Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
tar cfvz /srv/jtel/shared/backup/${JT_DATE_TIME}/JTEL_Before_Update.tar.gz /srv/jtel/shared/JTEL
tar cfvz /srv/jtel/shared/backup/${JT_DATE_TIME}/JTELCarrierPortal_Before_Update.tar.gz /srv/jtel/shared/JTELCarrierPortal

If jtel-system-java-services exists

Code Block
tar cfvz /srv/jtel/shared/backup/${JT_DATE_TIME}/jtel-system-java-services_Before_Update.gz /srv/jtel/shared/jtel-system-java-services

If a customer directory exists


Code Block
mysqldump -uUSER -pPWD -hacd-dbm --single-transaction --master-data=2 --databases JTELWeb JTELStats JTELStats2 JTELLog --add-drop-database --add-drop-table --events --routines --triggers > /srv/jtel/shared/backup/${JT_DATE_TIME}/ACD-DBM_Before_Update.sql


Code Block
cd /srv/jtel/shared/JTEL
git status
cd /srv/jtel/shared/JTELCarrierPortal
git status
cd /srv/jtel/shared/jtel-system-java-services
git status

You should see You should see output like this for both directories:


Code Block
# Directory Name in /srv/jtel/shared/backup
JT_DATE_TIME=$(date +%F-%H%M%S)

# JTEL Directory
cd /srv/jtel/shared/JTEL
mkdir -p ../backup/${JT_DATE_TIME}/JTEL
git rev-parse HEAD > ../backup/${JT_DATE_TIME}/JTEL/README_git_commit_hash.txt
git status > ../backup/${JT_DATE_TIME}/JTEL/README_git_status.txt
rsync -R $(git ls-files --modified --others --exclude-standard) ../backup/${JT_DATE_TIME}/JTEL

# JTELCarrierPortal Directory
cd /srv/jtel/shared/JTELCarrierPortal
mkdir -p ../backup/${JT_DATE_TIME}/JTELCarrierPortal
git rev-parse HEAD > ../backup/${JT_DATE_TIME}/JTELCarrierPortal/README_git_commit_hash.txt
git status > ../backup/${JT_DATE_TIME}/JTELCarrierPortal/README_git_status.txt
rsync -R $(git ls-files --modified --others --exclude-standard) ../backup/${JT_DATE_TIME}/JTELCarrierPortal

Revert or Delete Files

Now, the files must be deleted or reverted.

The following script will do this for you:

Code Block

# jtel-system-java-services Directory
cd /srv/jtel/shared/JTEL
git checkoutjtel-system-java-services
mkdir --p ../backup/${JT_DATE_TIME}/jtel-system-java-services
git clean -fd

# JTELCarrierPortal Directory
cd /srv/jtel/shared/JTELCarrierPortal
git checkout -- .
git clean -fd

cd /srv/jtel/shared/


Stop Services

Stop the following services:

rev-parse HEAD > ../backup/${JT_DATE_TIME}/jtel-system-java-services/README_git_commit_hash.txt
git status > ../backup/${JT_DATE_TIME}/jtel-system-java-services/README_git_status.txt
rsync -R $(git ls-files --modified --others --exclude-standard) ../backup/${JT_DATE_TIME}/jtel-system-java-services

Revert or Delete Files

Now, the files must be deleted or reverted.

The following script will do this for you:

Code Block
# JTEL Directory
cd /srv/jtel/shared/JTEL
git checkout -- .
git clean -fd

# JTELCarrierPortal Directory
cd /srv/jtel/shared/JTELCarrierPortal
git checkout -- .
git clean -fd

# jtel-system-java-services Directory
cd /srv/jtel/shared/jtel-system-java-services
git checkout -- .
git clean -fd

cd /srv/jtel/shared/


Stop Services

Stop the following services:

Machine(s)Stop what

It is installed if you are using

How to stop
Telephony Servers8-ServerACD / IVR

X the cmd file starter window.
Down 8-Server via GUI

Machine(s)Stop what

It is installed if you are using

How to stop
Telephony Servers8-ServerACD / IVR

X the cmd file starter window.
Down 8-Server via GUI.

For service installations, stop the robot5 service.

Platform UDP ListenerACD / IVR

X the cmd file starter window.

For service installations, stop the jtel Platform UDP Listener service.


X the cmd file starter window.

For service installations, stop the jtel jrest robot5 service.

Platform UDP ListenerACD / IVR

X the cmd file starter window.

For service installations, stop the jtel Platform UDP Listener service.



X the cmd file starter window.

For service installations, stop the jtel jrest service.

Presence Aggregator


Presence Aggregator

A PBX or presence connector which uses the presence aggregator:

  • Cisco
  • NFON
  • Teams

X the cmd file starter window.

For service installations, stop the jtel Presence Aggregator service.

Telephony Connector

A PBX which uses a custom connector:

  • Avaya JTAPI
  • Innovaphone
  • TAPI (all)

X the cmd file starter window.

For service installations, stop the service, for example the jtel TAPI service or jtel Innovaphone Service.

Exchange ConnectorE-Mail with an Exchange or Office 365 ServerStop the jtelEWSMailService service.

IMAP ConnectorE-Mail with an IMAP(S) ServerStop the jtelIMAPMailService service.
Web ServersWildflyAnything

sudo systemctl stop wildfly

For installations not using systemctl: sudo service wildfly stop

Chat ServersChat ServerCHAT

sudo systemctl stop jtel-clientmessenger

For installations not using systemctl: sudo service jtel-clientmessenger stop

DB ServersPlatform UDP ListenerSOAP

sudo systemctl stop jtel-listener

For installations not using systemctl: sudo service jtel-listener stop


Code Block
cd /srv/jtel/shared/JTELCarrierPortal
git pull

Checkout the Release



Code Block
cd /srv/jtel/shared/jtel-system-java-services
git pull

Checkout the Release

Checkout the required release as follows:

Code Block
cd /srv/jtel/shared/JTEL
git JTEL
git checkout release/stable-3.2834
cd /srv/jtel/shared/JTELCarrierPortal
git checkout release/stable-3.2834
cd /srv/jtel/shared/jtel-system-java-services
git checkout release/stable-3.34

Check for a Customer Directory



It is installed if you are using

How to update
Telephony ServersPlatform UDP ListenerACD / IVR

For service installations only: start the listener once, manually using c:\PlatformUDPListener\startListener.bat then stop it again once it is running.


Copy all files from \\acd-store\shared\jtel-system-java-services\deploy\jrest\bin to the local installation directory.

Presence Aggregator

A PBX or presence connector which uses the presence aggregator:

  • Cisco
  • NFON
  • Teams

Copy all files from \\acd-store\shared\jtel-system-java-services\deploy\presence-aggregator\bin to the local installation directory.

Telephony Connector

A PBX which uses a custom connector:

  • Avaya JTAPI
  • Innovaphone
  • TAPI (all)

Copy all files, except for the configuration file, from the relevant directory in \\acd-store\shared\JTELCarrierPortal\WebServices\Install

Exchange ConnectorE-Mail with an Exchange or Office 365 Server

Copy all files, except for jtelEWSMailService.exe.config from \\acd-store\shared\JTELCarrierPortal\WebServices\Install\jtelEWSMailService to the local installation directory.


On older installations, the .NET Framework packages might need to be updated.

The configuration file might also have to be changed if an older installation is being updated.

IMAP ConnectorE-Mail with an IMAP(S) Server

Copy all files, except for jtelIMAPMailService.exe.config from \\acd-store\shared\JTELCarrierPortal\WebServices\Install\jtelIMAPMailService to the local installation directory.


On older installations, the .NET Framework packages might need to be updated.

The configuration file might also have to be changed if an older installation is being updated.

8-Server Update


-Mail with an IMAP(S) Server

Copy all files, except for jtelIMAPMailService.exe.config from \\acd-store\shared\JTELCarrierPortal\WebServices\Install\jtelIMAPMailService to the local installation directory.


On older installations, the .NET Framework packages might need to be updated.

The configuration file might also have to be changed if an older installation is being updated.

8-Server Update

8-Server is updated by pulling the git repository, checking out the newest release (for example release/rc-5.23.27) and running copy_keyfile_en_mcp_v67.cmd from C:\8Server\deploy\OEM\JTEL\.

Code Block
cd C:\8Server\deploy\OEM\JTEL\

Cygwin Update

Cygwin is updated as follows from a .CMD window.

This also installs any packages which are not already present.

This assumes that cygwin installer .EXE is still in the downloads folder.

Code Block
"%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\setup-x86_64.exe" ^
--site ^
--no-shortcuts ^
--no-desktop ^
--quiet-mode ^
--root "c:\cygwin" ^
--arch x86_64 ^
--local-package-dir "c:\cygwin\packages" ^
--verbose ^
--prune-install ^
--packages openssh,ncftp,wget,curl,lftp,libiconv

Update all of the .NET Packages on the windows machines. Use the following Commands:

title.NET Packages on all Windows Machines

Code Block
powershell -command "& { Start-BitsTransfer -Source -Destination $Env:UserProfile\Downloads }"
powershell -command "& { start-process -FilePath $Env:UserProfile\Downloads\dotnet-sdk-6.0.403-win-x64.exe -ArgumentList '/install /passive /norestart' -Verb RunAs -wait }"
powershell -command "& { Start-BitsTransfer -Source -Destination $Env:UserProfile\Downloads }"
powershell -command "& { start-process -FilePath $Env:UserProfile\Downloads\NDP48-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe -ArgumentList '/install /passive /norestart' -Verb RunAs -wait }"

Install Java on Windows Machines

Download here and install:

Create MySQL User for Customer (If not exist)

And update the permissions for JTEL* and JTELCustomer DBs:

Role DATA - Create MySQL User for Customer Access (Debian/Win2019)

Update Backup-Routine

Add "JTELCustomer" to backup routine at acd-dbm. 

Code Block
vi /home/jtel/jtel_dailyjobs/

Restart Services

Start the following services:
