as of release 3.27

prior to release 3.27


This object carries an operation out on a List.


Object Name

The name of this object instance


Choose a list to operate on.


Select one of the following operations:

Get First Value from List and Delete it
deletes the first entry from the list. $listvalue is filled with the
Value 1 field of the entry, or is empty if no entry was found.

Remove Value from List
Removes a value from the list (searched for by key value).
is filled with the found key value or empty if the value
could not be found.

 Add Value to List
Adds a new entry to a list.

Depending on the function, further parameters are required:

Key Column

For the function Remove Value from List: The column, which
should be used as the key column, to find the value in the list.

Key Value

For the function Add Value to List: The values for the fields
of the new value to be added.

Value 1 ... 4

For the function Add Value to List: The values for the fields of
the new value to be added.



Used when ...



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