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This page explains the configuration of LDAP authentication with an LDAP server in your jtel ACD. The Active Directory Integration (Over SSL) / LDAP(S) Integration provides login to jtel ACD Portal using credentials stored in your Active Directory / other LDAP-based directory.

It allows users to authenticate against various Active Directory / LDAP implementations like Azure Active Directory.


The webservers can reach the LDAP Server via the configured port.

LDAP Port389
LDAPS Port636

Configuration Requirements

Active Directory NameMicrosoft Entra ID

The name of the type of Active Directory that will be integrated to the ACD

jtel Portal URL

http(s)://<jtel Portal DNS name>

The URL used to connect to your jtel ACD Web-Interface
(<sAMAccountName>, <displayName>)

MaxMustermann, MaxM

Login name and display name of the account
Password*****Account password
LDAP Server

ldap(s)://<LDAP Server DNS name>

The LDAP Server URL

Common Name

Organizational Unit

Domain Component


As sysadmin, change the parameter 'ACD.LDAP.Security.Level' if required. The default setting is 'DIGEST-MD5' and the only other possible setting is to leave the field empty. Leaving it empty enables default LDAP provider behaviour.

Enabling LDAP

As sysadmin, change the parameter 'Portal.Login.LDAP.Enabled' to 1 to enable LDAP, or to 0 to disable it.


LDAP Server Configuration

Go to 'Menu → User Data → Client Master Data → Options → Authentication → LDAP Server'

Configure your LDAP Server URL here.


For LDAPS, configure the URL with ldaps://, for LDAP, configure ldap://

LDAP User Name

Go to 'Menu → User Data → Users → Edit → User→ LDAP User Name'

Add the LDAP Users Display Name into this field.


To test LDAP authentication using your jtel ACD you can use the following commands:

Code Block
cd /home/jtel/shared/JTELCarrierPortal/Utils/Install/LdapTester/
./ldap-test.h ldaps://subdomain.domain.local/CN=ldaptestuser, OU=User, DC=domain, DC=local <sAMAccountName> <password>


A successful test should look something like this:

Code Block
java -cp ldap-tester-1.0.jar ldaps://subdomain.domain.local/CN=ldaptestuser,OU=Sales,DC=domain,DC=local <sAMAccountName> <password>

authenticateByLDAP - SUCCESS java.naming.provider.url=ldaps://subdomain.domain.local:636,java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory,step=1,,,*
Authenticated OK!