Retrieve Dialler Contacts
This function retrieves all dialler contacts from the client account or from a specific dialler campaign.
GET {baseURL}/dialler/contacts?diallerCampaignsID={diallerCampaignsID}
Parameter | Where | Type | Data |
diallerCampaignsID | Query | Integer | The ID of the Dialler Campaign to retrieve the contacts from. If not passed, all contacts in the client account will be retrieved. Caution - this function will return a lot of data if the campaigns contain lots of contacts. |
If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.
Returned Data (200 OK)
A JSON Structure containing the following fields:
Field | Type | Data |
filter | String | The applied filter. This is reserved for future use. |
limitStart | Integer | The first record index. Currently 0, reserved for future use. |
limitPageSize | Integer | The number of records. -1 indicates all records. Reserved for future use. |
records | DiallerCampaigns [] | An array of dialler campaigns. |
count | Integer | The number of dialler campaigns returned. |
orderBy | String | The field used to sort the dialler campaigns. |
ascending | Boolean | Whether the array of campaigns is sorted ascending or descending. |
status | Integer | The return code (also provided by the http status code). |
Note, the dialler contact array has been shortened for readability.
{ "filter": "", "limitStart": 0, "limitPageSize": -1, "records": [ { "bLastResultMailbox": null, "bPhoneNumber3Invalid": null, "bPhoneNumber4Invalid": null, "Company": "Musterfirma GmbH", "ExternalSystemLink": "", "Email": null, "LastAcdAgentEndReasonsID": null, "Address": "Kunde", "bPhoneNumber6Invalid": null, "PhoneNumber2LastAcdAgentEndReasonsID": null, "dtNextTry": null, "bPhoneNumber5Invalid": null, "bPhoneNumber1Invalid": null, "bPhoneNumber2Invalid": null, "Name": "Mustermann", ... "nPhoneNumber4LastCause": null, "Model": null, "PhoneNumber3LastAcdAgentEndReasonsID": null, "Tag": null } ], "count": 147, "orderBy": "Name", "ascending": true, "status": 200 }
Retrieve a specific Dialler Contact by ID
This function retrieves a specific dialler contact by ID.
GET {baseURL}/dialler/contacts/{diallerContactsID}
Parameter | Where | Type | Data |
diallerContactsID | URL | Integer | The ID of the Dialler Contact. |
If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.
Returned Data (200 OK)
A JSON Structure containing the returned contact.
Field | Type | Data |
records | DiallerContacts [] | An array of dialler contacts, containing one contact. |
count | Integer | 1 |
status | Integer | The return code (also provided by the http status code). |
Note, the dialler campaign array has been shortened for readability.
{ "records": [ { "bLastResultMailbox": null, "bPhoneNumber3Invalid": null, "bPhoneNumber4Invalid": null, "Company": "Musterfirma GmbH", "ExternalSystemLink": null, "Email": null, "LastAcdAgentEndReasonsID": null, "Address": null, "bPhoneNumber6Invalid": null, "PhoneNumber2LastAcdAgentEndReasonsID": null, "dtNextTry": null, "bPhoneNumber5Invalid": null, "bPhoneNumber1Invalid": null, "bPhoneNumber2Invalid": null, "Name": "Mustermann", "nTriesPhoneNumber5": 0, "nTriesPhoneNumber4": 0, "nTriesPhoneNumber6": 0, ... "nPhoneNumber6LastCause": null, "Model": null, "PhoneNumber3LastAcdAgentEndReasonsID": null, "Tag": null } ], "count": 1, "status": 200 }
Retrieve Dialler Contacts by User Data
This function retrieves the dialler contacts given the UserData value to search for.
GET {baseURL}/dialler/contacts/contact?userData={userData}
Parameter | Where | Type | Data |
userData | Query | String | The userData of the dialler contacts to search for. |
If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.
Returned Data (200 OK)
A JSON Structure containing the returned contacts.
Field | Type | Data |
records | DiallerContacts[] | An array of dialler contacts. |
count | Integer | The number of records returned. |
status | Integer | The return code (also provided by the http status code). |
Note, the dialler contact data has been shortened for readability.
{ "records": [ { "bLastResultMailbox": null, "bPhoneNumber3Invalid": null, "bPhoneNumber4Invalid": null, "Company": "Musterfirma GmbH", "ExternalSystemLink": null, "Email": null, "LastAcdAgentEndReasonsID": null, "Address": null, "bPhoneNumber6Invalid": null, "PhoneNumber2LastAcdAgentEndReasonsID": null, "dtNextTry": null, "bPhoneNumber5Invalid": null, "bPhoneNumber1Invalid": null, "bPhoneNumber2Invalid": null, "Name": "Mustermann", "nTriesPhoneNumber5": 0, "nTriesPhoneNumber4": 0, "nTriesPhoneNumber6": 0, ... "nPhoneNumber6LastCause": null, "Model": null, "PhoneNumber3LastAcdAgentEndReasonsID": null, "Tag": null } ], "count": 1, "status": 200 }
Import a Dialler Contact
This function imports a dialler contact into a specific dialler campaign specified by either the ID or name of the Dialler Campaign.
POST {baseURL}/dialler/contacts/import?overwriteDuplicates={overwriteDuplicates}
Parameter | From Release | Where | Type | Data |
overwriteDuplicates | Query | Boolean | Whether to overwrite duplicate contacts. If this is true, existing contact data will be overwritten when a match on the UserData field is detected. If this is false, the new contact will be created whether a matching record is found or not. | |
resetContact | 3.39 | Query | Boolean | If true, the contact is reset if it already existed. The result code, if recorded, is deleted and the number of dialling attempts is set to 0. |
unlockContact | 3.39 | Query | Boolean | If true, the contact is unlocked and is available in the Dialler. |
Post Data
A JSON structure containing the contact to import.
Note that the following fields are mandatory:
- Name
- DiallerCampaignsID OR the DiallerCampaignsName
- At least one of
- PhoneNumber1
- ...
- PhoneNumber6
The other fields may be provided or left empty.
Example (all fields, provide DiallerCampaignsID):
{ "DiallerCampaignsID": 538, "RandomSortOrder": null, "UserData": "testUserData", "Client": "Client", "Service": "Service", "ReferenceNumber": "ReferenceNumber", "Name" : "Name", "FirstName" : "FirstName", "Salutation" : "Salutation", "Title" : "Title", "Company" : "Company", "Address" : "Address", "PostalCode" : "PostalCode", "City" : "City", "Country" : "Country", "AccountOwner" : "AccountOwner", "AccountBank" : "AccountBank", "AccountNationalBankCode" : "AccountNationalBankCode", "AccountBIC" : "AccountBIC", "AccountNumber" : "AccountNumber", "AccountIBAN" : "AccountIBAN", "Amount": 0.0, "PhoneNumber1" : "PhoneNumber1", "PhoneNumber2" : "PhoneNumber2", "PhoneNumber3" : "PhoneNumber3", "PhoneNumber4" : "PhoneNumber4", "PhoneNumber5" : "PhoneNumber5", "PhoneNumber6" : "PhoneNumber6", "FaxNumber" : "FaxNumber", "Email" : "Email", "Website" : "Website", "Comment" : "Comment", "ReservedUsersUID" : "ReservedUsersUID", "FollowUpUsersUID" : "FollowUpUsersUID", "FollowUpDateTime" : null, "dtBeginDate" : "2020-01-01T00:00:00", "dtEndDate" : "2020-03-01T00:00:00", "Manufacturer" : "Manufacturer", "Model" : "Model", "Tag": "Tag", "ExternalSystemLink": "" }
Example (shortened, provide DiallerCampaignsName):
{ "DiallerCampaignsName": "My Campaign", "RandomSortOrder": null, "UserData": "testUserData", "Client": "Client", "Service": "Service", "ReferenceNumber": "ReferenceNumber", "Name" : "Name", ... "ExternalSystemLink": "" }
If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned, returning the imported or already existing contact if it was a duplicate.
See Return Codes for further possible status codes.
Returned Data (200 OK)
A JSON Structure containing the imported contact.
Field | Type | Data |
records | DiallerContacts[] | An array of dialler contacts. |
count | Integer | The number of records returned. |
status | Integer | The return code (also provided by the http status code). |
Note, the dialler contact data has been shortened for readability.
{ "records": [ { "bLastResultMailbox": null, "bPhoneNumber3Invalid": null, "bPhoneNumber4Invalid": null, "Company": "Company", "ExternalSystemLink": "", "Email": "Email", "LastAcdAgentEndReasonsID": null, ... "PhoneNumber3LastAcdAgentEndReasonsID": null, "Tag": "Tag" } ], "count": 1, "status": 200 }
Update a Dialler Contact
This function updates an existing dialler contact into a specific dialler campaign specified by either the ID or UserData, depending on what is supplied in the JSON contact data.
- If the ID is specified, then this function can be used to update the UserData field, if specified.
- If only UserData is specified, then the contact must be found by UserData. Note, that it is not possible to determine which contact exactly will be updated if more than one contact exists with the same UserData field value.
- Only the fields specified in the JSON data structure for the contact will be updated.
POST {baseURL}/dialler/contacts/update
Post Data
A JSON structure containing the contact to update.
Note that the following fields are mandatory:
- ID
- OR
- UserData
The other fields may be provided or left empty.
Example (all fields which can be updated, provide ID):
{ "ID": 123456, "UserData": "newUserData", "UserData2": "newUserData2", "UserData3": "newUserData3", "Client": "NewClient", "Service": "NewService", "ReferenceNumber": "NewReferenceNumber", "Name" : "NewName", "FirstName" : "NewFirstName", "Salutation" : "NewSalutation", "Title" : "NewTitle", "Company" : "NewCompany", "Address" : "NewAddress", "PostalCode" : "NewPostCode", "City" : "NewCity", "Country" : "NewCountry", "AccountOwner" : "NewAccountOwner", "AccountBank" : "NewAccountBank", "AccountNationalBankCode" : "NewAccountNationalBankCode", "AccountBIC" : "NewAccountBIC", "AccountNumber" : "NewAccountNumber", "AccountIBAN" : "NewAccountIBAN", "Amount": 999.99, "PhoneNumber1" : "NewPhoneNumber1", "PhoneNumber2" : "NewPhoneNumber2", "PhoneNumber3" : "NewPhoneNumber3", "PhoneNumber4" : "NewPhoneNumber4", "PhoneNumber5" : "NewPhoneNumber5", "PhoneNumber6" : "NewPhoneNumber6", "FaxNumber" : "NewFaxNumber", "Email" : "NewEmail", "Website" : "NewWebsite", "Comment" : "NewComment", "Region" : "NewRegion", "dtBeginDate" : "2030-01-01T00:00:00", "dtEndDate" : "2030-03-01T00:00:00", "Manufacturer" : "NewManufacturer", "Model" : "NewModel", "Tag": "NewTag", "ExternalSystemLink": "" }
Example (provide UserData, partial update only):
{ "UserData": "MyUserData", "Name" : "CorrectedName", "FirstName" : "CorrectedFirstName" }
If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned, and the updated contact is returned.
See Return Codes for further possible status codes.
Returned Data (200 OK)
A JSON Structure containing the updated contact.
Field | Type | Data |
records | DiallerContacts[] | An array containing the updated contact. |
count | Integer | The number of records returned (will always be 1). |
status | Integer | The return code (also provided by the http status code). |
Note, the dialler contact data has been shortened for readability.
{ "records": [ { "bLastResultMailbox": false, "bPhoneNumber3Invalid": false, "bPhoneNumber4Invalid": false, "Company": "Company", "ExternalSystemLink": "", "Email": "Email", "LastAcdAgentEndReasonsID": null, ... "PhoneNumber3LastAcdAgentEndReasonsID": null, "Tag": "Tag" } ], "count": 1, "status": 200 }
Delete a Dialler Contact by ID
This function deletes a dialler contact including all related data by ID.
DELETE {baseURL}/dialler/contacts/contact/{diallerContactsID}
Parameter | Where | Type | Data |
diallerContactsID | URL | Integer | The ID of the dialler contact to delete. |
If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned.
If the contact does not exist, 404 Not Found is returned.
See Return Codes for further possible status codes.
Returned Data (200 OK)
A JSON Structure containing the status code.
Field | Type | Data |
status | Integer | The return code (also provided by the http status code). |
Delete a Dialler Contact by UserData
This function deletes a dialler contact including all related data by providing the UserData for the record to delete.
Note, if more than one record contains the same user data, the first one found in the database will be deleted. It is not possible to determine which contact this will actually be.
DELETE /dialler/contacts/contact?userData={userData}
Parameter | Where | Type | Data |
userData | Query | String | The UserData of the dialler contact to delete. |
If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned.
If the contact does not exist, 404 Not Found is returned.
See Return Codes for further possible status codes.
Returned Data (200 OK)
A JSON Structure containing the status code.
Field | Type | Data |
status | Integer | The return code (also provided by the http status code). |
Lock a Dialler Contact by ID
This function locks a dialler contact by ID.
PATCH {baseURL}/dialler/contacts/contact/{diallerContactsID}/lock
Parameter | Where | Type | Data |
diallerContactsID | URL | Integer | The ID of the dialler contact to lock. |
If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned.
If the contact does not exist, 404 Not Found is returned.
See Return Codes for further possible status codes.
Returned Data (200 OK)
A JSON Structure containing the status code.
Field | Type | Data |
status | Integer | The return code (also provided by the http status code). |
Lock a Dialler Contact by UserData
This function locks a dialler contact by UserData.
Note, if more than one record contains the same user data, the first one found in the database will be locked. It is not possible to determine which contact this will actually be.
PATCH {baseURL}/dialler/contacts/contact/lock?userData={userData}
Parameter | Where | Type | Data |
userData | Query | String | The userData of the contact to lock. |
If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned.
If the contact does not exist, 404 Not Found is returned.
See Return Codes for further possible status codes.
Returned Data (200 OK)
A JSON Structure containing the status code.
Field | Type | Data |
status | Integer | The return code (also provided by the http status code). |
Unlock a Dialler Contact by ID
This function unlocks a dialler contact by ID.
PATCH {baseURL}/dialler/contacts/contact/{diallerContactsID}/unlock
Parameter | Where | Type | Data |
diallerContactsID | URL | Integer | The ID of the dialler contact to lock. |
If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned.
If the contact does not exist, 404 Not Found is returned.
See Return Codes for further possible status codes.
Returned Data (200 OK)
A JSON Structure containing the status code.
Field | Type | Data |
status | Integer | The return code (also provided by the http status code). |
Unlock a Dialler Contact by UserData
This function unlocks a dialler contact by UserData.
Note, if more than one record contains the same user data, the first one found in the database will be unlocked. It is not possible to determine which contact this will actually be.
PATCH {baseURL}/dialler/contacts/contact/unlock?userData={userData}
Parameter | Where | Type | Data |
userData | Query | String | The userData of the contact to lock. |
If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned.
If the contact does not exist, 404 Not Found is returned.
See Return Codes for further possible status codes.
Returned Data (200 OK)
A JSON Structure containing the status code.
Field | Type | Data |
status | Integer | The return code (also provided by the http status code). |
Reset a Dialler Contact by ID
This function reset a dialler contact by ID. Resetting a dialler contact sets all call try counters etc. to 0 so the contact is as if it was just imported to the dialler.
PATCH {baseURL}/dialler/contacts/contact/{diallerContactsID}/reset
Parameter | Where | Type | Data |
diallerContactsID | URL | Integer | The ID of the dialler contact to reset. |
If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned.
If the contact does not exist, 404 Not Found is returned.
See Return Codes for further possible status codes.
Returned Data (200 OK)
A JSON Structure containing the status code.
Field | Type | Data |
status | Integer | The return code (also provided by the http status code). |
Reset a Dialler Contact by UserData
This function resets a dialler contact by UserData. Resetting a dialler contact sets all call try counters etc. to 0 so the contact is as if it was just imported to the dialler.
Note, if more than one record contains the same user data, the first one found in the database will be reset. It is not possible to determine which contact this will actually be.
PATCH {baseURL}/dialler/contacts/contact/reset?userData={userData}
Parameter | Where | Type | Data |
userData | Query | String | The userData of the contact to reset. |
If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned.
If the contact does not exist, 404 Not Found is returned.
See Return Codes for further possible status codes.
Returned Data (200 OK)
A JSON Structure containing the status code.
Field | Type | Data |
status | Integer | The return code (also provided by the http status code). |
Retrieve Dialler Contact History by ID
This function retrieves all history (calls and recorded result codes) for a dialler contact, given the dialler contact ID.
GET {baseURL}/dialler/contacts/contact/{diallerContactsID}/history
Parameter | Where | Type | Data |
diallerContactsID | URL | Integer | The ID of the dialler contact to retrieve the data from. |
If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned.
If the contact does not exist, 404 Not Found is returned.
See Return Codes for further possible status codes.
Returned Data (200 OK)
A JSON Structure containing the imported contact.
Field | Type | Data |
records | DiallerContactsHistory[] | An array of dialler contacts history. |
count | Integer | The number of records returned. |
status | Integer | The return code (also provided by the http status code). |
{ "records": [ { "bOutbound": true, "dtCallEnd": "2020-11-11T15:31:47.070", "UserData": "Contact10", "ServiceNumbersID": 99, "DiallerCampaignsID": 551, "ANumber_CountryCodesID": 49, "BNumber_CountryCodesID": 49, "DiallerContactsID": 215220, "ANumber_AreaCodesID": 4645, "CONNRES": 1, "BNumber_AreaCodesID": 4645, "bCallerHangup": true, "ANumber": "49894614950703", "dtCallConnect": "2020-11-11T15:31:44.117", "dtCreatedDiallerContactsHistory": "2020-11-11T15:32:07.050", "CauseCodesID": 31, "dtCallAlert": "2020-11-11T15:31:43.190", "PhoneNumberOffset": 1, "DiallerCampaignsResultCodesID": 2811, "StatisticsPartAID": 223402, "UsersID": 3, "BNumber": "49894614950665", "UserData2": null, "ClientsID": 1, "UserData3": null, "dtCallStart": "2020-11-11T15:31:41.649", "bTestCall": false, "PhoneNumber": "49894614950703", "DiallerContactsHistoryID": 1136, "DiallerResultCodesTypesID": 3 } ], "count": 1, "status": 200 }
Retrieve Dialler Contact History by UserData
This function retrieves all history (calls and recorded result codes) for all dialler contacts with a particular UserData field value.
GET {baseURL}/dialler/contacts/contact/history?userData={userData}
Parameter | Where | Type | Data |
userData | Query | String | The userData of the dialler contacts to search for. |
If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned.
If the contact does not exist, 404 Not Found is returned.
See Return Codes for further possible status codes.
Returned Data (200 OK)
A JSON Structure containing the imported contact.
Field | Type | Data |
records | DiallerContactsHistory[] | An array of dialler contacts history. |
count | Integer | The number of records returned. |
status | Integer | The return code (also provided by the http status code). |