Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Thresholds.AcdSupervisor.InboundStatus.Realtime.ServiceLevelAvailability
  • Thresholds.AcdSupervisor.InboundStatus.Realtime.ServiceLevelInService
  • Thresholds.AcdSupervisor.InboundStatus.Statistics.ServiceLevelAvailability
  • Thresholds.AcdSupervisor.InboundStatus.Statistics.ServiceLevelInService

User Settings

Here For example, here the 4 example settings are shown configured in the User Settings for the logged in user:

ACD Group Settings

Available Bucket Settings

The available bucket settings are also associated with a particular ID of a row of data.


The columns which are available to be highlighted are shown in the supervisor with a grey bar underneath them.

Example - here the Agent Status Duration column is available.

Image Added

When you mouse over the column, you are shown the relevant settings:

Image Added


This is the name of the setting required - see the previous section on how to create the settings.


This is the name of the CSS definition required. You will use this further below.


This is the associated ID for the CSS settingThe actual ID used depends on the exact table / data in the supervisor being displayed and is documented with each group of settings.

The purpose of the ID is to enable different coloring for different rows of data.


  • Assume ACD Group A contains 10 agents, and ACD Group B contains 100 agents.that you want to highlight the Agent Status Duration column
  • You might want to color the number of logged in agents Red if it is <= 2 in group A but <= 10 in group B, for example.
  • Using the associated ID enables this to be achieved, when the CSS is applied later.

Supervisor - All Agents / Active Agents (Overall view and details view within an ACD group)

titleAssociated ID

The associated ID for each row of data is the UsersID.

  • the agent status duration only for the "Pause" status if it is longer than a certain time.
  • The ID of the standard Pause status in the system is 2 - so you would use the fact that AcdAgentStatusID = 2 for Pause to achieve this

Special Columns

This section documents some columns which have special behaviour. 

Setting NameColumnNotes
Thresholds.AcdSupervisor.Agents.AcdLoginTotalCallsAllGroupsCalls (all)
Thresholds.AcdSupervisor.Agents.AcdLoginTotalCallsCurrentGroupCalls (Group)(group details page)
Thresholds.AcdSupervisor.Agents.AgentStatusDurationAgent Status DurationThresholds.AcdSupervisor.Agents.AgentsCallsPerHourCalls (hour)Thresholds.AcdSupervisor.Agents.DiallerSuccessTodayDialler SuccessThresholds.AcdSupervisor.Agents.AgentsPostCallDurationAveragePC ØThresholds.AcdSupervisor.Agents.AgentsPostCallPerHourPC/hThresholds.AcdSupervisor.Agents.AvailabilityTimerAvailable forThresholds.AcdSupervisor.Agents.BusyNoAnswerBusy / No Ans.This column contains two values - the number of busy calls to the agent, and the number of no answer calls to the agent. The values are added together and then the corresponding bucket is determined.
Login Duration

CSS and Rendering

All elements displayed in the table are child div elements of the corresponding td (table data) element in the DOM.


For example:

Code Block
<td class="iceDatTblCol1 fullWidthTableCol1">
	<div class="icePnlGrp TableThreshold_Level_2 AcdLoginTotalCallsAllGroups_Level_2 AcdLoginTotalCallsAllGroups_1_Level_2" id="M:elementAgentsAll_dTAgents:2:j_idt1335">
		<span class="iceOutTxt alignRight" id="M:elementAgentsAll_dTAgents:2:j_idt1336">1</span>

The div element rendered is given three special CSS classes to allow for coloring:

Global CSS Class

In the example above: TableThreshold_Level_X

This is a global style available which can be used by any table column. X will be replaced by the bucket number in which the value is placed. In the example above, the bucket used is bucket 2.

Column Specific CSS Class

In the example above: AcdLoginTotalCallsAllGroups_Level_2 

This is a column specific style applied to a particular column. The name for this threshold is shown in the mouse-over help as "Column".

Column and ID Specific CSS Class

In the example above: AcdLoginTotalCallsAllGroups_1_Level_2

This is a column and ID specific style applied to a particular column, when the associated ID has a particular value. In our example, the CSS style is associated with the 
