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KeyTResolvedRelease Notes SubjectRelease Notes Content
CSYMP-120FehlerImage Added12.10.2020Dynamic Priority Groups - Callbacks and Click to Call no longer countedIn the supervisor view of the dynamic priority groups - callbacks and click to calls are no longer counted.
CSTYRIA-118FehlerImage Added05.10.2020Transaction Codes - Inactive TACs still visibleWhen setting TACs after a call, inactive TACs would still be visible even though the transaction code was set to inactive in the configuration.
CSTYRIA-126FehlerImage Added05.10.2020Transaction Codes - StatisticsPartBID not saved to database correctly after TAC is setIf agents saved TACs after the end of the call, then the StatisticsPartBID value would not be saved to the database correctly. This caused problems in the report "Transaction Codes Overview". This has been fixed.
CNFON-606SupportImage Added05.10.2020Whatsapp Session not automatically set to status "closed by customer" after 24 hoursWhatsApp sessions are automatically closed by WhatsApp / Tyntec after 24h. To reflect this behaviour, the jtel WhatsApp system now also changes the status of the chat to "Closed by customer" after 24 hours.
JTELDEV-5143-5163FehlerImage Added02.10.2020Miniclient - popup window layout

When making outbound calls, the mini client popup window for making outbound telephone calls and recording transaction codes did not resize well when the mini client was reduced below a certain size. This problem has been fixed.

CNFON-710FehlerImage Added30.09.2020IVR Statistics Markers - Update without prompt file not possibleIt was not possible to save an IVR Statistics Marker without defining a prompt file. This problem has been fixed.
CSYMP-118StoryImage Added29.09.2020Dynamic Priority Groups - Improvements to Supervisor ViewThe supervisor view for dynamic priority groups now shows a new column - Current Priority - which shows the current actual priority of the calls in the dynamic priority group currently in the acd group, which are before the queue or in the queue.

The following columns have been given colouring:

Availability Today and Availability Timeslice:
Value >= 95% --> Green
90% <= Value < 95% --> Blue
80% <= Value < 90% --> Orange
70% <= Value < 80% --> Yellow
Value < 70% --> Red

Waiting Now:
X = 0 --> no colour
1 <= X <= 3 --> Blue
4 <= X <= 5 --> Orange
6 <= X <= 9 --> Yellow
X >= 10 --> Red

JTELDEV-5115StoryImage Added29.09.2020E-Mail response now displayed

When an email has been responded to, the response email is also displayed in the agent client when the event is viewed again.

JTELDEV-5085FehlerImage Added29.09.2020Clarification - Deleted User visible in locked accounts

A deleted user can still be seen in locked accounts. This is by design: the locking of accounts is stored in a different table to the user accounts, and hence this can still be seen after the user is deleted. This can, for example, be useful when an account is first of all deactivated, to detect if the user still tries to login to the account.

CNFON-701Image Added29.09.2020AcdGroupsReport4 - cannot be executed in Excel formatThe AcdGroupsReport4 could not be executed in Excel format - this would produce an error. This problem has been fixed.
CTAIFUN-40Image Added29.09.2020New settings for supported protocol handlers in MiniClient and fix for custom protocol handlers in portal web applicationIf a custom URL was setup as the CRM Link, for example myprotocol://xxx, this would not be clickable in the web application. This problem has been fixed. Furthermore, it is possible to specify a setting in the configuration of the mini client - ProtocolHandlers - comma separated, which defines the protocols which will actually be clickable and opened via the protocol handler on the client machine.
CJUH-84QuestionImage Added25.09.2020Service Number Report 6 - Result set corresponding to all service numbers associated with selected billing numbers correctedWhen a service number report 6 was executed, the result set included only records of calls made through the first occurrence of service numbers corresponding to the selected billing numbers.
This has been corrected so that the result set includes records of calls made to all service numbers associated with the selected billing numbers.
CNFON-686FehlerImage Added22.09.2020Minimal password length in new user wizard.The minimal password length in the new user wizard was not respected. This problem has been fixed.
CDUERKOPP-21StoryImage Added20.09.2020New IVR Objet - Get ACD Group InformationA new IVR object has been introduced - Get ACD Group Information, and a new field has been added to the ACD group configuration - Foreign System ID.

The foreign system ID can be used to reference an ACD group in another system - for example a reference to a record in a backend CRM or database.

The new object searches for an ACD group, given either the ID, Name or Foreign System ID (or any combination thereof).

If found, it returns a host of variables which give information on the current state of the acd group queue, numbers of agents, waiting times, number of calls, and all configuration fields from the ACD group.
CNFON-685FehlerImage Added16.09.2020Report download not shown if used had no ACD group mappingsThe links to download reports were not shown if the user had no ACD group mappings. This problem has been fixed.
CSEGHORN-189SupportImage Added14.09.2020Dialler - Manual results can not be set in contactIt was no longer possible to set the results manually while editing a contact in a dialler campaign. This problem has been fixed.
CDUERKOPP-14FehlerImage Added08.09.2020TAPI Connector reads lines with empty telephone numberThe TAPI connector would read lines with an empty telephone number, and set these up as a PBX user. This problem has been fixed.
CTAIFUN-31StoryImage Added07.09.2020String Functions - Search for stringThe string functions now contain a search for string function, which returns the starting index of the searched for string (1 based indexing), or 0 if the string was not found.
JTELDEV-5159StoryImage Added07.09.2020UserSearch Object - search by Nick Name

The UserSearch Object now supports searching for users by the Nick Name field. This is particularly useful when an external system does not use the same user UIDs as the jtel system.

JTELDEV-5158StoryImage Added07.09.2020Chat connector server - installation script for systemd

The chat connector server can now be installed using systemd instead of init.d

JTELDEV-5157FehlerImage Added07.09.2020Outbound call popup broken when some resources not permitted

The outbound call popup would not appear in some scenarios, particularly if both of the following resources were not allowed:


This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-5152FehlerImage Added26.08.2020Error in Selection of Service Numbers in Service Numbers Report 5 and 6

There was an error in the selection of service numbers by billing number in Service Numbers Report 5 and 6. This problem has been fixed.

CNFON-666SupportImage Added24.08.2020WhatsApp - Predefined automatic messages configurableWhen configuring the WhatsApp chat connector, predefined automatic messages can now be specified in the configuration field. For example:
"noAgents":"Sorry, No agents available.",
"noAgents#de":"Entschuldigung, derzeit sind keine Agenten verfügbar.",
"outOfService":"Out of service time.",
"outOfService#de":"Außer Betriebszeit.",
"agentTyping":"Agent $agent typing...",
"agentTyping#de":"Agent $agent tippt ...",
"bye":"Thank you for using our service. Bye.",
"bye#de":"Danke, dass Sie unseren Service nutzen. Tschüss.",
"byeNoAgent":"Sorry no agent available. Bye.",
"byeNoAgent#de":"Entschuldigung, kein Agent verfügbar. Tschüss.",
"welcomeMessage#de":"Herzlich willkommen bei unserem Webchat!.",
"editorPlaceholder":"Enter your message here.",
"editorPlaceholder#de":"Geben Sie Ihre Nachricht hier ein."
BugImage Removed20.08.2020Holiday Lists - Save gave unnecessary error messageWhen a holiday list was saved, but the name was not changed, an unnecessary error message was displayed. This problem has been fixed.
CNFON-681Story20.08.2020Mini Client - New Variables for .EXE Call and New OptionsThe mini client now supports the following variables which can be used in the parameters to an .EXE call:

$UsersEMail, $DateTimeUTC, $DateTimeLocal

The following options have been added to the configuration to enable the recording of the output to the log file, and hidden execution. Also, the EXE can be killed after a specified timeout.

The new options are documented here:
CTAIFUN-23Story20.08.2020Last Call Information - Object now supports configuration / agent groupsThe last call information object now returns two additional variables:

$prefix.AcdAgentGroupsID contains the agent ACD group ID
$prefix.AcdConfigurationGroupsID contains the configuration ACD group ID

This enables the object to be used in conjunction with agent / configuration groups as well as standalone groups.
JTELDEV-5090Story19.08.2020Teams Connector

A connector for Microsoft Teams is available. The connector imports the teams status of users from the office 365 cloud, and displays this information in various views in the system including the agent views and pbx user views in agent home and the supervisor. The user's own teams status is displayed in the header in the portal.

Further features are planned which will enable call and event distribution to be dependent on the status of users in teams.

JTELDEV-5111Story19.08.2020Play sound when new chat message is received

Users can configure the system to play a sound when new or updated chat messages are received. This feature is enabled by users their own account settings.

CCONTACT-148Bug13.08.2020Save Recordings via FTP had problems uploading filesThe Save Recordings module had problems uploading files recorded in the IVR via FTP. This problem has been fixed.
JTELDEV-5132Story09.08.2020REST - Add support for AcdEvents

The REST interface now supports the creation of callback and ticket events. See for further details.

JTELDEV-5126Story02.08.2020REST - new API added to retrieve ACD groups

A new set of APIs has been added to the REST interface to retrieve ACD groups. 3 functions are provided:

BaseURL/ClientsID/acd/groups - retrieves a list of all ACD groups in the client account.
BaseURL/ClientsID/acd/groups/group/ID - retrieves a specific ACD group by ID
BaseURL/ClientsID/acd/groups/group?name=Name - retrieves a list of ACD groups using the Name as a match.

Note, the last function may return more than one record, as a partial match is used.

JTELDEV-5125Story02.08.2020REST - new API added to retrieve Users

A new set of APIs has been added to the REST interface to retrieve users. 3 functions are provided:

BaseURL/ClientsID/users - retrieves a list of all users in the client account.
BaseURL/ClientsID/users/user/ID - retrieves a specific user
BaseURL/ClientsID/users/user?uid=UID - retrieves a list of users using the UID as a match.

Note, the last function may return more than one record, as a partial match is used on the UID.

JTELDEV-5124Story02.08.2020REST Dialler API - Get dialler contacts by campaign

A query parameter has been added to the function GET BaseURL/ClientsID/dialler/contacts allowing the specification of the dialler campaign ID from which to retrieve the contacts list.

CPHADIA-12Story21.07.2020IVR User Search - new variables tel1 ... tel6 addedNew variables are now returned from the user search IVR object - <prefix>.Tel1 ... <prefix>.Tel6 return the configured telephone number of the user.
JTELDEV-5120Bug19.07.2020JTELStats2 - IDs could overflow particularly in CompressedU15 table

The autoincrement ID could overflow in the JTELStats2.Compressed* tables, meaning that no more values could be inserted in the tables, in particular CompressedU15 was affected by this. The autoincrement ID field has been changed to a BIGINT to fix this problem.

CWS-223Question09.07.2020Hide Call-Recording in MiniClient when resource is disabledThe first call recording column was rendered even if the CallRecording resource portal.Acd.AgentHome.CallProcessing.CallRecording was disabled. This problem has been fixed.
CJUH-46Offer06.07.2020Two new Service-Number ReportsTwo new service number reports have been added to the system - Service Numbers Report 5 and Service Numbers Report 6.

Service Numbers Report 5 provides inbound call counters over the requested time period grouped by hour. Service Numbers Report 6 provides the following KPIs for the requested time peroid:

Inbound Total
Inbound ACD
Inbound Answered
Emails Received
Voice Mail + Callbacks
Inbound Lost
External Destination
Availability Direct
Availability incl. CB/VM
CNFON-62327.05.2020MiniClient Login - Too Many Redirects ErrorThe mini client login would display "too many redirects" for users who were not a member of any ACD groups. This problem has been fixed.

01.10.2020Whatsapp Session was not automatically Closed by Customer after 24hSince Tyntec closes sessions after 24h, we also implemented the same feature:
After 24h from the last message, the whatsapp session automatically changes to status "Closed by customer".
