Versions Compared


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Default Value




The minimum time after the end of a time interval before statistics are aggregated.



The date / time of the next time slice to be calculated. This parameter can be reset to an earlier date / time in which case the system will recalculate all intervals from the given date and time again.

Portal.ACD.Statistics.JTELStats2.Compress.CompressedUA.CustomCompress The name of a stored procedure, in JTELStats2, which is called after the system statistics discussed below have been aggregated. This can be used to provide additional values in additional tables as required by a custom installation. NOTE: changing the CompressedUA tables themselves is NOT supported.
Portal.ACD.Statistics.JTELStats2.Compress.CompressedUA.CustomCompress.SuppressErrors0Set to 1, to suppress errors in the CustomCompress routine. If this flag is set, the system will continue with calculations for the data, even if the custom routine throws errors.


IDINTA unique ID assigned to each record. Note, that IDs are not re-used, since if an interval is recalculated, the record is added with REPLACE, i.e. the existing record will be delteted and a new record with a new ID will be created in its place.
ClientsIDINTID of client from Clients table.
UsersIDINTThe ID of the user from the Users table.
UsersProfilesIDINTThe ID of the user profile from UserProfiles in which the agent was logged in.
ServiceNumbersIDINTID of service number from ServiceNumbers table.
DynamicPriorityGroupsIDINTID of dynamic priority group from DynamicPriorityGroups table.
RoutingApplicationsIDINTID of the routing application from the RoutingApplications Table.
AcdGroupsIDINTID of the ACD group, from the AcdGroups table.
dtIntervalStartDATETIMEDate and Time of the start of the interval.
UsersUIDVARCHAR(64)The UsersUID field.
UsersNameVARCHAR(64)The Users Name.
UsersFirstNameVARCHAR(64)The Users FirstName.
UsersProfilesNameVARCHAR(64)The UsersProfiles Name.
ServiceNumbersRootNumberVARCHAR(32)The RootNumber field of the service number, as configured when the compressed statistics were created.
ServiceNumbersNameVARCHAR(64)The Name field of the service number, as configured when the compressed statistics were created.
ServiceNumbersName2VARCHAR(64)The Name2 field of the service number, as configured when the compressed statistics were created.
DynamicPriorityGroupsNameVARCHAR(64)The Name field from the DynamicPriorityGroups table, as configured when the compressed statistics were created.
AcdGroupsNameVARCHAR(64)The Name field from the AcdGroups table, as configured when the compressed statistics were created.
Direct_CountINTCalls directly to agent, total offered.
Direct_OK_CountINTCalls directly to agent, answered.
Direct_OK_Time_CallStart_CallConnect_TotalBIGINTCalls directly to agent, answered, total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallConnect.
Direct_OK_Time_CallStart_CallConnect_Max INTCalls directly to agent, answered, max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallConnect.
Direct_OK_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_TotalBIGINTCalls directly to agent, answered, total seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd.
Direct_OK_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_MaxINTCalls directly to agent, answered, max seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd.
Direct_OK_PostCall_CountINTCalls directly to agent, answered, number of calls with post call work.
Direct_OK_PostCall_Time_TotalBIGINTCalls directly to agent, answered, total time in post call work.
Direct_OK_PostCall_Time_MaxINTCalls directly to agent, answered, max time in post call work.
Direct_NoAnswer_Count INTCalls directly to agent, not answered. 
Direct_NoAnswer_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Total BIGINTCalls directly to agent, not answered, total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
Direct_NoAnswer_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Max INTCalls directly to agent, not answered, max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
Direct_Busy_Count INTCalls directly to agent, busy. 
Direct_CallerHangup_Count INTCalls directly to agent, caller hangup. 
Direct_CallerHangup_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Total BIGINTCalls directly to agent, caller hangup, total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
Direct_CallerHangup_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Max INTCalls directly to agent, caller hangup, max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
Direct_Reject_Count INTCalls directly to agent, rejected. 
Direct_Reject_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Total BIGINTCalls directly to agent, rejected, total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
Direct_Reject_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Max INTCalls directly to agent, rejected, max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
Direct_Failure_Count INTCalls directly to agent, failed. 
FromTransfer_Count INTCalls transferred to agent, total offered. 
FromTransfer_OK_Count INTCalls transferred to agent, answered. 
FromTransfer_OK_Time_CallStart_CallConnect_Total BIGINTCalls transferred to agent, answered, total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallConnect. 
FromTransfer_OK_Time_CallStart_CallConnect_Max INTCalls transferred to agent, answered, max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallConnect. 
FromTransfer_OK_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_Total  BIGINTCalls transferred to agent, answered, total seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd.
FromTransfer_OK_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_Max INTCalls transferred to agent, answered, max seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd. 
FromTransfer_OK_PostCall_Count INTCalls transferred to agent, answered, number of calls with post call work. 
FromTransfer_OK_PostCall_Time_Total  BIGINTCalls transferred to agent, answered, total time in post call work.
FromTransferFromTransfer_OK_PostCall_Time_Max INTCalls transferred to agent, answered, max time in post call work. 
FromTransfer_NoAnswer_Count INTCalls transferred to agent, not answered. 
FromTransfer_NoAnswer_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Total  BIGINTCalls transferred to agent, not answered, total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
FromTransfer_NoAnswer_FromTransfer_NoAnswer_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Max INTCalls transferred to agent, not answered, max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
FromTransfer_Busy_Count INTCalls transferred to agent, busy. 
FromTransfer_CallerHangup_Count INTCalls transferred to agent, caller hangup. 
FromTransfer_CallerHangup_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Total BIGINTCalls transferred to agent, caller hangup, total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
FromTransfer_CallerHangup_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Max INTCalls transferred to agent, caller hangup, max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
FromTransfer_Reject_Count INTCalls transferred to agent, rejected. 
FromTransfer_Reject_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Total  BIGINTCalls transferred to agent, rejected, total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd.
FromTransfer_Reject_FromTransfer_Reject_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Max INTCalls transferred to agent, rejected, max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
FromTransfer_Failure_Count INTCalls transferred to agent, failed. 
TransferOut_Number_Count INTCalls transferred out to number by agent, total attempts. 
TransferOut_Number_OK_Count INTCalls transferred out to number by agent, answered. 
TransferOut_Number_OK_Time_CallStart_CallConnect_Total BIGINTCalls transferred out to number by agent, answered, total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallConnect. 
TransferOut_Number_OK_Time_CallStart_CallConnect_Max INTCalls transferred out to number by agent, answered, max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallConnect. 
TransferOut_Number_OK_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_Total BIGINTCalls transferred out to number by agent, answered, total seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd. 
TransferOut_Number_OK_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_Max INTCalls transferred out to number by agent, answered, max seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd. 
TransferOut_Number_NoAnswer_Count INTCalls transferred out to number by agent, no answer. 
TransferOut_Number_NoAnswer_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Total  BIGINTCalls transferred out to number by agent, no answer, total seconds from dCallStart to dtCallEnd.
TransferOut_Number_NoAnswer_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Max INTCalls transferred out to number by agent, no answer, max seconds from dCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
TransferOut_Number_Busy_Count INTCalls transferred out to number by agent, busy. 
TransferOut_Number_CallerHangup_Count  INTCalls transferred out to number by agent, caller hangup.
TransferOut_Number_CallerHangup_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Total BIGINTCalls transferred out to number by agent, caller hangup, total seconds from dCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
TransferOut_Number_CallerHangup_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Max INTCalls transferred out to number by agent, caller hangup, max seconds from dCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
TransferOut_Number_Reject_Count INTCalls transferred out to number by agent, rejected. 
TransferOut_Number_Reject_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Total BIGINTCalls transferred out to number by agent, rejected, total seconds from dCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
TransferOut_Number_Reject_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Max INTCalls transferred out to number by agent, rejected, max seconds from dCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
TransferOut_Number_Failure_Count  INTCalls transferred out to number by agent, failed.
TransferOut_Group_Count INTCalls transferred out to group by agent, total attempts. 
TransferOut_Group_OK_Count INTCalls transferred out to group by agent, answered. 
TransferOut_Group_OK_Time_CallStart_CallConnect_Total BIGINTCalls transferred out to group by agent, answered, total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallConnect. 
TransferOut_Group_OK_Time_CallStart_CallConnect_Max INTCalls transferred out to group by agent, answered, max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallConnect. 
TransferOut_Group_OK_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_Total BIGINTCalls transferred out to group by agent, answered, total seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd. 
TransferOut_Group_OK_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_Max  INTCalls transferred out to group by agent, answered, max seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd.
TransferOut_Group_NoAnswerTransferOut_Group_NoAnswer_Count INTCalls transferred out to group by agent, no answer. 
TransferOut_Group_NoAnswer_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Total BIGINTCalls transferred out to group by agent, no answer, total seconds from dCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
TransferOut_Group_NoAnswer_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Max  INTCalls transferred out to group by agent, no answer, max seconds from dCallStart to dtCallEnd.
TransferOut_Group_Busy_Count INTCalls transferred out to group by agent, busy. 
TransferOut_Group_CallerHangup_Count INTCalls transferred out to group by agent, caller hangup. 
TransferOut_Group_CallerHangup_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Total  BIGINTCalls transferred out to group by agent, caller hangup, total seconds from dCallStart to dtCallEnd.
TransferOut_GroupTransferOut_Group_CallerHangup_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Max INTCalls transferred out to group by agent, caller hangup, max seconds from dCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
TransferOut_Group_Reject_Count INTCalls transferred out to group by agent, rejected. 
TransferOut_Group_Reject_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Total BIGINTCalls transferred out to group by agent, rejected, total seconds from dCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
TransferOut_Group_Reject_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Max INTCalls transferred out to group by agent, rejected, max seconds from dCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
TransferOut_Group_Failure_Count INTCalls transferred out to group by agent, failed. 
TransferOut_Agent_Count  INTCalls transferred out to agent by agent, total attempts.
TransferOutTransferOut_Agent_OK_Count INTCalls transferred out to agent by agent, answered. 
TransferOut_Agent_OK_Time_CallStart_CallConnect_Total BIGINTCalls transferred out to agent by agent, answered, total seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallConnect. 
TransferOut_Agent_OK_Time_CallStart_CallConnect_Max INTCalls transferred out to agent by agent, answered, max seconds from dtCallStart to dtCallConnect. 
TransferOut_Agent_OK_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_Total  BIGINTCalls transferred out to agent by agent, answered, total seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd.
TransferOut_Agent_OK_Time_CallConnect_CallEnd_Max INTCalls transferred out to agent by agent, answered, max seconds from dtCallConnect to dtCallEnd. 
TransferOut_Agent_NoAnswer_Count INTCalls transferred out to agent by agent, no answer. 
TransferOut_Agent_NoAnswer_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Total TotalBIGINTCalls transferred out to agent by agent, no answer, total seconds from dCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
TransferOut_Agent_NoAnswer_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Max INTCalls transferred out to agent by agent, no answer, max seconds from dCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
TransferOut_Agent_Busy_Count INTCalls transferred out to agent by agent, busy. 
TransferOut_Agent_CallerHangup_Count INTCalls transferred out to agent by agent, caller hangup. 
TransferOut_Agent_CallerHangup_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Total BIGINTCalls transferred out to agent by agent, caller hangup, total seconds from dCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
TransferOut_Agent_CallerHangup_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Max INTCalls transferred out to agent by agent, caller hangup, max seconds from dCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
TransferOut_Agent_Reject_Count INTCalls transferred out to agent by agent, rejected. 
TransferOut_Agent_Reject_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Total BIGINTCalls transferred out to agent by agent, rejected, total seconds from dCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
TransferOut_Agent_Reject_Time_CallStart_CallEnd_Max INTCalls transferred out to agent by agent, rejected, max seconds from dCallStart to dtCallEnd. 
TransferOut_Agent_Failure_Count INTCalls transferred out to agent by agent, failed.