Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
mysqldump -uUSER -pPWD -hacd-dbm --single-transaction --master-data=2 --databases JTELWeb JTELStats JTELStats2 JTELLog --add-drop-database --add-drop-table --events --routines --triggers > /srv/jtel/shared/backup/${JT_DATE_TIME}/ACD-DBM_Before_Update.sql


Code Block
cd /srv/jtel/shared/JTEL
git checkout release/stable-3.2834
cd /srv/jtel/shared/JTELCarrierPortal
git checkout release/stable-3.2834
cd /srv/jtel/shared/jtel-system-java-services
git checkout release/stable-3.2834

Check for a Customer Directory


8-Server is updated by pulling the git repository, checking out the newest release (for example release/rc-5.23.18).
Open a CMD-Window, change to 27) and running copy_keyfile_en_mcp_v67.cmd from C:\8Server\deploy\OEM\JTEL\.

Code Block
cd C:\8Server\deploy\OEM\JTEL\



Cygwin Update

Cygwin is updated as follows from a .CMD window.

This also installs any packages which are not already present.

This assumes that cygwin installer .EXE is still in the downloads folder.

Code Block
"%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\setup-x86_64.exe" ^
--site ^
--no-shortcuts ^
--no-desktop ^
--quiet-mode ^
--root "c:\cygwin" ^
--arch x86_64 ^
--local-package-dir "c:\cygwin\packages" ^
--verbose ^
--prune-install ^
--packages openssh,ncftp,wget,curl,lftp,libiconv

Update all of the .NET Packages on the windows machines. Use the following Commands:

title.NET Packages on all Windows Machines

Code Block
powershell -command "& { Start-BitsTransfer -Source -Destination $Env:UserProfile\Downloads }"
powershell -command "& { start-process -FilePath $Env:UserProfile\Downloads\dotnet-sdk-6.0.403-win-x64.exe -ArgumentList '/install /passive /norestart' -Verb RunAs -wait }"
powershell -command "& { Start-BitsTransfer -Source -Destination $Env:UserProfile\Downloads }"
powershell -command "& { start-process -FilePath $Env:UserProfile\Downloads\NDP48-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe -ArgumentList '/install /passive /norestart' -Verb RunAs -wait }"

Install Java on Windows Machines

Download here and install:

Create MySQL User for Customer (If not exist)

And update the permissions for JTEL* and JTELCustomer DBs:

Role DATA - Create MySQL User for Customer Access (Debian/Win2019)

Update Backup-Routine

Add "JTELCustomer" to backup routine at acd-dbm. 

Code Block
vi /home/jtel/jtel_dailyjobs/

Restart Services

Start the following services:
