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New Features

StoryImage Removed 23,
KeyTResolved Date Release Notes SubjectRelease Notes Content
JTELDEV-6582Image AddedLogging - Adding capability to remove non-call logs in portal.

It is now possible to delete non-call logs from the portal that are older than a maximum age parameter.

The paramater name is “Portal.Statistics.CallHistoryPartA.NonCallLogs.MaxAgeDays”.



New Telephony Server - Heartbeat functionality

The new telephony server now supports a heartbeat functionality. Every 20 seconds a heartbeat is exchanged with the SIP stack, and a timestamp is set. If the difference between the set timestamp and the current timestamp in seconds exceeds 60 seconds, then the call will be refused with a SIP 503 - Service not available.

JTELDEV-6567Login - Prevent Reset Password

Resetting the password from the login page can now be prevented with a system parameter “ACD.Login.PasswordReset.Enabled“. This parameter should be 1 or 0. If this parameter is set to 1, the password reset link will be displayed.

JTELDEV-6541Live Agent Functionality

Live Agent Functionality has been added to the jtel system. This includes the following features:

  • During a call, a live transcription of the call is produced and shown to the agent, and also to supervisors, who select that agent call
  • The call transcription is passed to an AI pipeline during the call which can, for example:
    • Provide help and hints to the agent on how to proceed with the conversation
    • Provide links to customer data and backend systems
    • Suggest transaction codes which may apply to the call
    • Provide a summary of the call at the end, which can be stored or copy pasted to a backend system
  • Supervisors can send messages to agents, for example hints, on how to proceed with the conversation
  • The live agent transcription is stored in the database for further use

Use of the live agent functionality requires either Azure Speech Services or EnderTuring speech recognition.

JTELDEV-6523IMAP Mail Connector - now supports OAUTH2 authentication

OAUTH2 authentication for the IMAP mail connector has been implemented.

Note - since Microsoft 365 no longer supports OWA / Exchange Mail Services, replacement of the exchange mail connector will be necessary on systems which use older style access to Microsoft email services in the cloud. If you require assistance with this, please contact your jtel partner or check out this link:

JTELDEV-6534Transaction Codes - Possibility to undo transaction codes in Agent Home and Mini Client

It is now possible to undo transaction codes for calls in Agent Home and the Mini Client. Clicking on “Reset” or the checkbox for the transaction code will perform this action.

NOTE: it is not possible to reset the following:

  • Transaction codes which are associated with a tarif wave file. This is because tarif wave files are used to inform the caller of a change, for example, in the charge for the current call or a transaction which has been executed on the current call. This information cannot be “taken back”.
  • If the call is associated with a dialler contact, and setting the transaction code causes the relevant dialler contact to be moved through the dialler workflow, this action cannot be taken back. For example, if setting a transaction code is associated with closing the dialler contact, then the contact will remain closed even if the transaction code is reset.
JTELDEV-6521StoryPost Call and Mandatory Transaction Code Handling - New Features

A new option Mandatory Transaction Code - Manual Post Call Status has been added to ACD Standalone and ACD Configuration Groups, which allows the selection of an ACD Agent Status for manual post call after the popup is closed.

When configured, an additional checkbox Change to Manual Post Call is displayed in the mandatory transaction code popup window.

  • If the agent checks this option, then when the popup is closed either automatically, because automatic post call ends and the option to set a transaction code automatically at the end of automatic post call is configured in the ACD Group, or the popup is closed manually by the agent, then a status change to the configured ACD Status is performed.

An option Mandatory TAC popup time is booked as automatic post call has been added. When configured, the time for which the mandatory transaction code popup is opened is booked as automatic post call interval on the previous call. This is performed even if the automatic post call interval expires whilst the popup is opened.

A third option Closing mandatory TAC popup ends automatic post call causes the automatic post call interval to end, as soon as the mandatory transaction popup window is closed (whether automatically, or by the agent).

JTELDEV-6388StorySAP ICI Connector

A SAP ICI connector has now been implemented for the jtel system. This enables screen popups within SAP and status changes from the SAP application. Call hold / retrieve and hangup are supported, and on supported PBXs call answer is also supported.

JTELDEV-6520StoryNew telephony server - support for SRTP and TLS added

The new telephony server now supports SRTP and TLS connections. A variable %CALLSECURE_TYPE% has been added which reports the type of security being used, for example: srtp:sdes:AES_256_CM_HMAC_SHA1_80

JTELDEV-6509Storypresence-aggregator - role PRES - systemd scripts and update script added

The presence-aggregator - role PRES - has now had systemd scripts and an update script added - see for deetails.

JTELDEV-6501Service Numbers - Copy Settings feature.

A new feature to copy settings from one Service Number to another is implemented.

To do this, edit Service Number, on the top left there is a new button “Copy Settings” click and in the new page, select the Service Number to copy the settings from.

The copy will exclude the data within the Master Data Tab and the Video Settings Tab, however the Parameters Tab settings are copied, which can be particularly helpful when configuring several service numbers with a similar service.

JTELDEV-6499IVR - Create A new IVR Object: IVR object input menu DTMF + ASR with variable

A new IVR object called “IVR object input menu DTMF + ASR with variable“ is created to use variable in voice prompt and error voice prompt.

JTELDEV-6500Add Comments field in Service Numbers, Routing Applications and Routing Applications Files.

A new field Comments is added to:

  • Service Numbers in a new tab
  • Routing Applications in a new tab
  • Routing Applications Files

You can provide any documentation or help in the new field.

JTELDEV-6498SalesForce - URLs in MiniClient which are inside salesforce are now opened as tabs in Salesforce

If the MiniClient was embedded in Salesforce, previously links to data in salesforce would be opened in a new tab. This behaviour has now been changed so that:

  • If the link is within the current Salesforce instance, it is opened by Salesforce using the screenpop function
  • If the link is external, it is opened in a new tab as previously
JTELDEV-6010StoryTeams Plugin - IVR application editing not supported

Opening the IVR editor has been removed from the Teams Plug-In and the MiniClient.

JTELDEV-6480StoryChat distribution - Option "Redistribute seen chat after agent logout"

If an agent chats with a customer and logged off, the chat session will remain active for that agent. A new option "Redistribute seen chats after agent logout" has been added in AcdGroups - Offline Parameters to allow distribution of the existing chat to another available agent when the option is enabled.

JTELDEV-6482Workflow Engine - New Variables $date_iso and $time_iso

Two new variables have been added to the workflow engine:

  • $date_iso - the current date (at start execution of the current object) in the format yyyy-MM-dd
  • $time_iso - the current time (at start execution of the current object) in the format hh:mm:ss
JTELDEV-6483TTS in IVR - SSML can now be used within texts without providing a complete SSML document

SSML can now be used within texts of the TTS and related objects without providing a complete SSML document. For example, previously the following was required:

Previously the input would have to have been complete SSML, for example:

<speak xmlns="" 
    <voice name="en-GB-LibbyNeural">
        Your next appointment is on <say-as interpret-as="date" format="dm">21/03</say-as> at 09:00

Now, the system creates this automatically using a template, so the only part which needs specifiying is the content:

Your next appointment is on <say-as interpret-as="date" format="dm">21/03</say-as> at 09:00.
JTELDEV-6467ACD-S-007 - Service Numbers Report 7

A new Service Numbers Report 7 has been added. See for details.

JTELDEV-6460User master data - capability to prevent user changing their password

A user can edit their password in User Master Data if the following resource is activated: "portal.UserData.User.ChangePassword" (activated by default). If deactivated, the user can no longer change their password. The same applies to editing the PIN using the resource "portal.UserData.User.ChangePIN".

JTELDEV-6466New Report ACD-A-016 - Agent Status Report Sums

A new report New Report ACD-A-016 - Agent Status Report Sums has been added. This sums ACD agent status over the selected time period. See for details.

JTELDEV-6456Workflow Object Variable Declaration - Now accepts an empty value

The workflow object Variable Declaration now accepts an empty value without producing a warning.

JTELDEV-6454Workflow Object User Search - Search by Email Address

The workflow object User Search now has a parameter to search by the user’s email address.

Also, the following new variables have been provided on a successful search:

  • $prefix.usersname
  • $prefix.usersfirstname
  • $prefix.usersemail
  • $prefix.usersnickname
  • $prefix.userstelactive

And when the search fails because more than one user was found, the following variable is provided:

  • $prefix.userscount
JTELDEV-6437StorySingle Sign On with OAUTH2 (for example Okta) - Misleading "azurelogin" redirect URI

The misleading "azurelogin" redirect URI has been replaced with “ssologin“. Note: the functionality is the same, this change was made with respect to questions received from customers when configuring.

JTELDEV-6443Extra Variables in for Service Number Parameters added to Routing Application

The following additional variables have been added to the a service number parameters:

  • $acd_groups_id3
  • $acd_groups_id4
  • $acd_groups_id5
  • $acd_groups_id6
  • $acd_groups_id7
  • $acd_groups_id8
  • $acd_agent_groups_id2
  • $acd_agent_groups_id3
  • $acd_agent_groups_id4
  • $acd_agent_groups_id5
  • $acd_agent_groups_id6
  • $acd_agent_groups_id7
  • $acd_agent_groups_id8
  • $acd_configuration_groups_id2
  • $acd_configuration_groups_id3
  • $acd_configuration_groups_id4
  • $acd_configuration_groups_id5
  • $acd_configuration_groups_id6
  • $acd_configuration_groups_id7
  • $acd_configuration_groups_id8
  • $announcement13_id
  • $announcement14_id
  • $announcement15_id
  • $announcement16_id
  • $IVRMenu2
  • $IVRMenu3
  • $IVRMenu4
  • $text1
  • $text2
  • $text3
  • $text4

The new text parameters are edit fields which can be used for anything.

JTELDEV-6415Live Agent AI Integration

In agent home in the full web client it is now possible to integrate AI modules to aid in the processing of the conversation.

The following features are available:

  • Live transcription of the call using a supported ASR engine is displayed in agent home
  • A chain of AI modules can be attached to the transcription process including:
    • Sentiment analysis which displays “smilies” and angry faces in agent home as the conversation proceeds and emotions are detected in either the agent or the customer side of the conversation.
    • Extraction and display of useful “entities” using custom AI models based on the business processes, such as:
      • Automatic generation of links to the CRM or ticket system based on the ticket number or customer number
      • Suggestion of the transaction code which might apply to the call
    • Extraction and display of a summary of the call
  • Any AI which supports a REST endpoint can be integrated, even your own AI module for example from Microsoft Copilot or an existing bot
  • The AI chain is “unlimited” - several AIs can form a chain, with one providing the input for the next, and several AIs can be all called in parallel
  • This means that AIs which take a long time to respond (like chat GPT) can still be integrated as the results will be displayed as they become available, no matter which AI produces them
  • The supervisor can watch the live transcription and post comments / tips to the agent.
    • In addition the existing functions to attach to and listen to the call are available.
  • All data, including the transcription and the results of all of the AIs are available in the statistics

NOTE: This feature requires special activation by jtel and may require additional licenses. Please contact jtel for details.

JTELDEV-6397ACD Events - capability to hide send to agent and send to group

The following resources can be used to display or hide the capability for agents and supervisors to send ACD events to other agents and other ACD groups.

  • portal.Acd.AcdEvent.SendAgent
  • portal.Acd.AcdEvent.SendGroup

Note: the following exising resource is used to hide the capability to send an event by email:

  • portal.Acd.AcdEvent.SendEmail
JTELDEV-6391Agent Home and Mini Client - New option to play sound when media event is received

A new option has been added to play a sound when a media event is received. This can be toggled in the mini client footer, or in the user master data settings.

JTELDEV-6361StoryAgent Home Improvement on callback handling.

When a call is made from a callback event associated with an Agent Group, the ACD group used to make the call (i.e. set the outbound telephone number) now can be selected from the call dialog – a configuration or standalone group can be selected.

JTELDEV-6379StoryIVR: Object Create AcdEvent Advanced now available with variable parameters

A variant of the IVR Object Create AcdEvent Advanced is now available with variable parameters.

JTELDEV-6366StoryAcdEvents - Extended Functions for Appointment and Priority

It is now possible to create ACD events with a priority and an optional date for an appointment. The following changes have been made:


Events in the queue are now sorted according to priority, highest first, then according to the received date, oldest first.

If no priority is specified (or for old existing events) then a value of 50 is used.

Appointment Date & Time

An appointment date / time can be specified. Events are not distributed before this date and time if specified.

When an event is created, the following rules apply regarding the date and time:

  • If both are empty or not provided, no appointment is set. The event will be distributed as soon as possible.
  • If only a date is provided, the time is set to 00:00. The event will be distributed at the earliest on the date specified, distribution will be tried immediately if this is in the past.
  • If only a time is provided, the date will be set to the next possible instance of that time. Example:
    • If it is currently 15:30, and the time is set to 10:00, the date will be set to the next day.
    • If it is currently 15:30 and the time is set to 18:00, the date will be set to the same day.
  • If both a date and time are provided, the appointment is set exactly to this. The event will be distributed at the earliest on the date specified, distribution will be tried immediately if the date is in the past.

Note: the actual distribution depends on the agents logged in and the distribution requirements (skill, priority etc.).

Features Updated to Support New Functionality

  • Agent Home / Mini Client
    • When creating a manual callback, the date / time can be specified by agents. The priority 50 is always used.
    • Agents can see (but not change) the priority of the event.
    • Agents can see and change the date and time of the appointment for the event. Since the event has already been distributed (the agent has the event) it is not redistributed. The agent can see the new appointment in his list and use this as a reminder. The new appointment will apply if:
      • The agent logs out and the system is configured to redistribute events from logged out agents.
      • The agent forwards the event to an ACD group
    • Supervisors can see and change the date and time of the event and the priority.
      • A change to the date / time and priority will only actually immediately affect the event if it has not yet been distributed.
  • IVR Object Create Callback and Create Callback Variable
    • The fields Priority, Appointment Date and Appointment Time have been added.
  • IVR Object AcdEvents Create Advanced
    • The fields Priority, Appointment Date and Appointment Time have been added.
    • The fields nPriority, dtAppointmentDate and dtAppointmentTime can optionally be specified when an event is created.
JTELDEV-6340StoryCall Recording - Override call recording mode after opt-out by caller possible

In some scenarios, it is desirable for agents to be able to activate call recording manually even if a caller has opted out of the recording previously in the IVR or ACD by pressing a DTMF in the appropriate menu.

A new option has been added to the ACD group configuration for call recording:

  • Manual recording after caller opt-out

This enables manual call recording, after the caller opts out of the variant of call recording configured in the ACD group.

The agent can now see whether an opt-in or opt-out has been performed by the caller clearly in agent home and in the mini client.

The following WIKI page details the call recording options and processing:

And the new option configurable in the ACD group is documented here:

JTELDEV-6253Outbound Calls - Run IVR Application after Agent Call

It is now possible to run IVR applications after a dialler call or click to dial outbound call.

To use this feature, the following must be done:

  • In the service number, set the new option Run Routing Application after Agent Call (Outbound) (Tab Routing)
  • This will cause the same configured application to run as is configured for inbound calls after the agent call has ended if:
    • Agents hangup the call on their phones
    • Agents press the “Hangup” button in agent home

Note, if the service number is configured to directly enter the ACD, then this would be a nonsensical configuration. The service number should be configured to run an IVR application when this option is set. Then the following modifications should be made to the IVR application:

  • Near the start of the application (shortly after the Start object, but in principle as soon as possible so directly after the Start object)
    • Insert a Comparison object, and check the value of the variable $outbound
    • If $outbound is equal to 1, then jump to the relevant application or part of the application which should be executed after outbound calls
    • The rest of the call flow can remain as is
JTELDEV-6362IVR Debug Variables - now creates a variable dump in the log for all server variables

The IVR object Debug Variables now creates a variable dump in the .r5log (old telephony server) or .blog (new telephony server).

JTELDEV-6342Manual Callback - Add custom variables to manual callback body text

It is now possible to add custom data to the body of a manual callback, which may come from an external system or user inputs in the IVR.

This is performed in two steps:

  • Define JSON Data and add this to the call using the object “Save additional Info and Userdata” - in the JSON field. NOTE: be careful to format the JSON correctly. Updating the JSON Data attached to the call will result in variables being provided in the form: $jsonData.XYZ were XYZ is the name of the field provided in the json.
  • Update the Long Text for the manual callback ”*Acd.AgentHome.Callback.Body*”, and use the JSON data variables.

For example: saving the following JSON Data to the call:


{ “customerNumber“: “123456”, “customerName”: “John Doe“}


will provide the variables $jsonData.customerNumber and $jsonData.customerName which can be used in the Long Text for the callback event.


KeyTResolved Date Release Notes SubjectRelease Notes Content
JTELDEV-65406627BugImage Modified Apr Voicebot - Timeout between words should be between 100 and 5000 msInputMenuDTMFASR object - Error Annoncement and Error TTS text is not used.

The IVR object InputMenuDTMFASR is not using the error announcement or the error TTS textThe voicebot does not accept a value greater than 5000 ms in the timeout between words. This problem has been fixed by having a new select items between 100 ms and 5000 ms.

JTELDEV-65396612BugImage Modifiedjrest - Accepts parameters which are too large when running a routing application

jrest accepted parameters which were too large when running a routing application. A limit has been added at 64000 characters - the server will return “413 - Request entity too large” if this is exceeded.

JTELDEV-6538BugImage RemovedNew Telephony Server - UDP Receive Buffer is too small for very large packets

In the new telephony server, UDP packets which were > 16384 bytes in size, would only be received partially. This could affect in particular the running of applications via REST when sending large amounts of data to the running process. This problem has been fixed.

Support of (very) old report subscriptions in new portal versions

Very old report subscriptions were created without the ClientsID parameter, which would cause them to fail with an error. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6597BugImage AddedMedia Event should not be distributed to Agent when he has an outstanding mandatory transaction code to be set.

An Agent who has an open mandatory transaction code popup was still able to receive media events. This has been fixed and the event is now distributed only after he sets the transaction code and closes the popup.

JTELDEV-6580BugImage AddedSubscription E-Mails without an Attachment

Sometimes subscription emails could be sent without an attachment

JTELDEV-6519BugImage RemovedMiniClient - User TelActive is removed when using StatusChangeOnLock (Unlock) Screen

The user telactive could disappear when using the StatusChangeOnLock (and Unlock) screen settings in the mini client. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-64596581BugImage Modified16 Apr Reporting ACD-A-003 - Wrong values in post callNo Selected ACD Group on Outdial from Callback

Sometimes, an outdial from within a callback event would fail with “No Selected ACD Group”. This problem When the Agent who is in post call changes to status Logged Off for example, the post call duration does not calculate correctly. This has been fixed.

JTELDEV-64346579BugImage Modified16 Apr Post Call - No postcall if the agent hangs up on outbound calls with the configuration group.

The postcall is not calculated when agent hangs up on outbound calls made with a configuration group. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6479BugImage RemovedAgent Home - ACD-Group (selection for outbound call) is not visible on all tabs (only Call Handling tab)

The ACD-Group selection for outbound calls is now visible for all tabs in Agent Home and not only the Call Handling tab.

JTELDEV-6525BugImage RemovedUsers Profiles - Login profile is still run even if user is removed from profile

If a user executed a profile which was defined as a login profile, and then logged out, and the user was subsequently removed from the profile, then the profile would still be executed at login but the current profile was not visible in agent home. The behavior has been changed so that the profile is no longer run once the user has been removed from the profile.

JTELDEV-6516BugImage RemovedAgent Home/MiniClient - Exception when selecting User Profile where no Active Tel is configured.

An exception occurs in Agent Home and Miniclient when the user selects a user profile for which no active phone is configured. This issue has been resolved.

JTELDEV-6478BugImage RemovedChat Server - Message not commented when forwarded to a group or an agent

Handling the “redistribute" to group event in the chat server has been corrected.

JTELDEV-6506BugImage RemovedMiniclient - Order of User profiles is not alphabetical.

In Miniclient, Layout B, the order of User profiles was sorted by Abbreviation and not by Name. Now it is sorted by the User profile’s Name.

JTELDEV-6503BugImage RemovedOutbound Calls from Acd Event - Shows missing ACD Group error.

When the default ACD-Group is empty in Agent Home, making an outbound call from an Acd Event will show an error “Missing ACD Group“, however the Acd group is correctly set in the Outbound call popup. this has been fixed.

Salesforce - Click to Dial not working if system cannot determine if the salesforce instance is a sandbox or production instance

Click to Dial fails with a configuration error popup if the check whether the instance is a sandbox or production URL fails. Now this logic has been changed to use the following strategy:

  • if the URL starts with cs. it is a sandbox (customer sandbox)
  • if the URL container .sandbox. it is a sandbox
  • If the url starts with dev- it is a sandbox (developer)
  • If the url contains dev-ed. it is a sandbox (developer edition)
JTELDEV-6565BugImage AddedManual Callback without an active call - Use Service Number of the ACD Group instead of Preset.

In case of manual callback without an active call, the service number of the ACD Group is now selected by default when calling instead of the preset number. This is because preset service number makes no sense in this case.

JTELDEV-6553BugImage AddedAcdEvents in Agent Home - Send to Group and Send to Agent not invisible when resource is changed

Removing (X) from the resources:

  • portal.Acd.AcdEvent.SendAgent
  • portal.Acd.AcdEvent.SendGroup

had no effect on the visibility of the functions. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6540BugImage AddedVoicebot - Timeout between words should be between 100 and 5000 ms

The voicebot does not accept a value greater than 5000 ms in the timeout between words. This problem has been fixed by having a new select items between 100 ms and 5000 ms.

JTELDEV-6539BugImage Addedjrest - Accepts parameters which are too large when running a routing application

jrest accepted parameters which were too large when running a routing application. A limit has been added at 64000 characters - the server will return “413 - Request entity too large” if this is exceeded.

JTELDEV-6538BugImage AddedNew Telephony Server - UDP Receive Buffer is too small for very large packets

In the new telephony server, UDP packets which were > 16384 bytes in size, would only be received partially. This could affect in particular the running of applications via REST when sending large amounts of data to the running process. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6519BugImage AddedMiniClient - User TelActive is removed when using StatusChangeOnLock (Unlock) Screen

The user telactive could disappear when using the StatusChangeOnLock (and Unlock) screen settings in the mini client.

JTELDEV-6491BugImage RemovedMiniClient- The outbound group drop-down list is empty after Okta login.

If you use Okta to log in to the miniclient and specify an outbound group from the drop-down list, the configuration will be lost after logging out.

This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-64976459BugImage Modified02 IVR / Dialler / CRM URL - Dialler overwrites CRM URL and UserData

On an inbound call, the dialler will overwrite the CRM URL and UserData if it finds a contact, even if the CRM URL generated by the Dialler Campaign is empty. The behaviour has been changed so that:

  • The CrmURL from the Dialler Contact is used, if present
  • The CrmURL is generated from the dialler campaign, if present
  • The non empty value is preserved, if present

And for UserData:

  • The UserData from the Dialler Contact is used, if present
  • The non empty value is preserved, if present
JTELDEV-6495BugImage RemovedMini Client - Mandatory Transaction Code Window impossible to use when pager count is too large

The mandatory transaction code popup was impossible to use if a lot of TACs were configured, and the pager setting was too high. Now, a scroller appears in the table to fix this problem when the window is too small.

Also, in the popup, any fields summarizing the previous call which are empty (because no value was available) will no longer be shown.

JTELDEV-6480BugImage RemovedChat distribution - Missing option Redistribute seen chat after agent logout.

If an agent chats with a customer and logged off, the chat session will remain active for that agent. A new option "Redistribute seen chats after agent logout" has been added in AcdGroups - Offline Parameters to allow distribution of the existing chat to another available agent when the option is enabled.

JTELDEV-6485BugImage RemovedCRM+ Query - REST endpoint returns empty array

The CRM+ REST endpoint could return an empty array which was not considered to be an empty result. This problem has been fixed - now if the result array is like this:

    result : []

the exit from the object evaluates to an empty result.

JTELDEV-6449BugImage RemovedCall Recording - Missing announcement when caller opt out by DTMF is enabled.

If the caller has the option to Opt-Out via DTMF he will hear the same announcement that would be played if that option were disabled.
To remedy this, a new option "Announcement when caller opt out by DTMF is enabled" has been added."

JTELDEV-6469BugImage RemovedMiniClient EXE - Okta login page damaged (user name field is missing)

This problem was due to the mini client caching the octa login pages. The problem has been solved by clearing the CEF cache during start of the MiniClient executable. Note: cookies are not cleared, so any saved login information, including that for a jtel login, should still be valid.

JTELDEV-6457BugImage Removed

Workflow Objects AcdEventsCreate Advanced and AcdEventsCreate Advanced Variable - Sending to a user directly would not distribute the event correctly

When using the workflow objects AcdEventsCreate Advanced and AcdEventsCreate Advanced variable - Sending to a user directly would not distribute the event correctly. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6371BugImage Removed

E-Mail Client - Answering via Outlook closes the ACD Event.e

When answering an email via Outlook, the ACD Event was automatically closed as well. This is now fixed and the ACD Event will still be open.

JTELDEV-6441BugImage RemovedAgent Home - Encoding problem while creating manual callback during a call.

During a call, the manual callback popup was showing the callback message (or subject) with an encoding problem if it has special characters. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6447BugImage RemovedAcdEvents Create Advanced - ' in event subject or data causes creation of event to fail

A ' character in either the event subject or the event data caused the creation of the event to fail. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6063BugImage RemovedOutbound calls - Add error messages if there is misconfiguration.

When there is a misconfiguration in the host file of the 8-server machine or if “dialler.8Server.IPs” parameter is set incorrectly, an outbound call (Click to dial or dialler) could not be executed, but no error message was shown. this problem has been fixed and the following error messages are now shown:

  • Host file not correct: Network error.
  • “dialler.8Server.IPs” parameter is not set correctly: No outbound line available.
  • Unknown error: Unknown error - Error code {code}
JTELDEV-6153BugImage RemovedTAC - Agent is able to set TAC when the supervisor connect via Monitor/Silent call

When the supervisor monitors the call and connects to the agent, the TAC is gone and the agent cannot set a TAC. This issue has been fixed and only the agent could see the available TACs and set them.

JTELDEV-6436BugImage RemovedPrompts - changing the prompt type of an existing prompt kills the announcement

Changing the prompt type will change the filename in the database but not in the disk share. This will result an erroneous announcement file.

Changing the prompt type is now disabled for existing announcements.

JTELDEV-6426BugImage RemovedNOT CRITICAL - log4j-1.2.14.jar was present in the deployment package for the web application

log4j-1.2.14.jar has been removed from deployment package for the web application. Note: it was never loaded by the webserver, so no potential security risk was present.

JTELDEV-6411BugImage RemovedHoliday Lists - Filter does not work

The filter did not work in the Holiday Lists view. This problem is fixed.

JTELDEV-6410BugImage RemovedCall Flow - music on hold not played when agent transitions to blind transfer to group after using call HOLD before initiating transfer

The following use-cases in the call flow have been fixed:

  • Call to agent in ACD configuration / agent group combination
  • The agent uses the HOLD function
  • The agent then uses the Group Transfer function to transfer the call to an ACD agent group, in which no agents are logged in
  • The agent then uses the TRANSFER function to transfer the call to the group anyway

In some cases, this could cause the music on hold not to be played after the last step.

This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6419BugImage RemovedAgent Home and Mini-Client - Call Updates

In some cases the reporting of “ringing” when receiving an incoming call in agent home cloud be delayed more than necessary before the agents could see the information that the calls were being delivered to them. This problem has been fixed.

Reporting ACD-A-003 - Wrong values in post call

When the Agent who is in post call changes to status Logged Off for example, the post call duration does not calculate correctly. This has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6479BugImage AddedAgent Home - ACD-Group (selection for outbound call) is not visible on all tabs (only Call Handling tab)

The ACD-Group selection for outbound calls is now visible for all tabs in Agent Home and not only the Call Handling tab.

JTELDEV-6434BugImage AddedPost Call - No postcall if the agent hangs up on outbound calls when using a configuration group.

Postcall was not calculated when an agent hung up during an outbound call made with a configuration group. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6525BugImage AddedUsers Profiles - Login profile is still run even if user is removed from profile

If a user executed a profile which was defined as a login profile, and then logged out, and the user was subsequently removed from the profile, then the profile would still be executed at login but the current profile was not visible in agent home. The behavior has been changed so that the profile is no longer run once the user has been removed from the profile.

JTELDEV-6516BugImage AddedAgent Home/MiniClient - Exception when selecting User Profile where no Active Tel is configured.

An exception occurs in Agent Home and Miniclient when the user selects a user profile for which no active phone is configured. This issue has been resolved.

JTELDEV-6478BugImage AddedChat Server - Message not commented when forwarded to a group or an agent

Handling the “redistribute" to group event in the chat server has been corrected.

JTELDEV-6506BugImage AddedMiniclient - Order of User profiles is not alphabetical.

In Miniclient, Layout B, the order of User profiles was sorted by Abbreviation and not by Name. Now it is sorted by the User profile’s Name.

JTELDEV-6503BugImage AddedOutbound Calls from Acd Event - Shows missing ACD Group error.

When the default ACD-Group is empty in Agent Home, making an outbound call from an Acd Event will show an error “Missing ACD Group“, however the Acd group is correctly set in the Outbound call popup. this has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6491BugImage AddedMiniClient- The outbound group drop-down list is empty after Okta login.

If you use Okta to log in to the miniclient and specify an outbound group from the drop-down list, the configuration will be lost after logging out.

This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6497BugImage AddedIVR / Dialler / CRM URL - Dialler overwrites CRM URL and UserData

On an inbound call, the dialler will overwrite the CRM URL and UserData if it finds a contact, even if the CRM URL generated by the Dialler Campaign is empty. The behaviour has been changed so that:

  • The CrmURL from the Dialler Contact is used, if present
  • The CrmURL is generated from the dialler campaign, if present
  • The non empty value is preserved, if present

And for UserData:

  • The UserData from the Dialler Contact is used, if present
  • The non empty value is preserved, if present
JTELDEV-6495BugImage AddedMini Client - Mandatory Transaction Code Window impossible to use when pager count is too large

The mandatory transaction code popup was impossible to use if a lot of TACs were configured, and the pager setting was too high. Now, a scroller appears in the table to fix this problem when the window is too small.

Also, in the popup, any fields summarizing the previous call which are empty (because no value was available) will no longer be shown.

JTELDEV-6485BugImage AddedCRM+ Query - REST endpoint returns empty array

The CRM+ REST endpoint could return an empty array which was not considered to be an empty result. This problem has been fixed - now if the result array is like this:

    result : []

the exit from the object evaluates to an empty result.

JTELDEV-6449BugImage AddedCall Recording - Missing announcement when caller opt out by DTMF is enabled.

If the caller has the option to Opt-Out via DTMF he will hear the same announcement that would be played if that option were disabled.
To remedy this, a new option "Announcement when caller opt out by DTMF is enabled" has been added."

JTELDEV-6469BugImage AddedMiniClient EXE - Okta login page damaged (user name field is missing)

This problem was due to the mini client caching the octa login pages. The problem has been solved by clearing the CEF cache during start of the MiniClient executable. Note: cookies are not cleared, so any saved login information, including that for a jtel login, should still be valid.

JTELDEV-6457BugImage AddedWorkflow Objects AcdEventsCreate Advanced and AcdEventsCreate Advanced Variable - Sending to a user directly would not distribute the event correctly

When using the workflow objects AcdEventsCreate Advanced and AcdEventsCreate Advanced variable - Sending to a user directly would not distribute the event correctly. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6371BugImage AddedE-Mail Client - Answering via Outlook closes the ACD Event.

When answering an email via Outlook, the ACD Event was automatically closed as well. This is now fixed and the ACD Event will still be open.

JTELDEV-6441BugImage AddedAgent Home - Encoding problem while creating manual callback during a call.

During a call, the manual callback popup was showing the callback message (or subject) with an encoding problem if it has special characters. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6447BugImage AddedAcdEvents Create Advanced - ' in event subject or data causes creation of event to fail

A ' character in either the event subject or the event data caused the creation of the event to fail. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6153BugImage AddedTAC - Agent is able to set TAC when the supervisor connect via Monitor/Silent call

When the supervisor monitors the call and connects to the agent, the TAC is gone and the agent cannot set a TAC. This issue has been fixed and only the agent could see the available TACs and set them.

JTELDEV-6436BugImage AddedPrompts - changing the prompt type of an existing prompt kills the announcement

Changing the prompt type will change the filename in the database but not in the disk share. This will result an erroneous announcement file.

Changing the prompt type is now disabled for existing announcements.

JTELDEV-6426BugImage AddedNOT CRITICAL - log4j-1.2.14.jar was present in the deployment package for the web application

log4j-1.2.14.jar has been removed from deployment package for the web application. Note: it was never loaded by the webserver, so no potential security risk was present.

JTELDEV-6411BugImage AddedHoliday Lists - Filter does not work

The filter did not work in the Holiday Lists view. This problem is fixed.

JTELDEV-6410BugImage AddedCall Flow - music on hold not played when agent transitions to blind transfer to group after using call HOLD before initiating transfer

The following use-cases in the call flow have been fixed:

  • Call to agent in ACD configuration / agent group combination
  • The agent uses the HOLD function
  • The agent then uses the Group Transfer function to transfer the call to an ACD agent group, in which no agents are logged in
  • The agent then uses the TRANSFER function to transfer the call to the group anyway

In some cases, this could cause the music on hold not to be played after the last step.

This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6419BugImage AddedAgent Home and Mini-Client - Call Updates

In some cases the reporting of “ringing” when receiving an incoming call in agent home cloud be delayed more than necessary before the agents could see the information that the calls were being delivered to them. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6420BugImage AddedSTARFACE connector - PBX Users status not being updated correctly

In some cases the PBX users status was not updated correctly. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6407BugImage AddedMini-Client EXE - Incorrect redirection when the main portal login URL is used in the miniclient executable configuration

The redirection condition has been corrected when main portal login URL is configured for the miniclient executable.

Also, the cache directory name is now provided with a version specific suffix to prevent collision of incompatible cache directories for different versions of the CEF engine.

NOTE: This means that saving cookies between different versions of the mini client .EXE is NO LONGER POSSIBLE. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done about this since the cache directory is not read correctly by newer versions of the engine

JTELDEV-6420BugImage RemovedSTARFACE connector - PBX Users status not being updated correctly

In some cases the PBX users status was not updated correctly. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6326BugTeams Plugin - Report download fails

The downloading of reports would fail in the “new teams” application. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6407BugImage RemovedWrong redirection when the main portal login URL is used for miniclient executable configuration.

The redirection condition is corrected when main portal login URL is configured for miniclient executable.

The cash directory name is provided with suffix to prevent version collision in cache storage.

The major version of CEF is used as a suffix.

JTELDEV-6402BugSSO Login (Azure, Okta, etc) - white screen if an email is configured in several users.

The problem only occured if several User accounts in the client account had the same email address. The problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6387BugManual callbacks created with Configuration Groups are not distributed correctly.

Creating a manual callback using a Configuration Group should distribute it to the Primary configured Agent Group. This was not always the case. The problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6383BugAcdEventsCreate Advanced - save skills 1, 2 and 3

The IVR object ‘AcdEventsCreate Advanced’ and ‘AcdEventsCreate Advanced Variable’ are not saving skill 1, 2 and 3 into the database. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6346BugAzure Login - No information about login configuration problemsis showed in case of a login error when the configuration is not correct.

No information is showed in case of a login error when the configuration is not correct. This problem has been fixed by displaying the full exeption message in the login dialog.

JTELDEV-6350BugTask Scheduler - error in server process (no effect on actual running of the tasks)

An error was produced in the server console when a task was scheduled and the error task was to be run. If not configured, this would result in an error in the telephony server console. Note: the rescheduling of the task would proceed as normal so there was no impact produced. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6343Bugjrest - Routing Application Runner selects incorrect server

When using the the routingrunner function:






the REST API could select the incorrect server to run the application in a multi-server environment. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6332BugChat - Send chat event to Agent or Group does not remove the event from the first agent.

When sending a chat event to another Agent or Group, the event remains open in the first agent and he can still send messages to the client, close, hangup and do all actions. This has been fixed, the event now disappears from the first agent and the view is redirected back to the previous page.

JTELDEV-6331BugJSESSIONID in the URL should be ignored by the webserver

In some cases, the session ID could be added to the URL by the browser. The server incorrectly included this in redirects causing an ajax exception. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6325BugRequest Callback - Duplicate Callback Prevention Error

When an anonymous caller created a callback twice, the first created callback would erroneously be commented with “Caller requested another callback” when using request callback variant 1 and 3. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6324BugVoice Mail Transcription - did not add transcription to voice mails sent by email

The Voice Mail Transcription did not add transcription to voice mails sent directly by email (distribute via ACD was set to false). This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6315BugMini-Client - no sound was played on an incoming chat

The Mini-Client (both executable and web) did not play a sound when an incoming chat was received. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6314BugChat: both chat icon and event icon flashes when chat event comes in

The event and chat icons both flash when a chat event is coming up. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6212BugLogin: Language ID incorrect when logging in by cookie

The language ID was set incorrectly when logging in via a cookie. This problem has been fixed.
