
The jtel application allows you to use an innovaphone Cloud PBX client within Salesforce using the jtel Salesforce connector. 

The following functionality is made available: 

  • On incoming call automatic contact search and screen pop of records in Salesforce. 
  • Click to Dial from any valid record in Salesforce for automated outgoing call dialling. 

With this app, you can login to your Innovaphone account, you will see the status of your connected device alongside with your name, you can enter a destination number and start a call.

In the other hand, click to dial functionality in Salesforce will be unlocked that you can click on your customers/contacts phone number to start automatically a call in your Innovaphone device. When receiving an inbound call to your Innovaphone device, an automatic popup with the caller data will appear in Salesforce if the caller is already a contact.

You can also select your device (hardphone, softphone) inside the App if you have multiple phones.

License and Support Information

The licensing is handled and obtained via innovaphone. The license is user based. One license per named user with any number of devices within the PBX.  This license is debited if the function is configured for a user on the PBX – independent of the usage, this is not a concurrent or floating license. Please carefully read our service conditions here: https://www.jtel.de/en/services 

The "jtel Salesforce Connector for innovaphone" installation instructions provided hereafter is freely available.

Please note: The valid user licence does NOT include any other SUPPORT by jtel.  Should you still require technical support, this service must be purchased additionally from jtel.  To buy technical support follow the URL https://www.jtel.de/en/services and follow the instructions to upload a Support Request Purchase Order (PO) as PDF.

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