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SalesForce AccountFirst of all, verify that the SalesForce Account works, by logging in. If necessary, a verification token must be entered (this happens on each new browser you login to). Recommend: when asked by SalesForce, input a mobile number as this speeds the process up considerably in the future. |
Reset Security TokenIf the account is new, the security token must be reset. In the top navigation, go here: Then on the left, here: Then click "Reset Security Token". The new security token will be delivered by E-Mail. |
Generate OAUTH Token
To use REST Services, an OAUTH Token must be generated by SalesForce.
See for a reference.
The customer will provide the following information:
- client_id
- client_secret
The OAUTH Token is generated using CURL.
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curl -d "grant_type=password&client_id=<client_id>&client_secret=<client_secret>&username=<salesforce_user_name>&password=<salesforce_password><security_token>" -X POST |
NOTE: there is no space between <salesforce_password> and <security_token>
For the endpoints, use the following for the live system:
And the following for the test / sandbox system:
The following shows a sample response received from the SalesForce system:
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{"access_token":"00D9E0000000ZGl!AQoAQATcoQIashdlkjhkerwjC87giIs5umhHmQA_xWbb4qqM2t1asdaSXrUs8J.WXmCRQr2K93FydCd4y4qdG7zOmGC0LgDxEDJEDpf4n7AiygkS","instance_url":"","id":"","token_type":"Bearer","issued_at":"1510758069682","signature":"WKXl67nbYAAg+CeqU+eekp4AFDsasdasdarabctz1xmBN7DD7kcw="} |
The access_token field is required in the JTEL system, together with the instance URL, which forms the base of the SalesForce jtel REST API Base URL in the jtel Portal.
The following shows an example of the finished URL configuration in the jtel System:
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Compte SalesForceTout d'abord, vérifiez que le compte SalesForce fonctionne, en vous connectant. Si nécessaire, un jeton de vérification doit être saisi (cela se produit à chaque nouveau navigateur auquel vous vous connectez). Recommandation : lorsque SalesForce vous le demande, saisissez un numéro de téléphone portable car cela accélère considérablement le processus à l'avenir. Réinitialisation du jeton de sécuritéSi le compte est nouveau, le jeton de sécurité doit être réinitialisé. Dans la navigation supérieure, allez ici : Puis à gauche, ici : Cliquez ensuite sur "Réinitialiser le jeton de sécurité". Le nouveau jeton de sécurité sera livré par Email. |