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Agent Home - "Current Call"

Up to jtel portal release 3.33 the Agent Home - Tab "Current Call" looked as follows and was changed as of release 3.34 to a much more flexible and user definable layout.



From release 3.34 it is possible to customize the information displayed in Agent Home and the Mini Client when calls are received.


Agent Home

The new layout is shown in the next screenshot:

The call control / recording and notes functions have been moved to the left hand side.

All of the call data is now shown on the right hand side.

The three areas Call Details, Routing and Contact can be customized.

The portal contains default layouts for these areas, which result in the layout shown in the screenshot above.

Mini Client

The new layout of the mini client is shown in the next screenshot:

The layout has been cleaned up to use up less space.

The three areas Call Details, Routing and Contact can be customized.

The portal contains default layouts for these areas, which result in the layout shown in the screenshot above.

Customization - Parameters

To customize the layout, the following parameters can be used:

Layout.AgentHome.CurrentCall.CallDetailsThe Agent Home "Call Details" area.
Layout.AgentHome.CurrentCall.ContactThe Agent Home "Contact" area.
Layout.AgentHome.CurrentCall.RoutingThe Agent Home "Routing" area.
Layout.MiniClient.CurrentCall.CallDetailsThe Mini Client "Call Details" area.
Layout.MiniClient.CurrentCall.ContactThe Mini Client "Contact" area.
Layout.MiniClient.CurrentCall.RoutingThe Mini Client "Routing" area.

By default the parameters are not defined and do not show. If you like to adjust one of the parameters, you need to create the parameter as Client Admin under "User Data" → "Client Master Data"  within the TAB "Parameters" or within the ACD Group Parameters.

The parameters are either defined:

  • In ACD ... Groups ... Parameters - in which case the layout for calls to a particular group will be affected.
  • In Client Master Data ... Parameters - in which case the layout for all calls will be affected.

Settings made at the ACD group level override settings made at the client master data level when calls are processed. This allows for individualization on a per ACD group basis.

It is not necessary to define all six parameters. If no parameter is defined, in an ACD group, the system checks the client parameters, if no parameter is found here, the default layout is used.

The screenshot shows the definition of one parameter at the ACD Group level:

Customization - Format

There are two parts to customization.


The first part is understanding the syntax required to access data and functions within the portal.

This is based on EL - expression language.

Every expression in EL is contained between the following symbols:

Start of expression
End of expression

EVERYTHING IS PARSED USING EL FIRST. This means, that the first step is to get the data you want being displayed, even if the formatting is horrible!

Examples, from the screenshot above:

ExampleWhat it does
Gets the text for "Remote" in the current language for the user from the jtel portal standard texts.
Formats the field dtCallStart for the current call (which is a date time) using the function asciidocFunctions.dateTimeToTime as a time HH:MM:SS.


Next, the template is passed to ASCIIDOC for formatting using the remaining markdown. At this stage, all of the EL expressions should have been "parsed out" and replaced with data, so only markdown should be left to be formatted.

How to use ASCIIDOC is explained here:

Useful jtel EL Functions

Formats a datetime value to a time in HH:MM:SS format.
INT nSecondsFormats a number of seconds as a duration in HH:MM:SS format
STRING inputSurrounds the input with the ASCIIDOC markup for bold (the * character) but only if the input is not empty.
STRING inputSurrounds the input with the ASCIIDOC markup for italics (the _ character) but only if the input is not empty.
STRING inputSurrounds the input with the ASCIIDOC markup for monospace (the ` character) but only if the input is not empty.
STRING inputSurrounds the input with the ASCIIDOC markup for highlight (the # character) but only if the input is not empty.
STRING inputEither returns the input string if it is not blank, or an NBSP character (non breaking space) if it is empty. This is sometimes needed, because in html a space is not rendered unless absolutely necessary. Using an nbsp for empty strings forces the browser to actually render a space even when it is not deemed necessary.

STRING input

STRING field

Given JSON data as input, extract the field from the data.

This function is useful for parsing JSON data attached to the current call. JSON Data can be attached to the current call using the routing object Save addit. Info and Userdata.

For example, given the following JSON data attached to the call:


  "name" : "Fred",

  "surname" : "Blogs"


The expression:

#{asciidocFunctions:jsonField(acdUserStatusBean.currentRecord.JSONData, "name")}

would return Fred.

Standard Definitions


#{(not empty acdUserStatusBean.currentRecord.ANumber and acdAgentCallHandlingBean.activeCallPresent) ? acdUserStatusBean.currentRecord.ANumber : ( acdAgentCallHandlingBean.activeCallPresent ) ? messages['Common.ANumber.Unknown'] : ''}




#{acdmessages['AcdAgent.Skills']}: [.agentHomeCurrentCallSkillChanger]#link:javascript:$('#M\\:AcdAgentChangeSkills').click();[#{messages['BTN.PlusMinus']}]#


=== #{(not empty acdUserStatusBean.currentRecord.ANumber and acdAgentCallHandlingBean.activeCallPresent) ? acdUserStatusBean.currentRecord.ANumber : ( acdAgentCallHandlingBean.activeCallPresent ) ? messages['Common.ANumber.Unknown'] : ''}
|#{acdmessages['AcdAgent.CallStart']} / #{acdmessages['AcdAgent.CallDuration']}:
|#{asciidocFunctions.dateTimeToTime(acdUserStatusBean.currentRecord.dtCallStart)} / #{asciidocFunctions.secondsToDuration(acdUserStatusBean.currentRecord.CallDuration)}




#{not empty acdUserStatusBean.currentRecord.DiallerCampaignsName ? 'a|' : ''}
#{not empty acdUserStatusBean.currentRecord.DiallerCampaignsName ? acdmessages['AcdAgent.DiallerCampaignsName'].concat(":") : ''}
#{not empty acdUserStatusBean.currentRecord.DiallerCampaignsName ? '2.+a|' : ''}
|#{acdmessages['AcdAgent.Skills']}: [.agentHomeCurrentCallSkillChanger]#link:javascript:$('#M\\:AcdAgentChangeSkills').click();[#{messages['BTN.PlusMinus']}]#
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