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Sv translation

titleAdvanced Topic

Warning - this is an advanced topic. Always backup your data first.


Add a new disk to both machines of EXACTLY the same size and configuration in the virtual environment.

It is also possible to use a new partition on an existing disk whose size has been increased, but this is not covered here.

The commands below assume that /dev/sdc will be used to increase the size of the storage in a DRBD on top of LVM configuration.

Rescan the SCSI Bus to display the drive

Sometimes the system will not see the new disk immediately. To achieve this without a reboot, run the following command to rescan the SCSI bus.

Translations Ignore

Code Block
titleRescan SCSI Bus
# Check if the disk is there
ls /dev/sd*
# Expected output (includes /dev/sdc)
/dev/sda  /dev/sda1  /dev/sda2  /dev/sdb  /dev/sdc
# If not, rescan SCSI and repeat above
echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan

Make one node Secondary

Determine which node is servicing the SMB share with pcs status, and then on the non sevicing node:

Translations Ignore

Code Block
# Determine which node is servicing the share
pcs status
# Standby the server on which the resources are NOT running
pcs cluster standby acd-store2
# Run this command on the STANDBY machine
drbdadm secondary jtelshared

Create LVM Physical Volume, Extend the Volume Group and the Logical Volume (Both Nodes)

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Code Block
# Create the phsyical volume - this is based on sdc assuming it is the third drive on the system
lvm pvcreate /dev/sdc

# Extend the volume group
lvm vgextend "vg_drbd_jtelshared" /dev/sdc

# Create the logical volume
lvm lvresize -l +100%FREE /dev/vg_drbd_jtelshared/lv_drbd_jtelshared

Extend the DRBD Resource (Primary Node Only)

Translations Ignore

Code Block
# Extend the DRBD resource
drbdadm -- --assume-clean resize jtelshared

Resize the FileSystem (Primary Node Only)

Translations Ignore

Code Block
# Resize File System
xfs_growfs /dev/drbd/by-res/jtelshared/0

Make Secondary Node Primary and Unstandby in Cluster (Secondary Node Only)

Translations Ignore

Code Block
# Back to primary
drbdadm primary jtelshared
# Back to unstandby
pcs cluster unstandby acd-store2

Check the Results (Primary Node Only)

Translations Ignore

Code Block
df -h

Sv translation

titleThis page is only available in English

Sv translation

titleAdvanced TopicSujet avancé

Warning - this is an advanced topic. Always backup your data first.


Add a new disk to both machines of EXACTLY the same size and configuration in the virtual environment.

It is also possible to use a new partition on an existing disk whose size has been increased, but this is not covered here.

The commands below assume that /dev/sdc will be used to increase the size of the storage in a DRBD on top of LVM configuration.

Rescan the SCSI Bus to display the drive

Sometimes the system will not see the new disk immediately. To achieve this without a reboot, run the following command to rescan the SCSI bus

Attention - il s'agit d'un sujet avancé. Sauvegardez toujours vos données en premier.


Ajouter un nouveau disque aux deux machines de taille et de configuration EXACTEMENT identiques dans l'environnement virtuel.

Il est également possible d'utiliser une nouvelle partition sur un disque existant dont la taille a été augmentée, mais ce point n'est pas abordé ici.

Les commandes ci-dessous supposent que /dev/sdc sera utilisé pour augmenter la taille du stockage dans un DRBD en plus de la configuration LVM.

Rescanner le bus SCSI pour afficher le lecteur

Parfois, le système ne voit pas le nouveau disque immédiatement. Pour y parvenir sans redémarrer le système, exécutez la commande suivante pour ré-analyser le bus SCSI.

Translations Ignore

Code Block
titleRescan Réanalyser le bus SCSI Bus
# Vérifiez Checksi ifle thedisque diskest is there
ls /dev/sd*
 # ExpectedSortie outputattendue (includesy compris /dev/sdc)
 /dev/sda  /dev/sda1  /dev/sda2  /dev/sdb  /dev/sdc
 # If not, rescanSi ce n'est pas le cas, rescannez le SCSI and repeat above
echoet répétez l'écho ci-dessus "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan

Make one node Secondary

Determine which node is servicing the SMB share with pcs status, and then on the non sevicing node

Faire un nœud secondaire

Déterminez quel nœud dessert la part de la SMB avec le statut pcs, puis sur le nœud non desservi:

Translations Ignore

Code Block
# DetermineDéterminer whichquel nodenœud isdessert servicingle theshare share
pcs status
 # Standby the server on which the resources are NOT running
Mettre en veille le serveur sur lequel les ressources ne tournent PAS pcs cluster standby acd-store2
 # Exécuter Runcette thiscommande commandsur onla themachine STANDBY machine
drbdadm secondary jtelshared
Create LVM Physical Volume, Extend the Volume Group and the Logical Volume (Both Nodes

Créer le volume physique LVM, étendre le groupe de volume et le volume logique (les deux nœuds)

Translations Ignore

Code Block
# CreateCréer thele phsyicalvolume volumephysique - thisceci isest basedbasé onsur sdc en assumingsupposant itque isc'est thele thirdtroisième drivelecteur ondu thesystème system
lvm pvcreate /dev/sdc

# Extend the # Etendre le groupe de volume group
lvm vgextend "vg_drbd_jtelshared" /dev/sdc

 # CreateCréer le thevolume logicallogique volume
lvm lvresize -l +100%FREE /dev/vg_drbd_jtelshared/lv_drbd_jtelshared
Extend the

Étendre la ressource DRBD

Resource (Primary Node Only

(nœud primaire uniquement)

Translations Ignore

Code Block
# ExtendÉtendre la theressource DRBD resource
drbdadm -- --assume-clean resize jtelshared
Resize the FileSystem (Primary Node Only

Redimensionner le système de fichiers (nœud primaire uniquement)

Translations Ignore

Code Block
# Resize File System
 Redimensionner le système de fichiers xfs_growfs /dev/drbd/by-res/jtelshared/0
Make Secondary Node Primary and Unstandby in Cluster (Secondary Node Only

Rendre le nœud secondaire primaire et le mettre en veille dans le cluster (nœud secondaire uniquement)

Translations Ignore

Code Block
# Retour au Backfichier toprincipal primary
drbdadm primary jtelshared
 # Back to unstandby
 Retour au fichier non standard pcs cluster unstandby acd-store2
Check the Results (Primary Node Only

Vérifier les résultats (nœud primaire uniquement)

Translations Ignore

Code Block
df -h