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Sv translation



To create a new Apex class, access Setup in SalesForce, and type in "Apex" in the quick search box. 

Select "Build ... Develop ... Apex Classes".


Access Setup, and search for "Apex" in the search box.

Classic and Lightning

Create a new class. Add the following code:

Translations Ignore

Code Block
titleSample Apex getCallerInformation
global with sharing class JTELACD_GetCallerInformation {
    global static String doGet() {
        RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
        RestResponse res = RestContext.response;

        // This is how to access URLParams if required
        // List<String> URLParams = req.requestURI.split('/');
        // Example: ["","jtelACD","getCallerInformation"]

        // Extract the request parameters
        String CallerID = req.params.get('CallerID');
        String ServiceNumber = req.params.get('ServiceNumber');
        String ServiceName = req.params.get('ServiceName');
// From release 3.25 - 2021-07-02 and upwards
 // Perform SOSL Query over contacts and leads,String searchingFunction for the phone number with *wildcards*= req.params.get('Function');
        String soslSearchStringUserData = '*' + CallerID + '*'req.params.get('UserData');
        List<List<SObject>>String searchListUserData2 = [FIND :soslSearchString IN ALL FIELDS
        String UserData3 = req.params.get('UserData3');

        // Specifying a Function is intended to allow the developer to perform different types of query. 
        // As an RETURNINGexample, 
we just return the data back if a function is specified.
        // In a real world case, a query for example to search for and return a ticket, contract or some other record would be Contact,performed.
        if( Function != null && Function != '' ) {
            JSONGenerator gen = JSON.createGenerator( true );
        Lead];    gen.writeStartObject();
    gen.writeStringField( 'CallerID', CallerID  );
        List<Contact> contacts = ( (List<Contact>) searchList[0] gen.writeStringField( 'ServiceNumber', ServiceNumber );
        List<Lead> leads       = ( (List<Lead>) searchList[1]gen.writeStringField( 'ServiceName', ServiceName );
    gen.writeStringField( 'Function', Function );
 // Multple hits?
        if( contactsgen.sizewriteStringField() + leads.size() > 1 )'UserData', UserData );
    gen.writeStringField( 'UserData2',       // Multiple hitsUserData2 );
            res.statusCode = 300gen.writeStringField( 'UserData3', UserData3 );
            return null;gen.writeEndObject();

        return gen.getAsString();
        if( contacts.size() > 0 )
    // Perform SOSL Query over contacts and  // Queryleads, searching for exactthe contact
phone number with *wildcards*
         String IdsoslSearchString = (String) contacts.get(0).get('Id') '*' + CallerID + '*';
        List<List<SObject>> searchList =  Set<String> fieldSet = schema.describeSObjects(new String[] { 'Contact' } )[0].fields.getMap().keyset();
[FIND :soslSearchString IN ALL FIELDS
                      List<String> fieldList = new List<String>( fieldSet );
            String query =RETURNING 'SELECT
 ' + String.join( fieldList, ',' ) + ' FROM Contact WHERE Id = \'' + Id + '\'';
            Contact contact = Database.query( query );
     // 200 OK will be returned by default
            return JSON.serialize( contact );
Lead];        if( leads.size() > 0 )
        List<Contact> contacts = ( // Query for exact lead
(List<Contact>) searchList[0] );
        List<Lead> leads     String Id = (String) leads.get(0).get('Id'List<Lead>) searchList[1] );
     Set<String> fieldSet = schema.describeSObjects(new String[] { 'Lead' } )[0].fields.getMap().keyset();
    // Multple hits?
        if( contacts.size() + leads.size() > 1 )
 List<String>  fieldList = new List<String>( fieldSet );
    // Multiple hits
      String query = 'SELECT ' + Stringres.join(statusCode fieldList, ',' ) + ' FROM Lead WHERE Id = \'' + Id + '\''= 300;
            return null;
    Lead lead = Database.query( query );
        if( contacts.size() > 0 //)
 200 OK will be returned by default
           return JSON.serialize( lead );
   // Query for exact contact

      String Id // Nothing found
 = (String) contacts.get(0).get('Id');
       res.statusCode = 404;
   Set<String> fieldSet = schema.describeSObjects(new  return null;


First of all, obtain an OAUTH Token, see Testing with CURL.

The following CURL command can be used to test this API:

Translations Ignore
Code Block
titleCURL - getCallerInformation Test
curl.exe --silent -i -X GET --header "Authorization: Bearer <OAUTH_TOKEN>" --header "Connection: Close" "https://<SALES_FORCE_INSTANCE_URL>/services/apexrest/jtelACD/getCallerInformation?CallerID=4989461495000&ServiceNumber=4980012345678&ServiceName=test"
Sv translation

titleThis page is only available in English

String[] { 'Contact' } )[0].fields.getMap().keyset();
            List<String> fieldList = new List<String>( fieldSet );
            String query = 'SELECT ' + String.join( fieldList, ',' ) + ' FROM Contact WHERE Id = \'' + Id + '\'';
            Contact contact = Database.query( query );
            // 200 OK will be returned by default
            return JSON.serialize( contact );
        if( leads.size() > 0 )
            // Query for exact lead
            String Id = (String) leads.get(0).get('Id');
            Set<String> fieldSet = schema.describeSObjects(new String[] { 'Lead' } )[0].fields.getMap().keyset();
            List<String> fieldList = new List<String>( fieldSet );
            String query = 'SELECT ' + String.join( fieldList, ',' ) + ' FROM Lead WHERE Id = \'' + Id + '\'';
            Lead lead = Database.query( query );
            // 200 OK will be returned by default
            return JSON.serialize( lead );

        // Nothing found
        res.statusCode = 404;
        return null;


First of all, obtain an OAUTH Token, see Testing with CURL.

The following CURL command can be used to test this API:

Translations Ignore

Code Block
titleCURL - getCallerInformation Test
curl.exe --silent -i -X GET --header "Authorization: Bearer <OAUTH_TOKEN>" --header "Connection: Close" "https://<SALES_FORCE_INSTANCE_URL>/services/apexrest/jtelACD/getCallerInformation?CallerID=4989461495000&ServiceNumber=4980012345678&ServiceName=test"

The following CURL command can be used to test this API with the additional parameters from Release 3.25 - 2021-07-02 and upwards:

Translations Ignore

Code Block
titleCURL - getCallerInformation Test
curl.exe --silent -i -X GET --header "Authorization: Bearer <OAUTH_TOKEN>" --header "Connection: Close" "https://<SALES_FORCE_INSTANCE_URL>/services/apexrest/jtelACD/getCallerInformation?CallerID=4989461495000&ServiceNumber=4980012345678&ServiceName=test&Function=testFunction&UserData=testUserData&UserData2=testUserData2&UserData3=testUserData3"

Sv translation

titleThis page is only available in English

Sv translation

Mise en œuvre


Pour créer une nouvelle classe Apex, accédez à Setup dans SalesForce, et tapez "Apex" dans la boîte de recherche rapide. 

Sélectionnez "Construire ... Développer ... Apex Classes".

Image Added


Configuration de l'accès, et recherchez "Apex" dans la boîte de recherche.

Image Added

Classique and Foudre

Créez une nouvelle classe. Ajoutez le code suivant :

Translations Ignore

Code Block
titleExemple Apex getCallerInformation
Sv translation

Mise en œuvre


Pour créer une nouvelle classe Apex, accédez à Setup dans SalesForce, et tapez "Apex" dans la boîte de recherche rapide. 

Sélectionnez "Construire ... Développer ... Apex Classes".

Image Removed


Configuration de l'accès, et recherchez "Apex" dans la boîte de recherche.

Image Removed

Classique and Foudre

Créer une nouvelle classe. Ajoutez le code suivant :

Translations Ignore
Code Block
titleExemple Apex getCallerInformation
@RestResource(urlMapping='/jtelACD/getCallerInformation') global with sharing class JTELACD_GetCallerInformation { @HttpGet global static String doGet() { RestRequest req = RestContext.request; RestResponse res = RestContext.response; // This is how to access URLParams if required // List<String> URLParams = req.requestURI.split('/'); // Example: ["","jtelACD","getCallerInformation"] // Extract the request parameters String CallerID = req.params.get('CallerID'); String ServiceNumber = req.params.get('ServiceNumber'); String ServiceName = req.params.get('ServiceName'); // Perform SOSL Query over contacts and leads, searching for the phone number with *wildcards* String soslSearchString = '*' + CallerID + '*'; List<List<SObject>> searchList = [FIND :soslSearchString IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Contact, Lead]; List<Contact> contacts = ( (List<Contact>) searchList[0] ); List<Lead> leads = ( (List<Lead>) searchList[1] ); // Multple hits? if( contacts.size() + leads.size() > 1 ) { // Multiple hits res.statusCode = 300; return null; } if( contacts.size() > 0 ) { // Query for exact contact String Id = (String) contacts.get(0).get('Id'); Set<String> fieldSet = schema.describeSObjects(new String[] { 'Contact' } )[0].fields.getMap().keyset(); List<String> fieldList = new List<String>( fieldSet ); String query = 'SELECT ' + String.join( fieldList, ',' ) + ' FROM Contact WHERE Id = \'' + Id + '\''; @RestResource(urlMapping='/jtelACD/getCallerInformation') global with sharing class JTELACD_GetCallerInformation { @HttpGet global static String doGet() { RestRequest req = RestContext.request; RestResponse res = RestContext.response; // This is how to access URLParams if required // List<String> URLParams = RestContext.request; RestResponse res = RestContext.response; // This is how to access URLParams if required // List<String> URLParamsreq.requestURI.split('/'); // Example: ["","jtelACD","getCallerInformation"] // Extract the request parameters String CallerID = req.params.get('CallerID'); String ServiceNumber = req.params.get('ServiceNumber'); String ServiceName = req.requestURIparams.splitget('/ServiceName'); // Example: ["","jtelACD","getCallerInformation"] // Extract the request parameters String CallerIDFrom release 3.25 - 2021-07-02 and upwards String Function = req.params.get('CallerIDFunction'); String ServiceNumberUserData = req.params.get('ServiceNumberUserData'); String ServiceNameUserData2 = req.params.get('ServiceNameUserData2'); //String PerformUserData3 SOSL Query over contacts and leads, searching for the phone number with *wildcards* String soslSearchString = '*' + CallerID + '*'; List<List<SObject>> searchList = [FIND :soslSearchString IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Contact, Lead]; List<Contact> contacts = ( (List<Contact>) searchList[0] ); List<Lead> leads = ( (List<Lead>) searchList[1] ); // Multple hits? if( contacts.size() + leads.size() > 1 ) { // Multiple hits res.statusCode = 300; return null; } if( contacts.size() > 0 ) { // Query for exact contact String Id = (String) contacts.get(0).get('Id'); Set<String> fieldSet = schema.describeSObjects(new String[] { 'Contact' } )[0].fields.getMap().keyset(); List<String> fieldList = new List<String>( fieldSet ); String query = 'SELECT ' + String.join( fieldList, ',' ) + ' FROM Contact WHERE Id = \'' + Id + '\''; Contact = Database.query( query ); // 200 OK will be returned by default return JSON.serialize( contact ); } if( leads.size() > 0 ) { // Query for exact lead String Id = (String) leads.get(0).get('Id'); Set<String> fieldSet = schema.describeSObjects(new String[] { 'Lead' } )[0].fields.getMap().keyset(); List<String> fieldList = new List<String>( fieldSet ); String query = 'SELECT ' + String.join( fieldList, ',' ) + ' FROM Lead WHERE Id = \'' + Id + '\''; Lead = Database.query( query ); // 200 OK will be returned by default return JSON.serialize( lead ); } // Nothing found res.statusCode = 404; return null; } }= req.params.get('UserData3'); // Specifying a Function is intended to allow the developer to perform different types of query. // As an example, we just return the data back if a function is specified. // In a real world case, a query for example to search for and return a ticket, contract or some other record would be performed. if( Function != null && Function != '' ) { JSONGenerator gen = JSON.createGenerator( true ); gen.writeStartObject(); gen.writeStringField( 'CallerID', CallerID ); gen.writeStringField( 'ServiceNumber', ServiceNumber ); gen.writeStringField( 'ServiceName', ServiceName ); gen.writeStringField( 'Function', Function ); gen.writeStringField( 'UserData', UserData ); gen.writeStringField( 'UserData2', UserData2 ); gen.writeStringField( 'UserData3', UserData3 ); gen.writeEndObject(); return gen.getAsString(); } // Perform SOSL Query over contacts and leads, searching for the phone number with *wildcards* String soslSearchString = '*' + CallerID + '*'; List<List<SObject>> searchList = [FIND :soslSearchString IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Contact, Lead]; List<Contact> contacts = ( (List<Contact>) searchList[0] ); List<Lead> leads = ( (List<Lead>) searchList[1] ); // Multple hits? if( contacts.size() + leads.size() > 1 ) { // Multiple hits res.statusCode = 300; return null; } if( contacts.size() > 0 ) { // Query for exact contact String Id = (String) contacts.get(0).get('Id'); Set<String> fieldSet = schema.describeSObjects(new String[] { 'Contact' } )[0].fields.getMap().keyset(); List<String> fieldList = new List<String>( fieldSet ); String query = 'SELECT ' + String.join( fieldList, ',' ) + ' FROM Contact WHERE Id = \'' + Id + '\''; Contact contact = Database.query( query ); // 200 OK will be returned by default return JSON.serialize( contact ); } if( leads.size() > 0 ) { // Query for exact lead String Id = (String) leads.get(0).get('Id'); Set<String> fieldSet = schema.describeSObjects(new String[] { 'Lead' } )[0].fields.getMap().keyset(); List<String> fieldList = new List<String>( fieldSet ); String query = 'SELECT ' + String.join( fieldList, ',' ) + ' FROM Lead WHERE Id = \'' + Id + '\''; Lead lead = Database.query( query ); // 200 OK will be returned by default return JSON.serialize( lead ); } // Nothing found res.statusCode = 404; return null; } }


Tout d'abord, obtenez un jeton OAUTH, voir Testing with CURL.
 ); } // Nothing found res.statusCode = 404; return null; } }


Tout d'abord, obtenez un jeton OAUTH, voir Testing with CURL.

La commande CURL suivante peut être utilisée pour tester cette API :

Translations Ignore

Code Block
titleCURL - Test getCallerInformation
curl.exe --silent -i -X GET --header "Authorization: Bearer <OAUTH_TOKEN>" --header "Connection: Close" "https://<SALES_FORCE_INSTANCE_URL>/services/apexrest/jtelACD/getCallerInformation?CallerID=4989461495000&ServiceNumber=4980012345678&ServiceName=test"

La commande CURL suivante peut être utilisée pour tester cette API avec les paramètres supplémentaires de la version 3.25 - 2021-07-02 et suivantes :

Translations Ignore

Code Block
titleCURL - Test getCallerInformation
curl.exe --silent -i -X GET --header "Authorization: Bearer <OAUTH_TOKEN>" --header "Connection: Close" "https://<SALES_FORCE_INSTANCE_URL>/services/apexrest/jtelACD/getCallerInformation?CallerID=4989461495000&ServiceNumber=4980012345678&ServiceName=test&Function=testFunction&UserData=testUserData&UserData2=testUserData2&UserData3=testUserData3"