Lists are used to provide a simple generic data mechanism in the portal. This data can be created by the system, for example using a routing application. For example:

  • A list of customer numbers, who are allowed to call a support hotline.
  • A list of callers from a particular number.

Choose System Settings - Lists in the main menu, to view the table of existing lists.

Use New in the toolbar to create a further list. Provide the following information:


The name of the list.

In the table column Action you can use Edit to change the data.

Editing Lists

Use the tab List to change the master data for the list. Use Entries to view the entries in the list. Use New in the toolbar to add entries to the list. Entries can be changed by selecting Edit in the Action column.

The meaning of the fields provided is up to you, the user of the list. The system does not care what data you save in what column.

With “Import” in the toolbar you can import up to 500 data records from a file as entries in the selected list. In order to import larger amounts of data, they must be broken down into files with less than or equal to 500 entries..

Using the option Export CSV you can export the list to a CSV file which you can then download.

The following rules apply to importing and exporting the data:

  • Records in a file are separated by CR + LF (Windows line ending).
  • Fields within records are separated by semicolons.
  • A record can contain up to 4 fields in the order Field 1, Field 2, Field 3 and Field 4.
  • Missing fields are set to empty.
  • Field contents can be supplied enclosed by inverted commas. In this case the inverted commas are not considered part of the data.
  • If the system detects a record with equal values to the supplied record, it assumes a duplicate and does not import the data.

When importing, you can decide whether the existing list should be overwritten or not.

  • No labels