The individual fields for dialler contacts are documented in the import / export list below.
The import / export format for dialler contacts is CSV. The CSV files must adhere to the following conventions:
- CSV format
- Every line contains one record
- Fields in each record are separated by a semicolon (recommended)
- Values in text and date / time fields are surrounded by quotation marks (")
- Only numeric field values can be specified without quotation marks (")
The following fields are defined:
Name | Type (Max Length) | Required | Content |
DiallerContact | TEXT (Fixed) | Ja | Fixed, must contain "DiallerContact". |
dtImported | DATETIME | Date and time of import in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS | |
DiallerCampaignsName | TEXT (64) | Name of the dialer campaign. Not required during import (the dialler campaign is selected explicitly). | |
UserData | TEXT (64) | Foreign system key or ID. | |
Client | TEXT (32) | Client. | |
Service | TEXT (32) | Service. | |
ReferenceNumber | TEXT (32) | Reference Number e.g. from the foreign system. | |
Name | TEXT (32) | Ja | Surname. |
FirstName | TEXT (32) | Ja | First name. |
Salutation | TEXT (16) | Mr. Mrs. etc. | |
Title | TEXT (16) | Dr. etc. | |
Company | TEXT (32) | Company. | |
Address | TEXT (32) | Street. | |
PostalCode | TEXT (10) | Post Code. | |
City | TEXT (32) | City. | |
Country | TEXT (32) | Country. | |
AccountOwner | TEXT (32) | Account ewner. | |
AccountBank | TEXT (32) | Bank. | |
AccountNationalBankCode | TEXT (10) | National bank code. | |
AccountBIC | TEXT (11) | BIC. | |
AccountNumber | TEXT (20) | Account number. | |
AccountIBAN | TEXT (34) | IBAN. | |
Amount | NUMBER | Amount. | |
PhoneNumber1 | TEXT (32) | Ja | Telephone number 1 in E.164 format. |
PhoneNumber2 | TEXT (32) | Telephone number 2 in E.164 format. | |
PhoneNumber3 | TEXT (32) | Telephone number 3 in E.164 format. | |
PhoneNumber4 | TEXT (32) | Telephone number 4 in E.164 format. | |
PhoneNumber5 | TEXT (32) | Telephone number 5 in E.164 format. | |
PhoneNumber6 | TEXT (32) | Telephone number 6 in E.164 format. | |
FaxNumber | TEXT (32) | Fax number. | |
TEXT (32) | Email. | ||
Website | TEXT (64) | Website. | |
Comment | TEXT (Unlimited) | Comments | |
ReservedUsersUID | TEXT (32) | UID of the agent, which has reserved this contact. | |
FollowUpUsersUID | TEXT (32) | UID of the agent, which owns the follow up appointment or delay. | |
FollowUpDateTime | DATETIME | Appointment or delay date and time for this contact. | |
ResultCodesExportKey | TEXT (32) | Export key of the dialler result code. | |
Done | NUMBER (Empty, 0 or 1) | Result code = done | |
Aborted | NUMBER (Empty, 0 or 1) | Result code = aborted | |
Appointment | NUMBER (Empty, 0 or 1) | Result code = appointment (in dialler) | |
Delay | NUMBER (Empty, 0 or 1) | Result code = delayed (in dialler) | |
bPhoneNumber1Invalid | NUMBER (Empty, 0 or 1) | Telephone number 1 is invalid (determined by dialler) | |
bPhoneNumber2Invalid | NUMBER (Empty, 0 or 1) | Telephone number 2 is invalid (determined by dialler) | |
bPhoneNumber3Invalid | NUMBER (Empty, 0 or 1) | Telephone number 3 is invalid (determined by dialler) | |
bPhoneNumber4Invalid | NUMBER (Empty, 0 or 1) | Telephone number 4 is invalid (determined by dialler) | |
bPhoneNumber5Invalid | NUMBER (Empty, 0 or 1) | Telephone number 5 is invalid (determined by dialler) | |
bPhoneNumber6Invalid | NUMBER (Empty, 0 or 1) | Telephone number 6 is invalid (determined by dialler) |
Example Record
"DiallerContact";"2017-07-16 07:28:44";"Sub-Campaign";"123123122";"Client";"Service";"ReferenceNumber";"Name";"FirstName";"Salutation";"Title";"Company";"Address";"PostalCode";"City";"Country";"AccountOwner";"AccountBank";"AccountNationalBankCode";"AccountBIC";"AccountNumber";"AccountIBAN";Amount;"49199111111";"49199222222";"49199333333";"49199444444";"49199555555";"49199666666";"Fax";"E-Mail";"Website";"Comments";"agent1";"agent1";"2017-07-17 10:00:00";"APPT";;;1;0;0;0;0;0;0