SalesForce Account

First of all, verify that the SalesForce Account works, by logging in. 

If necessary, a verification token must be entered (this happens on each new browser you login to). 

Recommend: when asked by SalesForce, input a mobile number as this speeds the process up considerably in the future.

Currently: Change to the SalesForce Classic Interface. The jtel Integration does not yet support the lightning interface.

(warning) Please note: the relevant Salesforce Account password for the jtel API should not contain some special characters (e.g. "< ) but may consist of a long sequence using alphanumeric characters.

Reset Security Token

If the account is new, the security token must be reset.

In the top navigation, go here:

Then on the left, here:

Then click "Reset Security Token".

The new security token will be delivered by E-Mail.