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StatisticsPartO (See also Table Reference - StatisticsPartO )


StatisticsPartB (See also Table Reference - StatisticsPartB (B) )


StatisticsPartA (See also Table Reference - StatisticsPartA (A) )


AcdStatisticsPartB (See also Table Reference - AcdStatisticsPartB (AcdB) )


Logins - Total Duration

Criteria Used (see also AcdB - ACD Groups KPIs )


login.bGroupLoggedIn = 1


login.StatusDuration IS NOT NULL

Total duration of the current agent’s Logins time in the ACD group(s) in which he was logged in within a particular time slice.

Logins - Quantity

Criteria Used (see also AcdB - ACD Groups KPIs )


login.bGroupLoggedIn = 1


login.StatusDuration IS NOT NULL

The amount of time the current agent changed his status from one to another in the ACD group(s) in which he was logged in within a particular time slice.



- Serviced

Criteria Used (See Also AcdB - ACD Groups KPIs )


acdb.bOutbound = 0


AND acdb.dtAgentConnect IS NOT NULL

All inbound calls routed to the ACD group(s) in which the current agent was logged in and that were successful connected to the him within a particular time slice.

See also Value Reference - CONNRES


Calls - Busy

Criteria Used (See Also AcdB - ACD Groups KPIs )


acdb.bOutbound = 0

AND b.CONNRES IN (3, 5, 6)

All inbound calls routed to the ACD group(s) in which the current agent was logged in, that were distributed to him within a particular time slice and

  • the destination’s line was busy or

  • a reason other than busy was received from the called destination or

  • the agent hungup during the whisper prompt before caller and destination were connected.

See also Value Reference - CONNRES


Calls - No Answer

Criteria Used (See Also AcdB - ACD Groups KPIs )


acdb.bOutbound = 0

AND ( b.CONNRES NOT IN (1, 3, 4, 5, 6) OR ( b.CONNRES = 1 AND acdb.dtAgentConnect IS NULL ) )

All inbound calls routed to the ACD group(s) in which the current agent was logged in and that were not connected to the him within a particular time slice because

  • the destination did not answer the telephone or

  • an error occurred when calling the destination or

  • the destination number was blocked in the restricted numbers table. The call was not made.

See also Value Reference - CONNRES

Auto Logoff - Total

Criteria Used (see also AcdB - ACD Groups KPIs)


login.LoginActionCode in (6)

The amount of time the current agent were automatically logged off from the ACD group in which he was logged in because the “maximum missed calls - All” set in this ACD group was reached.

see also Value Reference - AcdLoginType / LoginActionCode

Auto Logoff - Busy

Criteria Used (see also AcdB - ACD Groups KPIs)


login.LoginActionCode = 8

The amount of time the current agent were automatically logged off from the ACD group in which he was logged in because the “maximum missed calls - Busy” set in this ACD group was reached.

see also Value Reference - AcdLoginType / LoginActionCode

Auto Logoff - No Answer

Criteria Used (see also AcdB - ACD Groups KPIs)


login.LoginActionCode = 9

The amount of time the current agent were automatically logged off from the ACD group(s) in which he was logged in because the “maximum missed calls - no answer” set in this ACD group was reached.

see also Value Reference - AcdLoginType / LoginActionCode

Auto Logoff - Timed

Criteria Used (see also AcdB - ACD Groups KPIs)


login.LoginActionCode = 7

The amount of time the selected agent were automatically logged off from the ACD group in which he was logged in because he was logged off automatically at the time specified in the ACD group or user settings.

see also Value Reference - AcdLoginType / LoginActionCode

Call Time


- Ø Duration

Formula Used


CallTime / AnsweredCalls

Calls time total duration divided by the number of calls calls in the ACD group(s) in which the current agent was logged in within a particular time slice.

Call Time - Max. Duration

Criteria Used (see also AcdB - ACD Groups KPIs)


IF (b.dtWhisperEnd IS NULL) THEN

max (b.dtCallEnd - b.dtCallConnect)


max (b.dtCallEnd - b.dtWhisperEnd)


acdb.bOutbound = 0


AND b.dtCallConnect IS NOT NULL

Maximum call time of the current agent in the ACD group(s) in with he was logged in within a particular time slice.

See also Value Reference - CONNRES

Call Time - Total Duration

Criteria Used (see also AcdB - ACD Groups KPIs)


IF (b.dtWhisperEnd IS NULL) THEN

sum (b.dtCallEnd - b.dtCallConnect)


sum (b.dtCallEnd - b.dtWhisperEnd)


acdb.bOutbound = 0


AND b.dtCallConnect IS NOT NULL

Total call time of the current agent in the ACD group(s) in with he was logged in within a particular time slice.

See also Value Reference - CONNRES

Break Time


- Ø Duration

Formula Used


BreakTime / BreakTimeCount

Breaking time duration divided by the number of number of breaks took by the current agent in the ACD group(s) in which he is logged in within a particular time slice

Break Time - Max. Duration

Criteria Used (See Also AcdB - ACD Groups KPIs )


login.bGroupLoggedIn = 1
AND AcdAgentStatus.bPause = 1

Maximum breaking time of the selected agent in the ACD group(s) in which he was logged in within a particular time slice.

Break Time - Total Duration

Criteria Used (See Also AcdB - ACD Groups KPIs )


login.bGroupLoggedIn = 1
AND AcdAgentStatus.bPause = 1

Total breaking time of the current agent in the ACD group(s) in which he was logged in within a particular time slice.

Post Call Time


- Ø Duration

Formula Used


PostCall / PostCallCount

Post call time total duration divided by the amount of time the current agent was in a Post Calls in the current ACD group within a particular time slice

Post Call Time - Max. Duration

Criteria Used (See Also AcdB - ACD Groups KPIs )


acdb.bOutbound = 0

AND b.PostCallInterval > 0


Maximum duration of the current agent in a status manual postcall and/or automatic postcall after the end of the call flow in the ACD group(s) in which he was logged in within a particular time slice.

See also Value Reference - CONNRES

Post Call Time - Total Duration

Criteria Used (See Also AcdB - ACD Groups KPIs )


acdb.bOutbound = 0

AND b.PostCallInterval > 0


Total duration of the current agent in a status manual postcall and/or automatic postcall after the end of the call flow in the ACD group(s) in which he was logged in within a particular time slice.

See also Value Reference - CONNRES

Enquiry Time


- Ø Duration

Formula Used


EnquiryTime / EnquiryTimeCount

Total enquiry time divided by the number of enquiries in the current ACD group within a particular time slice

Enquiry Time - Max. Duration

Criteria Used (See Also AcdB - ACD Groups KPIs )


IF (b.dtEnquiryEnd IS NULL) THEN

max (b.dtCallEnd - b.dtEnquiryStart)


max (b.dtEnquiryEnd - b.dtEnquiryStart)


acdb.bOutbound = 0

Maximum duration of enquiry calls made by the current agent in the ACD group(s) in which he was logged in within a particular time slice.

Enquiry Time - Total Duration

Criteria Used (See Also AcdB - ACD Groups KPIs )


SUM( IF( b.dtEnquiryStart IS NOT NULL, 1, 0 ) )


acdb.bOutbound = 0

The amount of enquiry calls made by the current agent in the ACD group(s) in which he was logged in within a particular time slice.

Ringing Time


- Ø Duration

Formula Used


RingingTime / GroupCalls

Total enquiry time divided by the number of enquiries in the current ACD group within a particular time slice

Ringing Time - Max. Duration

Criteria Used (See Also AcdB - ACD Groups KPIs )


max (b. dtCallConnect - b.dtCallStart)


acdb.bOutbound = 0

Maximum duration of ringing time on the phone line of the current agent in the ACD group(s) in which he is logged in within a particular time slice.
