
The statistics report subscriptions feature is used to subscribe to a specific report so that the system will execute and push this automatically to your e-mail according to a defined period.

Case Example

Let's assume you are the supervisor of a call center and you want to monitor the performance of the agent name "Agent, Test 3 (100003)" weekly on Monday at 06:00 am, in PDF format.

But you don't want to do it manually each Friday for example or you don't want to miss a monitoring day. You can process as follow:


Page: Statistics - Reports

 > Statistics > Reports

NameName of the report subscription job.
File name (optional)

Name of the generated output file if you wish another one as the report name.

A time format can be defined by using variables and must be enclosed in square brackets, for example [yyyy].

A list of the available variables can be found here:

Example input:

Testreport jtel_Test_123_[yyyy-MM]

Example output:

Testreport jtel_Test_123_2020-09.xls

The square brackets are removed on output. The output directory is relative to Clients/<ClientsID>/reportsOut

(info) Please be aware that the optional file name change only impacts and shows on the files written to the output directory and does not change the files transmitted via e-mail.

ActiveTo activate (check mark set) and deactivate (checkmark not set) the subscription job.
Do not send EmailWhen selected the report will be automatically generated, stored into the appropriate destination folder but not pushed to the subscriber e-mail address. 
IntervalInterval into which the output report will be displayed.
Output format

The drop-down list of desired output formats. The formats PDF, EXCEL, CSV, HTML are available.

PeriodPeriodic value in which the system will generate and/or push the report to your e-mail address.

Available agents (left) and selected agents (right). Elements of the list right are those who will be taken into consideration in the output report.

> move the selected available agent(s) to the list right.

>> move all available agent(s) to the list right.

>> move back all selected agent(s) to the list left.

> move back the selected agent(s) to the list left.

CancelClick "Cancel" to discard your changes.
SaveClick "Save" to save your subscription into the list of Report Subscriptions.

Page: Statistics - Report Subscriptions

 > Statistics > Report Subscription

Yeah! The subscription job is listed in the pipeline, ready to be generated and pushed to your e-mail - in case your e-mail address is correctly configured in your > User Data > Users page - tomorrowat 06:00 am.

NameName of the report subscription job.
ReportName of the subscribed report.
ActiveYes if your subscription job is active and empty otherwise.

"Edit" to modify the parameters of your subscription.

"Delete" to delete your subscription job.

"Activate" or "Deactivate" to activate or deactivate the job.

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