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Organisation of Campaigns

Campaigns are the heart of how the dialler operates. These provide:

  • The organisation of the contacts to be called, by topic or source. Sub Campaigns are used to organise contacts.
  • The organisation of agents and on what topics they should work. Master Campaigns are used to organise this aspect of the dialler.

Master Campaigns

Agents log into a master campaign. A master campaign defines the following:

  • The ACD group which is associated with the master campaign.
    • Agents, who are members of the associated ACD group, can log-in to the master campaign.
  • How the dialler operates. There are two modes:
    • Preview dialling
    • Manual dialling / CTI
    • IVR dialling
  • Active times for the master campaign

The operation of dialler modes is discussed in a separate section.

Sub Campaigns

Sub Campaigns contain the contacts to be called. Contacts are loaded into the dialer via an export / import mechanism.

The sub campaign defines the following:

  • The service number, which should be transmitted, when a contact is dialled
  • The language of the campaign
  • The dialler behaviour, amongst other things:
    • The maximum ring time
    • Waiting time between attempts
    • The number of tries per contact
  • Active times for the sub campaign
    • Calls to contacts are only initiated during active times
  • Time windows for trying various telephone numbers which influence the flow of contacts through the campaign
  • Result codes
  • The contacts themselves

Mapping of Campaigns

A master campaign can be associated with any number of sub campaigns. A sub campaign can also be associated with any number of master campaigns.

The mapping has an associated weight. This defines the relation of contacts which will be dialled from each of the associated campaigns.

For example:

  • Weight campaign A = 50
  • Weight campaign B = 25
  • Weight campaign C = 25

In this example, the dialler will try to call 2 contacts from campaign A for every one called from campaigns B and C.

Note: The actually dialled contacts are influenced by further factors:

  • Follow up times
  • Time windows
  • Activation times

It is therefore not given that this relation 2:1:1 must ensue. The dialler will, however, use these weights whenever a new contact is required.


Master Campaign

Master DataIDThe ID of the campaign (database ID field).

NameThe name of the campaign.

Master CampaignSet, for all master campaigns.

Test CampaignIf a campaign is set to be a test campaign, then all calls from this campaign are marked as test calls. This affects the statistics, and also requests made via APIs to the back end system.

ACD GruppeThe ACD group which this campaign is associated with. Only agents who are members of this ACD group can log-in to the campaign.
Dialler ParameterDialler TypeThe dialler type, which defines how the dialler operates - preview, manual or IVR.
Active TimesActiveWhether the campaign is active. When campaigns are deactivated, agents cannot login to the campaign.

StartStart of the campaign. Before this date / time, agents cannot login to the campaign.

EndEnd of the campaign. After this date / time, agents cannot login to the campaign.

Opening TimesThe campaign is only active during the specified opening times. Outside of these times, agents cannot login to the campaign.

Holidays ListThe campaign is only active when not a holiday. When a holiday, agents cannot login to the campaign.
Agent ParametersAgent Status Manual Post CallThis is the status to which agents are moved, when they record a result code and choose the option "Save and manual post call".

Agent Status PauseThis is the status to which agents are moved, when they record a result code and choose the option "Save and pause".
Sub-CampaignsMapping Table

This page is used to map the sub-campaigns to the master campaign. Sub-campaigns can also be activated / deactivated on this page.

Note: deletion of a mapping deletes the mapping only, and not the campaign itself.


Master DataIDThe ID of the campaign (database ID field).

NameThe name of the campaign.

Master CampaignNot set, for all sub-campaigns.

Servicer Number

The service number, to which the statistics are associated for this campaign. Also defines the calling party number to be signalled, if no alternative is specified below.

LanguageThe language of the campaign. Used when announcements are required in the call flow.

Caller ID OverwriteIf this option is set, the caller id will be overwritten with the specified value, when outbound calls are made.

Caller IDThe value with which the caller id will be overwritten.


The CRM URL, shown to agents, when calls are connected.

The following variables can be used in the url:

The current date and time in the format %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s 
The service number associated with the current dialler campaign.
The service number name associated with the current dialler campaign.
The number being dialled on the contact. Note - as usual with the jtel system, the variable $caller always refers to the outside caller / called party, and never to the internal agent or service number.
The name of the agent making the call.
The first name of the agent making the call.
The number of the agent making the call.
The ID of the agent (UsersID) making the call.
The telephone number of the agent (currently logged into telephone) making the call.
The UID of the agent making the call.
The name of the ACD group associated with the dialler campaign when the call is made.
The number of the ACD group associated with the dialler campaign when the call is made.
The name of the dialler sub-campaign which the dialler contact is in.
The name of the dialler contact.
The first name of the dialler contact.
The external system link (X-Link) saved in the dialler contact.
The user data field of the dialler contact.

Dialer ParameterMaximum Ring Time (s)The maximum ring time allowed, before the dialler records a "no answer" result.

Maximum Tries per Contact

If this count of tries to reach a contact is reached, the contact is closed with the configured following result code.

Result Code Maximum Tries Reached

The result code, with which contacts are closed, when the maximum number of tries is reached.

Maximum Busy Tries in One Series

This parameter defines the number of consecutive busy attempts count as one attempt to reach the contact. When this count of consecutive busy signals is reached, the number of tries is increased by one, and the contact is moved to the next time window.

Delay Time between Busy Tries in One Series (s)This delay is used between individual tries in a busy series. The number of consecutive busy tries is increased, and the delay is applied to the contact before it is tried again.

Delay Time between Non-Busy Call AttemptsWhen not reached, this delay is applied to the contact. If the contact would be moved out of the time window, then the next time window is selected.

Result Code No More Telephone NumbersWhen all numbers in a contact are invalid, this code is recorded.

Result Code Answering Machine

If an agent is conntected to an answering machine, then the answering machine button can be used, if configured, to record this result code directly.

Prompt Automated Message on Answering Machine

When configured, an audio file can be played to an answering machine. Note: the agent should wait until the answering machine acually starts recording.

Close Contacts on Incoming Calls

When an incoming call is made to an associated ACD group (via the master campaign), contacts can be closed by the system when agents are reached.

Close on Matching Caller-IDWhether contacts should be closed when the caller ID matches.

Close on Matching User DataWhether contacts should be closed when the User Data field matches.

Result Code Incoming Call 

What result code should be recorded, when contacts are closed.

Only Close on TAC Export Code Match

Setting this option causes the system to only close contacts, when the agent records a transaction code, whose export key matches those configured in the list below.

TAC Export Keys

List of export keys, comma separated, which cause the contacts to be closed.

Result Code IVR Connected

If the IVR dialler reaches a contact, what result code should be recorded when the call is not put through to an agent.

Result Code Agent Connected

If the IVR dialler reaches a contact, what result code should be recorded when the call is put through to an agent.

External System Query Active

Whether a REST query to an external system should be performed. The query is performed before dialling a contact.

External System Query URLThe URL for the external system.

Result Code Abort External System

The result code which should be recorded, when the call should not be placed according to the external system.

Active TimesActiveWhether the campaign is active. When campaigns are deactivated, agents cannot login to the campaign.

StartStart of the campaign. Before this date / time, agents cannot login to the campaign.

EndEnd of the campaign. After this date / time, agents cannot login to the campaign.

Opening TimesThe campaign is only active during the specified opening times. Outside of these times, agents cannot login to the campaign.

Holidays ListThe campaign is only active when not a holiday. When a holiday, agents cannot login to the campaign.
Agent ParametersPost Call Interval

The automatic post call time in seconds after calls via this campaign. Note: due to the recording of result codes and the operation thereof, it is not recommended that this be used in combination with preview mode.

Contact Preview Time (s)

In preview campaigns, the number of seconds during which a dialler preview is active.

Release contacts after stopping dialling

When this option is selected, reserved contacts are freed and given back to the pool when the agent stops the dialler.

Time WindowsConfiguration List

The configuration of the time windows determines when which telephone number in the contact will be dialler. The algorithm is as follows:

  • not yet dialled contacts are moved, according to the weight of the sub-campaigns, into the current time window
  • one try to reach the contact is made
  • if this is not successful, the following happens:
    • either a busy series is started
    • or the contact is delayed
  • For a delay, the next time window might be used, if the contact would be moved outside of the current time window. The time delay is the minimum which will be applied.
  • If the next time window starts at the same time or earlier than the current window, the delay will be moved to the next day

By defining time windows, it is possible (if the data is organised accordingly - the telephone numbers) to ring certain numbers at certain times of day. For example, if field 1 is the business phone, field 2 the mobile phone, and field 3 the home phone, it might make sense to define the following:

  • Time window 1 - 08:00 bis 17:00
  • Time window 2 - 08:00 bis 20:00 Uhr
  • Time window 3 - 17:00 bis 20:00 Uhr
Result CodesConfiguration List

This list is used to define result codes for the campaign. The global list of result codes is imported when the campaign is created. If this list is empty, a default set of result codes is created to ensure the dialler can operate.

ContactsConfiguration List

This page is used to edit and delete the contacts in the campaign.

Furthermore, contacts can be imported / exported on this page.

Configuration List - Function Reset

This function resets all intermediate counters / tries for the contact in the dialler. This function can only be used when a contact is locked.

Configuration List - Function LockLocks a contact to enable further editing functions.

Configuration List - Function UnlockUnlocks a contact giving control back to the dialer.
