as of release 3.27prior to release 3.27


This object is used to connect callers to a list of PBX Users.

A list of extensions from the PBX Users table is specified, to which the system will try to connect the call.

Simple distribution functionality using longest Idle and first available is provided.

The system tries to reach a destination a configurable number of tries. If it is successful, or the maximum number of tries is reached, the respective object output is used.




The name of this object instance

PBX UsersA list of PBX Users. The order is important, if the search method "First Available" is used.
Search Method

Sets the search method to be used.

  • Longest Idle is the extension, which has not changed status for the longest time and is free
  • First Available is the first extension in the list, which is free
Maximum Ring TimeThe maximum number of seconds a call will be allowed to ring at an extension before a no answer.
Maximum UsersThe maximum number of PBX users to try from the list. Each wait period also counts as one try.
Wait TimeThe number of seconds to wait if no PBX extensions are available.
Telephone DisplayA text to be sent for the telephone display. Variables can be used in this expression.
SIP REFERIf selected, a SIP REFER is executed as soon as an extension is reached. Please note, not all PBXs support this feature.
Music on HoldSelect the music on hold file which should be played to the caller.



Used when


When a connection is successful.

Max. TriesWhen the maximum number of tries specified in the object is reached. Each wait cycle counts as one try.
All triedWhen all available parties in the list have been tried.
None availableWhen the first check is made, if none of the parties in the list is available.
ErrorIf an error occurs when the object is executed.


3.14 FROM 05.05.2019

  • No labels