jtel Braille Agent Home is a version of Agent Home optimised for the use by visually impaired users, with the aid of braille readers and accessibility software.
The layout and functionality has been optimised and features the following:
- A flat layout is used with fewer tabs and popups
- Text is used wherever relevant instead of colours - for example agent status and telephone status are shown as text values instead of being "implied" using red / green and other colours
- Unnecessary components and features can easily be removed using the relevent security group
- "Cluttered" components, such as the pager for navigation in tables, are at the bottom. They can still be accessed, but the braille reader will not read all of this first, before reading the actual data
- Commonly used functions can be triggered using an access key which can be configured in the user's settings
Configuring Braille Agent Home involves the following steps:
- Consider whether Agent Home Braille should be displayed directly after the user logs in
- Remove unused and unnecessary functions and information from Agent Home Braille
- Configure Access Keys for commonly used functions
Access to Agent Home Braille
Resource | What to check |
portal.Acd.AgentHomeBraille | Security groups should have the "X" (Execute) right if users are allowed to access Agent Home Braille. |
Directly go to Agent Home (or Agent Home Braille) after Login
This applies to users of Agent Home AND Agent Home Braille.
Resource | What to check |
portal.Acd.AgentHomeOnly |
Removal of Functions
The following table shows functions which can be removed as necessary using the security group:
Einstellung | Was Tun | Effekt |
portal.Acd.AgentHomeBraille | X der Braille Sicherheitsgruppe (auf Mandantenebene) zuordnen | Braille Agent Home ist nutzbar |
Vererbung verhindern einschalten (auf sysadmin) Dann recht “X” nach Oben reichen (Security Group bei sysadmin, reseller admin Dann in die spezielle Sicherheitsgruppe für den Braille-User das “X” aktivieren (alle anderen Sicherheitsgruppen auf der Client Ebene nicht) | Benutzer geht direkt auf Braille Agent Home nach Login (oder Agent Home, falls Braille Agent Home nicht zugeordnet ist) | |
portal.Acd.UsersProfilesButtons | X wegnehmen | Verschiedene Funktionen im Header ausblenden |
portal.Acd.AgentHome.CallProcessing | X wegnehmen | Verschiedene Tabs im Braille-Agent Home ausblenden |
portal.UserData.Clients.Options.ForeignSystem | X wegnehmen | Bereich “URLs” ausblenden. |
portal.Acd.AgentHome.CallNotes | X wegnehmen | Funktionsbereiche im Call-Handling ausblenden. |
portal.Acd.AgentHome.CallProcessing.CallbackRequest | X wegnehmen | Diverse Call-Handling Funktionen ausblenden. |
portal.Acd.AgentHome.CallProcessing.Outbound.AcdGroups | X wegnehmen | Verschiedene Einstellungen für Outbound-Calls ausblenden. |
portal.Acd.AgentHome.CallProcessing.CallTransfer.Agent | X wegnehmen | Verschiedene Arten der Weiterleitungen ausblenden. |
portal.Acd.AgentHome.CallProcessing.CallTransfer.PbxUser.Availability | X wegnehmen | Verschiedene Spalten bei PBX Benutzer ausblenden. |