Default values may vary, depending on the version that's downloaded


Pin up

The mini client can only be pinned on the main screen.

Configuration File

Configuration file

Please note that since version 2.7 all parameters have been moved to the file conf/ACDMiniclient.xml. The ACDMiniClient.exe.config file now contains only the settings specific to the .NET platform. The names of the parameters have not been changed.

The settings of the mini client are made in the file ACDMiniClient.xml. This file is in XML format, a sample setting in the file looks like this:

ACDMiniClient.exe.config - Example setting from version 2.27
            <value name="BasePortalURL" type="String">https://test1/CarrierPortal/mclogin/jtel/jtel</value>

ACDMiniClient.exe.config - Example setting before version 2.27
            <setting name="BasePortalURL" serializeAs="String">

To change the respective setting, change the value between <value> and </value>.

To see the difference between two configuration files, it is best to use an XML comparison tool. Online you can find a very good one here: 


Portal URL

SettingDefault valueAllowed valuesEffect



URL of the system.

Format: http(s)://[loadbalancer]:[port]/CarrierPortal/mclogin/[Reseller UID]/[Client UID]

Set to the system you want to log on to - replace localhost with corresponding server name or IP address (and add :8080 as port if necessary).

Status Change

SettingDefault valueAllowed valuesEffect
StatusChangeOnStartClientFalseTrue or FalseWhen the client is started, whether a status change of the agent should be performed.
StatusChangeOnStartClientElementIDM:acdStatusButton_2M:acdStatusButton_ followed by the ID of the AcdAgentStatus to be used

The ID of the button which is to be clicked automatically to perform the status change when the client starts.

M:acdStatusButton_1 corresponds to Logged out

M:acdStatusButton_2 corresponds to calls and media

M:acdStatusButton_3 corresponds to pause

Note: The status change is performed as soon as the corresponding button can be "found" by the application. This may also only happen after the user himself has logged in with his user name and password.

StatusChangeOnCloseClientFalseTrue or FalseWhen the mini client is closed, whether a status change of the agent should be performed.
StatusChangeOnCloseClientElementIDM:acdStatusButton_1M:acdStatusButton_ followed by the ID of the AcdAgentStatus to be used

The ID of the button to be clicked automatically to change the status when closing the application.

M:acdStatusButton_1 corresponds to Logged out

M:acdStatusButton_2 corresponds to calls and media

M:acdStatusButton_3 corresponds to pause

StatusChangeOnCloseClientWait3000 (Milliseconds)Integer values, sensible range approx. 1000 to 10000.When exiting the application, some time must pass so that the automatic click of the button for the status change is also transmitted from the browser to the server. This parameter defines how long to wait before closing the application. Note: if the mini client has NO connection to the web server, there will be no logoff!
StatusChangeOnLockScreenFalseTrue or FalseWhen the screen on the client PC is locked, whether a status change of the agent should be performed.

M:acdStatusButton_ followed by the ID of the AcdAgentStatus to be used

The ID of the button to be clicked automatically to perform the status change on screen lock.

M:acdStatusButton_1 corresponds to Logged out

 M:acdStatusButton_2 corresponds to calls and media

M:acdStatusButton_3 corresponds to pause

StatusChangeOnUnlockScreenFalseTrue or FalseWhen the screen on the client PC is unlocked, whether a status change of the agent should be performed.
StatusChangeOnUnlockScreenElementIDM:acdStatusButton_2M:acdStatusButton_ followed by the ID of the AcdAgentStatus to be used

The ID of the button to be clicked automatically to change the status when the screen is unlocked.

M:acdStatusButton_1 corresponds to Logged out

M:acdStatusButton_2 corresponds to calls and media

M:acdStatusButton_3 corresponds to pause

StatusChangeOnRemoteConnectFalseTrue or FalseWhen a connection to the computer via remote happens, whether a status change of the agent should be performed.
StatusChangeOnRemoteConnectElementIDM:acdStatusButton_2M:acdStatusButton_ followed by the ID of the AcdAgentStatus to be used

The ID of the button to be clicked automatically to change the status when the screen is unlocked.

M:acdStatusButton_1 corresponds to Logged out

M:acdStatusButton_2 corresponds to calls and media

M:acdStatusButton_3 corresponds to pause

StatusChangeOnRemoteDisconnectFalseTrue or FalseWhen a connection to the computer via remote is closed, whether a status change of the agent should be performed.
StatusChangeOnRemoteDisconnectElementIDM:acdStatusButton_3M:acdStatusButton_ followed by the ID of the AcdAgentStatus to be used

The ID of the button to be clicked automatically to change the status when the screen is unlocked.

M:acdStatusButton_1 corresponds to Logged out

M:acdStatusButton_2 corresponds to calls and media

M:acdStatusButton_3 corresponds to pause

StatusChangeOnConsoleConnectFalseTrue or FalseWhen a connect via console happens, whether a status change of the agent should be performed.
StatusChangeOnConsoleConnectElementIDM:acdStatusButton_2M:acdStatusButton_ followed by the ID of the AcdAgentStatus to be used

The ID of the button to be clicked automatically to change the status when the screen is unlocked.

M:acdStatusButton_1 corresponds to Logged out

M:acdStatusButton_2 corresponds to calls and media

M:acdStatusButton_3 corresponds to pause

StatusChangeOnConsoleDisconnectFalseTrue or FalseWhen a disconnect via console happens, whether a status change of the agent should be performed.
StatusChangeOnConsoleDisconnectElementIDM:acdStatusButton_3M:acdStatusButton_ followed by the ID of the AcdAgentStatus to be used

ID of the button to be clicked automatically to change the status when the screen is unlocked.

M:acdStatusButton_1 corresponds to Logged out

M:acdStatusButton_2 corresponds to calls and media

M:acdStatusButton_3 corresponds to pause

StatusChangeOnPowerModeSuspendFalseTrue or FalseWhen the, for example, laptop lid is closed, whether a status change of the agent should be performed.
StatusChangeOnPowerModeSuspendElementIDM:acdStatusButton_3M:acdStatusButton_ followed by the ID of the AcdAgentStatus to be used

The ID of the button to be clicked automatically to change the status when the screen is unlocked.

M:acdStatusButton_1 corresponds to Logged out

M:acdStatusButton_2 corresponds to calls and media

M:acdStatusButton_3 corresponds to pause

StatusChangeOnPowerModeResumeFalseTrue or FalseWhen the, for example, laptop lid is opened again, whether a status change of the agent should be performed.
StatusChangeOnPowerModeResumeElementIDM:acdStatusButton_2M:acdStatusButton_ followed by the ID of the AcdAgentStatus to be used

ID of the button to be clicked automatically to change the status when the screen is unlocked.

M:acdStatusButton_1 corresponds to Logged out

M:acdStatusButton_2 corresponds to calls and media

M:acdStatusButton_3 corresponds to pause

Pop-ups and events

SettingDefault valueAllowed valuesEffect
IncomingCallPopupFalseTrue or FalseIf True, a small popup window ("Toaster") is displayed when a call is received.
IncomingCallPopupDuration5IntegerDisplay duration in seconds of the call popup
IncomingEventPopupFalseTrue or FalseIf True, a small pop-up window ("Toaster") is displayed when a media event is received.
IncomingEventPopupDuration5IntegerDisplay duration in seconds of the event popup


SettingDefault valueAllowed valuesEffect
MinimizeOnlyInTrayTrueTrue or FalseIf True, the application disappears as an icon in the system tray (next to the clock) when minimized. If False, the application continues to be displayed as a window in the taskbar.
OpenWithExternalProgramExtentions.pdf,.eml,.xls,.csv,.xlsx.pdf,.eml,.xls,.csv,.xlsxThis parameter is required so that the reports can be opened in the miniClient.

Basic settings

SettingDefault valueAllowed valuesEffect
AcceptLanguagede-DE,de (oder leer)



fr-FR,fr (Portal Release 3.09 from 13.09.2017 - currently only available in this release)

The preferred language for the client.

Integer values, sensible range approx. 300 to 500.

Value 0 is also possible.

Sets the width of the mini Client.

Value 0 will allow the client to remember the previous width during last usage. Upon reopening, it will return to the previously used size.

DefaultCountryCode49Country codesDefault country code for the contact search (see AlternativeSearchWithoutCountryCode)
PhoneSelectCountryCode 49Country code.The country code for the hotkey function when a phone number is dialled with 0.
PhoneNumberClipboardDelay50IntegerNumber of milliseconds the mini Client .EXE waits to grab the clipboard after Ctrl+C is sent to the active application
DisableCookieLoginFalseTrue oder FalseAllows the login with cookie.
BrowserCacheDirincognitoincognito or file pathSave browser cache. In incognito mode everything is in memory.
DisableSpellCheckTrueTrue or FalseIf True, the spell checker is turned off in the client. Otherwise, spell checking is active, using the language specified in the AcceptLanguage configuration setting.

Bitmask: combination of 1 = DisableGpuAcceleration, 2 = SetOffScreenRenderingBestPerformanceArgs, 4 = WindowlessRenderingEnabled

For example 3 = DisableGpuAcceleration AND SetOffScreenRenderingBestPerformanceArgs.

The settings for the CEFSharp Engine. Some settings have an effect on the client's ability to run in terminal server environments, for example, Citrix.

The following excerpts from the documentation for the CEFSharp Engine come into play:

Set command-line argument to disable GPU Acceleration, this will disable WebGL.

Set command-line arguments for best OSR (Offscreen and WPF) Rendering performance This will disable WebGL, look at the source to determine which of the flags best suite your requirements.

Set to true (1) to enable windowless (off-screen) rendering support. Do not enable this value if the application does not use windowless rendering as it may reduce rendering performance on some systems.

IgnoreCertificateErrorsTrueTrue or False

Ignores the certificates when connecting to the Exchange.

Path of the log fileFile for the error log of the browser.

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)

AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)





		<value name="BrowserUserAgentHeader" type="String">Edge/</value>


The User-Agent header of the mini client can be set with this setting. If configured, the user agent header for http/https requests is replaced with the setting.

Hotkey Dial Preparation

SettingDefault valueAllowed valuesEffect

Value that defines the hotkey, see for allowed values

"None" is used to define no modification to the hotkey. For example, None.F2 corresponds to the function of key F2 alone.

The key combination to activate the hotkey function.

Additional hot keys

SettingDefault valueAllowed valuesEffect





Value that defines the hotkey, see for allowed values

"None" is used to define no modification to the hotkey. For example, None.F2 corresponds to the function of key F2 alone.

With these four settings, up to four additional hotkeys can be defined.

For example:

<value name="AdditionalHotkeys1" type="String">None.F8</value>

This registers a hotkey on F8.

When this button is pressed, the system searches for a Javascript file in the mini client directory with the name of the hotkey + ".js".

For the above definition, the system looks for the file "None.F8.js".

This file is then executed.

Here is an example file with which you can perform a status change to "Calls and Media" (status 2):

(function ($) {
    var clickSpecificFunction = function (elemType, elemId) {
$(elemType).each(function (i, el) {
var elm = $(el);
var id = elm.attr('id');
if (!id) return;
if (id === elemId) {
console.log("javascript-shortcut-hotkey - found element " + id);;
return true;
return false;
    clickSpecificFunction('a', 'M:acdStatusButton_2');


SettingDefault valueAllowed valuesEffect
OpenPopupURLInExternalBrowserTrueTrue oder FalseOpen the CRM link in the standard external browser.
ProtocolHandlersmailtoAny comma-separated string of protocols. For example mail,myprotohandler

A list of allowed protocol handers which will be processed by the mini client.

Links in the mini client which are provided by the CRM URL, for example, will be opened using the standard protocol handler on the client machine if they are specified in this list. 

For example, if your CRM system supports URLs of the type mycrm://xxx then by specifying mycrm as one of the allowed protocols, the mini client will locally call the protocol handler for the mycrm URL. Protocols which are not specified here, apart from the mailto protocol, will not be opened. 

AutomaticallyOpenCRMUrlFalseTrue or FalseIf True, the CRM Url is automatically opened in the default browser.
AutomaticRESTCRMUrlFalseTrue or FalseIf True, instead of opening the CRM URL in the browser window, a REST call is made by GET on the URL. See also CurlRESTCommand.
CurlRESTCommandcygwin\curl.exe -m 3 -k -L --silent -i -X GET --header "Connection: Close" "$crmurl"curl call including parameters. $crmurl specifies the CRM URL.String, for the CURL call, if the CRM URL should be opened via REST.

Automatic Workstation Login

SettingDefault valueAllowed valuesEffect
AutomaticWorkstationLoginFalseTrue or FalseIf True, the computer name, IP address and client and current user name are transmitted to the webserver. If a matching entry is found in the Workstations table and the specified user name is configured as Windows Login Name in the Users table, the user is automatically logged in. If the option StatusChangeOnStartClient is additionally configured, the user is logged on to the phone number assigned in the Workstations table.
UseRemoteWorkstationNameFalseTrue or FalseIf True, if the mini client is running in an RDP or Citrix session, instead of the Workstation Name the Remote Client Name is used for login in combination with the option AutomaticWorkstationLogin.

Automatic .EXE call

SettingDefault valueAllowed valuesEffect


FalseTrue or FalseIf true, then by the following parameters an installed .EXE is run when a call is incoming.


Path to the .EXE file on the local computer.Here you enter the path to the .EXE file. This can either be relative (to AcdMiniClient.exe) or absolute including drive and path. UNC paths are supported.



Parameters that are passed to the .EXE file.
Allowed variables:

$ANumberThe A-participant's telephone number.


The CRM link from the ACD configuration.
$ServiceNumberThe called service number.
$ServiceNameName of the called service number.
$CallIDThe jtel internal call ID (StatisticsPartA.ID)
$UsersUIDThe ID of the user (agent) who is logged into the mini client.
$UsersEMailThe email of the user (agent) who is logged into the mini client.
$DateTimeUTCThe current UTC date and time in the following format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ
$DateTimeLocalThe current local date and time in the following format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss
AutomaticEXECallHiddenFalseTrue or FalseIf true, then the EXE called will be created with a hidden window so it is not seen by the agent.
AutomaticEXECallWaitAndLogFalseTrue or FalseIf true, then the EXE called will be waited on by the mini client (using a separate thread) and any output from the EXE to the standard output or error streams will be logged to the mini client log file.
AutomaticEXECallTimeout30000Any integer value from 0 to the maximum size of a 32 bit signed integer.This defines the number of milliseconds the mini client waits for the call to the executable to complete before writing the log to the log file, and optionally killing the process (see next setting).
AutomaticEXECallKillAfterTimeoutFalseTrue or FalseIf true, the mini client kills the called EXE file if the timeout is reached.

Miniclient as Protocol Handler

SettingDefault valueAllowed valuesEffect

Unregister (or empty)

Register theMiniclient as a handler of the specified URI schema protocol for external browsers (RFC5341).

When clicking on a link like <a href="tel:01234567890">01234 567 890</a> in an external browser, the Miniclient will be opened by the operation system and will make a call to this number.


Protocol. For example:




The protocol handler for which the Miniclient will be registered.

UseWindowsPipesTrueTrue or False

An additional parameter in the configuration file - UseWindowsPipes - has been introduced, to make the use of the command line dial functionality in a terminal server environment work:

AcdMiniClient.exe --dial <number>

Setting this parameter to True makes the mini client create a windows pipe which is used to communicate between the instances of the application when a second instance is started using the command line. The default setting is True so no reconfiguration is required for older config files.

Outlook Integration

SettingDefault valueAllowed valuesEffect
Name of the public contact folder

The name of the public folder under which the contacts are stored. It is also possible to enter several folders separated by commas. For example:

"DevTestContacts, Subfolder1/DevTestContacts"

Note: If the contact folder is located in a subfolder, the entry looks like "SubfolderName/ContactFolderName".

OpenOutlookContactFalseTrue or FalseIf True, opening the Outlook contact is allowed.
Url of the ExchangeServer

The URL of the exchange server.

Note: The user must be able to log on to the Exchange server with the domain name, as no login data ( Username, Password ) are entered. Before the first logon, it should be checked if the user has OWA access, certificates may have to be installed.

Important: Login to OWA with IE. 

AlternativeSearchWithoutCountryCodeTrueTrue or False

If True and if no contact was found, a contact without country code (see parameter DefaultCountryCode ) is searched.


  1. By default, Outlook stores the numbers with the country code and a space
    ( +49 891235689 ).
  2. Under certain settings, it is possible to enter a number without country code
    ( 0891235689 ). These should also be found if necessary.
OutlookContactsOpenOnlyFirstMachTrueTrue or FalseTheoretically, one contact could appear in several contact lists. True means that only the contact found first will be opened. False, all contacts are opened.

AssistantTelephoneNumber, BusinessTelephoneNumber, Business2TelephoneNumber, BusinessFaxNumber, CallbackTelephoneNumber, CarTelephoneNumber, CompanyMainTelephoneNumber, HomeTelephoneNumber, Home2TelephoneNumber,HomeFaxNumber, ISDNNumber, MobileTelephoneNumber, OtherTelephoneNumber, OtherFaxNumber, PagerNumber, PrimaryTelephoneNumber, RadioTelephoneNumber, TelexNumber, TTYTDDTelephoneNumber,

Type of telephone number e.g. "Business" or "Private". If this parameter remains empty ( recommended ), all types are searched. Also, see


Phone number

The phone number is read from this field to open the contact in Outlook.

M:CallNumberForDotNet - Uses the service number for the popup

M:ANumberForDotNet - Uses the caller's number for the popup

Additional information and settings for the additional info (save additional information to file)

SettingDefault valueAllowed valuesEffect
SaveAdditionalInfoFalseTrue or False

Storage of information into a file. True Activates the storage.


The storage location of the file.

A comma separated list of the ID's of the elements is entered here.

z.B. M:AcdAgentCallInfo,M:GroupNameForDotNet,M:CallNumberForDotNet



service number (in E164 format)




caller number (in E164 format)




service number name


M:ServiceNameForDotNet='49xxxx (Testnumber 1)'


group name




user name




- Json form of the call information




              "ServiceNumbersName2":"Testnumber 1",






















A comma-separated list of regular expressions. Rule with which the information is extracted from the fields that were entered under AdditionalInfoElementIDs.


  1.  ^.*[InsertedID=](.*[0-9]) Extracts the sequence of digits "123456" from the expression "Test 123 InsertedID=123546
     (.*) Extracts the complete character string from the tile

Old Settings

The following settings are no longer supported as of Mini Client 2.

SettingDefault valueAllowed valuesEffect


100Percentage values, also > 100 allowed.

Sets the zoom factor of the embedded browser (same function as zoom in the browser itself)

This setting does not exist in miniClient2. With the key combination CTRL + or CTRL - each agent can set the desired zoom for itself. (Or CTRL *Mouse wheel down/*up)

Setting the logging of the Mini Client 2

From version 2.7 on, the Nlog is used as default logger. The template file NLog.config can be copied into the root directory of the mini client directory tree and changed if necessary. The folder config.examples contains the File NLog.config. 

Step by Step:

  • Navigate to Mini Client root directory (the .exe File "AcdMiniClient.exe" is here
  • Navigate to "conf.examples"
  • Copy "Nlog.conf"
  • Navigate to Mini Client root directory
  • Paste "NLog.conf"
  • Restart Mini Client - Logging will be active

Location of Logfile - Mini Client V3.12 and below

The logfile can be found the folder \log\ in the mini client install directory. Example:


Location of Logfile - Mini Client V3.12 and higher

From Mini Client V3.12 the logfile is written into a subdirectory of AppData in Windows. Example:


  • No labels