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Sv translation

Azure Configuration

Create an Access Token for the Application

Create the application and register it as described here:

Grant Permissions

The Presence Connector will need at least this. Also, click on Grand admin consent for Jtel GmbH.

Create a Client Secret

Gather all Information

You will need:

The user and password are the email and password for the Teams Administrator.

Postman Collections

To see what is going on, import the postman collections as described here:


Application: Get App Only Access Token

Application: Get Users

On Behalf of a User: Get User Access Token

Get Presence status of a specific user

This request does not exist in the postman collection, you have to create a new GET request as below:


Authorization: Bearer token using the variable: {{UserAccessToken}}.

For more details about the MS Graph Get preseence for multiple users, please see

Sv translation




Erstellen eines Zugriffstokens für die Anwendung

Erstellen Sie die Anwendung und registrieren Sie sie wie hier beschrieben

Create an Access Token for the Application

Create the application and register it as described here:

Grant Permissions

Berechtigungen erteilen

The Der Presence Connector will need at least this. Also, click on benötigt mindestens diese Angaben. Klicken Sie außerdem auf Grand admin consent for für die Jtel GmbH.

Create a Client Secret

Ein Kundengeheimnis erstellen

Gather all Information

Sammeln Sie alle Informationen

Sie benötigenYou will need:

  • The Application (client) ID
  • The Directory (tenant) ID
  • The Client secret
  • Scope:
  • User: email address (We don’t need a license)
  • Password: xxxxxxxxxxxx.
  • Benutzer: E-Mail-Adresse (Wir benötigen keine Lizenz)
  • Passwort : xxxxxxxxxxxx.

Der Benutzer und das Passwort sind die E-Mail und das Passwort für den Team-The user and password are the email and password for the Teams Administrator.




Um zu sehen, was vor sich geht, importieren Sie die postman-Sammlungen wie hier beschriebenTo see what is going on, import the postman collections as described here:


Application: Get App Only Access Token

Application: Get Users

On Behalf of a User: Get User Access Token

Get Presence status of a specific user

Anwesenheitsstatus eines bestimmten Benutzers abrufen

Diese Anfrage existiert nicht in der Postman-Sammlung. Sie müssen eine neue GET-Anfrage wie unten beschrieben erstellenThis request does not exist in the postman collection, you have to create a new GET request as below:


Authorization: Bearer token using the variable:  unter Verwendung der Variablen:  {{UserAccessToken}}.

Weitere Einzelheiten über die MS Graph Get-Priorität für mehrere Benutzer finden Sie unter

For more details about the MS Graph Get preseence for multiple users, please see

Sv translation

Azure Configuration

Create an Access Token for the Application

Create the application and register it as described here:

Grant Permissions

The Presence Connector will need at least this. Also, click on Grand admin consent for Jtel GmbH.

Create a Client Secret

Gather all Information

You will need:

The user and password are the email and password for the Teams Administrator.

Postman Collections

To see what is going on, import the postman collections as described here:


Application: Get App Only Access Token

Application: Get Users

On Behalf of a User: Get User Access Token

Get Presence status of a specific user

This request does not exist in the postman collection, you have to create a new GET request as below:


Authorization: Bearer token using the variable: {{UserAccessToken}}.

For more details about the MS Graph Get preseence for multiple users, please see