Versions Compared


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Sv translation

Table of Contents

Retrieve all AcdEventTypes

This function retrieves all AcdEventTypes from the system.


Translations Ignore

Code Block
GET {baseURL}/acd/events/types




If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.

Returned Data (200 OK)

A JSON Structure containing the following fields:

filterStringThe applied filter. This is reserved for future use.
limitStartIntegerThe first record index. Currently 0, reserved for future use.
limitPageSizeIntegerThe number of records. -1 indicates all records. Reserved for future use.
recordsAcdEventType []An array of AcdEventTypes.
countIntegerThe number of records returned.
orderByStringThe field used to sort the records. 
ascendingBooleanWhether the array of records is sorted ascending or descending.
statusIntegerThe return code (also provided by the http status code).


Translations Ignore

Code Block
    "filter": "",
    "limitStart": 0,
    "limitPageSize": -1,
    "records": [
            "ShortText": "AcdEventTypes.VoiceMail",
            "ID": 1
            "ShortText": "AcdEventTypes.Fax",
            "ID": 2
            "ShortText": "AcdEventTypes.Callback",
            "ID": 3
            "ShortText": "AcdEventTypes.SMS",
            "ID": 4
            "ShortText": "AcdEventTypes.Email",
            "ID": 5
            "ShortText": "AcdEventTypes.WorkFlowConnector",
            "ID": 6
            "ShortText": "AcdEventTypes.Chat",
            "ID": 7
    "count": 7,
    "orderBy": "ID",
    "ascending": true,
    "status": 200

Retrieve all AcdEventStatus

This function retrieves all AcdEventStatus from the system.


Translations Ignore

Code Block
GET {baseURL}/acd/events/status




If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.

Returned Data (200 OK)

A JSON Structure containing the following fields:

filterStringThe applied filter. This is reserved for future use.
limitStartIntegerThe first record index. Currently 0, reserved for future use.
limitPageSizeIntegerThe number of records. -1 indicates all records. Reserved for future use.
recordsAcdEventStatus []An array of AcdEventStatus.
countIntegerThe number of records returned.
orderByStringThe field used to sort the records. 
ascendingBooleanWhether the array of records is sorted ascending or descending.
statusIntegerThe return code (also provided by the http status code).


Translations Ignore

Code Block
    "filter": "",
    "limitStart": 0,
    "limitPageSize": -1,
    "records": [
            "ShortText": "AcdEventStatus.EnterSystem",
            "ID": 0
            "ShortText": "AcdEventStatus.Distribute",
            "ID": 1
            "ShortText": "AcdEventStatus.TransportSMTP",
            "ID": 2
            "ShortText": "AcdEventStatus.TransportToGroup",
            "ID": 4
            "ShortText": "AcdEventStatus.TransportAgent",
            "ID": 10
            "ShortText": "AcdEventStatus.New",
            "ID": 20
            "ShortText": "AcdEventStatus.Seen",
            "ID": 30
            "ShortText": "AcdEventStatus.Remind",
            "ID": 40
            "ShortText": "AcdEventStatus.ChatClosed",
            "ID": 98
            "ShortText": "AcdEventStatus.Done",
            "ID": 99
            "ShortText": "AcdEventStatus.Error",
            "ID": 100
    "count": 11,
    "orderBy": "ID",
    "ascending": true,
    "status": 200

Sv translation

Table of Contents

Retrieve all Dialler Campaigns

This function retrieves all dialler campaigns from the client account.


Translations Ignore
Code Block
GET {baseURL}/dialler/campaigns




If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible


Returned Data (200 OK)

A JSON Structure containing the following fields:

FieldTypeDatafilterStringThe applied filter. This is reserved for future use.limitStartIntegerThe first record index. Currently 0, reserved for future use.limitPageSizeIntegerThe number of records. -1 indicates all records. Reserved for future use.recordsDiallerCampaigns []An array of dialler campaigns.countIntegerThe number of dialler campaigns returned.orderByStringThe field used to sort the dialler campaigns. ascendingBooleanWhether the array of campaigns is sorted ascending or descending.statusIntegerThe return code (also provided by the http status code).


Note, the dialler campaign array has been shortened for readability.

Translations Ignore
Code Block
    "filter": "",
    "limitStart": 0,
    "limitPageSize": -1,
    "records": [
            "ContactPreviewTime": 5,
            "nMaxParallelLines": null,
            "bCloseContactsOnIncomingCallsMatchCallerID": true,
            "dtTo": null,
            "LanguagesID": 2,
            "bCallerIDActive": false,
            "Name": "Campaign 1000",
            "ClientsID": 1,
            "AbortOnNoTelNumberResultCodesID": 2492,
            "IncomingCallResultCodesID": 2494
    "count": 1,
    "orderBy": "Name",
    "ascending": true,
    "status": 200

Retrieve a specific Dialler Campaign by ID

This function retrieves a specific dialler campaign by ID.


Code Block
GET {baseURL}/dialler/campaigns/{DiallerCampaignsID}


ParameterWhereTypeDataDiallerCampaignsIDURLIntegerThe ID of the Dialler Campaign.


If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.

Returned Data (200 OK)

A JSON Structure containing the returned campaign.

FieldTypeDatarecordsDiallerCampaigns []An array of dialler campaigns, containing one campaign.countInteger1statusIntegerThe return code (also provided by the http status code).


Note, the dialler campaign array has been shortened for readability.

Translations Ignore
Code Block
     "records": [
            "ContactPreviewTime": 5,
            "nMaxParallelLines": null,
            "bCloseContactsOnIncomingCallsMatchCallerID": true,
            "dtTo": null,
            "LanguagesID": 2,
            "bCallerIDActive": false,
            "Name": "Campaign 1000",
            "ClientsID": 1,
            "AbortOnNoTelNumberResultCodesID": 2492,
            "IncomingCallResultCodesID": 2494
    "count": 1,
    "status": 200

Retrieve Dialler Campaigns by Name

This function retrieves one or more dialler campaigns, depending on the passed name. If more than one campaign is available which matches the name passed (partial match), then all corresponding campaigns will be returned.


Translations Ignore
Code Block
GET {baseURL}/dialler/campaigns/campaign?name={DiallerCampaignsName}


ParameterWhereTypeDataDiallerCampaignsNameQueryStringThe name of the dialler campaign(s) to retrieve.


If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.

Returned Data (200 OK)

A JSON Structure containing the returned campaign.

FieldTypeDatarecordsDiallerCampaigns []An array of dialler campaigns, containing one campaign.countInteger1statusIntegerThe return code (also provided by the http status code).


Note, the dialler campaign data has been shortened for readability.

Translations Ignore
Code Block
     "records": [
            "ContactPreviewTime": 5,
            "nMaxParallelLines": null,
            "bCloseContactsOnIncomingCallsMatchCallerID": true,
            "dtTo": null,
            "LanguagesID": 2,
            "bCallerIDActive": false,
            "Name": "Campaign 1000",
            "ClientsID": 1,
            "AbortOnNoTelNumberResultCodesID": 2492,
            "IncomingCallResultCodesID": 2494
    "count": 1,
    "status": 200

Retrieve the Result Codes from a Dialler Campaign

This function retrieves all result codes from a particular dialler campaign.


Translations Ignore
Code Block
GET {baseURL}/dialler/campaigns/campaign/{DiallerCampaignsID}/resultCodes?languagesID={LanguagesID}


ParameterWhereTypeDataDiallerCampaignsIDURLIntegerThe ID of the dialler campaign for which to retrieve the result codes.languagesIDQueryInteger

The ID of the language in which to retrieve the result codes.

Currently supported:

1 = English

2 = German


If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.

Returned Data (200 OK)

A JSON Structure containing the returned result codes.

FieldTypeDatarecordsDiallerCampaigns []An array of dialler campaign result codes.countIntegerThe number of returned result codes.statusIntegerThe return code (also provided by the http status code).


Note, the dialler campaign result codes array has been shortened for readability.

Translations Ignore
Code Block
    "records": [
            "bDone": true,
            "DiallerResultCodesTypesContent": "Abschluss",
            "bDelay": false,
            "DiallerCampaignsID": 535,
            "DiallerResultCodesTypesShortText": "DiallerResultCodesTypes.1",
            "bAllowDelete": true,
            "ExportKey": "ABG",
            "Content": "Abgeschlossen",
            "ShortText": "DiallerCampaignsResultCodes.2695",
            "bAborted": false,
            "ID": 2695,
            "bAgentBound": null,
            "TimeOffset": null,
            "bAppointment": false,
            "DiallerResultCodesTypesID": 1
            "bDone": false,
            "DiallerResultCodesTypesContent": "Abbruch",
            "bDelay": false,
            "DiallerCampaignsID": 535,
            "DiallerResultCodesTypesShortText": "DiallerResultCodesTypes.2",
            "bAllowDelete": true,
            "ExportKey": "Aufleger",
            "Content": "Aufleger",
            "ShortText": "DiallerCampaignsResultCodes.2698",
            "bAborted": true,
            "ID": 2698,
            "bAgentBound": null,
            "TimeOffset": null,
            "bAppointment": false,
            "DiallerResultCodesTypesID": 2
    "count": 7,
    "status": 200

Clone a Dialler Campaign

This function clones a dialler campaign including all related data except for the contacts in the campaign.


Translations Ignore
Code Block
POST {baseURL}/dialler/campaigns/clone


A JSON Structure containing the following parameters:

FieldTypeValuesourceStringThe name of the dialler campaign to clone.destinationStringThe name of the new destination campaign to create.userDataStringUserData which can be associated with the newly cloned dialler campaign.


Translations Ignore
Code Block
	"source": "Campaign 1000",
	"destination": "My New Campaign",
	"userData": "UserData Field Contents"

titleThis page is only available in English


If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned.

If the source campaign does not exist, 404 Not Found is returned.

If the destination campaign already exists, 409 Conflict is returned.

See Return Codes for further possible status codes.

Returned Data (200 OK)

A JSON Structure containing the cloned campaign.

FieldTypeDatarecordsDiallerCampaigns []An array of dialler campaigns, containing one campaign.countInteger1statusIntegerThe return code (also provided by the http status code).


Note, the dialler campaign data has been shortened for readability.

Translations Ignore
Code Block
     "records": [
            "ContactPreviewTime": 5,
            "nMaxParallelLines": null,
            "bCloseContactsOnIncomingCallsMatchCallerID": true,
            "dtTo": null,
            "LanguagesID": 2,
            "bCallerIDActive": false,
            "Name": "Campaign 1000",
            "ClientsID": 1,
            "AbortOnNoTelNumberResultCodesID": 2492,
            "IncomingCallResultCodesID": 2494
    "count": 1,
    "status": 200

Delete a Dialler Campaign by ID

This function deletes a dialler campaign including all related data.


Translations Ignore
Code Block
DELETE {baseURL}/dialler/campaigns/campaign/{DiallerCampaignsID}


ParameterWhereTypeDataDiallerCampaignsIDURLIntegerThe ID of the dialler campaign to delete.


If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned.

If the campaign does not exist, 404 Not Found is returned.

See Return Codes for further possible status codes.

Returned Data (200 OK)

A JSON Structure containing the status code.

FieldTypeDatastatusIntegerThe return code (also provided by the http status code).

Delete a Dialler Campaign by Name

This function deletes a dialler campaign including all related data.


Translations Ignore
Code Block
DELETE {baseURL}/dialler/campaigns/campaign?name=DiallerCampaignsName


ParameterWhereTypeDataDiallerCampaignsNameQueryStringThe name of the dialler campaign to delete.


If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned.

If the campaign does not exist, 404 Not Found is returned.

See Return Codes for further possible status codes.

Returned Data (200 OK)

A JSON Structure containing the status code.

FieldTypeDatastatusIntegerThe return code (also provided by the http status code).