Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Sv translation

In a nutshell:

  1. Type „group policy“ or „Gruppenrichtlinie“ in the Windows search field
  2. Click on „Edit Group Policy“ to open the „Editor for local group policy“
  3. Under „Computer Configuration“ expand the item „Windows settings“
  4. Right click on „Policy-based QoS“ and select „create new policy“
  5. Set the policy name to „SIP“, set the DSCP value to 26 (26 is recommended for SIP packets) and click „next“
  6. Make sure the option „all application“ is selected and click „next“
  7. Make sure the options „any source IP addresses“, „any destination IP addresses“ are selected and click „next“
  8. Choose the protocol „UDP“ from the drop-down list. Select the option „from this source port number or range“, set the port number to 5060. Make sure the option „from any destination port“ are selected and click „Finish“
  9. Your SIP policy settings should be displayed in the list of Policy-based QoS
  10. In case you made a mistake in your settings NO WORRIES. Right click on the entry and select „edit existing policy“

In Details:

Type „group policy“ or „Gruppenrichtlinie“ in the Windows search field

Click on „Edit Group Policy“ to open the „Editor for local group policy“

Under „Computer Configuration“ expand the item „Windows settings“

Right click on „Policy-based QoS“ and select „create new policy“

Set policy name to „SIP“, set the DSCP value to 26 (26 is recommended for SIP packets) and click „next“

Make sure the option „all application“ is selected and click „next“

Make sure the options „any source IP addresses“, „any destination IP addresses“ are selected and click „next“

Choose the protocol „UDP“ from the drop-down list. Select the option „from this source port number or range“, set the port number to 5060. Make sure the option „from any destination port“ are selected and click „Finish“

Your SIP policy settings should be displayed in the list of Policy-based QoS

In case you made a mistake in your settings NO WORRIES. Right click on the entry and select „edit existing policy“

Sv translation

Wenn nur eine SIP-Antwort oder ein ISDN-Ursachencode geliefert wird, bildet der jtel-Telefonie-Server die Werte so ab.

Siehe auch für weitere Einzelheiten.

Normales Clearing

Das Senden oder Empfangen der normalen Clearing-Cause 16 im ISDN führt zu einem SIP BYE oder CANCEL. Ein Mapping ist nicht gegeben.


SIP Response Code (Antwort Code)SIP BedeutungISDN Cause Code (Ursachen Code)ISDN Bedeutung


Bad Request


Temporary Failure


Unauthorized21Call Rejected
402Payment Required21Call Rejected
403Forbidden21Call Rejected
404Not Found1Unallocated / Unassigned Number
405Method Not Allowed63Service or Option Unavailable
406Not Acceptable79Service / Option Not Implemented
407Proxy Authentication Required21Call Rejected
408Request Timeout102Recovery On Timer Expiry
410Gone22Number Changed (no diagnostic)
413Request Entry Too Long127Interworking Unspecified
414Request URI Too Long127Interworking Unspecified
415Unsupported Media Type79Service / Option Not Implemented
416Unsupported URI Scheme127Interworking Unspecified
420Bad Extension127Interworking Unspecified
421Extension Required127Interworking Unspecified
423Interval Too Brief127Interworking Unspecified
480Temporarily Unavailable18User Not Responding
481Call Transaction Does Not Exist41Temporary Failure
482Loop Detected25Exchange Routing Error
483Too Many Hops25Exchange Routing Error
484Address Incomplete28Invalid number format (address incomplete)
485Ambiguous1Unallocated / Unassigned Number
486Busy Here17User Busy
487Request Terminated16Normal Call Clearing
500Server Internal Error41Temporary Failure
501Not Implemented79Service / Option Not Implemented
502Bad Gateway38Network Out of Order
503Service Unavailable41Temporary Failure
504Gateway Timeout102Recovery On Timer Expiry
505Version Not Supported127Interworking Unspecified
513Message Too Long127Interworking Unspecified
600Busy Everywhere17User Busy
604Does Not Exist Anywhere1Unallocated Number
All other codes
127Interworking Unspecified


ISDN Cause Code(Ursachen Code)ISDN BedeutungSIP Response Code (Antwort Code)SIP Bedeutung


Unallocated / Unassigned Number


Not Found

2No route to specified transit network404Not Found
3No route to destination404Not Found
16Normal call clearing487Request Terminated
17User busy486Busy Here
18No user responding408Request Timeout
19No answer from user (user alerted)480Temporarily Unavailable
20Subscriber absent480Temporarily Unavailable
21Call rejected403Forbidden
22Number changed410Gone
26Non-selected user clearing404Not Found
27Destination out of order502Bad Gateway
28Invalid number format (address incomplete)484Address Incomplete
29Facility rejected501Not Implemented
31Normal, unspecified480Temporarily Unavailable
34No circuit/channel available503Service Unavailable
38Network out of order503Service Unavailable
41Temporary failure503Service Unavailable
42Switching equipment congestion503Service Unavailable
47Resource unavailable, unspecified503Service Unavailable
53Outgoing calls barred within CUG403Forbidden
55Incoming calls barred within CUG403Forbidden
57Bearer capability not authorized403Forbidden
58Bearer capability not presently available503Service Unavailable
65Bearer capability not implemented488Not Acceptable Here
70Only restricted digital information bearer capability is available488Not Acceptable Here
79Service or option not implemented, unspecified501Not Implemented
87User not member of CUG403Forbidden
88Incompatible destination503Service Unavailable
102Recovery on timer expiry504Gateway Timeout
111Protocol error, unspecified500Server Internal Error
127Interworking, unspecified500Server Internal Error
All other values
500Server Internal Error