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Sv translation

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Sv translation

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Code Block
# Create the phsyical volume - this is based on sdb assuming it is the second drive on the system lvm pvcreate /dev/sdb # Create the volume group lvm vgcreate "vg_drbd_jtelshared" /dev/sdb # Create the logical volume lvm lvcreate -l +100%FREE vg_drbd_jtelshared -n lv_drbd_jtelshared

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# Prepare the firewall firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=7788-7799/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --reload

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Code Block
# Install elrepo rpm --import rpm -Uvh

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# Install DRBD yum -y install drbd84-utils kmod-drbd84 lsof # Enable drbd at boot, and in this session systemctl enable drbd systemctl start drbd

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Code Block
ip addr hostname

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Code Block
# Configure DRBD cat <<EOFF > /etc/drbd.d/jtelshared.res resource jtelshared { protocol C; meta-disk internal; device /dev/drbd0; syncer { verify-alg sha1; } net { allow-two-primaries; } on acd-store1.jtel.local { disk /dev/vg_drbd_jtelshared/lv_drbd_jtelshared; address; } on acd-store2.jtel.local { disk /dev/vg_drbd_jtelshared/lv_drbd_jtelshared; address; } startup { become-primary-on both; } } EOFF

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Code Block
# Create metadata and start DRBD drbdadm create-md jtelshared drbdadm up jtelshared

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Code Block
drbdadm primary jtelshared --force

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Code Block
drbdadm disk-options --c-plan-ahead=0 --resync-rate=110M jtelshared

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cat /proc/drbd   -->   # When not yet done:   version: 8.4.10-1 (api:1/proto:86-101) GIT-hash: a4d5de01fffd7e4cde48a080e2c686f9e8cebf4c build by mockbuild@, 2017-09-15 14:23:22 1: cs:SyncTarget ro:Secondary/Primary ds:Inconsistent/UpToDate C r----- ns:0 nr:3955712 dw:3950592 dr:0 al:8 bm:0 lo:5 pe:0 ua:5 ap:0 ep:1 wo:f oos:264474588 [>....................] sync'ed: 1.5% (258272/262132)M finish: 2:08:08 speed: 34,388 (25,652) want: 112,640 K/sec --> # When done: version: 8.4.10-1 (api:1/proto:86-101) GIT-hash: a4d5de01fffd7e4cde48a080e2c686f9e8cebf4c build by mockbuild@, 2017-09-15 14:23:22 1: cs:Connected ro:Secondary/Primary ds:UpToDate/UpToDate C r----- ns:0 nr:15626582 dw:284051762 dr:0 al:8 bm:0 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0 ep:1 wo:f oos:0

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Code Block
drbdadm adjust jtelshared drbdadm primary jtelshared

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Code Block
mkfs.xfs -L data /dev/drbd/by-res/jtelshared/0

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Code Block
/dev/drbd/by-res/jtelshared/0 /srv/jtel/shared xfs noauto,noatime,nodiratime 0 0

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Code Block
mkdir /srv/jtel mkdir /srv/jtel/shared chown -R jtel:jtel /srv/jtel mount /srv/jtel/shared

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Code Block
cat <<EOFF > /srv/jtel/shared/test.txt test 123 EOFF umount /srv/jtel/shared

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Code Block
mkdir /srv/jtel mkdir /srv/jtel/shared chown -R jtel:jtel /srv/jtel mount /srv/jtel/shared cat /srv/jtel/shared/test.txt   # Check contents of file before proceeding   rm /srv/jtel/shared/test.txt umount /srv/jtel/shared

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Code Block
yum -y install samba samba-client lsof

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Code Block
cat <<EOFF > /etc/samba/smb.conf [global] workgroup = SAMBA security = user passdb backend = tdbsam printing = cups printcap name = cups load printers = yes cups options = raw min protocol = NT1 ntlm auth = yes [homes] comment = Home Directories valid users = %S, %D%w%S browseable = No read only = No inherit acls = Yes [printers] comment = All Printers path = /var/tmp printable = Yes create mask = 0600 browseable = No [print$] comment = Printer Drivers path = /var/lib/samba/drivers write list = root create mask = 0664 directory mask = 0775 [shared] comment = jtel ACD Shared Directory read only = no public = yes writable = yes locking = yes path = /srv/jtel/shared guest ok = yes create mask = 0644 directory mask = 0755 force user = jtel force group = jtel acl allow execute always = True EOFF

Translations Ignore

Code Block
setsebool -P samba_enable_home_dirs=on samba_export_all_rw=on use_samba_home_dirs=on use_nfs_home_dirs=on printf '<password>\n<password>\n' | smbpasswd -a -s jtel firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=445/tcp --add-port=139/tcp --add-port=138/udp --add-port=137/udp --permanent firewall-cmd --reload

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Code Block
useradd -m Administrator printf 'F1r3B²11\nF1r3B²11\n' | smbpasswd -a -s Administrator 

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Code Block
mount /srv/jtel/shared service nmb start service smb start   # Now check access to the SMB share via (for example) one of the windows machines.   service smb stop umount /srv/jtel/shared   # do same again on other node

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Code Block
service smb stop umount /srv/jtel/shared systemctl disable smb

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Code Block

Translations Ignore

Code Block
pcs resource create ClusterDataJTELSharedMount ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem device="/dev/drbd/by-res/jtelshared/0" directory="/srv/jtel/shared" fstype="xfs" --group=jtel_portal_group pcs resource create ClusterIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip=${KE_VIP} cidr_netmask=32 op monitor interval=30s --group=jtel_portal_group pcs resource create samba systemd:smb op monitor interval=30s --group=jtel_portal_group pcs constraint order start ClusterDataJTELSharedMount then ClusterIP pcs constraint order start ClusterIP then samba

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Code Block
pcs status   --> shows the status of the newly created resources on both nodes, one node should be active.   Cluster name: portal Stack: corosync Current DC: uk-acd-store2 (version 1.1.16-12.el7_4.8-94ff4df) - partition with quorum Last updated: Mon Mar 19 15:40:24 2018 Last change: Mon Mar 19 15:40:16 2018 by root via cibadmin on uk-acd-store1 2 nodes configured 3 resources configured Online: [ uk-acd-store1 uk-acd-store2 ] Full list of resources: Resource Group: jtel_portal_group ClusterDataJTELSharedMount (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started uk-acd-store1 ClusterIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started uk-acd-store1 samba (systemd:smb): Started uk-acd-store1 Daemon Status: corosync: active/enabled pacemaker: active/enabled pcsd: active/enabled

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Code Block
# From the windows machines:   dir \\uk-acd-store\shared

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# Failover to node 2 pcs cluster standby uk-acd-store1    # ... (wait)   pcs status   # Then test the availability of the files from the windows machines. # Create a new file before failing back (to make sure DRBD working ok).   # Fail back to node 1 pcs cluster unstandby uk-acd-store1 pcs cluster standby uk-acd-store2   # ... (wait) pcs status # Then test the availability of the files from the windows machines. # Check that the new file created above is available.   # Unstandby node 2 pcs cluster unstandby uk-acd-store2

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Code Block
ln -s /srv/jtel/shared /home/jtel/shared