Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Sv translation

Table of Contents

Retrieve all



This function retrieves all AcdEventTypes AcdEvents from the systemclient account.


Translations Ignore

Code Block
GET {baseURL}/acd/events/types




If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.

Returned Data (200 OK)

A JSON Structure containing the following fields:

filterStringThe applied filter. This is reserved for future use.
limitStartIntegerThe first record index. Currently 0, reserved for future use.
limitPageSizeIntegerThe number of records. -1 indicates all records. Reserved for future use.
recordsAcdEventType AcdEvent []An array of AcdEventTypesAcdEvents.
countIntegerThe number of records returned.
orderByStringThe field used to sort the records. 
ascendingBooleanWhether the array of records is sorted ascending or descending.
statusIntegerThe return code (also provided by the http status code).


Translations Ignore

Code Block
    "filter": "",
    "limitStart": 0,
    "limitPageSize": -1,
    "records": [
            "ShortTextSkillsValue2": "AcdEventTypes.VoiceMail"null,
            "IDSkillsValue1": 1null,
        {"ChatConnectorsID": 1,
            "ShortTextUserData": "AcdEventTypes.Fax123456",
            "IDAcdEventStatusID": 2
            "ShortText"dtLastModified": "AcdEventTypes.Callback",2020-08-09T02:33:50.347"
            "ID": 3}
     "count": 374,
       "ShortTextorderBy": "AcdEventTypes.SMSdtCreated",
        "ascending": true,
    "IDstatus": 4
            "ShortText": "AcdEventTypes.Email",
            "ID": 5

Retrieve an AcdEvent by ID

This function retrieves one AcdEvent by ID from the client account.


Translations Ignore

Code Block
GET {baseURL}/acd/events/event/{AcdEventsID}






AcdEventsIDURLIntegerThe ID of the AcdEvent.


If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.

Returned Data (200 OK)

A JSON Structure containing the following fields:

recordsAcdEvent []An array of AcdEvents containing one AcdEvent.
statusIntegerThe return code (also provided by the http status code).


Translations Ignore

Code Block
    "records": [
            "ShortTextSkillsValue2": "AcdEventTypes.WorkFlowConnector"null,
            "IDSkillsValue1": 6null,
          }  "ChatConnectorsID": 1,
             {"UserData": "123456",
            "ShortTextAcdEventStatusID": "AcdEventTypes.Chat"20,
            "IDdtLastModified": 7"2020-08-09T02:33:50.347"
    "count": 71,
    "orderBystatus": "ID",
    "ascending": true,
    "status": 200

Retrieve all AcdEventStatus


Create an AcdEvent

This function creates an AcdEventThis function retrieves all AcdEventStatus from the system.


Translations Ignore

Code Block
GETPOST {baseURL}/acd/events/statuscreate




If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.


Post Data

(200 OK)

A JSON Structure structure containing the following fieldsparameters:

FieldString applied filter. This is reserved for future use.limitStart first record index. Currently 0, reserved for future use.limitPageSize number of records. -1 indicates all records. Reserved for future use.


RequiredSupported in AcdEventTypes



IntegerThe ID of the AcdEventType to create.
AcdGroupsIDEITHER THISAllInteger


ID of the AcdGroup to which this event should be distributed.

Either specify this, or the parameters AcdConfigurationGroupsID and AcdAgentGroupsID.

AcdConfigurationGroupsIDOR BOTH OF THESEAllInteger


recordsAcdEventStatus []An array of AcdEventStatus.
countIntegerThe number of records returned.
orderByStringThe field used to sort the records. 
ascendingBooleanWhether the array of records is sorted ascending or descending.
statusIntegerThe return code (also provided by the http status code).


Translations Ignore
Code Block
    "filter": "",
    "limitStart": 0,
    "limitPageSize": -1,
    "records": [
            "ShortText": "AcdEventStatus.EnterSystem",
            "ID": 0
            "ShortText": "AcdEventStatus.Distribute",
            "ID": 1
            "ShortText": "AcdEventStatus.TransportSMTP",
            "ID": 2
            "ShortText": "AcdEventStatus.TransportToGroup",
            "ID": 4
            "ShortText": "AcdEventStatus.TransportAgent",
            "ID": 10
            "ShortText": "AcdEventStatus.New",
            "ID": 20
            "ShortText": "AcdEventStatus.Seen",
            "ID": 30
            "ShortText": "AcdEventStatus.Remind",
            "ID": 40
            "ShortText": "AcdEventStatus.ChatClosed",
            "ID": 98
            "ShortText": "AcdEventStatus.Done",
            "ID": 99
            "ShortText": "AcdEventStatus.Error",
            "ID": 100
    "count": 11,
    "orderBy": "ID",
    "ascending": true,
    "status": 200

Retrieve a specific ACD Group by ID

This function retrieves a specific ACD group by ID.


Code Block
GET {baseURL}/acd/groups/group/{AcdGroupsID}


ParameterWhereTypeDataAcdGroupsIDURLIntegerThe ID of the ACD Group.


If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.

Returned Data (200 OK)

A JSON Structure containing the returned data.

FieldTypeDatarecordsAcdGroups []An array of ACD groups, containing one group.countInteger1statusIntegerThe return code (also provided by the http status code).

ID of the Configuration Group to which this event should be distributed.

Either specify this with AcdAgentGroupsID, or specify AcdGroupsID.

AcdAgentGroupsIDOR BOTH OF THESEAllInteger

The ID of the Agent Group to which this event should be distributed.

Either specify this with AcdAgentGroupsID, or specify AcdGroupsID.

UsersIDNoAllIntegerThe ID of the User to which this event should be distributed. If not provided, the event is distributed via the group queue.

A string identifying the sender.

For telephone related events this should be a telephone number in E.164 format (Voice Mail and Callback Requests).

For other events the data may be context specific - for example an email address.


A string identifying the receiver.

For telephone related events this should be a telephone number which is available in the system as a configured service number in E.164 format (Voice Mail and Callback Requests).

For other events, the data may be context specific - for example an email address.

SubjectYesAllStringA string subject to associate with the event. Can be any text.
BodyNoCallbackStringA body which will be added to the event body data.
CrmURLNoAllStringAn URL which will be associated with the event. This should correspond to a well formed URL.

An optional user data field which will be associated with the event.

For Ticket (Workflow) events, this will correspond to the foreign system ticket number.


titleFROM RELEASE 3.35


The priority of the event. If not specified, 50 is used.


titleFROM RELEASE 3.35


The date part of the required appointment in the format yyyy-mm-dd or yyyymmdd

The fields dtAppointmentDate and dtAppointmentTime are set as follows:

  • If both are empty or not provided, no appointment is set. The event will be distributed as soon as possible.
  • If only a date is provided, the time is set to 00:00. The event will be distributed at the earliest on the date specified, distribution will be tried immediately if this is in the past.
  • If only a time is provided, the date will be set to the next possible instance of that time. Example:
    • If it is currently 15:30, and the time is set to 10:00, the date will be set to the next day.
    • If it is currently 15:30 and the time is set to 18:00, the date will be set to the same day.
  • If both a date and time are provided, the appointment is set exactly to this. The event will be distributed at the earliest on the date specified, distribution will be tried immediately if the date is in the past.

Note: actual distribution depends on the agents logged in and the distribution requirements (skill, priority etc.).


titleFROM RELEASE 3.35


The time part of the required appointment in the format hh:mm or hhmm

See dtAppointmentDate above for important details on how to use this parameter.


If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.

Returned Data (200 OK)

A JSON Structure containing the following fields:

recordsAcdEvent []An array of AcdEvents containing the created AcdEvent.
statusIntegerThe return code (also provided by the http status code).

Example Post Data

Create a callback event:

Translations Ignore

Code Block
	"AcdEventTypesID": 3,
	"AcdGroupsID": 235,
	"UsersID": null,
	"Sender" : "49199123456789",
	"Receiver" : "4919900112233",
	"Subject": "Callback request from 49199123456789 on 2020.08.09 at 09:00",
	"Body": "This is an automatically generated callback request via the REST API.\r\nCongratulations!\r\n",
	"CrmURL": "",
	"UserData": "987654"

Create a callback event for a specific user:

Translations Ignore

Code Block
	"AcdEventTypesID": 3,
	"AcdGroupsID": 235,
	"UsersID": 3,
	"Sender" : "49199123456789",
	"Receiver" : "4919900112233",
	"Subject": "Callback request from 49199123456789 on 2020.08.09 at 09:00",
	"Body": "This is an automatically generated callback request via the REST API.\r\nCongratulations!\r\n",
	"CrmURL": "",
	"UserData": "987654"

Create a ticket event:

Translations Ignore

Code Block
	"AcdEventTypesID": 6,
	"AcdGroupsID": 235,
	"UsersID": null,
	"Sender" : "",
	"Receiver" : "",
	"Subject": "A new ticket 123456 has been created via the REST API. Congratulations!",
	"CrmURL": "",
	"UserData": "123456"

Example response:


Note, the record array has been shortened for readability.

Translations Ignore

Code Block
    "records": [
            "QueueMusicID4SecSkillsValue2": -1null,
            "SupervisorAggregationSkill5IDSkillsValue1": null,
            "DistributionAlgorithmIDChatConnectorsID": 1null,
            "bPositionAnnouncement3UserData": false"123456",
            "TarifAnnouncementWavesIDSkillsValue3": null,
            "bCallRedirectionAfterNumberAnnouncementdtReceived": falsenull,
    "AcdGroupsID": ]235,
            "countdtRemind": 1null,
      "status": 200

Retrieve ACD Group by Name

This function retrieves one or more ACD groups, depending on the passed name. If more than one group is available which matches the name passed (partial match), then all corresponding groups will be returned.


Translations Ignore
Code Block
GET {baseURL}/acd/groups/group?name={AcdGroupsName}


ParameterWhereTypeDataAcdGroupsNameQueryStringThe name of the acd group(s) to retrieve.


If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.

Returned Data (200 OK)

A JSON Structure containing the returned acd groups.

FieldTypeDatarecordsAcdGroup []

An array of ACD groups.

countIntegerThe number of records returned.statusIntegerThe return code (also provided by the http status code).


Note, the records array has been shortened for readability.

Translations Ignore
Code Block
    "records": [
       "EventData": "<eventData><urls><url><urlPath></urlPath><displayName>123456</displayName></url></urls><body html=\"true\"></body></eventData>",
            "AcdWorkFlowConnectorsID": null,
            "AcdInboxesID": null,
               "QueueMusicID4SecID": 102039,
            "SupervisorAggregationSkill5IDLastAgentTime": null0,
            "DistributionAlgorithmIDCrmURL": 3,
            "QueueOffhookAnnouncementIDWorkFlowMonitorPointsID": null,
            "bPositionAnnouncement3AcdReplyingTypesID": falsenull,
            "TarifAnnouncementWavesIDAcdEventTypesID": null6,
            "bCallRedirectionAfterNumberAnnouncementdtModified": false
   "bCloseByForeignSystem": ]false,
    "count        "Receiver": 3"",
      "status": 200
Sv translation

Table of Contents

Retrieve all Dialler Campaigns

This function retrieves all dialler campaigns from the client account.


Translations Ignore
Code Block
GET {baseURL}/dialler/campaigns




If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.

Returned Data (200 OK)

A JSON Structure containing the following fields:

FieldTypeDatafilterStringThe applied filter. This is reserved for future use.limitStartIntegerThe first record index. Currently 0, reserved for future use.limitPageSizeIntegerThe number of records. -1 indicates all records. Reserved for future use.recordsDiallerCampaigns []An array of dialler campaigns.countIntegerThe number of dialler campaigns returned.orderByStringThe field used to sort the dialler campaigns. ascendingBooleanWhether the array of campaigns is sorted ascending or descending.statusIntegerThe return code (also provided by the http status code).


Note, the dialler campaign array has been shortened for readability.

Translations Ignore
Code Block
    "filter": "",
    "limitStart": 0,
    "limitPageSize": -1,
    "records": [
      "Subject": "A new ticket 123456 has been created via the REST API. Congratulations!",
            "UsersID": null,
            "Sender": "",
            "ForeignSystemNumber": "123456",
            "dtCreated": "2020-09-15T02:59:32.794",
            "UserData2": null,
            "UserData3": null,
            "SkillsID3": null,
            "SkillsID1": null,
             {"SkillsID2": null,
            "ContactPreviewTimeAcdEventStatusID": 51,
            "nMaxParallelLinesdtLastModified": null,"2020-09-15T02:59:32.929"
    "bCloseContactsOnIncomingCallsMatchCallerID": true,
            "dtTo"count": null1,
            "LanguagesIDstatus": 2,
            "bCallerIDActive": false,
            "Name": "Campaign 1000",
            "ClientsID": 1,
            "AbortOnNoTelNumberResultCodesID": 2492,
            "IncomingCallResultCodesID": 2494
    "count": 1,
    "orderBy": "Name",
    "ascending": true,
    "status": 200

Retrieve a specific Dialler Campaign by ID

This function retrieves a specific dialler campaign by ID.


Code Block
GET {baseURL}/dialler/campaigns/{DiallerCampaignsID}


ParameterWhereTypeDataDiallerCampaignsIDURLIntegerThe ID of the Dialler Campaign.


If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.

Returned Data (200 OK)

A JSON Structure containing the returned campaign.

FieldTypeDatarecordsDiallerCampaigns []An array of dialler campaigns, containing one campaign.countInteger1statusIntegerThe return code (also provided by the http status code).


Note, the dialler campaign array has been shortened for readability.

Translations Ignore
Code Block
     "records": [
            "ContactPreviewTime": 5,
            "nMaxParallelLines": null,
            "bCloseContactsOnIncomingCallsMatchCallerID": true,
            "dtTo": null,
            "LanguagesID": 2,
            "bCallerIDActive": false,
            "Name": "Campaign 1000",
            "ClientsID": 1,
            "AbortOnNoTelNumberResultCodesID": 2492,
            "IncomingCallResultCodesID": 2494
    "count": 1,
    "status": 200

Retrieve Dialler Campaigns by Name

This function retrieves one or more dialler campaigns, depending on the passed name. If more than one campaign is available which matches the name passed (partial match), then all corresponding campaigns will be returned.


Translations Ignore
Code Block
GET {baseURL}/dialler/campaigns/campaign?name={DiallerCampaignsName}


ParameterWhereTypeDataDiallerCampaignsNameQueryStringThe name of the dialler campaign(s) to retrieve.


If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.

Returned Data (200 OK)

A JSON Structure containing the returned campaign.

FieldTypeDatarecordsDiallerCampaigns []An array of dialler campaigns, containing one campaign.countInteger1statusIntegerThe return code (also provided by the http status code).


Note, the dialler campaign data has been shortened for readability.

Translations Ignore
Code Block
     "records": [
            "ContactPreviewTime": 5,
            "nMaxParallelLines": null,
            "bCloseContactsOnIncomingCallsMatchCallerID": true,
            "dtTo": null,
            "LanguagesID": 2,
            "bCallerIDActive": false,
            "Name": "Campaign 1000",
            "ClientsID": 1,
            "AbortOnNoTelNumberResultCodesID": 2492,
            "IncomingCallResultCodesID": 2494
    "count": 1,
    "status": 200

Retrieve the Result Codes from a Dialler Campaign

This function retrieves all result codes from a particular dialler campaign.


Translations Ignore
Code Block
GET {baseURL}/dialler/campaigns/campaign/{DiallerCampaignsID}/resultCodes?languagesID={LanguagesID}


ParameterWhereTypeDataDiallerCampaignsIDURLIntegerThe ID of the dialler campaign for which to retrieve the result codes.languagesIDQueryInteger

The ID of the language in which to retrieve the result codes.

Currently supported:

1 = English

2 = German


If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned. See Return Codes for further possible status codes.

Returned Data (200 OK)

A JSON Structure containing the returned result codes.

FieldTypeDatarecordsDiallerCampaigns []An array of dialler campaign result codes.countIntegerThe number of returned result codes.statusIntegerThe return code (also provided by the http status code).


Note, the dialler campaign result codes array has been shortened for readability.

Translations Ignore
Code Block
    "records": [
            "bDone": true,
            "DiallerResultCodesTypesContent": "Abschluss",
            "bDelay": false,
            "DiallerCampaignsID": 535,
            "DiallerResultCodesTypesShortText": "DiallerResultCodesTypes.1",
            "bAllowDelete": true,
            "ExportKey": "ABG",
            "Content": "Abgeschlossen",
            "ShortText": "DiallerCampaignsResultCodes.2695",
            "bAborted": false,
            "ID": 2695,
            "bAgentBound": null,
            "TimeOffset": null,
            "bAppointment": false,
            "DiallerResultCodesTypesID": 1
            "bDone": false,
            "DiallerResultCodesTypesContent": "Abbruch",
            "bDelay": false,
            "DiallerCampaignsID": 535,
            "DiallerResultCodesTypesShortText": "DiallerResultCodesTypes.2",
            "bAllowDelete": true,
            "ExportKey": "Aufleger",
            "Content": "Aufleger",
            "ShortText": "DiallerCampaignsResultCodes.2698",
            "bAborted": true,
            "ID": 2698,
            "bAgentBound": null,
            "TimeOffset": null,
            "bAppointment": false,
            "DiallerResultCodesTypesID": 2
    "count": 7,
    "status": 200

Clone a Dialler Campaign

This function clones a dialler campaign including all related data except for the contacts in the campaign.


Translations Ignore
Code Block
POST {baseURL}/dialler/campaigns/clone


A JSON Structure containing the following parameters:

FieldTypeValuesourceStringThe name of the dialler campaign to clone.destinationStringThe name of the new destination campaign to create.userDataStringUserData which can be associated with the newly cloned dialler campaign.


NOTE: If the Result_ parameter is received in the returned event and this contains the value "UPDATED", then this means the ACD group configuration stipulates that no duplicate ACD events should be created. In this case, the existing event is returned and updated with a comment.

Sv translation

titleThis page is only available in English


Note, the dialler campaign data has been shortened for readability.
Sv translation

Table of Contents

Récupérer tous les AcdEvents

Cette fonction récupère tous les AcdEvents du compte client.


Translations Ignore

Code Block
GET {baseURL}/acd/events




Si la demande est exécutée, 200 OK est renvoyé. Voir Return Codes pour d'autres codes de statut possibles.

Données retournées (200 OK)

Une structure JSON contenant les champs suivants :

filtreChaîne de caractèresLe filtre appliqué. Il est réservé à un usage futur.
limitStartEntierLe premier index des enregistrements. Actuellement 0, réservé pour une utilisation future.
limitPageSizeEntierLe nombre d'enregistrements. -1 indique tous les enregistrements. Réservé pour une utilisation future.
enregistrementsAcdEvent []Un tableau d'AcdEvents.
compterEntierLe nombre d'enregistrements retournés.
orderByChaîne de caractèresLe champ utilisé pour trier les enregistrements. 
ascendantBooléenSi l'ensemble des enregistrements est trié de manière ascendante ou descendante.
statutEntierLe code de retour (également fourni par le code de statut http).


Translations Ignore

Code Block
{ "filter": "", "limitStart": 0, "limitPageSize": -1, "records": [ { "SkillsValue2": null, "SkillsValue1": null, "ChatConnectorsID": 1, "UserData": "123456", ... "AcdEventStatusID": 20, "dtLastModified": "2020-08-09T02:33:50.347" } ], "count": 374, "orderBy": "dtCreated", "ascending": true, "status": 200 }

Récupérer un AcdEvent par ID

Cette fonction récupère un AcdEvent par ID du compte client.


Translations Ignore

Code Block
GET {baseURL}/acd/events/event/{AcdEventsID}





AcdEventsIDURLEntierL'ID de l'AcdEvent.


Si la demande est exécutée, 200 OK est renvoyé. Voir Return Codes pour d'autres codes de statut possibles.

Données retournées (200 OK)

Une structure JSON contenant les champs suivants :

enregistrementsAcdEvent []Un ensemble d'AcdEvents contenant un AcdEvent.
statutEntierLe code de retour (également fourni par le code de statut http).


Translations Ignore

Code Block
{ "records": [ { "SkillsValue2": null, "SkillsValue1": null, "ChatConnectorsID": 1, "UserData": "123456", ... "AcdEventStatusID": 20, "dtLastModified": "2020-08-09T02:33:50.347" } ], "count": 1, "status": 200 }

Créer un AcdEvent

Cette fonction crée un AcdEvent.


Translations Ignore

Code Block
POST {baseURL}/acd/events/create



Après Données

Une structure JSON contenant les paramètres suivants :


RequiseSoutenu dans les AcdEventTypes



EntierL'ID de l'AcdEventType à créer.
AcdGroupsIDOuiTousEntierL'ID de l'AcdGroup auquel cet événement doit être distribué.
UsersIDNonTousEntierL'ID de l'utilisateur auquel cet événement doit être distribué. S'il n'est pas fourni, l'événement est distribué via la file d'attente de groupe.
ExpéditeurOuiTousChaîne de caractères

Une chaîne de caractères identifiant l'expéditeur.

Pour les événements liés au téléphone, il doit s'agir d'un numéro de téléphone au format E.164 (messagerie vocale et demandes de rappel).

Pour d'autres événements, les données peuvent être spécifiques au contexte - par exemple une adresse électronique.

RécepteurNonTousChaîne de caractères

Une chaîne de caractères identifiant le récepteur.

Pour les événements liés au téléphone, il doit s'agir d'un numéro de téléphone qui est disponible dans le système en tant que numéro de service configuré au format E.164 (messagerie vocale et demandes de rappel).

Pour d'autres événements, les données peuvent être spécifiques au contexte - par exemple une adresse email.

SujetOuiTousChaîne de caractèresUne chaîne de caractères à associer à l'événement. Peut être n'importe quel texte.
CorpsNonRappelChaîne de caractèresUn corps qui sera ajouté aux données du corps de l'événement.
CrmURLNonTousChaîne de caractèresUne URL qui sera associée à l'événement. Cela doit correspondre à une URL bien formée.
UserDataNonTousChaîne de caractères

Un champ de données utilisateur facultatif qui sera associé à l'événement.

Pour les événements avec billets (Workflow), cela correspondra au numéro de billet du système étranger.


titleFROM RELEASE 3.35


La priorité de l'événement. Si elle n'est pas spécifiée, la priorité est de 50.


titleFROM RELEASE 3.35

NonTousChaîne de caractères

La date du rendez-vous requis au format yyyy-mm-dd ou yyyy-mm-dd.

Les champs dtAppointmentDate et dtAppointmentTime sont définis comme suit :

  • Si les deux sont vides ou non renseignés, aucun rendez-vous n'est fixé. L'événement sera distribué dès que possible.
  • Si seule une date est fournie, l'heure est fixée à 00:00. L'événement sera distribué au plus tôt à la date spécifiée ; la distribution sera tentée immédiatement si cette date est passée.
  • Si seule une heure est fournie, la date sera fixée à la prochaine occurrence possible de cette heure. Exemple :
    • S'il est actuellement 15:30 et que l'heure est fixée à 10:00, la date sera fixée au jour suivant.
    • S'il est actuellement 15:30 et que l'heure est fixée à 18:00, la date sera fixée au même jour.
  • Si une date et une heure sont fournies, le rendez-vous est fixé exactement à cette date. L'événement sera distribué au plus tôt à la date spécifiée ; la distribution sera tentée immédiatement si la date est passée.

Remarque : la distribution réelle dépend des agents connectés et des exigences de distribution (compétence, priorité, etc.).


titleFROM RELEASE 3.35

NonTousChaîne de caractères

La partie temporelle du rendez-vous requis au format hh:mm ou hhmm

Voir dtAppointmentDate ci-dessus pour des détails importants sur l'utilisation de ce paramètre.


Si la demande est exécutée, 200 OK est renvoyé. Voir Return Codes pour d'autres codes de statut possibles.

Données retournées (200 OK)

Une structure JSON contenant les champs suivants :

enregistrementsAcdEvent []Un tableau d'AcdEvents contenant l'AcdEvent créé.
statutEntierLe code de retour (également fourni par le code de statut http).

Exemple Après-données

Créer un événement de rappel :

Translations Ignore

Code Block
{ "AcdEventTypesID": 3, "AcdGroupsID": 235, "UsersID": null, "Sender" : "49199123456789", "Receiver" : "4919900112233", "Subject": "Callback request from 49199123456789 on 2020.08.09 at 09:00", "Body": "This is an automatically generated callback request via the REST API.\r\nCongratulations!\r\n", "CrmURL": "", "UserData": "987654" }

Créer un événement de rappel pour un utilisateur spécifique :

Translations Ignore

Code Block
{ "AcdEventTypesID": 3, "AcdGroupsID": 235, "UsersID": 3, "Sender" : "49199123456789", "Receiver" : "4919900112233", "Subject": "Callback request from 49199123456789 on 2020.08.09 at 09:00", "Body": "This is an automatically generated callback request via the REST API.\r\nCongratulations!\r\n", "CrmURL": "", "UserData": "987654" }

Créer un événement de ticket



Translations Ignore

Code Block
	"sourceAcdEventTypesID": "Campaign6, 1000",
	"destinationAcdGroupsID": "My New Campaign",
	"userData": "UserData Field Contents"


If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned.

If the source campaign does not exist, 404 Not Found is returned.

If the destination campaign already exists, 409 Conflict is returned.

See Return Codes for further possible status codes.

Returned Data (200 OK)

A JSON Structure containing the cloned campaign.

recordsDiallerCampaigns []An array of dialler campaigns, containing one campaign.
statusIntegerThe return code (also provided by the http status code).
235, "UsersID": null, "Sender" : "", "Receiver" : "", "Subject": "A new ticket 123456 has been created via the REST API. Congratulations!", "CrmURL": "", "UserData": "123456" }

Exemple de réponse :

Translations Ignore

Code Block
     "records": [
 "SkillsValue2": null, "SkillsValue1": null,       "ChatConnectorsID": null, "ContactPreviewTimeUserData": 5"123456",
            "nMaxParallelLines "SkillsValue3": null, "dtReceived": null,
 "AcdGroupsID": 235, "dtRemind": null, "EventData":       "bCloseContactsOnIncomingCallsMatchCallerID": true,
            "dtTo"<eventData><urls><url><urlPath></urlPath><displayName>123456</displayName></url></urls><body html=\"true\"></body></eventData>", "AcdWorkFlowConnectorsID": null, "AcdInboxesID": null,
            "LanguagesID"ID": 2,
            "bCallerIDActive2039, "LastAgentTime": false,
           0, "NameCrmURL": "Campaign 1000",
            "ClientsID": 1,
            "AbortOnNoTelNumberResultCodesID": 2492,
            "IncomingCallResultCodesID": 2494
    "count": 1,
    "status": 200

Delete a Dialler Campaign by ID

This function deletes a dialler campaign including all related data.


Translations Ignore
Code Block
DELETE {baseURL}/dialler/campaigns/campaign/{DiallerCampaignsID}


ParameterWhereTypeDataDiallerCampaignsIDURLIntegerThe ID of the dialler campaign to delete.


If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned.

If the campaign does not exist, 404 Not Found is returned.

See Return Codes for further possible status codes.

Returned Data (200 OK)

A JSON Structure containing the status code.

FieldTypeDatastatusIntegerThe return code (also provided by the http status code).

Delete a Dialler Campaign by Name

This function deletes a dialler campaign including all related data.


Translations Ignore
Code Block
DELETE {baseURL}/dialler/campaigns/campaign?name=DiallerCampaignsName


ParameterWhereTypeDataDiallerCampaignsNameQueryStringThe name of the dialler campaign to delete.


If the request is performed, 200 OK is returned.

If the campaign does not exist, 404 Not Found is returned.

See Return Codes for further possible status codes.

Returned Data (200 OK)

A JSON Structure containing the status code.

FieldTypeDatastatusIntegerThe return code (also provided by the http status code).", "WorkFlowMonitorPointsID": null, "AcdReplyingTypesID": null, "AcdEventTypesID": 6, "dtModified": "2020-09-15T02:59:32.794", "bCloseByForeignSystem": false, "Receiver": "", "Subject": "A new ticket 123456 has been created via the REST API. Congratulations!", "UsersID": null, "Sender": "", "ForeignSystemNumber": "123456", "dtCreated": "2020-09-15T02:59:32.794", "UserData2": null, "UserData3": null, "SkillsID3": null, "SkillsID1": null, "SkillsID2": null, "AcdEventStatusID": 1, "dtLastModified": "2020-09-15T02:59:32.929" } ], "count": 1, "status": 200 }