Caption | Meaning | Meaning Totals | Criteria Used |
Group NameAcdGroupsName | Name of the ACD group |
Group NumberAcdGroupsNumber | Number of the ACD group |
Waiting Time Max.WaitingTimeMax | Maximum Waiting Time for completed calls, from the perspective of the ACD Group. That means only the waiting time in the respective ACD group is considered. The waiting time is measured before the entry in the ACD group until: - Connection to an agent, if connected
- otherwise until the execution of the first group rule (for example the recording of Voice Mail)
- otherwise until the exit of the ACD Group (Call End or Overflow)
| The maximum value of the column “Waiting Time Max”. | Include+ |
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IFNULL( MAX( CASE WHEN dtAgentConnect IS NOT NULL THEN ( JULIANDAY( dtAgentConnect ) - JULIANDAY( dtGroupStart ) ) * 86400 WHEN dtGroupActionStart IS NOT NULL THEN ( JULIANDAY( dtGroupActionStart ) - JULIANDAY( dtGroupStart ) ) * 86400 WHEN dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL THEN ( JULIANDAY( dtGroupEnd ) - JULIANDAY( dtGroupStart ) ) * 86400 ELSE 0 END ), 0 ) AS TodayWaitingTimeMax |
Waiting Time ØWaitingTimeAvg | Average waiting time for closed calls. The calculation is carried out analogously to the maximum waiting time. | The sum of the total waiting time for all displayed ACD groups divided by the sum “total calls”. | Include+ |
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IFNULL( SUM( CASE WHEN dtAgentConnect IS NOT NULL THEN ( JULIANDAY( dtAgentConnect ) - JULIANDAY( dtGroupStart ) ) * 86400 WHEN dtGroupActionStart IS NOT NULL THEN ( JULIANDAY( dtGroupActionStart ) - JULIANDAY( dtGroupStart ) ) * 86400 WHEN dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL THEN ( JULIANDAY( dtGroupEnd ) - JULIANDAY( dtGroupStart ) ) * 86400 ELSE 0 END ), 0 ) AS TodayWaitingTime
Waiting Time Ø = TodayWaitingTime / TodayGroupCalls |
Duration (All) Max.DurationAllCallsMax | The maximum retention time in the ACD Group for all calls, measured from the time of the entrance in the ACD group until the exit of the ACD group (independent of the reason). | The maximum value of the column “Duration (All) Max”. | Include+ |
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IFNULL( MAX( ( JULIANDAY( dtGroupEnd ) - JULIANDAY( dtGroupStart ) ) * 86400 ), 0 ) AS TodayGroupCallsTimeMax |
Duration (All) ØDurationAllCallsAvg
| The average retention time in the ACD Group for all calls. The calculation is carried out analogously to the Duration (All) Max. | Sum of all times of the calls today divided by the number of calls today. | Include+ |
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IFNULL( SUM( ( JULIANDAY( dtGroupEnd ) - JULIANDAY( dtGroupStart ) ) * 86400 ), 0 ) AS TodayGroupCallsTime
Duration (All) Ø = TodayGroupCallsTime / TodayGroupCalls |
Duration (Agents) max.DurationAgentCallsMax | Maximum call length of the agent calls without Whisper Transfer Time (only for connected calls) | Maximum value of the column "Duration (Agents) max." | dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL AND AcdStatisticsPartB.bOutbound = 0 IFNULL( MAX( CASE WHEN ( CONNRES = 1 ) AND ( bTransferExternalNumber = 0 ) AND ( dtCallConnect IS NOT NULL ) AND ( dtCallEnd IS NOT NULL ) THEN CASE WHEN ( dtWhisperEnd IS NOT NULL ) THEN ( JULIANDAY( dtCallEnd ) - JULIANDAY( dtWhisperEnd ) ) * 86400 ELSE ( JULIANDAY( dtCallEnd ) - JULIANDAY( dtCallConnect ) ) * 86400 END ELSE 0 END ), 0 ) AS TodayDurationAgentCallsMax See also Value Reference - CONNRES |
Duration (Agents) ØDurationAgentCallsAvg
| Average call length of the agent calls without Whisper Transfer Time (only for connected calls) | The total time of the agent calls for the displayed groups divided by the sum "Calls - Agents". | dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL AND AcdStatisticsPartB.bOutbound = 0 IFNULL( SUM( CASE WHEN ( CONNRES = 1 ) AND ( bTransferExternalNumber = 0 ) AND ( dtCallConnect IS NOT NULL ) AND ( dtCallEnd IS NOT NULL ) THEN CASE WHEN ( dtWhisperEnd IS NOT NULL ) THEN ( JULIANDAY( dtCallEnd ) - JULIANDAY( dtWhisperEnd ) ) * 86400 ELSE ( JULIANDAY( dtCallEnd ) - JULIANDAY( dtCallConnect ) ) * 86400 END ELSE 0 END ), 0 ) AS TodayDurationAgentCalls See also Value Reference - CONNRES
Duration (Agents) Ø = TodayDurationAgentCalls / TodayAgentCalls |
Calls TotalCallsTotal | Number of all received calls in this ACD group with regard to the group entrance (if a call enters the ACD group by several forwarding or overflows, it will be calculated several times). | The sum of the calls for all displayed ACD groups. | Include+ |
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COUNT(*) AS TodayGroupCalls |
Calls ControlCallsControl | The number Control is the sum of the columns: - Calls-Agents
- Calls - Busy
- Hangup Announcement- Total
- Short Hangups- Total
- Hangup Queue- Total
- Overflow - Queue Timeout
- Calls - Other
and serves for control of the number “Calls - Total”. If the system works correctly, the numbers “Calls - Control” and “Calls - Total” are equal. | The calculated sum of the total row of the columns: - Calls-Agents
- Calls - Busy
- Hangup Announcement- Total
- Short Hangups- Total
- Hangup Queue- Total
- Overflow - Queue Timeout
- Calls - Other
and serves for control of the number “Calls - Total”. If the system works correctly the sum “Calls - Control” is equal to the sum “Calls - Total”. | CallsControl = ( TodayAgentCalls +TodayDroppedByACDBusyCalls +TodayHangupAnnouncementCalls +TodayShortHangupCalls +TodayHangupQueueCalls +TodayOverflowQueueTimeoutCalls +TodayOtherCalls ) |
Overflow LevelOverflowLevelIndicator | The maximum overflow level indicator associated with calls of this group, if it were calls which used the extended group search algorithm to find an agent, and the agent was in an extended group. | The sum of the column "Overflow Level" |
IFNULL( MAX( IFNULL( nOverflowLevelIndicator, 0 ) ), 0 ) AS OverflowLevelIndicator |
Overflow OutOverflowCallsOutToOtherGroup | Calls which overflowed from these groups to others groups of the extended group search.
| The sum of the column "Overflow Out". | Include+ |
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IFNULL( SUM( CASE WHEN ( ( ExtendedGroupSearchAcdGroupsID IS NOT NULL ) AND ( ExtendedGroupSearchAcdGroupsID NOT IN ( $ACDGROUPSIDS ) ) ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ), 0 ) AS OverflowCallsOutToOtherGroup |
Overflow InOverflowCallsInFromOtherGroup | Calls which overflowed from groups of the extended group search to these groups.
| The sum of the column "Overflow In". | COUNT( AcdStatisticsPartB.ID ) ExtendedGroupSearchAcdGroupsID IN ( $ACDGROUPSIDS ) AND AcdGroupsID NOT IN ( $ACDGROUPSIDS ) AND dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL |
Calls AgentsCallsAgents | Calls which entered the ACD group and were connected to an agent (after whisper). | The sum of the column “ Calls Agents”. | Include+ |
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ASUM( CASE WHEN dtAgentConnect IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ), 0 ) AS TodayAgentCalls |
Unanswered CallsCallsUnanswered | Calls which entered the ACD group but were not connected to the agent. | The sum of the column "Unanswered Calls" |
CallsUnanswered = TodayGroupCalls - TodayAgentCalls |
Calls - BusyCallsDroppedByACDBusy | Calls which entered the ACD group but did not reach the queue because either: the ACD queue was full (Cause for group end 205), no agents were logged-in (Cause for group end 207), or an error occurred (200) and the system hung up, because no rule was defined. | The sum of the column “ Calls Busy”. | Include+ |
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AND dtAgentConnect IS NULL AND AcdGroupEndReasonsID IN ( 200, 205, 207 ) AS TodayDroppedByACDBusyCalls See also Value Reference - AcdGroupEndReasons |
Calls - OtherCallsOther | All Calls, which: - were not connected to an agent (Column “Calls-Agents")
- didn’t hang up before entering the queue (column "Hangup Announcement", "Short Hangups", "Hangups Queue")
- did not end in a timeout in the queue (Column “Overflow Queue Timeout”)
- did not receive a “busy” from the ACD (column “Calls - Busy”)
| The sum of the column “Calls - Other”. | Include+ |
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AND dtAgentConnect IS NULL AND AcdGroupEndReasonsID NOT IN (1, 2, 3, 4) AND AcdGroupEndReasonsID NOT IN (106, 206) AND AcdGroupEndReasonsID NOT IN (200, 205, 207) AS TodayOtherCalls See also Value Reference - AcdGroupEndReasons |
Rejected CallsCallsReject
| Calls which entered the ACD group but were not connected to the agent because he was busy (Cause for code 17), | The sum of the column "Calls Rejected" | acdb.AcdGroupsID IN ( $ACDGROUPSIDS ) AND a.bOutbound = 0 AND a.CauseCodesID = 17 a.dtCallConnect IS NULL AS TodayRejectCalls |
Outbound TotalOutboundTotal
| Outgoing calls - initiated by a dialer or a click to dial - from this ACD group. | The sum of the column "Outbound Total" | acdb.dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL AND acdb.bOutbound = 1 AS TodayOutboundTotalCalls |
Agent Calls (↑•↓)AgentCallsSkillTotal | The number of calls to agents Note - in this column also forwarding to agents are counted. This number can exceed the number of agent calls in the section "calls". | The sum of the column "Agent Calls (↑•↓)" | dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL AND AcdStatisticsPartB.bOutbound = 0 IFNULL( SUM( CASE WHEN ( CONNRES = 1 ) AND ( bTransferExternalNumber = 0 ) AND ( dtCallConnect IS NOT NULL ) AND ( dtCallEnd IS NOT NULL ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ), 0 ) AS TodaySuccessfulAgentCalls See also Value Reference - CONNRES |
Agent Calls (↑)AgentCallsSkillUpSkill | The number of calls to agents, who have a higher skill level than configured in the ACD due to a skill correction (Agent Status) Note - in this column also forwardings to agents are counted. This number can exceed the number of agent calls in the section "calls". | The sum of the column "Agent Calls (↑)" | dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL AND AcdStatisticsPartB.bOutbound = 0 IFNULL( SUM( CASE WHEN ( CONNRES = 1 ) AND ( bTransferExternalNumber = 0 ) AND ( dtCallConnect IS NOT NULL ) AND ( dtCallEnd IS NOT NULL ) AND ( nSkillAfterCorrection > nSkillReal ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ), 0 ) AS TodaySuccessfulAgentCallsUpSkill See also Value Reference - CONNRES |
Agent Calls (•)AgentCallsSkillSameSkill | The number of calls to agents, who don't have a skill correction by Agent Status. Note - in this column also forwardings to agents are counted. This number can exceed the number of agent calls in the section "calls". | The sum of the column "Agent Calls (•)" | dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL AND AcdStatisticsPartB.bOutbound = 0 IFNULL( SUM( CASE WHEN ( CONNRES = 1 ) AND ( bTransferExternalNumber = 0 ) AND ( dtCallConnect IS NOT NULL ) AND ( dtCallEnd IS NOT NULL ) AND ( nSkillAfterCorrection = nSkillReal ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ), 0 ) AS TodaySuccessfulAgentCallsSameSkill See also Value Reference - CONNRES |
Agent Calls (↓)AgentCallsSkillDownSkill | The numer of calls to agents, who have a lower skill level than configured in the ACD due to a skill correction (Agent Status). Note - in this column also forwardings to agents are counted. This number can exceed the number of agent calls in the section "calls". | The sum of the column "Agent Calls (↓)" | dtGroupEnd IS NOT NULL AND AcdStatisticsPartB.bOutbound = 0 IFNULL( SUM( CASE WHEN ( CONNRES = 1 ) AND ( bTransferExternalNumber = 0 ) AND ( dtCallConnect IS NOT NULL ) AND ( dtCallEnd IS NOT NULL ) AND ( nSkillAfterCorrection < nSkillReal ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ), 0 ) AS TodaySuccessfulAgentCallsDownSkill See also Value Reference - CONNRES |
Queue TimeoutOverflowQueueTimeout | The number of calls which left the ACD - after Timeout with Rule (106),
- after Timeout without Rule (206, System Hangup)
| The sum of the column "Overflow Queue Timeout". | Include+ |
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IFNULL( SUM( CASE WHEN dtAgentConnect IS NULL AND AcdGroupEndReasonsID IN ( 106, 206 ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ), 0 ) AS TodayOverflowQueueTimeoutCalls See also Value Reference - AcdGroupEndReasons |
Last-AgentLastAgentCalls | The number of calls which were connected to the Last Agent. | The sum of column “Last Agent”. | Include+ |
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IFNULL( SUM( CASE WHEN dtAgentConnect IS NOT NULL AND bLastAgentConnect = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ), 0 ) AS TodayLastAgentCalls |
Last-Agent %LastAgentPercent | As percentage the relation between the column “Last Agent” and “Calls Agents”. | Over all displayed groups the percentage of the calls, which were connected to the Last Agent with the Last Agent algorithm as relation to the number of Agent Calls. |