as of release 3.27

prior to release 3.27


Assigns the caller to the swiss region from which the number originates.


Object Name

The name of this object instance



Used when ...

Waadt Lausanne 021

the caller calls from a number with prefix 021 from Waadt Lausanne.

Genf 022

the caller calls from a number with prefix 022 from Geneva.

Yverdon / Aigle 024

the caller calls from a number with prefix 024 from Yverdon / Aigle.

Fribourg / Freiburg 026

the caller calls from a number with prefix 026 from Fribourg / Freiburg.

Wallis 027

the caller calls from a number with prefix 027 from Wallis.

Bern 031

the caller calls from a number with prefix 031 from Bern.

Berner Seeland 032

the caller calls from a number with prefix 032 from Berner Seeland.

Berner Oberland 033

the caller calls from a number with prefix 033 from Berner Oberland.

Berner Emmental 034

the caller calls from a number with prefix 034 from Berner Emmantal.

Innerschweiz 041

the caller calls from a number with prefix 041 from Innerschweiz.

Zürich 043 + 044

the caller calls from a number with prefix 043 or 044 from Zurich.

Winterthur 052

the caller calls from a number with prefix 052 from Winterthur.

Rapperswil 055

the caller calls from a number with prefix 055 from Rapperswil.

Baden 056

the caller calls from a number with prefix 056 from Baden.

Corperate Access 058

the caller calls from a 058 Corporate Access Number.

Basel 061

the caller calls from a number with prefix 061 from Basel.

Olten 062

the caller calls from a number with prefix 062 from Olten.

Ostschweiz 071

the caller calls from a number with prefix 071 from Ostschweiz.

Graubünden 081

the caller calls from a number with prefix 081 from Graubünden

Tessin 091

the caller calls from a number with prefix 091 from Tessin.


the caller calls from a swiss mobile number.

Service Number

the caller calls from a swiss service number.


when the caller is calling from a not assignable number or a foreign country.

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