
This report shows for agents the number of calls for which a transaction code has been set and the time taken by the agent to set transaction codes over the time allowed.

Settings of the Report

In addition to the standard settings "Output format" and "Period", the following additional settings are available


Selection of the agents for which the report is to be created

Selection Criteria



Call Start of the agent (dtCallStart) within the indicated time intervals.


Agents, for which the values per transaction code are to be calculated

Consider additional NBZ Web

Choose this option if for the calculation of the overdraft of the automatic post call interval the additional reservable post call interval should be considered.



Name, First Name

Name and first name of the agent


Time intervals given by granularity and time period

Quantity - Calls set at TAC

Quantity of calls at which the agent set a transaction code

TAC overdraft

Sum of the time difference between the end of the automatic post call interval and the closure of the transaction code registration force pop up for the displayed time interval. If the checkbox Consider additional NBZ Web is set, the time difference is equal to the difference of the time of the closure of the transaction code registration force pop up and the automatic post call interval including the additional reservable post call interval set for the group at the time of the call. Negative time intervals will always be considered as 0 for the sum.

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