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Sv translation

Callers (for example to a call center) dial numbers which are routed to service numbers in the system. Service numbers are created by the system administrator and associated with your account. Other users cannot create service numbers. However, they can change parameters pertaining to their operation.

Choose Number Management - Service Numbers in the main menu, to view the table of service numbers.

Use All or Active in the toolbar to switch between a view containing all service numbers and active service numbers. When you select active service numbers, you see only numbers which are currently active in the system, i.e. where the time span From ... To covers the current date and time.

The table shows the following columns:

Platform Destination

This is the actual number dialled on the platform Depending on your account rights, this column may not be visible.

Service Number

This column is used to store the actual service number assigned to the platform destination


This is an informative name, for example Support Hotline


Active time span start If no date is contained in this field, then the number is available from the installation date of the system.


Active time span start end If no date is contained in this field, then the number is available forever.

Routing Application

The active routing application, or no entry, if no application is active.

Routing Plan

The currently active routing plan, or no entry, if no routing plan is active.


Here you can see if the number is active or not Calls to numbers which are not active will be dropped by the system

Dynamic PrioritygroupThis column shows the Dynamic Priority Group assigned to this service number.
Customer NumberOptional: The specified customer number of the service call number can be entered here.
Parent Customer NumberOptional: The specified parent customer number of the service call number can be entered here.
Contract NumberOptional: The specified contract number of the service call number can be entered here.
Billing NumberOptional: The specified billing number of the service call number can be entered here.


Active time span start If no date is contained in this field, then the number is available from the installation date of the system.


Active time span start end If no date is contained in this field, then the number is available forever.

Routing Application

The active routing application, or no entry, if no application is active.

Routing Plan

The currently active routing plan, or no entry, if no routing plan is active.

ParametersThis column displays information about the parameters set on the service number.


Here you can see if the number is active or not Calls to numbers which are not active will be dropped by the system

External DB Routing

Here you can see if external database routing for ACD services is active.
You can see

External DB Routing

Here you can see if external database routing for ACD services is active.
You can see T if legacy routing for an ACD group is active.
You can see G if new DB routing for an ACD group is active (E.164 based).


Here you can see if logging for this number is active or not The system administrator can disable logging for numbers, which have a particularly high call rate, to uphold system performance.

In the column Action you can choose Edit to see and change further parameters. The view is separated in to tabs.

Master Data

Here, you can change the name of the service number, to make identification easier

(E.164 based).


Here you can see if logging for this number is active or not The system administrator can disable logging for numbers, which have a particularly high call rate, to uphold system performance.

In the column Action you can choose Edit to see and change further parameters. The view is separated in to tabs.

Master Data

Here, you can change the name of the service number, to make identification easier.


Set a name for your service number here. This will be displayed in many fields in the portal if assigned.

Customer Number

Here you have the option of assigning a customer number to the service number.

Parent Customer Number

Here you have the option of assigning a parent customer number to the service number.

Contract Number

Here you have the option of assigning a contract number to the service number.

Billing Number

Here you have the option of assigning a billing number to the service number.

Suppress tariff prompts

If this option is selected, no tariff prompts are played for the call number. This option should be activated for online billed numbers.


To use a service number, it must be assigned to a routing application or routing plan.

Routing Type

Application without Routing plan - a routing application is assigned directly to the service number, no matter when the number is called.

Application with Routing plan - a routing plan is assigned to the number, which determines the application to be executed depending on date, time and other factors.

Routing Application

Choose the routing application

Routing Plan

Choose the routing plan

Service Number Status

Change the Service Number Status The Service Number Status affects how rules in a routing plan are applied.


Here you can see if the number is active or not Calls to numbers which are not active will be dropped by the system

Optional Checks

If you choose this option, a further tab of parameters Optional Checks is shown, where further restrictions on calls to the service number can be made.

Dynamische PrioritätsgruppeIn this drop-down field, a dynamic priority group can be assigned to the servicenumber.Parameters

This tab is only visible for numbers, which use a routing application directly. The displayed parameters are dependent on the exact application configured. Depending on the application, other or further parameters may be displayed, for example the language version of a routing application.

Parameters for the Standard Application ACD Group

ACD Group

ACD group (independent group), to which a call to this service number should be routed. This parameter will not be shown in connection with the next two parameters.

Call Priority

Assign different priorities from 0 to 100, to priorise calls from service numbers within the ACD queue. Calls with a higher priority are sorted to the front of the ACD queue.

Entry Point

Select the entry point in the call flow of the ACD.

Start ... — the entry point at the start of the call flow should be used.

Queue - to skip over welcome prompts.

Extra Info

With this entry you can overwrite the value of the table element Additional Info which is displayed the agent in Agent Home. This can be the name of the hotline. Example: “Dial-In via VIP hotline.”


Choose the language, which should be used to play the prompts.

Queue Prompt 1 to 5

Here you can select prompts which can replace the defined queue prompts of the ACD group rules (Queue) for this Service Number.

Maximum total call wait time

This parameter determines the maximum time which should elapse between calls entering the system and being answered by agents. This includes the time when the agent phone is ringing. A value of -1 means unlimited. The use of this parameter requires that a rule at the ACD check point Overflow Queue Call Timeout be created. If this timeout applies the call will be terminated, even if the agent answered the call and the whisper prompt is played. The purpose is to interrupt the queueing free of charge (State 1, during ringing) in accordance with the law.


Choose one or more skills, which cause routing to occur only to agents who posess these skills. Agents without the appropriate skill assignment will not receive the calls.

Minimum Skill

Optionally, the minimum skill level required

Switch to External Routing

Here you decide if a changeover to an external DB routing should take place. If this option is set, the system tries to access an external database (defined by the system administrator) and looks up the caller number and called number to find an ACD group number.

Switch to External Routing (E.164)

The same as the previous function, however the external database contains E.164 formatted numbers.

Switch to External Target Routing (E.164)

Here you decide if a changeover to the external target routing should take place. All target numbers have the standardized (E.164) format.


Here you can register the program to be used for the distribution of calls. Currently only acd.Group.Distribute.Split.r5 is allowed.


If indicated, the content of this field in case of forwarding to an external number will be taken as sender number. Otherwise the phone number of the caller will be signalled.

Send media events to original group

If you set this option, media events that result from the call (for example voice mail or callback requests) will be forwarded to the original group- that is the indicated ACD Group or Agent Group. The purpose of this feature is, if the group overflow is used, to route the media events to the original group.

Standard Network IVR Application:


Choose the language, which should be used to play the prompts.

Standard Agent Telephone Login Logout Application


Choose the language, which should be used to play the prompts.

Enable Agent phone number screening instead of checking agent number and PIN

If this option is selected, the system determines what agent is calling dependent on the A-Number of the caller. This saves the agent from having to input agent number and PIN. The number must be added to one of the Telephone 1 to Telephone 6 fields in the user account settings.

Global dial-in number?

If this option is selected, agents mus also input the Business Group number of the client account to login by telephone. This option is useful for resellers, who can create a single login logout program available on one number which can be used by all clients.

Optional Checks

If you have activated optional checks, then the Optional Checks tab will be displayed:

Allow Pay-Phone

Whether calls from a pay-phone should be allowed. If not selected, calls from pay-phones will be rejected. This feature depends on the connection of the system to a carrier who provides the information required to detect pay-phones.

Allow Mobile

Whether calls from mobile numbers should be allowed. If not selected, calls from mobile numbers will be rejected.

Allow International

Whether calls from international numbers should be allowed. If not selected, calls from international numbers will be rejected.


If a black list should be used. If callers are on the black list, then they will be rejected.


If a white list should be used. If callers are note on the white list, they will be rejected.


Here, you can assign the service number to users accounts. These users are then allowed to change the settings of the service number and view statistics for the number. Administrators are always allowed to view all services numbers.

The table shows the currently assigned user accounts. This function corresponds to the Assignment of Service Numbers to Users (User Data - Users). Use Add in the toolbar to add further users. You will see a table of system users. In the table click on Add in the Action column to add a user. Use Close in the toolbar to return to the previous screen.

Call Tariffs

This page shows the tariffs which apply to this service number. These tariffs are provided by the system or reseller administrator and cannot be changed here.


Use these options to select what statistics should be provided via the cockpit (SOAP) interface for this number. Only choose statistics which are really required, as the performance of the cockpit for this number may otherwise be affected.

Conference Statistics

The number of held conferences will be provided for this service number.

Call details

Details of individual calls can be retrieved for this service number.

Origin statistics

Details of the origin of calls can be retrieved for this service number.

Traffic data statistics

General traffic statistics for the number can be retrieved.

Redialler statistics

Data on callers who redial the service number are calculated.
