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KeyTResolved Date Release Notes SubjectRelease Notes Content
JTELDEV-6281StoryNew Workflow Objects: AcdEvent Create Advanced and SalesForce Generic Query

Two new workflow objects have been created:

  • AcdEvent Create Advanced
  • SalesForce Generic Query

AcdEvent Create Advanced allows for the creation of ACD events specifying the following parameters:

  • Type of event
  • The ACD group to which the event should be distributed
  • The Agent to which the event should be distributed (optional)
  • Event sender
  • Event receiver
  • Subect
  • User Data
  • Body Data
  • Skills and Timeouts

It is recommended, that the previous version of the object, AcdEvent Create, no longer be used.

See this wiki page for further details:

SalesForce Generic Query provides a totally generic API which can be used to communicate with SalesForce endpoints.

It could be used, for example, to replace the existing SalesForce getCallerInformation queries. It can use any REST endpoint defined in the SalesForce instance, including endpoints which are not necessarily created using Apex but other methods such as flows. The following parameters can be speciffied:

  • The REST Endpoint URL within the SalesForce instance
  • Four generic parameters passed to the REST Endpoint
  • A query parameter (multiline) passed to the REST Endpoint

The object has four outputs, which are selected depending on the return value of the REST API called:

  • Found - used when the REST endpoint returns 200 OK
  • Many - used when the REST endpoint returns 300 Multiple Choices
  • Not Found - used when the REST endpoint returns 404 Not Found
  • Error - used in all other cases

For 200 OK and 300 Multiple Choices the JSON parser is used to parse any returned and valid JSON information into variables which are provided to the workflow as variables of the form $SalesForce.xzy where xyz is the name of the actual JSON field provided.

See this wiki page for further details:

JTELDEV-6295StoryIVR Object Last Call Information - Additional fields and Query Option

The IVR Object Last Call Information has been expanded to include the following new option:

  • Option “Include Outbound”. If this option is set, outbound calls will also be queried. If not set then only inbound calls are considered.
  • Option “Agent Calls Only”. If this option is set, only successful agent calls are considered. If not set then all calls are considered.

The following new variables are now provided by the object:

  • UsersName - the name of the last agent
  • UsersFirstName - the first name of the last agent
  • UsersEmail - the email address of the last agent
  • AcdGroupsName - the name of the acd group
  • AcdAgentGroupsName - the name of the acd agent group
  • AcdConfigurationGroupsName - the name of the acd configuration group
JTELDEV-6285BugACD-S-002 - Service Numbers Report 2 - excel variant uses wrong template

The report ACD-S-002 - Service Numbers Report 2 - excel variant used the wrong template. This problem can be mitigated by deleting the file //acd-store/shared/Data/system/jasper/Statistics_ServiceNumbersReport2.xls.jrxml and is automatically fixed when an update to this version is performed.

JTELDEV-6265BugChat Server - erroneous behaviour when forwarding a chat to an ACD group

Two issues were fixed in this ticket.


Incoming chat from customer distributed to an agent. The receiving agent is the only logged in agent in the group.

Use Case 1:

  • Agent has the open chat event and sends it to the same ACD group


  • The Agent is thrown out of the event and an Ajax Exception occurs
  • He receives the chat event again

Use Case 2:

  • Agent has the open chat event and a Supervisor sends the event to the group via the supervisor view


  • Both the agent and the supervisor now have the chat event

Both these problems have been fixed.

JTELDEV-6288BugCORS problem in Miniclient EXE using external login service

A CORS problem could occur when using the Miniclient EXE in combination with an external identity provider (reproducable with Octa). The mini client no longer sends stored cookies to external URLs, such as those of the identity provider’s login service, which prevents this issue.

JTELDEV-6286BugUnnecessary reference to log4j 1.4 in jtel portal

An unnecessary reference to an unused library caused log4j version 1.4 jar to be present in the portal war file. This dependency has been removed. Please note, it is not necessary to patch existing installations, as the file was never used by the webserver.

JTELDEV-6279BugAzure Authentication - After logging in, the tiles are displayed in the wrong language.

When you login with Azure authentication, the tiles in the main view are sometimes displayed in the wrong language. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6273BugSupervisor/Agent Home - Missing some components with Azure Login

When you logged in with Azure, not all required components are displayed in the Supervisor and Agent Home. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6257BugReport Subscription - Wrong report in the emails attachment.

In some cases, the wrong file was sent via email for a report subscription. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6269BugInputASR Object - Add a new timeout: Timeout Between Words.

In the IVR object InputASR, a new timeout has been added - “Timeout Betweeen Words“. This timeout defines the maximum value of silence between words. The default value is 1500 ms. Once this timeout has occurred, the ASR will calculate the final result.

JTELDEV-6266MiniClient EXE - User-Agent http request header is configurable in config file

A new parameter was introduced to the the MiniClient configuration file:

  • BrowserUserAgentHeader

If the value is not empty, this overrides the user agent header used by the mini client EXE browser when it makes requests. If not configured, the value used is as follows:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.116 Safari/537.36 JTELMiniclient/2.0
JTELDEV-6262BugWallboard URLs broken when Azure login force is configured

The wallboard URL was not accessible if the client account was setup to force Microsoft Azure login using portal.Login.Azure.Force

This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6258Azure Login - not possible to remove login button

It was not possible to remove the azure login button from the login screen, even if there was no azure authority configured in the client account. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6235BugChatbot - Problem displaying special characters

Chatbot - there was a problem displaying special characters received from the chatbot. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6261BugTTS Engines - irritating sort order of engines in the IVR GUI

The TTS Engine list in the IVR GUI dropdown lists was not sorted correctly. This resulted in de-AT and de-CH being at the bottom of the list, instead of above de-DE for example. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6260TTS and ASR Languages for de-AT and de-CH added

The necessary language definitions to use de-AT (Austrian German) and de-CH (Swiss German) with both ASR and TTS have been added to the portal.

JTELDEV-6254StoryFTP Upload - Upload call recordings into a second FTP server if configured in a second Client.

It is now possible to configure a second FTP server so call recordings can be uploaded to a second FTP server.

This is performed by creating a second client, then adding a Client parameter FTP.CallRecordings.CopyJob.ClientsID in the first client which contains the Clients.ID of the new client.

The credentials for the new FTP server are created in the second client account, and the FTP jobs will be copied from the first client to the second client, resulting in two uploads.

A further parameter FTP.CallRecordings.CopyJob.UsersIDs can be used to constrain the users for which the job is copied. This parameter is provided as a comma separated list.

NOTE: do not put any spaces or other characters between the IDs - this will not work.


Good: 1,2,3,4,5

BAD: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

JTELDEV-6255ACD Supervisor - Rendering of Column Values with Thresholds and Coloring

It is now possible to color values displayed in the tables of the ACD supervisor using flexible thresholds and coloring.

For example, if the service level drops below 60% it could be shown in red, below 80% in yellow, otherwise in green.

For more information please see this page:

JTELDEV-6248SupportSupervisor - Cockpit Variables - very long name prevents operation of sliders

If a cockpit variable had a very long name, then the text would overflow out of the tile in the supervisor covering the previous slider (the one rendered above). This would prevent operation of the slider control. This problem has been fixed - the name is now truncated, the full name of the cockpit variable can be seen by moving the mouse over the shortened text.

JTELDEV-6233BugCall Log - Problem displaying special characters

There was a problem with the display of special characters in the call log. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6227StoryCustomizable Display Possibilities for Calls in Agent Home and Mini Client and usage of JSON Stuctured Data in Calls

It is now possible to customize three areas in agent home and the mini client, for the actual information displayed when a call is received.

The level of customization is high, the display of the information is based on asciidoc - a variant of a markdown language. With this highlighting and coloring is possible, tables can be displayed, and and number of individual links can be added. Even the display of graphics hosted on a separate server is possible.

Customization can either be applied globally, or on an individual ACD Group basis. Using the feature on an individual ACD group allows, for example, the greeting and group specific information or links to be displayed.

JSON data call be attached to the call in the IVR call flow, enabling much more data to be attached than previously. For example, a complete customer record with name, address and contact details, purchased products, etc. could be attached and displayed using an asciidoc template.

Changes were made to the IVR object Save additional Info and Userdata - see here for details:

Documentation on how the customization is performed, is available here:

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