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CompressedACDB15 and CompressedACDBDay tables are provided which compress the statistics based on an ACD Groups view of the calls.

This means that for example, if a call is transferred from one group to another, it will be counted twice in the report, once for each ACD group.

This type of counting is useful, for example, when using some personell planning tools which require a group / queue based view of the data for predicting the number of required agents.


Data is aggregated according to the settings of the parameters:


Default Value




The minimum time after the end of a time interval before statistics are aggregated.



The date / time of the next time slice to be calculated. This parameter can be reset to an earlier date / time in which case the system will recalculate all intervals from the given date and time again.

The name of a stored procedure, in JTELStats2, which is called after the system statistics discussed below have been aggregated. This can be used to provide additional values in additional tables as required by a custom installation. NOTE: changing the CompressedACDB tables themselves is NOT supported.
Portal.ACD.Statistics.JTELStats2.Compress.CompressedACDB.SuppressErrors0Set to 1, to suppress errors in the CustomCompress routine. If this flag is set, the system will continue with calculations for the data, even if the custom routine throws errors.
Portal.ACD.Statistics.JTELStats2.Compress.CompressedACDB.EndTime02:50The end time beyond which the process will not run, and waits for the StartTime to pass before continuing. If empty, the process runs all the time.
Portal.ACD.Statistics.JTELStats2.Compress.CompressedACDB.StartTime22:00The start time after which the process will start to run until the specified end time. If empty, the process runs all the time.

The maximum age in days of the entries in the CompressedACDB15 table.


The maximum age in days of the entries in the CompressedACDBDay table.


Two tables are provided, CompressedACDB15 (15 minute time slices) and CompressedACDBDay (day compression), aggregated according to the following query:

CompressedACDB Query
SELECT      (Various Aggregations) 
FROM		JTELStats.AcdStatisticsPartB acdb
LEFT JOIN	JTELStats.StatisticsPartA a
	ON		acdb.StatisticsPartAID = a.ID
LEFT JOIN	JTELStats.StatisticsPartB b
	ON		acdb.ID = b.AcdStatisticsPartBID
	ON		b.AcdGroupsID = g.ID 
WHERE		( a.ClientsID = _ClientsID )
			( acdb.dtGroupStart BETWEEN _Timeslice_Begin AND Timeslice_End_ )

Partitioning and Aggregations 

When the data is aggregated, it is divided into several consistent partitions, according to the following logic. The resulting aggregations then either count a call, if a condition is met, or determine the time between two timestamps.

Inbound Fields

Partitions all records using the field AcdGroupEntryReasonsID from AcdStatisticsPartB.











Abandoned_* Fields

Further partitions records which are abandoned.

The additional condition used is:

( acdb.AcdGroupEndReasonsID IN ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) )

NotQueued_Hangup field

The condition used is:

( acdb.AcdGroupEndReasonsID IN ( 200, 205, 207 ) )

NotQueued_Rule_* Fields

The condition used is:

( acdb.AcdGroupEndReasonsID IN ( 100, 101, 102, 105, 107 ) )

Queued_Hungup field

The condition used is:

( acdb.AcdGroupEndReasonsID = 206 )

Queued_Rule_* Fields

The condition used is:

( acdb.AcdGroupEndReasonsID IN ( 106, 108, 109 ) )


The condition used is:

acdb.AcdGroupEndReasonsID IN ( 5, 103, 104, 203, 204 )



This table contains compressed statistics for 15 minute intervals.


This table contains compressed statistics for day intervals.


The field definitions are essentially the same, in both tables, only the aggregation intervals are different.

IDINTA unique ID assigned to each record. Note, that IDs are not re-used, since if an interval is recalculated, the record is added with REPLACE, i.e. the existing record will be delteted and a new record with a new ID will be created in its place.
ClientsIDINTID of client from Clients table.
ServiceNumbersIDINTID of service number from ServiceNumbers table.
DynamicPriorityGroupsIDINTID of dynamic priority group from DynamicPriorityGroups table, or 0 if no dynamic priority group was used.
RoutingApplicationsIDINTID of the routing application from the RoutingApplications table, or 0 if none was used.
AcdGroupsIDINTID of the ACD group, from the AcdGroups table, or 0 for calls which did not enter the ACD.
DiallerCampaignsIDINTID of the dialler campaign, from the DiallerCampaigns table, or 0 for calls which did not use a dialler campaign.
dtIntervalStartDATETIMEDate and Time of the start of the interval.
ServiceNumbersRootNumberVARCHAR(32)The RootNumber field of the service number, as configured when the compressed statistics were created.
ServiceNumbersNameVARCHAR(64)The Name field of the service number, as configured when the compressed statistics were created.
ServiceNumbersName2VARCHAR(64)The Name2 field of the service number, as configured when the compressed statistics were created.
DynamicPriorityGroupsNameVARCHAR(64)The Name field from the DynamicPriorityGroups table, as configured when the compressed statistics were created.
AcdGroupsNameVARCHAR(64)The Name field from the AcdGroups table, as configured when the compressed statistics were created.
DiallerCampaignsNameVARCHAR(64)The Name field from the DiallerCampaigns table, as configured when the compressed statistics were created.
ACD_CountINTInbound calls to ACD, total.


Calls routed directly to the acd group and this is the first acd group the call has been processed in
ACD_OverflowIn_TransferInINTCalls routed to the ACD group due to an agent making a call transfer from one group to another group (blind or assisted)
ACD_OverflowIn_GroupRulesINTCalls routed to the ACD group by a group rule overflowing from one group to another
ACD_OverflowIn_IVRINTCalls routed to the ACD group by the IVR and this was not the first group the call was processed in (so the call was in the ACD, left to go back to the IVR and then was routed to another ACD group by the IVR)
GroupStart_LoggedInForCallsAgentCountExceptPostcallINTThe number of agents logged into the acd group for calls at the time the call entered the group, not including agents who were in automatic post call.
GroupStart_LoggedInForCallsAgentCountINTThe number of agents logged into the acd group for calls at the time the call entered the group.
GroupStart_PresentAgentCountINTThe number of agents logged into the acd group who were in a status with the “present” flag in the ACD agent status when the call entered the ACD group.
GroupStart_LoggedInToAcdAgentCountINTThe number of agents logged into the acd group (in any status) when the call entered the ACD group.
GroupStart_LoggedInRequiredSkillAgentCountINTThe number of agents logged into the acd group (in any status) when the call entered the ACD group who had the required skills associated with the call.
GroupStart_Client_LoggedInAgentCountINTThe number of agents logged into the client account in total (over all ACD groups), when the call entered the ACD group.
Abandoned_BeforeQueue_CountINTCalls that are abandoned before queue.
Abandoned_BeforeQueue_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls that are abandoned before queue, total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
Abandoned_BeforeQueue_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_MaxINTCalls that are abandoned before queue, max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
Abandoned_Queue_CountINTCalls that are abandoned in queue.
Abandoned_Queue_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls that are abandoned in queue, total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
Abandoned_Queue_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_MaxINTCalls that are abandoned in queue, max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
Abandoned_Queue_5Sec_CountINTCalls that are abandoned in queue in less than 5 seconds.
Abandoned_Queue_5Sec_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls that are abandoned in queue in less than 5 seconds,  total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
Abandoned_Queue_5Sec_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_MaxINTCalls that are abandoned in queue in less than 5 seconds,  max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
Abandoned_SLA_CountINTCalls that are abandoned within service level.


Calls that are not queued and hangup by the system.
NotQueued_Hangup_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls that are not queued and hangup by the system, total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
NotQueued_Hangup_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_MaxINTCalls that are not queued and hangup by the system, max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
NotQueued_Rule_CountINTCalls that are not queued by a Group rule.
NotQueued_Rule_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls that are not queued by a Group rule, total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
NotQueued_Rule_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_MaxINTCalls that are not queued by a Group rule, max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
NotQueued_Rule_Hangup_CountINTCalls that are not queued by a Group rule and the rule is Hangup.
NotQueued_Rule_Hangup_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls that are not queued by a Group rule and the rule is Hangup, total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
NotQueued_Rule_Hangup_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_MaxINTCalls that are not queued by a Group rule and the rule is Hangup, max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
NotQueued_Rule_Overflow_CountINTCalls that are not queued by a Group rule and the rule is Overflow to group.
NotQueued_Rule_Overflow_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls that are not queued by a Group rule and the rule is Overflow to group, total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
NotQueued_Rule_Overflow_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_MaxINTCalls that are not queued by a Group rule and the rule is Overflow to group, max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
NotQueued_Rule_MediaEvent_CountINTCalls that are not queued by a Group rule and the rule is request/create Media event (Voicemail, Callback, Fax).
NotQueued_Rule_MediaEvent_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls that are not queued by a Group rule and the rule is request/create Media event, total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
NotQueued_Rule_MediaEvent_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_MaxINTCalls that are not queued by a Group rule and the rule is request/create Media event, max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
NotQueued_Rule_ExDestination_CountINTCalls that are not queued by a Group rule and the rule is External destination.
NotQueued_Rule_ExDestination_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls that are not queued by a Group rule and the rule is External destination, total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
NotQueued_Rule_ExDestination_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_MaxINTCalls that are not queued by a Group rule and the rule is External destination, max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
Queued_Hangup_CountINTCalls that are queued and hangup by the system.
Queued_Hangup_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls that are queued and hangup by the system, total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
Queued_Hangup_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_MaxINTCalls that are queued and hangup by the system, max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
Queued_Hangup_Time_QueueStart_GroupEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls that are queued and hangup by the system, total seconds from dtqueueStart to dtGroupEnd.
Queued_Hangup_Time_QueueStart_GroupEnd_MaxINTCalls that are queued and hangup by the system, max seconds from dtQueueStart to dtGroupEnd.
Queued_Rule_CountINTCalls that are queued by a Group rule.
Queued_Rule_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls that are queued by a Group rule, total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
Queued_Rule_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_MaxINTCalls that are queued by a Group rule, max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
Queued_Rule_Hangup_CountINTCalls that are queued by a Group rule and the rule is Hangup.
Queued_Rule_Hangup_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls that are queued by a Group rule and the rule is Hangup, total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
Queued_Rule_Hangup_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_MaxINTCalls that are queued by a Group rule and the rule is Hangup, max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
Queued_Rule_Overflow_CountINTCalls that are queued by a Group rule and the rule is Overflow to group.
Queued_Rule_Overflow_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls that are queued by a Group rule and the rule is Overflow to group, total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
Queued_Rule_Overflow_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_MaxINTCalls that are queued by a Group rule and the rule is Overflow to group, max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
Queued_Rule_MediaEvent_CountINTCalls that are queued by a Group rule and the rule is request/create Media event (Voicemail, Callback, Fax).
Queued_Rule_MediaEvent_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls that are queued by a Group rule and the rule is request/create Media event (Voicemail, Callback, Fax), total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
Queued_Rule_MediaEvent_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_MaxINTCalls that are queued by a Group rule and the rule is request/create Media event (Voicemail, Callback, Fax), max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
Queued_Rule_ExDestination_CountINTCalls that are queued by a Group rule and the rule is External destination.
Queued_Rule_ExDestination_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls that are queued by a Group rule and the rule is External destination, total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
Queued_Rule_ExDestination_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_MaxINTCalls that are queued by a Group rule and the rule is External destination, max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
AgentCall_CountINTTotal calls to agent.
AgentCall_SLA_CountINTTotal calls to agent within the Service level.
AgentCall_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_TotalBIGINTTotal calls to agent, total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
AgentCall_Time_GroupStart_GroupEnd_MaxINTTotal calls to agent, max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtGroupEnd.
AgentCall_Time_GroupStart_AgentConnect_TotalBIGINTTotal calls to agent, total seconds from dtGroupStart to dtAgentConnect.
AgentCall_Time_GroupStart_AgentConnect_MaxINTTotal calls to agent, max seconds from dtGroupStart to dtAgentConnect.
AgentCall_Time_QueueStart_AgentConnect_TotalBIGINTTotal calls to agent, total seconds from dQueueStart to dtAgentConnect.
AgentCall_Time_QueueStart_AgentConnect_MaxINTTotal calls to agent, max seconds from dtQueueStart to dtAgentConnect.
AgentCall_Time_AgentConnect_GroupEnd_TotalBIGINTTotal calls to agent, total seconds from dtAgentConnect to dtGroupEnd.
AgentCall_Time_AgentConnect_GroupEnd_MaxINTTotal calls to agent, max seconds from dtAgentConnect to dtGroupEnd.
AgentCall_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTTotal calls to agent, total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
AgentCall_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_MaxINTTotal calls to agent, max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
AgentCall_PostCall_Time_TotalBIGINTInbound calls to agents, agent answered, post call work required, total seconds
AgentCall_PostCall_Time_MaxINTInbound calls to agents, agent answered, post call work required, max seconds

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