Hangups divided by the sum of the column “Hangup Queue - Total”. |
IFNULL( SUM( CASE See also Value Reference - AcdGroupEndReasons | |||||||
HangupsHangupsTotal | The sum of ("Supervisor - Daily Statistics - Hang up Announcement") + ("Supervisor - Daily Statistics - Hangups Queue") + ("Supervisor - Daily Statistics - Short Hangups") | The sum of the column “Hangups”. |
| |||||||
TransferredTransferredNumber | Transferred calls from/to this group. Since this can happen several times during a call, this number can exceed the total number of calls. | The sum of the column “Transferred”. |
IFNULL( SUM( CASE | |||||||
Enquiry CallsEnquiryCallsTotal | The number of enquiry calls (conversations in which the agent spoke to a target but did not forward). | The sum of the column "Enquiry Calls" | IFNULL( SUM( CASE | |||||||
Handling Time ØHandlingTimeAvg | Average time taken by the agent to handle the call from the connection to his line to the end of the call inclusive the duration of the processing time after the call end. | The sum of "Handling Time" divided by "Agent Calls" | IFNULL( SUM( CASE HandlingTimeAvg = TodayHandlingTimeAgentCalls / TodayAgentCalls | |||||||
Service Level (s)ServiceLevelSeconds | Service level seconds set in the ACD Group. | His column doesn’t have a sum. | AcdGroups.ServiceLevelSeconds AS ServiceLevelSeconds | |||||||
In ServiceServiceLevelInService | If service parameter ACD.Wallboard.ServiceLevelCalculation = 0
Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
(TodayAgentCalls / TodayGroupCalls)*100 |
Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
( TodayAgentCalls / ( TodayGroupCalls - TodayHangupAnnouncementCalls - TodayShortHangupCalls )*100 |
Answered in s X
If System Parameter ACD.Wallboard.ServiceLevelCalculation = 1
( ( TodayInServiceLevelCalls OR TodayInServiceLevelCalls2 ) / TodayGroupCalls )*100
Y% answered in (s)
The maximum response time (difference between the connection with the agent and entry into the ACD group) for the first $SERVICE_QUOTA_PERCENT of answered calls (sorted by answering time ascending).
Note: If you set as Service Quota for example 80%, and you have one answered and one not answered call in the ACD group, a dash will appear, because not 80% of the calls were answered!
His column doesn’t have a sum.
Include+ | ||||||||
MAX( dtAgentConnect - dtGroupStart )
Total Waiting Time
dtAgentConnect IS NOT NULL
SUM ( dtAgentConnect - dtCallStart )
Calls Not In Stand. Service Times
dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL
AND bCallInStandardServiceTimes = 0
Today's Statistics - Agent Calls (StatisticsPartB)
AcdStatisticsPartB, StatisticsPartB (CACHE)
Supervisor - Today's Statistics - Agent Calls
Agent Calls (↑)
The number of calls to agents, who have a higher skill level than configured in the ACD due to a skill correction (Agent Status)
Note - in this column also forwardings to agents are counted. This number can exceed the number of agent calls in the section "calls".
dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL
AND AcdStatisticsPartB.bOutbound = 0
AND bTransferExternalNumber = 0
AND dtCallConnect IS NOT NULL
AND nSkillAfterCorrection > nSkillReal
Agent Calls (↓)
The numer of calls to agents, who have a lower skill level than configured in the ACD due to a skill correction (Agent Status).
Note - in this column also forwardings to agents are counted. This number can exceed the number of agent calls in the section "calls".
dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL
AND AcdStatisticsPartB.bOutbound = 0
AND bTransferExternalNumber = 0
AND dtCallConnect IS NOT NULL
AND nSkillAfterCorrection < nSkillReal
The number of calls to agents, who don't have a skill correction by Agent Status.
Note - in this column also forwardings to agents are counted. This number can exceed the number of agent calls in the section "calls".
dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL
AND AcdStatisticsPartB.bOutbound = 0
AND bTransferExternalNumber = 0
AND dtCallConnect IS NOT NULL
AND nSkillAfterCorrection = nSkillReal
The number of calls to agents
Note - in this column also forwardings to agents are counted. This number can exceed the number of agent calls in the section "calls".
dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL
AND AcdStatisticsPartB.bOutbound = 0
AND bTransferExternalNumber = 0
AND dtCallConnect IS NOT NULL
Duration (Agents) Ø
dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL
AND AcdStatisticsPartB.bOutbound = 0
AND bTransferExternalNumber = 0
AND dtCallConnect IS NOT NULL
SUM ( IF dtWhisperEnd IS NOT NULL THEN ( dtCallEnd - dtWhisperEnd ) ELSE ( dtCallEnd - dtCallConnect ) ) / TodayAgentCalls
Duration (Agents) max.
Maximum call length of the agent calls without Whisper Transfer Time (only for connected calls)
dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL
AND AcdStatisticsPartB.bOutbound = 0
AND bTransferExternalNumber = 0
AND dtCallConnect IS NOT NULL
IF dtWhisperEnd IS NOT NULL THEN ( dtCallEnd - dtWhisperEnd ) ELSE ( dtCallEnd - dtCallConnect)
Post Call Time Ø
Per call the post call time is measured
- Whisper Time
- Call Time
- Post Call Interval
This time summed for all calls and divided by the number of successful agent calls. This results in the average processing time.
dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL
AND AcdStatisticsPartB.bOutbound = 0
AND PostCallInterval IS NOT NULL
Enquiry Calls
dtEnquiryStart IS NOT NULL
AND dtEnquiryEnd IS NOT NULL
Handling Time Ø
dtCallConnect IS NOT NULL
AND bTransferExternalNumber = 0
( dtCallEnd - dtCallConnect + PostCallInterval)
Supervisor - Today's Statistics - PBX Calls (StatisticsPartTI )
StatisticsPartTI (CACHE)
Meaning Totals
PBX Outbound Calls
bOutbound = 1
AND bExternal = 1
AND nConnSeconds IS NOT NULL
PBX Outbound Total Time
bOutbound = 1
AND bExternal = 1
AND nConnSeconds IS NOT NULL
PBX Outbound Ø Time
Table of Contents | ||||||
| If service parameter ACD.Wallboard.ServiceLevelCalculation = 0
If System Parameter ACD.Wallboard.ServiceLevelCalculation = 1
IF service parameter ACD.Wallboard.ServiceLevelCalculation = 0 THEN IFNULL( SUM( CASE
IF System Parameter ACD.Wallboard.ServiceLevelCalculation = 1 THEN
| ||||||||
AvailabilityServiceLevelAvailability | If service parameter ACD.Wallboard.ServiceLevelCalculation = 0
If System Parameter ACD.Wallboard.ServiceLevelCalculation = 1
| If service parameter ACD.Wallboard.ServiceLevelCalculation = 0
If System Parameter ACD.Wallboard.ServiceLevelCalculation = 1
| IF service parameter ACD.Wallboard.ServiceLevelCalculation = 0 THEN
IF System Parameter ACD.Wallboard.ServiceLevelCalculation = 1 THEN
| |||||||
Answered in s XServiceLevelAnsweredIn | With regard to the Servicelevel set in Header the percentage of calls is determined, which were connnected successfully to an agent within the Service Level time measured from the entry in the ACD Group. | Indicated as percentage, the relation between the sum of the calls which were labelled as “In Service” per group (with usage of the setting Servicelevel in the header) and the total number of calls in all displayed ACD Groups. |
TodayVariableInServiceLevelCalls = TodayInServiceLevelCalls OR TodayInServiceLevelCalls2 | |||||||
Y% answered in (s)ServiceLevelPercentAnsweredIn | The maximum response time (difference between the connection with the agent and entry into the ACD group) for the first $SERVICE_QUOTA_PERCENT of answered calls (sorted by answering time ascending). Note: If you set as Service Quota for example 80%, and you have one answered and one not answered call in the ACD group, a dash will appear, because not 80% of the calls were answered! | His column doesn’t have a sum. |
MAX( IFNULL( ( JULIANDAY( dtAgentConnect ) - JULIANDAY( dtGroupStart ) ) * 86400, 999999 ) ) AS TodayVariableServiceQuotaCalls | |||||||
Calls Not In Stand. Service TimesNotInStandardServiceTimesCalls | Calls which entered this group outside of the standard service times. | The sum of the column "Calls Not In Stand. Service Times" | dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL AND bCallInStandardServiceTimes = 0 AS TodayNotInStandardServiceTimesCalls | |||||||
PBX Outbound CallsPBXClick2DialCallsTotal | Outbound Calls made from PBX to external destinations | Sum of the column "PBX Outbound Calls" | bIFNULL( SUM( CASE Table: StatisticsPartTI | |||||||
PBX Outbound Total TimePBXClick2DialCallsTotalConnectionTime | Duration of Outbound Calls made from PBX to external destinations | Sum of the column "PBX Outbound Total Time" | IFNULL( SUM( CASE Table: StatisticsPartTI | |||||||
PBX Outbound Ø TimePBXClick2DialCallsTotalConnectionTimeAvg | The average duration of Outbound Calls made from PBX to external destinations | Sum of the column "PBX Outbound Ø Time" |
| |||||||
Service Service Skill 1 Agents Logged InService.LoggedInAcdSkillsID1 | The number of agents logged into the ACD group in any status with any value of skill 1, at the time the call entered the ACD group. | Sum of the column "Service Service Skill 1 Agents Logged In" | AcdStatisticsPartB.GroupStart_LoggedInAcdSkillsID1AgentCount | |||||||
Service Skill 1 Agents FreeService.FreeAcdSkillsID1 | The number of available agents with skill 1 (any value):
at the time the call entered the ACD group. Note, this could include agents who are in automatic post call. | Sum of the column "Service Skill 1 Agents Free" | AcdStatisticsPartB.GroupStart_FreeAcdSkillsID1AgentCount | |||||||
Service Service Skill 2 Agents Logged InService.LoggedInAcdSkillsID2 | The number of agents logged into the ACD group in any status with any value of skill 2, at the time the call entered the ACD group. | Sum of the column "Service Service Skill 2 Agents Logged In" | AcdStatisticsPartB.GroupStart_LoggedInAcdSkillsID2AgentCount | |||||||
Service Skill 2 Agents FreeService.FreeAcdSkillsID2 | The number of available agents with skill 2 (any value):
at the time the call entered the ACD group. Note, this could include agents who are in automatic post call. | Sum of the column "Service Skill 2 Agents Free" | AcdStatisticsPartB.GroupStart_FreeAcdSkillsID2AgentCount | |||||||
Service Service Skill 3 Agents Logged InService.LoggedInAcdSkillsID3 | The number of agents logged into the ACD group in any status with any value of skill 3, at the time the call entered the ACD group. | Sum of the column "Service Service Skill 3 Agents Logged In" | AcdStatisticsPartB.GroupStart_LoggedInAcdSkillsID3AgentCount | |||||||
Service Skill 3 Agents FreeService.FreeAcdSkillsID3 | The number of available agents with skill 3 (any value):
at the time the call entered the ACD group. Note, this could include agents who are in automatic post call. | Sum of the column "Service Skill 3 Agents Free" | AcdStatisticsPartB.GroupStart_FreeAcdSkillsID3AgentCount | |||||||
Ø Waiting TimeWaitingTimeTotalAvg | The amount of time calls which entered this ACD group wait until a successful connected to the destination. | The sum of the column "Ø Total Waiting Time" |
Action | Details: Under Action, the details of the respective selected group are displayed. Card: Under this action the caller card of the respective caller is displayed. |
Table of Contents | ||||||
Sv translation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Supervisor - Header Einstellungen
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sv translation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Supervisor - Header Einstellungen
Tagesstatistik - ACD Gruppe (AcdStatisticsPartB)
Tagesstatistik - Agentenanrufe (StatisticsPartB) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wert | Kommentar | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Quelle | AcdStatisticsPartB, StatisticsPartB (CACHE) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Query | DataCache_AcdGroups_TodaysStatisticsPartB.sql | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Eingrenzung | Für die angezeigte ACD Gruppe, nur abgeschlossene Anrufe. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bedeutung | Abgeschlossene Agentenanrufe, die der jeweiligen ACD Gruppe zugeordnet sind. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Überschrift | Bedeutung | Bedeutung Summenzeile | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dauer (Agenten) Max. | Maximale Gesprächslänge der Agentengespräche ohne Whisper Transfer Zeit (nur für verbundene Gespräche) | Der Maximalwert der Spalte "Dauer (Agenten) Max.". | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dauer (Agenten) Ø | Durchschnittliche Gesprächslänge der Agentengespräche ohne Whisper Transfer Zeit (nur für verbundene Gespräche) | Die Gesamtzeit der Agentenanrufe für die angezeigten Gruppen geteilt durch die Summe "Anrufe - Agenten". | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Agentenanrufe (↑•↓) | Anzahl der Anrufe an Agenten. Beachte - in dieser Spalte werden auch Weiterleitungen an Agenten gezählt. Diese Zahl kann durchaus größer als die Anzahl der Agentenanrufe im Bereich "Anrufe" sein. | Die Summe der Spalte "Agentenanrufe (↑•↓)". | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Agentenanrufe (↑) | Anzahl der Anrufe an Agenten, die durch eine Skill-Korrektur (Agentenstatus) einen höheren Skill als in der ACD Gruppe konfiguriert inne hatten. Beachte - in dieser Spalte werden auch Weiterleitungen an Agenten gezählt. Diese Zahl kann durchaus größer als die Anzahl der Agentenanrufe im Bereich "Anrufe" sein. | Die Summe der Spalte "Agentenanrufe (↑)". | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Agentenanrufe (•) | Anzahl der Anrufe an Agenten, die keine Skill-Korrektur durch Agentenstatus inne hatten. Beachte - in dieser Spalte werden auch Weiterleitungen an Agenten gezählt. Diese Zahl kann durchaus größer als die Anzahl der Agentenanrufe im Bereich "Anrufe" sein. | Die Summe der Spalte "Agentenanrufe (•)". | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Agentenanrufe (↓) | Anzahl der Anrufe an Agenten, die durch eine Skill-Korrektur (Agentenstatus) einen niedrigeren Skill als in der ACD Gruppe konfiguriert inne hatten. Beachte - in dieser Spalte werden auch Weiterleitungen an Agenten gezählt. Diese Zahl kann durchaus größer als die Anzahl der Agentenanrufe im Bereich "Anrufe" sein. | Die Summe der Spalte "Agentenanrufe (↓)". | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bearbeitungszeit Ø | Pro Anruf wird die Bearbeitungszeit gemessen:
Diese Zeit summiert über alle Anrufe und geteilt durch die Anzahl der erfolgreichen Agentenanrufe. Dies ergibt die durchschnittliche Bearbeitungszeit. | Die Summe der Bearbeitungszeit über alle Agentenanrufe geteilt durch die Summe "Anrufe - Agenten". | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wert | Kommentar | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Quelle | AcdStatisticsLogin (CACHE) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Query | DataCache_AcdGroups_TodaysAgentLoginData.sql | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Eingrenzung | Für die jeweilige ACD Gruppe. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bedeutung | Login / Logout Statistiken der Agenten. |
. |
Tagesstatistik - Agentenanrufe (StatisticsPartB)
Wert | Kommentar |
Quelle | AcdStatisticsPartB, StatisticsPartB (CACHE) |
Query | DataCache_AcdGroups_TodaysStatisticsPartB.sql |
Eingrenzung | Für die angezeigte ACD Gruppe, nur abgeschlossene Anrufe. |
Bedeutung | Abgeschlossene Agentenanrufe, die der jeweiligen ACD Gruppe zugeordnet sind. |
Zähler pro Gruppe
Überschrift | Bedeutung | Bedeutung Summenzeile |
Dauer (Agenten) Max. | Maximale Gesprächslänge der Agentengespräche ohne Whisper Transfer Zeit (nur für verbundene Gespräche) | Der Maximalwert der Spalte "Dauer (Agenten) Max.". |
Dauer (Agenten) Ø | Durchschnittliche Gesprächslänge der Agentengespräche ohne Whisper Transfer Zeit (nur für verbundene Gespräche) | Die Gesamtzeit der Agentenanrufe für die angezeigten Gruppen geteilt durch die Summe "Anrufe - Agenten". |
Agentenanrufe (↑•↓) | Anzahl der Anrufe an Agenten. Beachte - in dieser Spalte werden auch Weiterleitungen an Agenten gezählt. Diese Zahl kann durchaus größer als die Anzahl der Agentenanrufe im Bereich "Anrufe" sein. | Die Summe der Spalte "Agentenanrufe (↑•↓)". |
Agentenanrufe (↑) | Anzahl der Anrufe an Agenten, die durch eine Skill-Korrektur (Agentenstatus) einen höheren Skill als in der ACD Gruppe konfiguriert inne hatten. Beachte - in dieser Spalte werden auch Weiterleitungen an Agenten gezählt. Diese Zahl kann durchaus größer als die Anzahl der Agentenanrufe im Bereich "Anrufe" sein. | Die Summe der Spalte "Agentenanrufe (↑)". |
Agentenanrufe (•) | Anzahl der Anrufe an Agenten, die keine Skill-Korrektur durch Agentenstatus inne hatten. Beachte - in dieser Spalte werden auch Weiterleitungen an Agenten gezählt. Diese Zahl kann durchaus größer als die Anzahl der Agentenanrufe im Bereich "Anrufe" sein. | Die Summe der Spalte "Agentenanrufe (•)". |
Agentenanrufe (↓) | Anzahl der Anrufe an Agenten, die durch eine Skill-Korrektur (Agentenstatus) einen niedrigeren Skill als in der ACD Gruppe konfiguriert inne hatten. Beachte - in dieser Spalte werden auch Weiterleitungen an Agenten gezählt. Diese Zahl kann durchaus größer als die Anzahl der Agentenanrufe im Bereich "Anrufe" sein. | Die Summe der Spalte "Agentenanrufe (↓)". |
Bearbeitungszeit Ø | Pro Anruf wird die Bearbeitungszeit gemessen:
Diese Zeit summiert über alle Anrufe und geteilt durch die Anzahl der erfolgreichen Agentenanrufe. Dies ergibt die durchschnittliche Bearbeitungszeit. | Die Summe der Bearbeitungszeit über alle Agentenanrufe geteilt durch die Summe "Anrufe - Agenten". |
Tagesstatistik - Autologoff (AcdStatisticsLogin)
Wert | Kommentar |
Quelle | AcdStatisticsLogin (CACHE) |
Query | DataCache_AcdGroups_TodaysAgentLoginData.sql |
Eingrenzung | Für die jeweilige ACD Gruppe. |
Bedeutung | Login / Logout Statistiken der Agenten. |
Zähler pro Gruppe
Überschrift | Bedeutung | Bedeutung Summenzeile |
Auto-Logoff Gesamt | Anzahl der Agenten Auto-Logoffs in der jeweiligen ACD Gruppe weil der Gesamtzähler für verpasste Anrufe überschritten wurde. | Die Summe der Spalte "Auto-Logoff - Gesamt" |
Auto-Logoff Keine Antwort | Anzahl der Agenten Auto-Logoffs in der jeweiligen ACD Gruppe weil der Keine-Antwort Zähler für verpasste Anrufe überschritten wurde. | Die Summe der Spalte "Auto-Logoff - Keine Antwort" |
Auto-Logoff Besetzt | Anzahl der Agenten Auto-Logoffs in der jeweiligen ACD Gruppe weil der Besetzt-Antwort Zähler für verpasste Anrufe überschritten wurde. | Die Summe der Spalte "Auto-Logoff - Besetzt" |
Auto-Logoff Zeitgesteuert | Anzahl der Agenten Auto-Logoffs in der jeweiligen ACD Gruppe die systembedingt durch die Zeitsteuerung für das Automatische Abmelden durchgeführt wurden. | Die Summe der Spalte "Auto-Logoff - Zeitgesteuert" |
Sv translation | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Superviseur - Paramètres de l'en-tête
Statistiques quotidiennes - Groupe ACD (AcdStatisticsPartB)
Superviseur - Statistiques d'aujourd'hui - Appels Agent
Superviseur - Statistiques d'aujourd'hui - Appels PBX (StatisticsPartTI )
Superviseur - Statistiques d'aujourd'hui - Groupe ACDFichier de colonnes: AcdSupervisor.Wallboard.Statistics.#{}.xhtml
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Überschrift | Bedeutung | Bedeutung Summenzeile | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto-Logoff Gesamt | Anzahl der Agenten Auto-Logoffs in der jeweiligen ACD Gruppe weil der Gesamtzähler für verpasste Anrufe überschritten wurde. | Die Summe der Spalte "Auto-Logoff - Gesamt" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto-Logoff Keine Antwort | Anzahl der Agenten Auto-Logoffs in der jeweiligen ACD Gruppe weil der Keine-Antwort Zähler für verpasste Anrufe überschritten wurde. | Die Summe der Spalte "Auto-Logoff - Keine Antwort" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto-Logoff Besetzt | Anzahl der Agenten Auto-Logoffs in der jeweiligen ACD Gruppe weil der Besetzt-Antwort Zähler für verpasste Anrufe überschritten wurde. | Die Summe der Spalte "Auto-Logoff - Besetzt" | Auto-Logoff Zeitgesteuert | Anzahl der Agenten Auto-Logoffs in der jeweiligen ACD Gruppe die systembedingt durch die Zeitsteuerung für das Automatische Abmelden durchgeführt wurden. | Die Summe der Spalte "Auto-Logoff - Zeitgesteuert"