This table contains aggregated data regarding dialler campaigns for hourly time slices.
It contains information on:
The number of calls made from the dialler campaign within the time period
The number of tries, busy, invalid, aborted etc. results
Aggregated data regarding result codes - the number of done, aborted, appointment and delayed contacts.
Calls are aggregated at the point in time the call ends into the appropriate time slice.
Field | Type | Meaning |
ID | INT | A unique ID ID |
DiallerCampaignsID | INT | ID of the dialler campaign |
dtStats | TIMSTAMP | The date and time of the stats period. Note that the minutes, seconds and milliseconds value will always be 00:00.000000 as the statistics are aggregated over the complete hour. |
nTriesConnected | INT | The number of calls which were connected to their destination. Note, this can also include answering machines. Whenever a connect is received, the call is counted here. |
nTriesNoAnswer | INT | The number of calls which were not answered before the timeout specified and the call was hungup. |
nTriesBusy | INT | The number of calls where the destination was busy. |
nTriesInvalid | INT | The number of calls where the destination number was invalid. |
nTriesAborted | INT | The number of calls where the call was aborted because the agent hung up on the dialler or aborted the call via the web interface. |
nTriesAnsweringMachine | INT | The number of calls which were connected, where the agent pressed the “Answering Machine” button to play an audio file to the destination. |
nTriesError | INT | The number of calls which were attempted, but a signalling error was received and the call did not proceed. |
nContactsDone | INT | The number of calls which were connected, where the agent recorded a result code type of “done”. |
nContactsAborted | INT | The number of calls which were connected, where the agent recorded a result code type of “abort”. |
nContactsAppointment | INT | The number of calls which were connected, where the agent recorded a result code type of “appointment”. |
nContactsDelayed | INT | The number of calls which were connected, where the agent recorded a result code type of “delay”. |