Retrieve all ACD Groups
This function retrieves all ACD groups from the client account.
GET {baseURL}/acd/groups
If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.
Returned Data (200 OK)
A JSON Structure containing the following fields:
Field | Type | Data |
filter | String | The applied filter. This is reserved for future use. |
limitStart | Integer | The first record index. Currently 0, reserved for future use. |
limitPageSize | Integer | The number of records. -1 indicates all records. Reserved for future use. |
records | AcdGroups [] | An array of ACD groups. |
count | Integer | The number of records returned. |
orderBy | String | The field used to sort the records. |
ascending | Boolean | Whether the array of records is sorted ascending or descending. |
status | Integer | The return code (also provided by the http status code). |
Note, the records array has been shortened for readability.
{ "filter": "", "limitStart": 0, "limitPageSize": -1, "records": [ { "QueueMusicID4Sec": -1, "SupervisorAggregationSkill5ID": null, "DistributionAlgorithmID": 1, "ServiceLevelSeconds": 30, ... "bPositionAnnouncement3": false, "TarifAnnouncementWavesID": null, "bCallRedirectionAfterNumberAnnouncement": false } ], "count": 40, "orderBy": "Name", "ascending": true, "status": 200 }
Retrieve a specific ACD Group by ID
This function retrieves a specific ACD group by ID.
GET {baseURL}/acd/groups/group/{AcdGroupsID}
Parameter | Where | Type | Data |
AcdGroupsID | URL | Integer | The ID of the ACD Group. |
If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.
Returned Data (200 OK)
A JSON Structure containing the returned data.
Field | Type | Data |
records | AcdGroups [] | An array of ACD groups, containing one group. |
count | Integer | 1 |
status | Integer | The return code (also provided by the http status code). |
Note, the record array has been shortened for readability.
{ "records": [ { "QueueMusicID4Sec": -1, "SupervisorAggregationSkill5ID": null, "DistributionAlgorithmID": 1, ... "bPositionAnnouncement3": false, "TarifAnnouncementWavesID": null, "bCallRedirectionAfterNumberAnnouncement": false } ], "count": 1, "status": 200 }
Retrieve ACD Group by Name
This function retrieves one or more ACD groups, depending on the passed name. If more than one group is available which matches the name passed (partial match), then all corresponding groups will be returned.
GET {baseURL}/acd/groups/group?name={AcdGroupsName}
Parameter | Where | Type | Data |
AcdGroupsName | Query | String | The name of the acd group(s) to retrieve. |
If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.
Returned Data (200 OK)
A JSON Structure containing the returned acd groups.
Field | Type | Data |
records | AcdGroup [] | An array of ACD groups. |
count | Integer | The number of records returned. |
status | Integer | The return code (also provided by the http status code). |
Note, the records array has been shortened for readability.
{ "records": [ { "QueueMusicID4Sec": 10, "SupervisorAggregationSkill5ID": null, "DistributionAlgorithmID": 3, ... "QueueOffhookAnnouncementID": null, "bPositionAnnouncement3": false, "TarifAnnouncementWavesID": null, "bCallRedirectionAfterNumberAnnouncement": false } ], "count": 3, "status": 200 }