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Use this object to search for a user given various parameters (a partial search will be performed).

For example, if the user redirects his / her telephone to the system, the so-called redirector or the service number can be used. Example

For example: Users redirect the phone to 99xxx where xxx is the user's dial-uptelephone number. The string functions are can be used to extract the xxx from the called service number. Subsequently Subsequently, a user search takes place is performed with only the telephone number. When

If the user is found, a callback can be posted directly to his account.

Two variables are filled (using the "Save in" parameter:

(Save in) .usersid <- the user's ID
(Save in) .usersuid <- the user's UID



Object Name

Name of this object instance

User Name

Name of the user

User first name

First name of the user

User UID

UID of the user

Phone number

Telephone number of the user

PINThe PIN of the user

Save in

Specify a variable prefix in which the result is to be stored.


The following variables are provided.

<prefix>.usersidThe ID of the user.
<prefix>.usersuidThe UID of the user.
<prefix>.AcdStatus.<AcdGroupsID>.FirstLoggedInUserWavesIDThe ID of the name prompt for the first logged in user in the group (determined by the earliest login date/time):
<prefix>.AcdStatus.<AcdGroupsID>.LoggedInUsersWavesIDs=<values_comma_separated>The IDs, comma separated, of the name prompts for all users logged into the group.
<prefix>.AcdStatus.<AcdGroupsID>.FirstLoggedInUserIDThe ID of the first logged in user logged into the group (determined by the earliest login date/time).
<prefix>.AcdStatus.<AcdGroupsID>.AcdAgentStatusIDThe ID of the agent status the user is currently in.
<prefix>.AcdStatus.<AcdGroupsID>.LoggedInUsersIDsThe IDs, comma separated, of all users logged into the group.
<prefix>.AcdStatus.<AcdGroupsID>.GroupNameWavesIDThe ID of the ACD group name prompt.
<prefix>.AcdStatus.<AcdGroupsID>.AcdGroupsIDThe ID of the ACD group.
<prefix>.AcdStatus.<AcdGroupsID>.bLoggedInWhether the user is logged into the group. 1 = logged in, 0 = not logged in.
<prefix>.AcdStatus.<AcdGroupsID>.bLoggedInAcdWhether the agent is logged into the ACD. 1 = logged in, 0 = not logged in.
<prefix>.AcdStatus.<AcdGroupsID>.WavesIDThe ID of the wave file associated with the current ACD status of the agent.
<prefix>.AcdStatus.<AcdGroupsID>.bPauseAcdWhether the agent is in pause in the ACD. 1 = pause, 0 = no pause.



Used when ...


Here, the call flow continues when the information in the
database were found.

Not Found

The call flow continues here if the information is not available
in the Database were found.
