Deprecated from Release 3.19
This scheme is legacy and does not provide access to new fields and settings. You should use Import Export Schemes instead.
The individual fields for dialler contacts are documented in the import / export list below.
The import / export format for dialler contacts is CSV. The CSV files must adhere to the following conventions:
- CSV format
- Every line contains one record
- Fields in each record are separated by a semicolon (recommended)
- Values in text and date / time fields are surrounded by quotation marks (")
- Only numeric field values can be specified without quotation marks (")
The following fields are defined:
Name | Type (Max Length) | Changes from Release 3.19 | Required | Content |
DiallerContact | TEXT (Fixed) | Ja | Fixed, must contain "DiallerContact". | |
dtImported | DATETIME | Date and time of import in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS | ||
DiallerCampaignsName | TEXT (64) | Name of the dialer campaign. Not required during import (the dialler campaign is selected explicitly). | ||
UserData | TEXT (64) | Foreign system key or ID. | ||
Client | TEXT (32) | TEXT (64) | Client. | |
Service | TEXT (32) | TEXT (64) | Service. | |
ReferenceNumber | TEXT (32) | TEXT (64) | Reference Number e.g. from the foreign system. | |
Name | TEXT (32) | TEXT (64) | Ja | Surname. |
FirstName | TEXT (32) | TEXT (64) | Ja | First name. |
Salutation | TEXT (16) | Mr. Mrs. etc. | ||
Title | TEXT (16) | Dr. etc. | ||
Company | TEXT (32) | TEXT (64) | Company. | |
Address | TEXT (32) | TEXT (64) | Street. | |
PostalCode | TEXT (10) | Post Code. | ||
City | TEXT (32) | TEXT (64) | City. | |
Country | TEXT (32) | TEXT (64) | Country. | |
AccountOwner | TEXT (32) | TEXT (64) | Account ewner. | |
AccountBank | TEXT (32) | Bank. | ||
AccountNationalBankCode | TEXT (10) | National bank code. | ||
AccountBIC | TEXT (11) | BIC. | ||
AccountNumber | TEXT (20) | Account number. | ||
AccountIBAN | TEXT (34) | IBAN. | ||
Amount | NUMBER | Amount. | ||
PhoneNumber1 | TEXT (32) | Ja | Telephone number 1 in E.164 format. | |
PhoneNumber2 | TEXT (32) | Telephone number 2 in E.164 format. | ||
PhoneNumber3 | TEXT (32) | Telephone number 3 in E.164 format. | ||
PhoneNumber4 | TEXT (32) | Telephone number 4 in E.164 format. | ||
PhoneNumber5 | TEXT (32) | Telephone number 5 in E.164 format. | ||
PhoneNumber6 | TEXT (32) | Telephone number 6 in E.164 format. | ||
FaxNumber | TEXT (32) | Fax number. | ||
TEXT (32) | TEXT (256) | Email. | ||
Website | TEXT (64) | TEXT (Unlimited) | Website. | |
Comment | TEXT (Unlimited) | Comments | ||
ReservedUsersUID | TEXT (32) | UID of the agent, which has reserved this contact. | ||
FollowUpUsersUID | TEXT (32) | UID of the agent, which owns the follow up appointment or delay. | ||
FollowUpDateTime | DATETIME | Appointment or delay date and time for this contact. | ||
ResultCodesExportKey | TEXT (32) | Export key of the dialler result code. | ||
Done | NUMBER (Empty, 0 or 1) | Result code = done | ||
Aborted | NUMBER (Empty, 0 or 1) | Result code = aborted | ||
Appointment | NUMBER (Empty, 0 or 1) | Result code = appointment (in dialler) | ||
Delay | NUMBER (Empty, 0 or 1) | Result code = delayed (in dialler) | ||
bPhoneNumber1Invalid | NUMBER (Empty, 0 or 1) | Telephone number 1 is invalid (determined by dialler) | ||
bPhoneNumber2Invalid | NUMBER (Empty, 0 or 1) | Telephone number 2 is invalid (determined by dialler) | ||
bPhoneNumber3Invalid | NUMBER (Empty, 0 or 1) | Telephone number 3 is invalid (determined by dialler) | ||
bPhoneNumber4Invalid | NUMBER (Empty, 0 or 1) | Telephone number 4 is invalid (determined by dialler) | ||
bPhoneNumber5Invalid | NUMBER (Empty, 0 or 1) | Telephone number 5 is invalid (determined by dialler) | ||
bPhoneNumber6Invalid | NUMBER (Empty, 0 or 1) | Telephone number 6 is invalid (determined by dialler) |
Example Record
"DiallerContact";"2017-07-16 07:28:44";"Sub-Campaign";"123123122";"Client";"Service";"ReferenceNumber";"Name";"FirstName";"Salutation";"Title";"Company";"Address";"PostalCode";"City";"Country";"AccountOwner";"AccountBank";"AccountNationalBankCode";"AccountBIC";"AccountNumber";"AccountIBAN";Amount;"49199111111";"49199222222";"49199333333";"49199444444";"49199555555";"49199666666";"Fax";"E-Mail";"Website";"Comments";"agent1";"agent1";"2017-07-17 10:00:00";"APPT";;;1;0;0;0;0;0;0