Retrieve all Cockpit Variables
This function retrieves all CockpitVariables from the client account.
GET {baseURL}/cockpitVariables
If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.
Returned Data (200 OK)
A JSON Structure containing the following fields:
Field | Type | Data |
filter | String | The applied filter. This is reserved for future use. |
limitStart | Integer | The first record index. Currently 0, reserved for future use. |
limitPageSize | Integer | The number of records. -1 indicates all records. Reserved for future use. |
records | CockpitVariable [] | An array of Cockpit Variables. |
count | Integer | The number of records returned. |
orderBy | String | The field used to sort the records. |
ascending | Boolean | Whether the array of records is sorted ascending or descending. |
status | Integer | The return code (also provided by the http status code). |
{ "filter": "", "limitStart": 0, "limitPageSize": -1, "records": [ { "Description": "Test Cockpit Variable", "CounterAbsolute": 0, "Name": "Test Cockpit Variable", "Counter10Minutes": 0, "Counter30Minutes": 0, "CounterDay": 0, "MinValue": null, "ID": 192, ... "MinBGColor": "#DC143C", "dtLastModified": "2022-01-04T13:31:37.477546Z" } ], "count": 7, "orderBy": "Name", "ascending": true, "status": 200 }
Retrieve a Cockpit Variable by ID
This function retrieves one Cockpit Variable by ID from the client account.
GET {baseURL}/cockpitVariables/cockpitVariable/{CockpitVariablesID}
Parameter | Where | Type | Data |
CockpitVariablesID | URL | Integer | The ID of the CockpitVariable. |
If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.
Returned Data (200 OK)
A JSON Structure containing the following fields:
Field | Type | Data |
records | CockpitVariable [] | An array of CockpitVariables containing one CockpitVariable. |
count | Integer | 1 |
status | Integer | The return code (also provided by the http status code). |
{ "records": [ { "Description": "Test Cockpit Variable", "CounterAbsolute": 0, "Name": "Test Cockpit Variable", "Counter10Minutes": 0, "Counter30Minutes": 0, "CounterDay": 0, "MinValue": null, "ID": 191, ... "MinBGColor": "#FFD700", "dtLastModified": "2022-01-04T13:31:59.435002Z" } ], "count": 1, "status": 200 }
Set the Value of a Cockpit Variable
This function sets the value of a Cockpit Variable.
PATCH {baseURL}/cockpitVariables/cockpitVariable/{CockpitVariablesID}/setValue
Parameter | Where | Type | Data |
value | URL | Integer | The value to set. |
If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. The result value should be checked, to see the actual result of the operation. See also Return Codes for further possible status codes.
Returned Data (200 OK)
A JSON Structure containing the following fields:
Field | Type | Data |
result | Integer | 0 = Operation was OK 1 = Variable is not writable 2 = Variable not found or not visible for cockpit 3 = value was not changed (same value) 4 = value was not changed (min / max values would be exceeded) |
error | String | A string representation of the error, |
status | Integer | The return code (also provided by the http status code). |