Welcome to the jtel Portal WIKI!

This is the jtel Portal WIKI! We will be keeping this space up to date with new documentation and information on the jtel Portal which will go above and beyond the online help and offline documentation.

You can view the WIKI in German or in English. The actual language you will see depends on your browser settings.


Recently Added Feature Highlights

Release 3.39

The Dialler’s functionality has been vastly improved thanks to the addition of two new buttons in the “Skip” and “Dial Now” buttons. Dial now Initiates a call without the contact preview, and “Skip” ends the contact preview without calling the contact and prompts the agent to set a result code for the skipped contact. 

REST API contact history can now be properly categorised with the new “order by” clause which ensures that the contact history will be in the same order as it was created. 

It is now possible to create LLM based bots using the Web UI for the chat connector. 

A new LLM tab has been added, which while using the new code found in the Release Notes, the chat connector will communicate with the LLM connector to execute the required functionality. 

PBX user tables have received a huge upgrade with new fields and data fields to extensively cover your tables. 

For more information and a list of all the new features in 3.39, click here.

Release 3.38

General quality of life improvements have been made to the Braille Agent Home to increase the usability. This includes the removal of the redundant ACD Status popups, addition of the logout link and updates to the impersonation area when others are using the Braille user’s account. 

Customizing the sound when incoming chats or media arrive has now been made possible. This can be changed by the Client Administrator under “Client Master Data” > “Options”. The original sounds will be the same if a new file has not been configured. 

For more information and a list of all the new features in 3.38, click here. 

Release 3.37

The jtel MiniClient.EXE is now code signed, which will automatically stop the “smart screen” warnings. 

Larger data fields can now be stored in Network IVR Lists thanks to the new “Extra Data” column, and the List Lookup and List Lookup Variable IVR objects have been updated to be able to store this new data. 

The Innovaphone Connector Service has been upgraded to a .net 8 core. 

The new ChatEnabled option allows callers to open chat windows via the newly implemented chat button. 

For more information and a list of all the new features in 3.37, click here

Release 3.36

IMAP Mail Connector - OAUTH2 authentication. Since Microsoft 365 no longer supports OWA / Exchange Mail Services, the replacement of the old exchange mail connector to OAUTH2 authentication will be necessary on systems which use older style access to Microsoft email services in the MS cloud. If you require assistance with this, please contact your jtel partner or check out this link: https://wiki.jtel.de/x/PQA0Bw .

Transaction Codes - Reclassify to different service number functionality. It is now possible to configure transaction codes with an alternative “reclassification” service number to which calls should be attributed when this transaction code is recorded by an agent. This feature can be used in reports which support reclassification. At the time of writing, ACD-S-007 supports this new functionality - it can be toggled using a switch in the report execution or subscription. 

Login - Prevent Reset Password. In some cases or e.g. when using SSO it might be beneficial to prevent resetting a users password. Resetting the password from the login page can now be prevented with a system parameter “ACD.Login.PasswordReset.Enabled“. This parameter should be 1 or 0. If this parameter is set to 1, the password reset link will be displayed.

Release 3.35

Live call transcription - "Live-Agent" Functionality has been added. This includes an AI pipeline to transcribe (speech to text) a live agent call shown to the agent as well as to the supervisors with augmented conversation help, hints as well as a call summary. The live agent functionality requires either Azure Speech Services or EnderTuring speech recognition.

The "Live-Agent" within the jtel WebClient (Agent Home) can be enhanced with integrated AI modules to assist the processing of the conversation. A chain of AI modules can be attached to the transcription process including: (1) Sentiment analysis, (2) extraction and display of useful “entities” like Ticket-Number / Account-Number / Reference-Number, (3) Suggestion of the jtel Transaction Code, (4) Extraction and display of a call summary and any further AI which supports a RESTful endpoint. Even your own AI module for example from Microsoft Copilot or an existing bot.  The AI chain based on the live transcription can run in parallel. This feature requires activation via jtel and additional licences.

Undo Transaction Codes - The possibility to remove set transaction codes within the Agent Home and MiniClient has been made possible. 

A SAP ICI connector has been implemented. This enables screen popups within the SAP GUI and optional agent status changes from within the SAP application. Several call functions are supported within the SAP GUI depending on the PBX, like call- hold, retrieve, hangup and answer.

Copy Service Numbers settings - A new feature to copy settings from one Service Number to another is implemented. Improving our mass configuration.

jtel SalesForce Client inside Salesforce are now opened as TABs in Salesforce.

TTS SSML can be used within texts of the TTS and related IVR objects , TTS SSML Example: Your next appointment is on <say-as interpret-as="date" format="dm">21/03</say-as> at 09:00.

The Workflow Object "User Search" is enhanced to search by Email Address. The parameter $prefix.usersemail to search by the user’s email address was added. And when the search fails because more than one user was found, the following variable is provided: $prefix.userscount .

Acd events can be created for appointments with a priority. Events in the queue are now sorted according to their priority, highest first, then according to the received date, oldest first. An appointment date / time can be specified. Events are not distributed before this date and time, if specified.

Agent outbound calls with follow up workflow. It is possible to run IVR applications after an agent dialler call or click to dial outbound call.

Release 3.34

Two new workflow GUI objects: "AcdEvent Create Advanced" and "SalesForce Generic Query"
 - The "AcdEvent Create Advanced" object is used to create automatically an AcdEvent (Callback, Email, Fax, SMS, Ticket, Voicemail) for distribution in the system.
 - The "SalesForce Generic Query" object uses the jtel REST API genericQuery to request any available data from the SalesForce instance.  from the SalesForce instance. 

Text to Speech (TTS) and Speech to Text (STT), two new languages for de-AT (Austrian German) and de-CH (Swiss German) were added

Call recording FTP Upload supports a second FTP server - Enabling the upload of call recordings into a second FTP server.

Customizable display possibilities for calls in jtel portal Agent Home and jtel MiniClient. It is among other things possible to use JSON Stuctured Data displayed during the call.
 - The level of customization is high, the display of the information is based on AsciiDoc, which is a human-readable document format, semantically equivalent to XML schema, but using plain-text mark-up conventions. With this the data can be structured in tables and even highlighting and coloring is possible. In consequence this new function has rearranged the previous jtel portal Agent Home and MiniClient "Current Call" tab. All of the call data (Call Details, Routing, Contact) is now shown on the right hand side under a newly arranged "Current Call" tab and this area can be customized. Also within the MiniClient these newly arranged areas being Call Details, Routing and Contact can be customized.

Customizable jtel ACD Supervisor view via CSS styles and Client Master Data paramaters - Rendering of column values with thresholds and coloring table columns and wallboard tiles is now possible. For example, if the service level drops below 60% it could be shown in red, below 80% in yellow, otherwise in green.

Release 3.33

Microsoft Azure Sign-On​ via „Entra ID“
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is then requested automatically by the Azure Entra ID if configures.

New workflow GUI object „Calculator“​ used within the jtel IVR routing application.
Allows calculations in IVRs for example to generate random numbers. This can be useful to address random voice prompt endpoints.

Partial search is a new list function. This new possibility allows to search "partially" in the lists, meaning the search "hits" do not have to be exact. Could be useful for for example to route the call based on partial matching of the phone number.

A new JTELStats2 - CompressedACDB report. This is a compressed ACD statistics from the perspective of the ACD group. This reports adds to the other three already existing reports:
(1) CompressedA based on StatisticsPartA which is Servicenumber oriented. From a number perspective.
(2) CompressedU which is User/Agent oriented. From a user perspective.
(3) CompressedUA which combined both above views.
(4) CompressedACDB which now compress the call statistics from the ACD Groups perspective of the calls. Counting direct calls, overflow and forwarding calls to an ACD Group.

New workflow GUI object "ASR input" (Speech to Text - STT) used within the jtel IVR routing application.
Speech input with the use of various "extractors" to obtain data from speech recognition. The transcription can focus on
 - Amount e.g. "I would like to pay 100 euros" -> Transcribes to 100,- EUR
 - Date / Time e.g. "Tomorrow am 13ten Oktober um 9 Uhr" -> Transcribes to 2024-10-13 09:00
 - Yes / No e.g. "Yes, I would like that." -> Transcribes to Yes
 - Digits e.g. "My account number is one four seven two one hundred" -> Transcribes to 1472100

Release 3.32

Teams Profiles - Distribute Teams rules quickly and efficiently to the users of a client. The new Teams Profiles feature allows the client administrator to create Teams profiles. Within the profile, he can create Teams rules and assign users. User assignment can also be done in reverse, from the user master data.

Task Scheduler optimised with additional functions

 - Task Scheduler "cleaner" implemented. This cleans up tasks that are in the DONE state and are older than the configured number of days.

 - Execution of a telephony task with outgoing call and start of the application configured to a service number.

 - Execute a workflow task by starting a background daemon process.

 - Postpone the task to a time in the future when completed.

 - Repeat the task if it cannot be started or completed.

 - Start an error task (as a background process) if the task exceeds the maximum number of attempts before completing.

Call Log Analyser now allows access to all legs of a call. Within the web-based call log for the main part of the call, links are provided that show the logs of the associated processes. For example, the outgoing REST API log.

Release 3.31

New function „Task Scheduler“ - The task scheduler provides the capability to run tasks at scheduled times, optionally repeating them as required. This feature enables e.g. calls and workflows to be automatically executed and repeated at scheduled times via a daemon in the background.

Extensively improved callback management for manual callbacks and callbacks left by the caller, preventing duplicate callbacks. Another enhancement in connection with callback is a new IVR object “Create Callback (Variable)” which allows the specification of a variable ACD Group (for example $acd_groups_id) when creating the callback. In addition, there is now the option of a new announcement Prompt "Callback already booked", which has been added to the ACD group parameters (on the Queue Tab).

New IVR objects and system variables for use in the IVR to further expand conditional routing - " List Functions Variable ", " List Lookup Variable ", these two new objects accept a list ID variable. And when parameterizing a service number, the selection of 4 lists is now possible.

Extended configuration options:
- in the queue for more flexible announcements we implemented the new action type “Change Waiting Announcements” (Change Music on Hold Prompts). 
- in addition, new restrictions on voice recordings were added, as well as the limitation of media events in the user to a maximum number. 
- also a counter for the total number of open acd events has been added to the supervisor and to agent home view.
- and the Starface v62 connector has been updated – The PBX users Tab is now updated when a Login / Logout event is received from Starface.

Release 3.30

New jtel Video Call Server module - Agents can now participate in a video conference with callers from the website. One-Click One-Call

New Clients STT Parameter added. Transcribe audio ( jtel voicemails )  using the Azure Speech to text (STT) service that accurately transcribes spoken audio to text.

Enhanced Callback functionality - Callback can be transmitted to an ACD configuration group. Increased ACD Groups Options, SMS Callback confirmations, REST and Statistics API.l

E-Mail Clients and Connectors improvement - The extended jtel E-Mail client now supports Microsoft 365 Exchange Authorization with OAUTH2.

Improved Salesforce API - A new API has been added to the salesforce integration which can be called when voicemail events are created in the ACD.

Release 3.29

VoiceBot Functionality - you can now connect to a voice bot within the IVR and perform extended automated actions anywhere in the call flow (requires separate license - please contact your sales rep).

ChatBot Functionality - you can now create chat bots for the chat system and define the AI using RASA (requires separate license - please contact your sales rep).

REST API - Lots of additional functionality added including call handling, agent status, network IVR lists, cockpit variables and more.

New variants of Agent Reports ACD-A-001-2 and ACD-A-008-2 added.

R-S-001 - Rawdata - Service Numbers Itemised Call Details report added.

SwYX Connector - V2 has been added which has no dependencies on the SwYX client software.

Release 3.28

Teams Presence Connector - write PBX extension status from other PBX Connectors to Teams

Salesforce - send callback requests via REST to Apex Class

SMS - Confluence Text Templates for SMS sending

Dialler Contacts - Agent Home supports contact notes

Release 3.27

New modern icons for IVR in this release.

New wallboard tiles and columns - see the release notes for Release 3.27.

Release 3.26

New CRM Integration - Brainformatik CRM+ Integration - see CRM+ Integration.

Call Flow - new server side REST GET functions available at various points in the ACD call flow enables integration of more backend systems.

Release 3.25

New reporting documentation and report technical IDs / WIKI Links - see Statistics - Reports.

Teams connector now supports updating of PBX users table for monitoring other non ACD users.

New feature "Automatic Agent Greeting" to play a pre-recorded greeting when agents receive calls.

Release 3.24

New Integration - SAP C4C Integration.

Release 3.23

New IVR Object Recording Opt-Out.

New IVR Object Re-Enter ACD.

Release 3.22

New Variables for Mini-Client EXE Calls - see MiniClient Settings.

Release 3.21

Extension to the REST API for ACD Events - siehe AcdEvents REST API - AcdEvent Functions.

Reports are executed in the background - siehe Release 3.21.

Release 3.20

New Feature Minimum Agent Count with Agent Warning on Logout - See Release 3.20


New IVR Object - Users Profiles Runner

New IVR Object - Input Menu DTMF Variable List

Extended IVR Object functionality in object - User Search.

Release 3.19

Chat Server - Support for Attachments (PDF, Video, Audio, Images, Emoticons) added.

WhatsApp Connector - Additional channel for chat server.

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Despite all efforts, errors can never be totally eliminated, and we are grateful for any comments received which help us improve the material on this site.

jtel GmbH does not warrant the accuracy, adequacy, completeness or applicability of any of the material on this website for any purpose. jtel recommends seeking professional advice before using or acting on any material on this website.

This wiki contains information on jtel Systems which may be installed on premise, or hosted in a private or public cloud. Not all information published here can be applied to all deployment scenarios. Please check with your operator for details of actually supported features.

Any information on this site is subject to change without notice.


The copyright on all materials published on this website is owned by jtel GmbH, Valentin-Linhof-Str. 2, 81829 Munich, Germany, unless otherwise indicated.

All rights reserved. The material may not be reproduced or distributed, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of jtel GmbH. 





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