Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
In some IVR GUI objects, when a selection is made the size of the popup changes. This could result in the “Close” button being still visible, but slightly cut off at the bottom of the popup
Sv translation

The Teams connector restarts in a loop when a read timeout exception occurs. This happens on installations which monitor Teams instances with a lot of Teams users resulting huge log files and sometimes stopping the connector. 6216In AgentHome and the MiniClient - when using the “Call” function, the outbound calling party number signalling was incorrect if the Name of the service number contained digits - these were added to the end of the calling party number. This 6195

Partial matching support has been added to the List Functions in the IVR.

This must be activated using the new option “partial match” in the List search object.

The search is performed as follows:

  • Search for a partial match at the start of the key column values with the supplied value, returning the longest match found (if any).

For example, imagine the following list entries:

KeyTResolved Date Release Notes SubjectRelease Notes Content
JTELDEV-62736627BugImage ModifiedSupervisor/Agent Home - Missing some components with Azure LoginInputMenuDTMFASR object - Error Annoncement and Error TTS text is not used.

The IVR object InputMenuDTMFASR is not using the error announcement or the error TTS textWhen you logged in with Azure, not all required components are displayed in the Supervisor and Agent Home. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-62576612BugImage ModifiedReport Subscription - Wrong report in the emails attachment.Support of (very) old report subscriptions in new portal versions

Very old report subscriptions were created without the ClientsID parameter, which would cause them to fail with an errorIn some cases, the wrong file was sent via email for a report subscription. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-62696580BugImage ModifiedInputASR Object - Add a new timeout: Timeout Between Words.

In the IVR object InputASR, a new timeout has been added - “Timeout Betweeen Words“. This timeout defines the maximum value of silence between words. The default value is 1500 ms. Once this timeout has occurred, the ASR will calculate the final result.

JTELDEV-6262BugImage RemovedWallboard URLs broken when Azure login force is configured

The wallboard URL was not accessible if the client account was setup to force Microsoft Azure login using portal.Login.Azure.Force

This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6258Image RemovedAzure Login - not possible to remove login button

It was not possible to remove the azure login button from the login screen, even if there was no azure authority configured in the client account. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6254StoryImage RemovedFTP Upload - Upload call recordings into a second FTP server if configured in a second Client.

It is now possible to configure a second FTP server so call recordings can be uploaded to a second FTP server.

This is performed by creating a second client, then adding a Client parameter FTP.CallRecordings.CopyJob.ClientsID in the first client which contains the Clients.ID of the new client.

The credentials for the new FTP server are created in the second client account, and the FTP jobs will be copied from the first client to the second client, resulting in two uploads.

A further parameter FTP.CallRecordings.CopyJob.UsersIDs can be used to constrain the users for which the job is copied. This parameter is provided as a comma separated list.

NOTE: do not put any spaces or other characters between the IDs - this will not work.


Good: 1,2,3,4,5

BAD: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

JTELDEV-6248SupportImage RemovedSupervisor - Cockpit Variables - very long name prevents operation of sliders

If a cockpit variable had a very long name, then the text would overflow out of the tile in the supervisor covering the previous slider (the one rendered above). This would prevent operation of the slider control. This problem has been fixed - the name is now truncated, the full name of the cockpit variable can be seen by moving the mouse over the shortened text.

JTELDEV-6238BugImage RemovedManual Callback - The message and comment field was not shown if it contains special characters like "<" or ">".

The problem occured when creating a manual callback and using special characters like “<“ or “>” in the message - the message field was not shown.

The same issue occured when adding a comment that contained these special characters. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6234BugImage RemovedAgent Home - After mandatory transaction code ajax error messages below bottom of screen

After setting mandatory transaction code, ajax error messages appeared below the bottom of screen. This problem has been fixed.

Subscription E-Mails without an Attachment

Sometimes subscription emails could be sent without an attachment. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6581BugImage AddedNo Selected ACD Group on Outdial from Callback

Sometimes, an outdial from within a callback event would fail with “No Selected ACD Group”. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6567Image AddedLogin - Prevent Reset Password

Resetting the password from the login page can now be prevented with a system parameter “ACD.Login.PasswordReset.Enabled“. This parameter should be 1 or 0. If this parameter is set to 1, the password reset link will be displayed.

JTELDEV-6434BugImage AddedPost Call - No postcall if the agent hangs up on outbound calls when using a configuration group.

Postcall was not calculated when an agent hung up during an outbound call made with a configuration group. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6460Image AddedUser master data - capability to prevent user changing their password

A user can edit their password in User Master Data if the following resource is activated: "portal.UserData.User.ChangePassword" (activated by default). If deactivated, the user can no longer change their password. The same applies to editing the PIN using the resource "portal.UserData.User.ChangePIN".

JTELDEV-6426BugImage AddedNOT CRITICAL - log4j-1.2.14.jar was present in the deployment package for the web application

log4j-1.2.14.jar has been removed from deployment package for the web application. Note: it was never loaded by the webserver, so no potential security risk was present.

JTELDEV-6411BugImage AddedHoliday Lists - Filter does not work

The filter did not work in the Holiday Lists view. This problem is fixed.

JTELDEV-6420BugImage AddedSTARFACE connector - PBX Users status not being updated correctly

In some cases the PBX users status was not updated correctly. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6410BugImage AddedCall Flow - music on hold not played when agent transitions to blind transfer to group after using call HOLD before initiating transferJTELDEV-6231BugImage RemovedTeams Connector restarts in a loop when a read timeout occurs

The following use-cases in the call flow have been fixed:

  • Call to agent in ACD configuration / agent group combination
  • The agent uses the HOLD function
  • The agent then uses the Group Transfer function to transfer the call to an ACD agent group, in which no agents are logged in
  • The agent then uses the TRANSFER function to transfer the call to the group anyway

In some cases, this could cause the music on hold not to be played after the last step.

This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6412StoryImage RemovedTwo new functions for shortening a string in the IVR component "String functions".

Two new functions “Delete left x characters” and “Delete right x characters” have been added to the IVR component “String functions“.

The operation deletes the leftmost / rightmost x characters from the string, and keeps the rest.

BugImage AddedAcd Supervisor Events - comment is not created.

When adding a comment in a Media Event in the ACD Supervisor view, a new empty line was added in the history table instead of the comment. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6326BugImage AddedTeams Plugin - Report download fails

The downloading of reports would fail in the “new teams” application. This

JTELDEV-6218BugImage RemovedAgentHome and MiniClient - Tab Calls - Outbound Call Signalling is incorrect

problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6361Image RemovedFTP report upload feature.

A new feature that enables a report to be uploaded to an FTP/SFTP server has been implemented.

In the report subscription, if “Upload to FTP Server” is selected, the report will be automatically uploaded to the FTP server configured in Client Master Data.

JTELDEV-6172New FeatureImage RemovedNew Report ACD-G-002-03 - ACD Groups Report 3 - 03

The new report contains an additional column "Line" which contains the name of the ACD

JTELDEV-5765Image RemovedPortal Login - Login with Microsoft Entra ID.

Agents are now able to login to jtel portal with their Azure Microsoft account.

For more details, see the following link:

JTELDEV-6171BugImage RemovedPost call interval for Outbound calls is activated even though it was not configured for outbound but only inbound.

The configuration is the following:

  • set postcall interval for inbound calls
  • do not set postcall interval for outbound calls

Make an outbound call, then the post call interval will appear in the cases when the agent is assigned as Reserve or Read Only.

This problem has been fixed!

JTELNEW-191Image RemovedIVR / Workflow GUI - New Function Calculator

A new calculator function has been added to the IVR / workflow GUI.

It supports the following unary operations based on integer values:

  • + (var := var + parameter)
  • - (var := var - parameter)
  • * (var := var * parameter)
  • / (var := var / parameter)
  • abs (var := abs(parameter) )
  • mod (var := var % parameter)
  • rand (var := random(0 to parameter - 1) )
JTELDEV-6191BugImage RemovedClients Copy - Group Rules Copy Error

If a client was copied, and a group rule was present “Overflow To Group”, then the incorrect ID would be used for the AcdAgents group rules resulting in erroneous group overflows. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6135StoryImage RemovedNew variable for Call Recording Filename - FTP Upload

A new variable $statisticsparta_id containing the ID of the StatisticsPartA record for the call has been added to the FTP upload filename variables for call recordings.

JTELDEV-6132StoryImage RemovedLegacy TTS and TTS Variable Objects removed

The legacy TTS and TTS variable objects have been removed. Please use the new Realtime TTS or Realtime TTS with Variable Engine objects instead.

JTELDEV-6105StoryImage RemovedIVR Object Input ASR

A new object Input ASR has been added to the IVR.

This object works as follows:

  • Play a configured prompt file or use Realtime TTS to play a prompt
  • Start the ASR during the prompt if barge-in is configured, otherwise after the prompt
  • Process the ASR result using an entity extractor

Currently the following extractors are available and tested for German and English:

  • Any Speech (full text)
  • Digits
  • Money
  • Yes / No

Further extractors including dates / times and extractors for other languages are currently under development.

Note, this requires a Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Subscription and the following parameters to be set in the Clients Parameters table:

  • Azure.SpeechServices.APIKey Set to the key required to access the subscription.
  • Azure.SpeechServices.EndPoint Set to the end point to be used. For example
  • Azure.SpeechServices.Region Set to the region you wish to use. In most cases you can specify westeurope
JTELDEV-6100BugImage RemovedJoin Video Call button visble when the call is not a video call

The “Join video call“ button is no longer visible for non video calls.

JTELDEV-6083StoryImage RemovedNew report ACD-E-001 - ACD Events Details Report

A new report ACD-E-001 - ACD Events Details Report has been added. See for details.

JTELDEV-6029Image RemovedRealtime TTS Object

A new realtime TTS object has been added to the IVR. The functionality is exactly the same as the Voice Play object, only a TTS engine is used.

Note, this requires a Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Subscription and the following parameters to be set in the Clients Parameters table:

  • Azure.SpeechServices.APIKey Set to the key required to access the subscription.
  • Azure.SpeechServices.EndPoint Set to the end point to be used. For example
  • Azure.SpeechServices.Region Set to the region you wish to use. In most cases you can specify westeurope
JTELDEV-6080BugImage RemovedTAC-Display wrong in Mini Client on the first call of a newly created user

The TAC-Display was wrong in the Mini Client on the first call for a newly created user, due to an incorrect page size being used for the display of the TAC table. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6168BugImage RemovedTeams Presence Connector - PBX users are not updated when telephone number changed.

PBX users created by the Teams connectors are not updated correctly when changing the telephone number. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6155BugImage RemovedIMAP Mail Connector - Inbox folder for a New Client must be created automatically

The inbox folder for a new client would not always be created when a client was created then an IMAP connector was created. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6164BugImage RemovedREST Query Advanced - incorrect encoding of query parameters containing a +

The REST Query Advanced object would encode query parameter values containing a + incorrectly. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6148StoryImage RemovedIVR List Functions - Partial Matching
498South Bavaria

And the $caller value of 498946149500.

  • The returned value will be the second entry 4989 as the matched length at the start of Value1 is longest
StoryImage AddedAgent Home Improvement on callback handling.

When a call is made from a callback event associated with an Agent Group, the ACD group used to make the call (i.e. set the outbound telephone number) now can be selected from the call dialog – a configuration or standalone group can be selected.

JTELDEV-6346BugImage AddedNo information is showed in case of a login error when the configuration is not correct.

No information is showed in case of a login error when the configuration is not correct. This problem has been fixed by displaying the full exeption message in the login dialog.

JTELDEV-6350BugImage AddedTask Scheduler - error in server process (no effect on actual running of the tasks)

An error was produced in the server console when a task was scheduled and the error task was to be run. If not configured, this would result in an error in the telephony server console. Note: the rescheduling of the task would proceed as normal so there was no impact produced. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6342Image AddedManual Callback - Add custom variables to manual callback body text

It is now possible to add custom data to the body of a manual callback, which may come from an external system or user inputs in the IVR.

This is performed in two steps:

  • Define JSON Data and add this to the call using the object “Save additional Info and Userdata” - in the JSON field. NOTE: be careful to format the JSON correctly. Updating the JSON Data attached to the call will result in variables being provided in the form: $jsonData.XYZ were XYZ is the name of the field provided in the json.
  • Update the Long Text for the manual callback ”*Acd.AgentHome.Callback.Body*”, and use the JSON data variables.

For example: saving the following JSON Data to the call:


{ “customerNumber“: “123456”, “customerName”: “John Doe“}


will provide the variables $jsonData.customerNumber and $jsonData.customerName which can be used in the Long Text for the callback event.

JTELDEV-6343BugImage Addedjrest - Routing Application Runner selects incorrect server

When using the the routingrunner function:






the REST API could select the incorrect server to run the application in a multi-server environment. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6332BugImage AddedChat - Send chat event to Agent or Group does not remove the event from the first agent.

When sending a chat event to another Agent or Group, the event remains open in the first agent and he can still send messages to the client, close, hangup and do all actions. This has been fixed, the event now disappears from the first agent and the view is redirected back to the previous page.

JTELDEV-6331BugImage AddedJSESSIONID in the URL should be ignored by the webserver

In some cases, the session ID could be added to the URL by the browser. The server incorrectly included this in redirects causing an ajax exception. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6325BugImage AddedRequest Callback - Duplicate Callback Prevention Error

When an anonymous caller created a callback twice, the first created callback would erroneously be commented with “Caller requested another callback” when using request callback variant 1 and 3. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6324BugImage AddedVoice Mail Transcription - did not add transcription to voice mails sent by email

The Voice Mail Transcription did not add transcription to voice mails sent directly by email (distribute via ACD was set to false). This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6315BugImage AddedMini-Client - no sound was played on an incoming chat

The Mini-Client (both executable and web) did not play a sound when an incoming chat was received. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6314BugImage AddedChat: both chat icon and event icon flashes when chat event comes in

The event and chat icons both flash when a chat event is coming up. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6313Image AddedNew Tab Current Calls in Agent Home and MiniClient

A new tab “Current Calls” has been added to Agent Home and the Mini Client.

This tab shows the current calls which are in the queue waiting in all ACD groups the agent is a member of.

Agent Home

On the left hand side of the call “card”, the following information is shown:

  • A Party Number
  • Start of call (time of day)
  • Duration of call from call start
  • Waiting time from entering the ACD queue
  • The ACD Group
  • The service number

The right hand side of the “card” shows the following information:

  • User Data
  • Additional Info

The right hand side of the “card” can be customized using AsciiDoc by defining the Clients Parameter Layout.AgentHome.CurrentCalls.Call

Mini Client

On the left hand side of the call “card”, the following information is shown:

  • A Party Number
  • Start of call (time of day) followed by the waiting time from entering the ACD queue in brackets
  • The ACD Group
  • The service number

The right hand side of the “card” shows the following information:

  • User Data
  • Additional Info

The right hand side of the “card” can be customized using AsciiDoc by defining the Clients Parameter Layout.MiniClient.CurrentCalls.Call

Call Pick-Up

Agents can “pick” the call from the queue. The requirements for the agent are:

  • A telephone number is set. This can be achieved (even when logged out) by clicking on one of the telephone numbers in the header of the full client or the mini-client.
  • The agent is not occupied with another call or has been determined as the next agent for another call in the queue by the distribution algorithm.

Using this function is usually better when in the status “pause” or another status, where new calls will not be routed to the agent directly by the system.

JTELDEV-6306Image AddedMedia Events - Add custom variable to Callback and Voicemail body text

This feature allows adding custom data to the body of a Callback / Voicemail media event, which may come from an external system or user inputs in the IVR.

This is performed in two steps:

  • Define JSON Data and add this to the call using the object “Save additional Info and Userdata” - in the JSON field. NOTE: be careful to format the JSON correctly. Updating the JSON Data attached to the call will result in variables being provided in the form: $jsonData.XYZ were XYZ is the name of the field provided in the json.
  • Update the Long Text for the callback or voice mail, and use the JSON data variables.

For example: saving the following JSON Data to the call:


{ “customerNumber“: “123456”, “customerName”: “John Doe“}


Will provide the variables $jsonData.customerNumber and $jsonData.customerName which can be used in the Long Text for the voice mail or the callback event.

JTELDEV-6302StoryImage AddedWorkflow Connectors and Monitor Points - Complete removal from system

Workflow Connectors and Monitor Points have been removed from the system. Use the task scheduler instead, which has greater functionality.

JTELDEV-6301StoryImage AddedTrafficManagementPolicies - Complete Removal from System

Traffic management policies are no longer supported by the system. This feature, typically used in older IN (Intelligent Network) systems should now be implemented using an appropriate solution in an SBC where required.

JTELDEV-6299StoryImage AddedRouting Applications - No Longer Supported Routing Objects

The following legacy routing objects have been completely removed:

  • AcdEvent Create (Use AcdEvent Create Advanced instead)
  • AcdEvent Search
  • Create OTRS Ticket (Use REST Query Advanced instead which provides more options)
  • Send to Group
  • Status Update
  • Update Remind Date and Time

These functions were never officially released. Greater functionality is already provided using existing, more powerful objects.

JTELDEV-6297StoryImage AddedRouting Applications - No Longer Supported Routing Objects - Hotbutton

All Hotbutton support has been removed from Release 3.34 onwards.

JTELDEV-6281StoryImage AddedNew Workflow Objects: AcdEvent Create Advanced and SalesForce Generic Query

Two new workflow objects have been created:

  • AcdEvent Create Advanced
  • SalesForce Generic Query

AcdEvent Create Advanced allows for the creation of ACD events specifying the following parameters:

  • Type of event
  • The ACD group to which the event should be distributed
  • The Agent to which the event should be distributed (optional)
  • Event sender
  • Event receiver
  • Subect
  • User Data
  • Body Data
  • Skills and Timeouts

It is recommended, that the previous version of the object, AcdEvent Create, no longer be used.

See this wiki page for further details:

SalesForce Generic Query provides a totally generic API which can be used to communicate with SalesForce endpoints.

It could be used, for example, to replace the existing SalesForce getCallerInformation queries. It can use any REST endpoint defined in the SalesForce instance, including endpoints which are not necessarily created using Apex but other methods such as flows. The following parameters can be speciffied:

  • The REST Endpoint URL within the SalesForce instance
  • Four generic parameters passed to the REST Endpoint
  • A query parameter (multiline) passed to the REST Endpoint

The object has four outputs, which are selected depending on the return value of the REST API called:

  • Found - used when the REST endpoint returns 200 OK
  • Many - used when the REST endpoint returns 300 Multiple Choices
  • Not Found - used when the REST endpoint returns 404 Not Found
  • Error - used in all other cases

For 200 OK and 300 Multiple Choices the JSON parser is used to parse any returned and valid JSON information into variables which are provided to the workflow as variables of the form $SalesForce.xzy where xyz is the name of the actual JSON field provided.

See this wiki page for further details:

JTELDEV-6295StoryImage AddedIVR Object Last Call Information - Additional fields and Query Option

The IVR Object Last Call Information has been expanded to include the following new option:

  • Option “Include Outbound”. If this option is set, outbound calls will also be queried. If not set then only inbound calls are considered.
  • Option “Agent Calls Only”. If this option is set, only successful agent calls are considered. If not set then all calls are considered.

The following new variables are now provided by the object:

  • UsersName - the name of the last agent
  • UsersFirstName - the first name of the last agent
  • UsersEmail - the email address of the last agent
  • AcdGroupsName - the name of the acd group
  • AcdAgentGroupsName - the name of the acd agent group
  • AcdConfigurationGroupsName - the name of the acd configuration group
JTELDEV-6285BugImage AddedACD-S-002 - Service Numbers Report 2 - excel variant uses wrong template

The report ACD-S-002 - Service Numbers Report 2 - excel variant used the wrong template. This problem can be mitigated by deleting the file //acd-store/shared/Data/system/jasper/Statistics_ServiceNumbersReport2.xls.jrxml and is automatically fixed when an update to this version is performed.

JTELDEV-6265BugImage AddedChat Server - erroneous behaviour when forwarding a chat to an ACD group

Two issues were fixed in this ticket.


Incoming chat from customer distributed to an agent. The receiving agent is the only logged in agent in the group.

Use Case 1:

  • Agent has the open chat event and sends it to the same ACD group


  • The Agent is thrown out of the event and an Ajax Exception occurs
  • He receives the chat event again

Use Case 2:

  • Agent has the open chat event and a Supervisor sends the event to the group via the supervisor view


  • Both the agent and the supervisor now have the chat event

Both these problems have been fixed.

JTELDEV-6288BugImage AddedCORS problem in Miniclient EXE using external login service

A CORS problem could occur when using the Miniclient EXE in combination with an external identity provider (reproducable with Octa). The mini client no longer sends stored cookies to external URLs, such as those of the identity provider’s login service, which prevents this issue.

JTELDEV-6286BugImage AddedUnnecessary reference to log4j 1.4 in jtel portal

An unnecessary reference to an unused library caused log4j version 1.4 jar to be present in the portal war file. This dependency has been removed. Please note, it is not necessary to patch existing installations, as the file was never used by the webserver.

JTELDEV-6279BugImage AddedAzure Authentication - After logging in, the tiles are displayed in the wrong language.

When you login with Azure authentication, the tiles in the main view are sometimes displayed in the wrong language. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6273BugImage AddedSupervisor/Agent Home - Missing some components with Azure Login

When you logged in with Azure, not all required components are displayed in the Supervisor and Agent Home. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6257BugImage AddedReport subscription - Incorrect attachment.

In some cases, the wrong file was sent via email for a report subscription. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6269BugImage AddedInputASR Object - Add a new timeout: Timeout Between Words.

In the IVR object InputASR, a new timeout has been added - “Timeout Betweeen Words“. This timeout defines the maximum value of silence between words. The default value is 1500 ms. Once this timeout has occurred, the ASR will calculate the final result.

JTELDEV-6266Image AddedMiniClient EXE - User-Agent http request header is configurable in config file

A new parameter was introduced to the the MiniClient configuration file:

  • BrowserUserAgentHeader

If the value is not empty, this overrides the user agent header used by the mini client EXE browser when it makes requests. If not configured, the value used is as follows:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.116 Safari/537.36 JTELMiniclient/2.0
JTELDEV-6262BugImage AddedWallboard URLs broken when Azure login force is configured

The wallboard URL was not accessible if the client account was setup to force Microsoft Azure login using portal.Login.Azure.Force

This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6258BugImage AddedAzure Login - not possible to remove login button

It was not possible to remove the azure login button from the login screen, even if there was no azure authority configured in the client account. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6235BugImage AddedChatbot - Problem displaying special characters

Chatbot - there was a problem displaying special characters received from the chatbot. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6261BugImage AddedTTS Engines - irritating sort order of engines in the IVR GUI

The TTS Engine list in the IVR GUI dropdown lists was not sorted correctly. This resulted in de-AT and de-CH being at the bottom of the list, instead of above de-DE for example. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6260Image AddedTTS and ASR Languages for de-AT and de-CH added

The necessary language definitions to use de-AT (Austrian German) and de-CH (Swiss German) with both ASR and TTS have been added to the portal.

JTELDEV-6254StoryImage AddedFTP Upload - Upload call recordings into a second FTP server if configured in a second Client.

It is now possible to configure a second FTP server so call recordings can be uploaded to a second FTP server.

This is performed by creating a second client, then adding a Client parameter FTP.CallRecordings.CopyJob.ClientsID in the first client which contains the Clients.ID of the new client.

The credentials for the new FTP server are created in the second client account, and the FTP jobs will be copied from the first client to the second client, resulting in two uploads.

A further parameter FTP.CallRecordings.CopyJob.UsersIDs can be used to constrain the users for which the job is copied. This parameter is provided as a comma separated list.

NOTE: do not put any spaces or other characters between the IDs - this will not work.


Good: 1,2,3,4,5

BAD: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

JTELDEV-6255Image AddedACD Supervisor - Rendering of Column Values with Thresholds and Coloring

It is now possible to color values displayed in the tables of the ACD supervisor using flexible thresholds and coloring.

For example, if the service level drops below 60% it could be shown in red, below 80% in yellow, otherwise in green.

For more information please see this page:

JTELDEV-6248BugImage AddedSupervisor - Cockpit Variables - very long name prevents operation of sliders

If a cockpit variable had a very long name, then the text would overflow out of the tile in the supervisor covering the previous slider (the one rendered above). This would prevent operation of the slider control. This problem has been fixed - the name is now truncated, the full name of the cockpit variable can be seen by moving the mouse over the shortened text.

JTELDEV-6233BugImage AddedCall Log - Problem displaying special characters

There was a problem with the display of special characters in the call log. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6227StoryImage AddedCustomizable Display Possibilities for Calls in Agent Home and Mini Client and usage of JSON Stuctured Data in Calls

It is now possible to customize three areas in agent home and the mini client, for the actual information displayed when a call is received.

The level of customization is high, the display of the information is based on asciidoc - a variant of a markdown language. With this highlighting and coloring is possible, tables can be displayed, and and number of individual links can be added. Even the display of graphics hosted on a separate server is possible.

Customization can either be applied globally, or on an individual ACD Group basis. Using the feature on an individual ACD group allows, for example, the greeting and group specific information or links to be displayed.

JSON data call be attached to the call in the IVR call flow, enabling much more data to be attached than previously. For example, a complete customer record with name, address and contact details, purchased products, etc. could be attached and displayed using an asciidoc template.

Changes were made to the IVR object Save additional Info and Userdata - see here for details:

Documentation on how the customization is performed, is available here:

JTELDEV-6212BugImage AddedLogin: Language ID incorrect when logging in by cookie

The language ID was set incorrectly when logging in via a cookie

JTELDEV-6147StoryImage RemovedJTELStats2 - CompressedACDB15 and CompressedACDBDay

JTELStats2 now contains two now compression routines - CompressedACDB15 and CompressedACDBDay tables are provided which compress the statistics based on an ACD Groups view of the calls. This means that for example, if a call is transferred from one group to another, it will be counted twice in the report. This type of counting is useful, for example, when using some personell planning tools which require a group / queue based view of the data for predicting the number of required agents.

See for more details.

JTELDEV-6146StoryImage RemovedJTELStats2 - CompressedA15 and CompressedADay

The following fields have been removed from both CompressedA15 and CompressedADay:


JTELDEV-6140BugImage RemovedCall Transfer - Blind Transfer - incorrect AcdStatisticsPartBID used in StatisticsPartB record

When a call transfer from one ACD group was made by an agent to another ACD group using blind transfer - the incorrect AcdStatisticsPartBID was used in the StatisticsPartB record. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6139StoryImage RemovedAcdStatisticsPartB - New Field AcdGroupEntryReasonsID

A new field AcdGroupEntryReasonsID has been added to the ACD statistics table AcdStatisticsPartB. It can take the following values:

NULL = The call was routed directly to the acd group and this is the first acd group the call has been processed in

1 = The call was routed to the ACD group due to an agent making a call transfer from one group to another group (blind or assisted)

2 = The call was routed to the ACD group by a group rule overflowing from one group to another

3 = The call was routed to the ACD group by the IVR and this was not the first group the call was processed in (so the call was in the ACD, left to go back to the IVR and then was routed to another ACD group by the IVR)

Existing Data:

  • It is not possible to reliably detect value 1 or value 3 (call transfer by an agent or IVR routing back to the ACD) in existing data. When an update to this release is performed, old data will contain the correct value NULL for direct routing to the ACD group or 2 (overflow) for all other cases.
JTELDEV-6131StoryImage Removedhttp Request Object removed

The http Request object has been removed. Applications which use this functionality should replace the object with either REST Query or REST Query Advanced, which both provide the necessary functionality.

JTELDEV-6106BugImage RemovedSynonyms: disable mandatory field 'prompt ID'

It should be possible to create synonyms even without announcement ID.

JTELDEV-6124BugImage RemovedIVR DB Query Return All Object Iteration Error

The DB Query Return All object could iterate over the incorrect recordset if multiple results were returned. This problem has been fixed.

JTELNEW-186Image RemovedAcd Group Rules - Action Change Parameter extended to allow modification of maximum queue time parameter

It is now possible to change the maximum queue time parameter in the ACD using a group rule with the action type “Change Parameter”.

JTELDEV-6101BugImage RemovedTask Scheduler - When Maximum Tries is set to 0, the error process runs immediately

Task Scheduler - When Maximum Tries is set to 0, the error process runs immediately. Instead, at least one attempt at running the task should be attempted. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-5992StoryImage RemovedSecurity Groups - When deleting, a warning that users will be deactivated has been added.

When deleting a security group, all users in the security group are now deactivated. However, no warning message was displayed. This has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6076BugImage RemovedMedia Event History: missing comment "Callback was initiated."

The comment "Callback was initiated." was not added to the media event history when a call from a media event is initiated. This has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6071BugImage RemovedReporting - ACD-S-002-02 - problem with with average values

The average values displayed in the report were calculated incorrectly, this problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6061StoryImage RemovedNew ACD Group Report 3 variant - ACD-G-002-02

A new report variant of ACD-G-002 has been produced. The report contains one table per selected ACD group instead of one table for all of the selected ACD-Groups.

JTELDEV-6073BugImage RemovedAgent Home - Button "Call" for agent groups

The button “call” was visible in agent home for agent groups. The button is now disabled, as it is not possible to call an agent group directly, rather an associated configuration group must be called.

JTELDEV-5815StoryImage RemovedService Numbers - Video Cut and Paste Code

The cut and paste javascript code for the integration of the video server now uses the correct domain name as configured in the client master data instead of an example domain.

JTELDEV-6082BugImage RemovedComment for Media Event cleared incorrectly when a call is taken

The comment field in the MediaEvents view was cleared when taking a call. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6052BugImage RemovedVoicemail/Callback - Making a call with option Preset is not choosing the right sevice number.

Making a call from a Voicemail or Callback event with option Preset does not choose the original service number. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6068Image Removedjtel Java services (all services) - now require at least java 17

From release 3.33 all java services now require java 17 as a minimum.

JTELDEV-6033StoryImage RemovedIVR Objects - Extend existing IVR Objects with Realtime TTS

Realtime TTS can now be used in the following IVR objects:

  • Input Menu DTMF
  • Input Menu DTMF ASR
  • Input Menu DTMF Variable
  • Input Digits DTMF
  • Input Digits DTMF ASR

Note, this requires a Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Subscription and the following parameters to be set in the Clients Parameters table:

  • Azure.SpeechServices.APIKey Set to the key required to access the subscription.
  • Azure.SpeechServices.EndPoint Set to the end point to be used. For example
  • Azure.SpeechServices.Region Set to the region you wish to use. In most cases you can specify westeurope
JTELDEV-6060BugImage RemovedChat Server - override.css javascript changes

Changes have been made to the way the chat loads the override.css file. It is now only loaded when the iframe for the chat is loaded, and not on every rebind attempt.

JTELDEV-6030BugImage RemovedSupervisor - Inbound Status: The popup for selecting columns in Total Media Events cannot be opened.

In the Supervisor - Input Status view, the popup responsible for displaying the column selection is not rendered from the table of total media events. This issue has been fixed.

JTELNEW-189BugImage RemovedCall recording whilst supervisor monitoring active

The call recording button was visible whilst call monitoring (by the supervisor) was in progress. The button is no longer visible in this state. Please note, it is currently not possible to allow monitoring in this state.

JTELNEW-180Image RemovedTask Scheduler - Clone Object

A new object Task Clone has been added to the Workflow / IVR GUI. This object is capable of cloning existing tasks and scheduling them at a future date based on varous parameters. The fixed parameters of the task are cloned by the object (such as whether it is a repeating task, which service number to use, etc.) and the variable parameters are specified as parameters to the object, such as the destination and json parameters.

JTELDEV-6041StoryImage RemovedTask Scheduler - cleaner implemented

The parameter Portal.TaskScheduler.MaxAgeDays controls the new cleaner for the task scheduler. This cleans up tasks which are in the DONE state and are older than the configured number of days. Note, that tasks which are reqired as templates for cloning should simply be set to the READY state and deactivated. Do not leave a task in DONE if it is to be used for a clone.

JTELDEV-6039BugImage RemovedDialler - CTI Mode - incorrect button display

The Dialler CTI mode had an erroneous button display when the result code popup was displayed. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6034BugImage RemovedFTP Upload Call Recordings - space in Acd group name breaks upload

A space in the Acd Group name would break the FTP upload of a call recording. This problem has been fixed, spaces are now URL encoded with %20 before uploading.

JTELDEV-6046Image RemovedIVR / Workflow GUI - all Categories of objects and objects now sorted alphabetically

The object categories and the contained objects in the sidebar of the GUI (object selection) are now sorted alphabetically for the user’s selected language.

JTELDEV-6045BugImage RemovedTask Scheduler - Next Schedule Interval only calculated for repeating tasks

The task scheduler could hang on non-repeating tasks which were being rescheduled erroneously. This problem has been fixed.

JTELDEV-6043BugImage RemovedIVR GUI - "Close" button cut off (slightly) when the popup is dynamically resized

. This problem has been fixed.

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