The statistics report subscriptions feature is used to subscribe to a specific report so that the system will execute and push this automatically to your e-mail according to a defined period.
Case Example
Let's assume you are the supervisor of a call center and you want to monitor the performance of the agent name "Agent, Test 3 (100003)" weekly on Monday at 06:00 am, in PDF format.
But you don't want to do it manually each Friday for example or you don't want to miss a monitoring day. You can process as follow:
Page: Statistics - Reports
> Statistics > Reports
Parameter | Description |
Name | Name of the report subscription job. |
File name (optional) | Name of the generated output file if you wish another one as the report name. A time format can be defined by using variables and must be enclosed in square brackets, for example [yyyy]. A list of the available variables can be found here: Example input:Testreport jtel_Test_123_[yyyy-MM] Example output:Testreport jtel_Test_123_2020-09.xls The square brackets are removed on output. The output directory is relative to Clients/<ClientsID>/reportsOut
Active | To activate (check mark set) and deactivate (checkmark not set) the subscription job. |
Do not send Email | When selected the report will be automatically generated, stored into the appropriate destination folder but not pushed to the subscriber e-mail address. |
Interval | Interval into which the output report will be displayed. |
Output format | The drop-down list of desired output formats. The formats PDF, EXCEL, CSV, HTML are available. |
Period | Periodic value in which the system will generate and/or push the report to your e-mail address. |
Agents | Available agents (left) and selected agents (right). Elements of the list right are those who will be taken into consideration in the output report. > move the selected available agent(s) to the list right. >> move all available agent(s) to the list right. >> move back all selected agent(s) to the list left. > move back the selected agent(s) to the list left. |
Cancel | Click "Cancel" to discard your changes. |
Save | Click "Save" to save your subscription into the list of Report Subscriptions. |
Page: Statistics - Report Subscriptions
> Statistics > Report Subscription
Yeah! The subscription job is listed in the pipeline, ready to be generated and pushed to your e-mail - in case your e-mail address is correctly configured in your
> User Data > Users page - tomorrowat 06:00 am.Parameter | Description |
Name | Name of the report subscription job. |
Report | Name of the subscribed report. |
Active | Yes if your subscription job is active and empty otherwise. |
Action | "Edit" to modify the parameters of your subscription. "Delete" to delete your subscription job. "Activate" or "Deactivate" to activate or deactivate the job. |