
When shutting down a redundant load balancing architecture, the inactive machines are shutdown first. Therefore, before a shutdown procedure can begin, the active machines must be known. The table at Large V2 assumes that acd-lb2 is currently the active load balancer and displays the shutdown procedure according to that. Only start the next step if the previous shutdown was completed successfully:

First shutdown acd-tel and acd-jbN in no particular order. You do not have to wait until acd-tel and acd-jbN are down before shutting acd-dbs1/dbr1 and acd-dbs2/dbr2 down simultaneously, but in correct order. Wait until acd-dbs1/dbr1 and acd-dbs2/dbr2 are down until shutting acd-dbm1 down. Wait until acd-dbm1 is down before shutting down acd-dbm2. Wait until acd-dbm2 is down before shutting down acd-lb1. Wait until acd-lb1 is down before shutting down acd-lb2. Wait until acd-lb2 is down before shutting down acd-store.


When starting up a redundant load balancing architecture, the pcs cluster status must be checked on all pcs cluster members. Additional information can be found here: System Health Check

First start acd-store and wait until it is up. Start acd-lb2 and wait until it is up. Start acd-lb1 and wait until it is up. Start acd-dbm2 and wait until it is up. Start acd-dbm1 and wait until it is up. start acd-dbs2/dbr2 and wait until it is up. Start acd-dbs1/dbr1 and wait until it is up. Start acd-jbN and acd-tel afterwards in no particular order.


Steps 1 to NShutdownStartup

Ensure system functionality

Information can be found here: System Health Check

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